Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 118

by Max Jager

  When it came time to settle up, Matt winced at the price tag. Even with the discounts, and Ichirou partially offsetting the cost and NASA gold partially covering Hiroshi and Haines the cost put a major dent into his credit.

  "I've really got to get busy coming up with ways to make money and get us out of the red," he told Holliqua.

  Once he was sure everyone's headset was working properly, it was on to the bar for a drink and something to eat before heading back to the ship.

  Grak and Karlt had reserved a table along with their own waitress waving everyone over as they entered. Making one more announcement, Matt pointed to one wall,

  "If your hungry go get a bowl of eabak it's practically the Golian national dish. It's a mix of vegetables and spices. I don't know how they do it but that stuff really sticks to your ribs, and they make the best eabak right here. They also have a spiced mupil which is like our shrimp and yama, which is like flat bread. As to the alcohol, watch the Rip Dyne brandy it will definitely put you on your ass. Bal Mok is akin to our moonshine whisky and the Clandian beer is dark and very satisfying but it will put the pounds on if you're not careful. Sorry guys no light beer or IPA's around here."

  The bar didn't seem to be that busy today, still, the newcomer's had plenty to gawk at and in turn, they were gawked at as well. As he was explaining something to Steve Haines and Mr. Danner, he suddenly felt a large hand on his shoulder and his friends staring at someone behind him. Turing around, he could see it was an Lyskandan. Since they rarely smiled, he had no way of knowing his disposition. Asking everyone to move down one seat, he invited the being to sit then gesturing towards the pitcher of beer. The Lyskandan poured himself a mug then took a long swallow. Later, he would explain to everyone that quickly learning the social protocols' of other races was extremely important.

  "Are you by any chance the human known as Matt Grainger?"

  "I am, what can I do for you ah Mister, ah…"

  "Name's Ror-Jes M'Raixx, I'm a good friend of Orlak Klo'Ax and my daughter is a close friend of his granddaughter Ilmi." Matt looked at him and smiled, as he know knew this guy was a friend.

  "So Mr. M'Raixx what can I do for you?"

  Looking around the table, he then turned to Matt.

  "I've just come from this Endor of your's looking the place over. As you may or may not know, I own a number of agricultural stations on a number of the outer planets specializing in halax, zaca, and ronol. I was talking to a Liam Trent who seemed rather infatuated with Ilmi who told me that you were trying to get some sort of agricultural program off the ground?"

  For a moment, Matt wondered about the concepts of luck and good fortune as well as the thought that he must be living right. The opportunity here started to frighten him. Waving towards the other end of the table, he drew the attention of Ichirou.

  As Haruto came their way, Matt pointed to him.

  "This fellow is an expert on growing and harvesting rice which is very similar to dreeda, do you grow any of that?" Matt then invited Mr. Haruto to sit down.

  "Mr. Haruto, this is Mr. Ror-Jes M'Raixx. One of his specialties is growing what we would call "truck" crops and it seems he's interested in establishing an agricultural station on Endor." Then addressing Ror-Jes, he asked.

  "Mr. M'Raixx, would you be interested in growing dreeda under the guidance and supervision of Mr. Haruto here?"

  "I used to grow it but in the end was forced to stop as it was such a labor intensive crop. However, it is a valuable crop, and always brings a good return. I would like to look over any possible growing areas and discuss with Mr. Haruto here how he would handle things."

  "Mr. Haruto is certainly getting good use out of that new translator," thought Matt,

  "Well we will be leaving shortly for Endor Mr. M'Raixx," said Matt, "Why don't you stop by again, and we can go over your requirements and plot out potential fields."

  "I would like that," replied Ror-Jes, "We can also work out terms concerning shares and payments and come up with an agreement beneficial to everyone."

  M'Raixx and Haruto continued to talk right up to the time it was time to go.

  As they made their way to the landing pad where the Kaalsia sat. Matt noticed that Patterson and Jensen must have sampled the plum brandy as they were having trouble walking. With a little judicious "herding," everyone made it back and all got back on board. After take-off, Ichirou sought out Matt to ask him about Mr. M'Raixx.

  "I don't know the guy," confessed Matt, "You talked to him more than I did, what did he tell you?"

  "He told me of his farming operations on a number of planets, but for the most part we talked about the similarities between this dreeda, and rice."

  "Rice is rather labor intensive, though not as much as it used to be," added Haruto. This dreeda doesn't require large flooded paddies everyone associates with rice farming. I told him we might be very limited in labor at first but he told me about specialized robots that could help." At that point, Matt stopped him.

  "We might already have that covered," said Matt, "When we arrive home, we'll talk to Gandric about that, I have a feeling he might have an answer."

  Haruto continued to ask questions about Mr. M'Raixx which Matt could only ask,

  "So what did he offer you?"

  "Basically running the operation, we've come to a loose agreement whereby we keep twenty-five percent of what we grow for our own use which he deducts a portion of the rental payment since our portion is coming out of the total crop. I'm not sure I care for that but on the other hand, he's putting up the capitol and developing the fields."

