Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 127

by Max Jager

  Matt smiled at his friend,

  "You're right Orlak. Coming from anyone else I'd say they were just being nice but I truly am glad I can call you a friend." Orlak chuckled,

  "That's the spirit, besides, your best friend is dating my granddaughter and I can't afford to have her mad at me." They both laughed over that one.

  When Kevin pulled him aside later on, Matt had a pretty good idea what he wanted.

  "Uh Matt can I ask you something?"

  "Sure Kevin, but I have a pretty good idea what you're going to ask me."

  "Umm that Mr. Orlak asked me if I'd like to go with him and you know, learn stuff." Matt chuckled,

  "Kevin…Go for it, Orlak is a good friend of mine, Liam is dating his granddaughter this is your chance. Remember I told you that you'd have to cut your own deals if you came with me, well here it is, now get out there and see the galaxy."

  "Thanks Matt, thanks a lot, you have no idea what this means to me."

  "You're going to be breaking a lot of ground out there," replied Matt,

  "Make everyone proud."

  The K'Sha was roughly one cycle away from Fort Kamata when the raiders struck. Orlak had just barely enough time to get their shields up when the first wave hit.

  When the alarm went off, Matt, Liam and Kevin were sitting in the lounge talking, when the ship suddenly felt like a giant hand slapped it.

  "What was that?" Exclaimed Kevin.

  "Fucking raiders!" Exclaimed Matt, as he and Liam bolted from the room.

  The K'Sha had two automatic gun turrets one on top and a belly mount just behind the loading ramp. Along with them, there were six plasma cannons three in each winglet, and a chin turret. Although the ship was considered heavily armed, she wasn't a fighter or even a fighter/transport, so the raiders weren't having too much difficulty evading the plasma beams. The real saving grace was the heavy shields protecting the ship. About all the automatic cannons could do was keep the raiders far enough away to lessen the damage their guns could do to the shields.

  Everybody was now strapped into the passenger seats in the rear of the flight deck but the constant hammering of the plasma hits on the shields had everyone scared to death, as Orlak began evasive maneuvers. Being a large freighter there was only so much he could do, that's why the protective shields on ships such as the K'Sha were so strong.

  "Steady everyone, steady," encouraged Rekton, "This won't last much longer."

  Both Matt and Liam did what they could to calm the girls with Kevin and Josh not being much better.

  "Now I know what it must be like to get depth charged," thought Matt. Rekton and Orlak seemed confident while Clath had taken over from Major Morford as he had experience in this sort of thing. Everyone was watching the large scanner screen as it showed flashes of light darting around so fast the eye didn't have time to register.

  "Sure is different from any space game I've ever played," commented Josh, as he watched the screen. Streaks of light lasting for a nanosecond streaked their way followed by the sound of something slamming into the ship.

  "Shields are good, and holding seventy percent," exclaimed Clath, as he worked furiously in the co-pilot's seat.

  Suddenly the whole area was filled with more flashes of light with Orlak exclaiming,

  "About time!" Called out Orlak. Suddenly the K'Sha wasn't being attacked anymore, as the scanner showed furious activity taking place in space.

  "What's happening?" Asked the major.

  "I made arrangements with some of my friends just in case," replied Rekton.

  "Brand, Orlak and myself suspected word would leak out and the chances of a raider welcoming party were pretty good. Those are our friends out there kicking those damn raiders back to wherever they came from. When we hit the fort, you'll get the chance to meet them." It was hard to tell what was actually going on out there, Orlak had tapped into the clipped conversations between their rescuers who apparently had the raiders on the run with two raider craft destroyed, and one badly crippled.

  Vizak reported moderate damage with the shields down to thirty per cent, which meant they would have to seek repairs at Fort Kamata. Finally, the raiders seemed to be gone with a voice identifying himself as Rixx Orcim came over the comm assuring everyone the raiders were no longer a threat.

  "We sent that vermin packing, however we will continue to watch over you until we reach the fort."

  Everyone was very curious as to whom their saviors were, and all studied the large scanner screen to get a better look at the fighters.

  Rekton told Kevin and Josh they were called Starburst GX600 extended range fighters.

  "Somewhat heaver shielding in the front," explained Rekton, six heavy-duty plasma cannon up front, with a small "stinger," or tail turret in the rear. They have a small bunk behind the pilot's seat for him to sleep, however that can be removed for a secondary jump seat for one passenger." The fighter was roughly triangular, with a long tapered nose with the six cannon at the nose. There were two small winglets just under the nose with two larger ones in the rear underneath the craft which Rekton said could fold up. The fighters ranged from a silvery gray to a dark gray with one a dull off red and gold. The one Matt was curious about apparently belonged to Cath Me'Lweth.

  "It wore a patchy paint scheme of four different shades of gray and black. He suspected it might be a form of camouflage, to which Rekton replied.

