by Max Jager
"Excellent," replied Brand. "I'm sending Clath because he knows what everyone is drinking, and I want him to sample anything you didn't bring last time. By the way, just so you will know, Neb's ship is very large so we expect to bring back quite a haul, how about payment?"
"I'm glad you brought that up," said Matt, "There might be a problem."
"Eh, in what way?" asked Brand.
"Before we left home the NASA director Mr. Janson told me no more popping into a bank or gold and silver dealer to change gold and diamonds into cash, everything has to go through them now; apparently the government will be setting the rate."
"Actually that's not such a bad Idea," observed Brand. "Tell me, are they the only commodities with any value on your planet?"
"No, there are other rare gems, silver, platinum, stuff like that. Brand leaned back in his chair and began to think.
"As I recall, your planet has a low level of technology does it not?"
"I'm afraid so," replied Matt,
"What if we were to offer such things as morbidium and neutronium, nanofibers, nano paste, and perhaps neuristors?"
"Man, I don't know," replied Matt, "As far as morbidium and neutronium go, I'm not sure we even have the technology to properly work them, now nano fibers, and the paste that might be worth some real cash. Oh yeah, how about a couple big rolls of vision plate, now that would really make them wet their pants."
"Well you certainly might have something there Matt, we can purchase all those things for a reasonable price, and it sounds as though we could just about declare a 100% profit on these things.
"I'm pretty sure NASA will want to get their hands on morbidium, nanofibers, and especially vision plate."
"I'll let Neb know he has connections and can purchase those items at discount."
As He and Liam piloted the shuttle back to New Coryville, they talked about the upcoming trip.
"I really hate going at this time Liam, but I owe too much to Brand."
"Well if you want," replied Liam, "I'll stay here catch a ride some other time."
"No, it's your turn and you've earned it, Amber and Jezang know what's going on, they will keep the place from falling apart."
Chapter 145
Titan Stand Chapter 145
Matt suffered a sleepless night as he worried about all the problems he was leaving to others. The droids weren't quite settled in, and Zydon and his people were still out without a word. Patterson and Jensen who were circling the lake were halfway around reporting nothing interesting other than a lot of wild animals in the area. The next morning, he and Liam went to see Major Morford. After explaining the situation, Morford replied,
"I think I'll take Steve Haines, we've got a lot of problems with some of this equipment and both he and I can explain it better. So Brand is willing to trade technology eh? Now I know I will go. Matt this is incredible, it will put us years ahead in the space program, especially that vision plate. Metal as thin as paper and yet clear enough to see through. Yes, I think we can fill his whole ship with alcohol and beer. One thing though, is all this legal with this Oxnian Trading Company?"
"I think tat's one of the reasons he'd got Neb involved in this, he's got the trading license as well as the ship. I'll check with him to be sure."
"Well as far as who to take," added Major Morford Doctor Simmons has been hinting that he'd like to get home to publish some of his findings, but I suppose I'll take Steve as he will be able to better explain some of the technical problems we've been having with our equipment as well as getting replacements. Gary will not like it, but he'll have to wait… So when are we scheduled to leave?"
"According to Brand," replied Matt, "Just as soon as Orlak and Rekton show up with Neb's ship. If any of your team have reports and stuff, better get them together." "We'll be ready," replied the major.
The next day, Patterson and Jenson returned with nothing much to report.
"Lot's of game, and we've located a potential road out to the lake. Have Zyndon and his people reported in?"
"No they haven't, sighed Don Falkner, and we're starting to get a little worried."
The following day a band of very tired centaurs came clumping into town. As Justin and Meghan helped them get their packs and gear off Matt and the others quickly showed up at the stable.
"Whew!" Exclaimed Zyndon, "We took our time but that was something."
"He's right," Agreed the others, "There's a giant underground spring southwest of here, we marked it on the map which feeds into a dozen or more little streams. Most of then you can't see due to the heavy forestation lots of quicksand around that area, we almost lost Issia."
"Did you see any signs of previous or current activity by human or otherwise?" Asked Falkner. As Zyndon drank heavily from a bucket of water Meghan had brought, he shook his head,
"Nothing, not a thing, just a lot of trees. Oh we did find the wreckage of some sort of spacecraft that had apparently crashed, but everything was so overgrown, it would have been too much trouble to investigate further, it's on the map as well. Nope, sorry to disappoint you folks but nothing but a lot of trees. How about the other team?"
"We didn't find anything other than a lot of game how about you?"
"Only out in the more open forested areas," replied Ladhas, "They didn't bother us any."
"We've been talking to Tucker the android who tells us he's spent a lot of time south and west of here and reports a small lake southeast of here roughly seventy-five miles from here, once you folks are rested and re-equipped, would you mind checking that out, then work west," said Falkner.