  "I see your point," replied Matt, we'll need to sit down with him after he looks the place over and decides if he even wants to farm here, and work out all the details. Honestly, Mr. Haruto, it might be our only option right now, we're going to need cash crops and a market. I don't want to become some sort of share cropper to these big ag interests but right now I just don't know."

  Endor would also be a point of departure for Patricia and David going on to Ruddoria with Slavek, Tiag and Kaitlyn. Speaking with the two nervous classmates, he told them,

  "You guys will be all right, relax. I envy you in a way, you will be following instructions and a basic plan, I've got nothing, everything is strictly ad-lib and on the fly. I take it you two are getting translators from the Ruddorian government?"

  "That's what Slavek says," replied David, "Really good ones too."

  "Probably the really expensive Psypyx's," said Matt. "Just keep in mind that you to will be "unofficial" ambassadors for not only us humans, but earth as well."

  "We know," said Patricia, "That's what's making us nervous."

  "Well look, Kaitlyn and the other's have faith in you and if they think you'll do all right, I'm sure you will as well. Don't be strangers, I know you'll be pretty busy for awhile but swing by Endor whenever you can."

  Matt also had occasion to visit with Mr. Danner, who seemed even more uneasy about their impending arrival on Endor, and the meeting with his son.

  "Don't worry about it Mr. Danner, if Mark doesn't like it, too bad, besides, you're going to be too busy setting up your practice as well as making arrangements with Mr. and Mrs. Dyson, as well as Doctor Black, so you probably won't be seeing him all that much anyway." Mr. Danner considered all that Matt had told him thanking him, and agreeing that he would probably be rather busy.


  It was mid morning when the Kaalsia touched down on Endor, and everyone was there to greet them. Liam and Ilmi were the first to come on board greeting and hugging Matt and Holliqua.

  "How was the flight?" Asked Liam,

  "Umm we had some problems with raiders I'll tell you about later, everything all right here?"

  "Well we're still here," replied Liam, "No raider problems, there's a couple people here from the Oxnian company, and some sour looking people who want to see you Holliqua but basically we're starting to get our act together."

  "Who are these people?" Asked an alar
med Holliqua… Liam shrugged, while Ilmi replied,

  "I think they are Malhazar security, they won't tell us anything, they're over by their ship, and they just want to talk to you."

  Holliqua pursed her lips as she looked at Matt.

  "Guess I'd better go find out what they want,"

  "Want me to go with you?" Asked Matt, Shaking her head.

  "No, but I'll be fine, don't worry."

  As she left, Walter Topping, and all his construction buddies came up the ramp announcing that they were here to help unload. Meghan Cook also appeared, asking about the stock he had promised to bring back.

  "Four horses, six head of cattle, and a couple milk cows plus a small flock of chickens, that should keep you and Justin busy," stated Matt.

  "Well I got a couple small corrals up, as well as a coop while you were gone, thanks a lot Matt, I'll go find Justin."

  "He's probably down in the lower cargo area where we set up the stalls."

  For the next several hours, everyone pitched in to help unload including Rick Patterson, Mark Jensen, and Donald Falkner who greeted them like long lost brothers.

  "Thanks a whole lot Matt for getting these two to come along. I believe now we've got the nucleus for a real home defense organization."

  Not long after, Kaitlyn came up to him,

  "It won't be long now," said Matt, "We've just about everything unloaded except for the animals Meghan and Justin are getting ready for that right now."

  "Well don't tell anybody I told you but we've all been invited to a street dance tonight so it looks like tomorrow mid morning for our new departure."

  "Party eh, I'm game, all right, I'll play dumb," he chuckled. As the animals were being reliantly led down the ramp, somebody likened it to a reverse Noah's Ark, but Meghan. Justin, Mr. Danner and Rokurou Haruto kept them moving along in good order towards the corrals. Matt spotted Mark Danner pushing a wheelbarrow full of bags of animal feed stopping him to ask about his dad coming.

  "Yeah, well it was a big surprise for me as well," stated Mark. "I guess the thing that really surprised me was selling his half of the business to his partner like that and giving up everything to come here. For me it really wasn't a big thing, I'm just starting out and don't have much. But if you're wondering if we're going to get along, yeah, I think we will. He was asking me about the elves, but I couldn't help him much. I guess he's thinking of going down there along with that NASA captain and Ellen Macy to set up a medical clinic."

  "Well that might come later," said Matt, "I think right now; he'll probably set-up with the Dyson's."

  "Well whatever," replied Mark. "Say Matt, I tagged along with Gabe and those NASA guys to Xandrus and that Ussen Ommo planet." Shaking his head, he added.

  "Man-O-man, I couldn't believe it, those Purifiers, like friggin super domes moving along and that guy uhh…oh yeah Drok, just like a red incredible hulk what a guy."

  "He's something else isn't he?" observed Matt. "Did you guys get a tour of one of the purifiers?

  "No, not this time," replied Mark, "They were having some sort of trouble and they wouldn't let us go out there, maybe some other time."

