Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 115

by Max Jager

  "If nothing else, we're certainly giving the tourist industry around here a real shot in the arm." Slavek, Tiag, Grak, kleg, even Jezang posed with shop owners for pictures. Joking with Holliqua and Patricia, Matt observed,

  "By next summer wanna bet every one of these places will be advertizing,

  "Shop where the alien's shopped." On a couple occasions Holliqua, Tiag, and Grak even signed autographs. Naturally, all meals and snacks were on the house, and despite the large and noisy crowds, everyone professed to having a good time.

  Chapter 137

  Titan Stand Chapter 137

  The next couple of days were spent in filling the supply orders to which Matt managed to enlist parents, which was especially helpful in filling Brand's liquor order, as well as buying certain pieces of equipment. Patricia and Kaitlyn approached the local radio station requesting music for Mos Eisley, Brand and Clath's new bar. Meanwhile, Matt was tied up with interviews. By this time, Falkner's friends Rick Patterson and Mark Jenson had arrived in town. Matt met them at the Durango city hall preferring not to have them out at the house. He showed them the hologram Falkner had made along with an additional slide show of the world they would be traveling to. Holliqua and Jezang were also present startling the two at first.

  "Relax gentlemen; this is my girlfriend Holliqua Karlnoti and Jezang, MY security specialists. Donald tells me he needs you, and I trust his judgment after you see the hologram and slide show let me know what you think."

  Both were astounded at the image of Donald Falkner standing before them his back to New Coryville. He then went on to detail what it was they would be doing, basically forming, and training a militia force of citizen soldiers something on the order of what the Swiss did. He then told of the raiders and a brief description of their capabilities before the hologram faded.

  The sideshow gave them an overview of Endor and those that lived there. After the show was over, Matt asked,

  "So what do you think?

  "What would we be paid?" asked Mark Jensen

  "I won't lie to you guys," replied Matt, "Right now our economy is pretty weak, probably very little to start however, I've got a friend who is a bounty hunter who would be willing to take you on. Sure, it a trainee job but it's the best way I know of to get to know the players and the politics out there. Basically, guys, Endor is the Wild West, say around the 1880's . It's your call guys, I promised Mr. Falkner I'd contact you two, I did, and here you are, the rest is up to you."

  Both appeared to be having second thoughts as Rick Patterson asked him,

  "You're just a kid, how do you figure in all of this?" Matt smiled,

  "Good question, one I ask myself all the time, just living right I guess. I had this thing thrust on me so I rose to the challenge. There's a world of adventure out there gentlemen."

  "Mind if we talk it over for a couple days?" Asked Mark. "No problem," replied Matt, "We'll be here for three more days, let me know by then okay?"

  "Will do," said Rick. After they had left, Matt described exactly what Green Beret's and Seal's did, prompting Jezang to comment,

  "If they decide to come, perhaps Holliqua and I can spar with them."

  Next up was Hiroshi and Haines, once again they were shown the slideshow, to give them an idea of where they would be living. The aliens intrigued them; however, both were concerned about how run-down New Coryville looked. Matt then went into the planet's history and how humans came to be there in the first place.

  "Like all of us it's going to mean going back to school in a way, especially for you Mr. Haines. There's a whole different way of doing things out there, but it won't be too hard to figure out. I would put you with Gandric who is an android, a very advanced android, I might add, he's a good teacher. As for you Mr. Hiroshi, we have a major Morford of NASA as a pilot, however we will need more. I understand you're wife is a chemist?"

  "Yes," replied Masaki, "She will hate to leave her home but we've already discussed it, and she's agreed to come with me."

  "Well that's good," replied Matt, "We're starting to get a real good medical team together, she'll fit right in, and they've got plants out there that have some really great medicinal properties. The aliens synthesize those properties now, but the original plants work just as well. I hope she's up for a little medical pioneering?" Masaki laughed,

  "I'm sure she will like that very much. Matt explained to both that there was a good chance that neither would ever see home again although not to consider that a given.

  He did everything he could to answer all their questions as honestly as he could then asked Masaki,

  "Not to sound stereotypical here, but do you know, or know of anyone who is a rice farmer, or knows of it. The Ruddorians grow a grain that looks an awful lot like our rice; I guess it is rice really. They call it Dreeda. It's more like brown rice but the grain is a little longer than ours. Like rice, it grows in water but we don't have the set-up for it. I'd really like to be able to grow that stuff, as it would help solve our food situation." Hiroshi grinned,

  "Once I get back to my room. I'll make some phone calls; I might be able to help you out."