"Yeah, might as well," replied Zyndon, "If that lake isn't too far out of the way, perhaps we could work it into a regular road or trail down to Dinocki."
"Good idea," replied Falkner.
Later, Matt and Zyndon spoke privately.
"I hope you don't feel like you're being forced into any of this," said Matt.
"No," replied Zyndon. "Like I said earlier, we took our time, rested for a centon or two here and there, actually it's rather enjoyable. We centaurs are a rather "nosy" bunch anyway, and we like exploring. However, I must tell you Matt, we ran into forests so thick and dense there was no light getting into them at all. And quiet, rather frightening really."
"Two hundred yarns ago when the country I lived in was settled," said Matt, "The pioneers encountered the same thing, old growth forests. I know nothing about the trees that grow here, so it's very possible those trees are hundreds of yarns old."
Later, he and Liam briefed Amber and Jezang about the impending return to earth, being careful not to bring up the subject of their mission with Brand.
"We will be happy to "Mind the store," Matt while you are away," said Jezang.
"Gandric and I will be getting the androids from Xandrus settled in, and instructing the others in proper protocols dealing with them," added Amber.
"Which reminds me," said Matt,
"We want to be sure they are happy here, and I do want to make sure all the new arrivals understand and treat them properly."
"Don't worry," replied Amber, "we will make sure of that."
Bright and early the next morning, Matt was woken by a low rumble from a landing spacecraft. Sighing, he thought to himself,
"Brand and his booze."
When he finally got out to where Neb's ship had landed, Matt looked it over.
The main body was boxy and rectangular with delta shaped winglets, which carried the landing struts the ramp was center as so many were on transports. Dead center, and low in the front was a large half-domed "bubble" that was obviously the flight deck. Underneath were two plasma cannons mounted in a chin turret. The ship was the usual dark grey with reddish trim, along with the ship's registration number in Golian. The Golian national emblem which vaguely resembled a bat with partially folded wings appeared underneath the left winglet, and on both sides of the ship's body.
Clath and what looked like Rekton were talking to Brand and Major Morford
at the base of the ramp.
Rekton turned as Matt and Liam approached,
"Matt, Liam!" Exclaimed Rekton, "We meet again for another adventure to earth."
Both Matt and Liam shook Rekton's hand, as Matt asked,
"Where's Orlak?"
"Oh he's going over some things with the crew, by the way, is there much you have to load?"
"Well the Major is hauling back some of the defective equipment, that's it over on those four skids, plus we've got a number of empty beer kegs, along with the ones Brand has."
"Oh we picked them up already, well I'll find out from the Major where he wants to stow all his equipment," said Rekton, "I'll have someone get those empty kegs on board as well."
Matt and Liam then went aboard to find Orlak who was talking to Vizak Gl'ara the ship's engineer.
"Matt, Liam, good to see you again. Liam, I've got something here for you, it's from my granddaughter." He then handed Liam a hologram imager.
"If you intend to watch it, might be best to do in private," added Orlak. Liam smirked as he too the small device as he shrugged at Matt. Obviously, the message from Ilmi was very private in nature.
"I understand our primary mission is to bring a whole ship full of alcohol and beer but that this Major Morford has equipment he's taking back?" said Orlak.
"That's right," replied Matt, there's quite a bit of it Rekton is loading it now, so I guess our first stop would be wherever Mr. Janson wants us to land. Then while they are taking care of all that, we can go on to my home and load up. Oh yeah, we also want another chance to see if anyone else is interested in coming with us." "Well if you two will excuse me," said Orlak, "I suppose I'd better go talk to the Major."
For a freighter, the K'Sha's crew quarters and living area reminded Matt of what a submarine must be like. Narrow companionways and corridors, exposed piping, life support systems engine and a myriad of other equipment crammed wherever it would fit. The galley could accommodate twelve people but the cabins opened out into the passageway with only a thick curtain for privacy There was one "necessary" for everyone which included two sono-showers and four small wash basins using real water, along with three toilets that recycled the waste. The bridge or flight deck occupied a large "bubble" at the very front of the ship with a chin turret just below mounting two plasma cannons, with another six, three on each winglet. Only the cargo area was large and spacious with moveable panels to secure and separate various loads.
Matt claimed the upper bunk while Liam took the lower, with the Major, and Steve Haines in the cabin on their right. Just before departure, Orlak called a general meeting to make sure everyone understood what was going on.
"Very shortly we will be departing for earth with a refueling stop at Fort Kamata. In case you haven't already met them, allow me to introduce the ship's engineer Vizak Gl'Ara, who has been with the K'Sha from the start. Ladok Krofel is the first mate and executive officer, while Milbrak Saijek is the ship's loadmaster. I apologize for the tight quarters, but unfortunately, that's the way of things on a freighter. I've asked Major Morford to assist me as co-pilot, splitting duty with Rekton and Clath." Then directing his remarks to Matt, he added.