  "So what did you think of Xandrus?"

  "All those androids with nothing to do," said Mark. "Gandric wants to bring a bunch here but he'll probably want to talk to you about that later."

  Actually, he had been thinking about that very thing, they could certainly use the help around here.

  Chapter 141

  Titan Stand Chapter 141

  Matt played dumb, pretending not to know about the party. But sure enough, near dusk, Liam approached him,

  "Matt we've been planning a little welcome home party along with a welcome to your new home for those that are here for the first time. We were planning on having it right down on the only street in town. Tucker and Lee Martin shot a wiylus and we've been roasting it all day over on the other side of town so you wouldn't see it, Ilmi and Tucker have been over there watching it."

  "That sounds great Liam; we're just about done unloading here. Tomorrow we'll start getting things put away."

  "Oh by the way," added Liam, the construction crew has been putting up a couple houses for any new people you happened to bring, they are almost done with them, just finishing up the trim now."

  "Where did they get the wood?" Asked Matt.

  "That's another thing," said Liam, "And I hope you don't mind. That lumber outfit from Golia showed up just after you left. Ilmi, Rekton and I went out to check over where they were planning on cutting. It's about twenty miles to the east. There's a large clear area where they bring in their transports to haul out the cut wood."

  "They cut it right at the logging site?" Asked Matt.

  "Yeah," replied Liam, "It's pretty cool, and the thing is they aren't clear cutting or anything like that. You should see it, they have these big robotic machines kinda like transformers that go around and select only prime trees. Right now, they are just cutting Larmok and whike trees. Anyway, all the small limbs are chopped up in a mulch like substance and spread out on the forest floor. The droid that was running things said they mix seeds back into the mulch so new trees can start growing. These machines look like monsters then carry out the de-limbed trees to the mill where they are cut then loaded onto a freighter." As part of the deal, they cut us a whole lot of lumber, but Mr. Cummings said most of it needs to cure first."

  "Well it sounds like this company is pretty ecologically minded," replied Matt. "So what kind of deal did we get?"

  "Umm seven/thirty, our favor, Rekton and Ilmi felt that was reasonable plus we get free cut lumber provided we don't go overboard on our requests. The company pays right into our planetary account which the Loridian Company audits." Well I suppose it could be worse," said Matt, "Everyone's kinda got us by the balls right now, the important thing is that we get our treasury built up and pretty fast. Don't worry about it Liam, you did all right, I wouldn't have put you in charge if I didn't think you could handle things. Well we'll talk later; right now it's time to party."

  It was a most excellent welcome party, besides a collection of earth music for Brand; Patricia had brought the latest music and hot singles from home.

  "In my Feelings," by Drake, "Girls Like you," by Maroon 5, and "FEFE," by Nicki Minaj. Everyone all agreed, music was the one thing they would miss most from home. Matt did too, but he looked at it as one of many sacrifices everyone had to make. On the other hand, it wasn't like there wasn't any music at all, everyone had brought along their downloaded collections, and Gabe had figured out a way to download music collections onto wrist coms, which could transmit the music to their translators as background music. Everyone not from earth thought this a bit strange, not understanding how important music was to these kids.

  Everybody seemed to be having a good time even the NASA people. At one point Major Morford told him,

  "I can't tell you what an impression Ussen Ommo made on not only me but on the others as well. The destruction that planet suffered is simply astounding. The images etched in my mind will no doubt haunt me for years to come."

  "Mark told me you folks weren't able to tour one of the purifiers, remarked Matt.

  "Yes, that's true, however Mr. Irdurg told me to tell you he's looking forward to your next visit, and we're all invited back. I've got to say, he certainly is a very interesting fellow."

  "Isn't he though," replied Matt "Kinda reminds you of the Incredible Hulk, just a different color."

  "Matt, now that we've got more team members and those shelters NASA sent we would like to establish our base of operations over near the repair facility. Not only it gives us an opportunity to get a look as these spacecraft, but the chance to talk to their crews. I've spoken to this Glaif Quulsam, who owns the place, and he is allowing us to make use of his communications set-up."

  "Well that's great," replied Matt,

  "Glaif is a very good friend of Rekton's who also a good friend of mine as well. If there's anything you folks ne
ed talk to Rekton he might be able to get it for you."

  "Would that include some of this advanced technology I've been seeing a lot lately?" Queried Morford.

  Matt just smiled,

  "Let's just say that if you can pay for it, you can get it."

  "Well unfortunately," replied the Major, "Coming up with the money won't be easy,"

  "Well out here Major, it pays to be creative. Don't worry though, as things move ahead, and you guys get more familiar with things out here and make friends of your own, you'll start finding ways to finance your operation."

  The party was what everyone needed at this point. Dancing, drinking, laughing, and generally relaxing. Sometimes Matt and Holliqua moved around together, other times she or he would find someone to talk to and the other would find someone else to talk to. At one point Matt saw Steven Haines showing Gabe and Gandric what looked like a model of a flying saucer.


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