  After that, Matt spent all his time making sure they had all their supplies, food, seeds, wheat, oats, and corn, along with various vegetables. Brand's liquor requests were complete and on board. More fuel, oil and spare parts for the various machines they had. Before they left Endor, James Sylvia and Walter Topping had put together an essentials list of various pieces of metal, along with a request for a small milling, and lathe machine. More than likely, this would be the last supply run home so nothing was being left to chance. Falkner had also discussed with Matt the possibility of bringing a few horses, along with some beef and dairy cows.

  At first, he was skeptical, but in talking over the idea with Captain Krea, he learned that the Kaalsia could handle the space requirements…for a price.

  The diamonds he already had, as well as what was left from what Brand had given him would just cover the space required for four horses, two milk cows, and a pair of Angus Herford cattle, with several chickens thrown in. No one had any idea if the animals would survive not only the trip, but life on a new world, still, it was worth a try.

  Finally, the last day came and he had not heard from either Mr. Hiroshi, or Patterson and Jensen. Mr. Haines had signed on the day before promising to be there at take-off time.

  One of the restaurants in Durango showed their appreciation for all the business Matt and his friends had brought them, by closing the place for the day and hosting a banquet for everyone. Matt, all his friends, parents, and everyone involved with the effort to maintain order and keep people safe. Matt shook hands with everyone from the mayor, to the police chief, county sheriff, and other notables, thanking everyone for their help.

  "I can't say that I will ever be returning with a crowd like this, it will probably just be me and a couple others in the Nora-Lee, but at some point I'll be back."

  Shortly before take-off, Patterson and Jensen showed up lugging a ton of gear.

  "We thought it over long and hard kid," said Rick Patterson, and in the end decided that if Don wants us, we'd better go. Before they left, Jensen signed his truck over to the chief of police telling him to get whatever he could for it and use the money for buying the department any equipment they might need. Mr. Hiroshi called…but from Japan.

  "Matt my wife and I are ready to go, normally we would have flown to America, but it took so much time getting the paperwork settled for my friend and his family we simply didn't have the time or money to get to you in time. We are located near Nagano slightly northwest of Tokyo; I will give you the GPS coordinates of our exact location. I hope we are not putting you out by all this?"

  "I take it this friend of yours really knows rice?" Asked Matt.

  "Oh very much so, he is retired, but his son and daughter-in-law will be coming to help him."

  "How many people all told?"

  "Seven all told," replied Masaki, "Will there be
a problem?"

  "No," replied Matt, I think your friend's rice growing skills will be very critical to our economy and sustainability, no, Mr. Hiroshi, his son and daughter-in-law, and I assume a child are more than welcome. We have to make a stop at Groom Lake first, but we will make for Japan right after that. See you then."

  Earlier that day, Matt had called the Little A'Le"Inn and alerted them to the fact that there would be some extra-terrestrial visitors stopping by for a bite late this evening. The goodbyes were tearful and emotional. Matt found that he would be taking back a regular box of letters, photographs and memorabilia from parents whose children didn't make the trip. Like Patricia, Justin, and David, he kissed and hugged his parents, one last time as the Kaalsia prepared to lift off.

  It only seemed like a short moment between the time they lifted off, and the preparation for landing in Rachel Nevada. It must have been a slow night as there was just a trucker who had stopped for a burger, a couple tourists who stopped for a late night snack and fellow who the owner said had been coming in practically every other night for a couple months now hoping to meet aliens.

  "Well tonight's his big chance," said Matt Doctor Frick wasn't around anymore to alert people, so this was pretty much the regular crowd. He noticed all the pictures of all his friends who had ever been here, Rekton, Brand, Amber, Orlak, and Ifwol, adorning the walls. Now the images of Grak, Karlt Holliqua, Captain Krea, Slavek and Tiag for the second time. Tiag told the lady who ran the place that there was a picture of her place hanging on the wall at her home in Ruddoria, and that she always told people of the place. The alien junkie got pictures, and signed autographs while the trucker and the tourists got the experience of a lifetime.

  As they were getting ready to leave, and people were selecting souvenirs, a flustered Patricia rushed up to Matt.

  "I forgot to give my mom her charge card back before we left, what am I going to do?" Matt shrugged,

  "Well I suppose you could call her from here and let her know, and ask that lady for an envelope and a stamp and just mail it back, easy-peasy Patricia."

  "Oh…yeah, why didn't I think of that, thanks Matt. From Rachel, it was just a jump over to nearby Groom Lake and Area 51.

  Mr. Janson's along with his whole staff were waiting for them at the hanger they were instructed to land near. One of the first things he asked for was the receipts for any and all equipment and supplies Matt had bought in Durango.

  Matt handed him a box,

  "What do you want these for? We paid for everything with cash or checks drawn on the special account my folks set up."

  "Where do you get the money for those accounts?" Asked Mr. Janson.

  "I already told you," said Matt, "From selling those blue diamonds and gold."