"Sorry Matt there's no hyper drive on this ship, strictly star drive, which means another four space centons, perhaps even five. Now, I have spoken to Major Morford concerning the equipment he is sending back. Because of the time involved, we will be landing wherever NASA wishes us to, then once unloaded, we will proceed to Colorado where we will load the alcohol. I'm sorry I can't offer more luxurious accommodations, but this is a freighter after all. We will eat well though; Neb had a Kima food replicator installed, so there is that. Well if there are no questions prepare to depart."
Matt wasn't the only one that thought the ship resembled a submarine. Steve Haines commented that when he was a kid, he and his parents toured an old WW2 American sub.
"The whole layout here reminds me exactly of that sub, I'm tempted to ask Vizak where the forward torpedo room is. Well at least we don't have to keep climbing through water-tight hatchways."
At first, he and Liam, along with Steve and the Major prowled through the ship getting an idea of how things were laid out. Vizak gave the Major a regular guided tour which he remarked on at breakfast.
"The layout is reminiscent of a sub; however the way everything is compartmentalized is amazing. Things like circuitry and life support take up a fraction of the space on this ship than they do on say the space station or even the shuttle. Vizak showed me the artificial gravity generator which takes up the space of a linen closet."
Haines also got a tour, mostly dealing with the electronic and electrical layout on board the K'Sha. He too was equally impressed.
"The way their electrical circuits are laid out is incredible. Micro and nano electronics, they even have tiny robots that roam the ship performing regular maintenance duties, no wonder the ship doesn't require a large crew." While Orlak and the other aliens were well acquainted with a food replicator, and certainly appreciated a top-of-the-line model aboard ship, Liam, the major, and Steve Haines were not.
Matt gave a demonstration for them starting with the recipe cards.
"First of all, you need one of these recipe cards but since we don't have any that detail the food we like to eat, you're stuck with eating alien food. Most of it is pretty good, my favorite is eabak," he explained. "All you do is put the recipe card in here, select how many you want, number of servings, and even the size of the serving if you like. Then hit this button, and voilà, out comes however many servings you selected."
"Is it possible to create a new dish from scratch?" Asked Haines.
"Oh yeah," replied Matt. "However, you have to go to the ingredient selector, and figure out what you want, the proper ingredients in their correct measurements, as well as any spices, also in the correct amounts. If you're interested maybe, we can sit down and create something. I know most of the names for the ingredients, and what they are, along with units of measure so who knows."
Because the voyage would take a little over two weeks, Matt and Liam brought along study materials in the form of computer programs and video's in the form of holograms. Usually he preferred to sit in his bunk studying his computer but this time Matt was in the small wardroom when Clath walked in.
Sitting down in front of Matt, he asked,
"Exactly how and where are we going to get all of this alcohol you and Brand are talking about?" Clath looked somewhat confused over the job that he'd been given, adding.
"All he told me was that I was to go to your home world and purchase as much liquor and beer as this ship could hold, or that we had goods to trade for. Beyond that, I'm relying on you for help."
"Well sure," replied Matt, "I figured on contacting the beer and wholesale liquor distributors in Durango, unless Mr. Janson has other ideas."
"Well I certainly hope your right," replied Clath, "Brand should be the one doing this, I'm not sure about what I'm doing."
"Don't worry Clath," assured Matt, "I'll walk you through the whole thing, and don't forget, you're going to see earth." This didn't seem to improve his outlook on things.
"Yeah, well that's what I'm worried about."
"What…Why?" Asked Matt,
"Well you know, after all, we Neistrian's were the ones who took all your people…"
Matt chuckled,
"Forget it Clath, that was well over a hundred yeans ago, you certainly one of those who did, or were you?" Clath suddenly became alerted.
"What ? No, of course not," he replied, "Why would you ask such a thing?"
He knew he'd stuck his foot in it now, best to just come clean." Sighing, he grimaced as he looked at Clath.
"Last time I was down at Dinocki I spoke with Bris and Ceari," at the mention of their names, Clath scowled, and made a rude noise.
"Hear me out Clath, I know you hate them and they don't much care for you as well…fine you're either in New Coryville or over at Mos Eisley and they're do
wn in Dinocki. From the way they talked, I don't think they have any intentions of ever getting up our way. That's not important. However they told me they were children when all those people were kidnapped from Coryville back in Colorado, you never told me you're race was so long-lived." Clath grunted,
"Well there's a lot of things about my race I didn't tell you but none of it really matters, not to me anyway, I don't consider myself a Neistrian anymore, I'm an Endorian." Matt patted him on the shoulder,
"And we're very proud to have you as one of our citizens Clath," replied Matt. "Everyone likes you, and you've always been there whenever we needed help. The only reason I brought those two up is that they told me they were alive all those yeans ago."