  "Well it's starting to cause…problems; the treasury department is starting to get a lot of questions they can't answer. I know it will sound rather heavy handed, but from now on you will only redeem these items through the government."

  "What!" Exclaimed Matt, "Now just a moment…" Janson held up his hand.

  "Hear me out Matt, before you start jumping to conclusions. Technically, you are now a foreign nation which also brings up the question of claiming nationality."

  "Well I know of has renounced their citizenship, I certainly haven't," replied Matt.

  "Well I'm not going to get into that," said Mr. Janson "However the matter we are discussing falls under the heading of foreign exchange which is set by the government. We will still give you the same price for your gold based on the market at the time, same for the diamonds. This way you don't run the risk of winding up dealing with shady characters."

  "Well I just gave my folks a small bag of those little gold bars, along with a bunch of diamonds to my folks, most of it to pay for all the supplies we just bought."

  "Matt, I know it's very late, but could I get you to call your folks? Since you are leaving and might not be back for awhile, this is a matter we need to settle right now."

  "Dad? Sorry to wake you but I'm over at Groom Lake, I told you we had to stop here. Well, anyway, Mr. Janson is telling me you guys are going to have to surrender all that gold and diamonds I gave you. Yeah, that's right dad, but he says that you will be reimbursed, but it also means you guys are going to have to be extra careful on your taxes this year and make sure you are very careful in reporting everything. Yeah, I don't know, he says they have some formula or adjustment for the value of each little gold bar and diamond based on current market value. Yeah I know…bummer, but the last thing I want to do is get you guys involved with the IRS. According to Mr. Janson, from now on, every time I come back I'm to turn over any gold or diamonds to the government and they will give me fair return. I know, it's probably a rip-off but they now consider Endor a foreign government so we're talking money exchange here. All right, I'm just letting you guys know somebody from the government will probably be showing up at the house; just make sure they give you fair reimbursement. Hold…hold on a moment dad."

  Matt then addressed Mr. Janson,

  "I'm playing fair with you guys, my folks will be as well, If I hear that you, the IRS, or anyone else from the government screwed them out of money your people will be on their way back home post haste I won't be along so who ever brings them may very well dump them anywhere on planet earth. Are we clear?"

  "Relax Matt nobody is out to cheat you or your parents."

  "Dad, Mr. Janson says everything's cool so I'll let you and mom get back to sleep. Oh dad, tell Patricia's mom that she forgot to give her credit card back however it should be in the mail in the next day or so. Love you, LOVE YOU TOO MOM."

  "So what," asked Matt, "Are you going to pick up the tab for everything we bought the other day?"

  "Looks like it," replied Mr. Janson.

  "Cool," replied Matt, "But there's almost a couple grand in liquor for my friends new bar which he paid me for in gold and diamonds.

  "Well if it looks like it's too hard to separate we may have to eat that part of it which is why the next time you come, you turn over to us any gems or rare metals used for currency." Then Matt had an idea.

  "Why don't we just set up an account?" Pulling out his Identa-card, he showed it to Janson.

  "Something like this maybe? All transactions with the exception of black market or illegal trades are done through this card, everyone has one. It carries all your personal data as well as banking information."

  "Isn't that a little risky?" said Mr. Janson, shaking his head, Matt replied.

  "Encryption here on earth and in the Loridian trading sphere are two absolutely different things Mr. Janson. I don't know how it works, you can get into a lot of trouble by asking too many questions about it but the data on this card as well as everyone else's is kinda like a living virus, it's constantly changing, however whenever you swipe your card which also requires a retinal scan it always recognizes you, it also makes it impossible for someone else to use your card. Anyway, why not simply create a credit account for me. As soon as I get to earth, I turn over any stones or gold you credit my account and I'm good to go. Rather than give my folks stones or gold, I simply transfer cash from my account into theirs. Of course it would have to be like a Visa or Master card something stores would honor."

  "Actually that's a pretty good idea Matt, I'll look into that."

  Matt then removed a flat metal box from the front cargo pocket of his fatigues.

  Opening it he showed Mr. Janson ten beautiful blue diamonds.

  "Sorry Mr. Janson, but I can't let you have them once we get back to Fort Kamata I will sell these for credit so I can pay for not only fees involved in registering new citizens, but decent translators. Those things aren't cheap, probably cost the entire value of all ten of these rocks and a little more."

  Janson looked surprised at this revelation, then took a small leather pouch from his pocket. Opening it, revealed six of the one ounce bars as well as six diamonds.

  "Here take this, I didn't realize you were paying
for everyone's translators."

  "Keep the gold and just give me the diamonds, gold isn't worth all that much out there and most traders don't like dealing with it, the diamonds should cover the extra people going with us."

  "So, no idea when you will be back?"


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