  "You're right Matt, Cath claims it makes his ship harder to see although everyone else disputes that. The paint however helps to reflect scanner signals to some extent, you can ask him all about it when we meet up at the fort."

  As they approached Fort Kamata, Matt and Liam called a meeting of the four new people.

  "All right, this is it everyone. You've already survived a raider attack, now you're about to set foot on a planet other than earth. The first thing we have to do is refuel, so while Orlak and the crew are doing that, we'll go visit the Oxnian office and get you four set up with ID cards, and establish citizenship. Then it's over to the gadget shop where I'll get you set up with translators."

  "Uh you don't have to do that for me," said Kevin, Mr. Klo'Ax offered to pay for mine, he wants me to have one kind of like yours."

  "Well that's nice of him," replied Matt, however you can just call him Orlak. Well, anyway, after that, we'll head over to the bar where you guys can really see what it's all about out here."

  Rather than go to the fueling zone first, Orlak set down at the main landing port where Matt, Liam, the four newcomers, Steve and Rekton got off. He then moved over to the fueling area, as the operation would take some time.

  Normally, when they landed at Fort Kamata it was at the standard passenger area. However since the zone reserved for freighters and large transports was much farther out everyone was forced to wear rebreathers while they rode the shuttle up to the loading gate. The planet the fort was located on had a rather weak atmosphere, which made normal breathing difficult which is why most of the fort's facilities were located underground. Everyone handled the experience in a lighthearted manner dazzled by all they saw around them.

  "What can I say?" Joked Matt "Welcome to a galaxy far, far away."

  Once again, he found himself signing, and vouching for four people without any identification, even Steve had a card he merely swiped in the reader which quickly determined that he was no security threat, or hiding under an assumed name. All four students were required to undergo a retinal scan.

  Along with that, a facial scan that if not verified within two hours would have security hunting them down. The next stop was the Oxnian office where Deev Mocon met them.

  "I see you brought some more "citizens" of Endor Matt," he announced.

  "Have them take seats over there while my assistants take their information. Oh by the way, I've got some data I'll transfer to your wrist comm concerning meetings and seminar's the trading company is conducting in the next few ceme's, some of them might be of interest to you."

replied Matt, I'll look over the information later. It took about an hour for everybody to be processed and their new ID cards to be activated. While this was going on, Matt and Liam told Deev about the raider attack.

  "We did have an alert of raider activity but of course they steered clear of Kamata," observed the director.

  After everyone was done registering, and their cards issued, it was time to head for the shop that sold translators. As they were slowly moving sown the wide corridor, (everyone had to gawk and look at everything, and everyone they saw)

  Josh alerted Matt,

  "Uh Matt, there's two chicks coming up on us and they look pissed." Turning around he grew a big smile, as did Liam.

  It was Holliqua and Ilmi.

  As far as the new kids were concerned, these were just two strange aliens. The four of them stood aside as two female aliens hugged and kissed Matt and Liam. After the show of emotion, Matt and Liam stood back asking,

  "What are you two doing here?"

  "Well we heard you had gone with Orlak back to earth to bring back a load of liquor. We talked to Brand who filled us in on the details and knew you'd be coming through the fort. I called in a couple favors and got my hands of a fighter, figured you could use an escort," said Holliqua.

  "Well thanks a lot," replied Matt "But Orlak and Rekton's buddies already took care of the situation, but you're more than welcome to accompany us back to Endor. First off, let me introduce four new citizens of said planet. Emma Dunmar, she's a very good artist. This is Josh Mahler, Micki Hemming, and Kevin Elrod. Kevin is going to be heading out with Orlak before long. Look, why don't you guys meet us at the bar I've got to get my friends here fitted out with translators, we'll catch you in a bit."

  Once again, it was another trip to the electronics shop where Matt picked out four moderately priced translators. Even though Orlak promised to cover the cost of Kevin's translator, Matt went ahead and paid for it along with the others.

  With the help of the shop owner, Matt demonstrated how to properly wear the device.

  "When you first put these on," he pointed out, "It will feel as though bugs are crawling around in your ear. Resist the temptation to rub or scratch your ear, what you are feeling are nano bots setting up housekeeping."

  Chapter 151

  Titan Stand Chapter 151

  Matt and Liam had to keep reminding their new friends not to scratch their ears until the nanobots accepted their new "home." On their way to the bar, they passed a clothing and gear shop with Emma and Micki asking if they could shop.

  "We feel so out of place here Matt, You and Liam are wearing leather flying jackets and those cool cargo pants." He couldn't argue, but told both of them he expected to be repaid in full as soon as they were able.

  "Oh thank you Matt," exclaimed Micki. Where upon she and Emma enlisted Holliqua and Ilmi to help them pick out the right "look," While the girls were inside shopping, the guys stood outside talking, Matt said,

  "If you guys want gear, Brand or Rekton can get you stuff for nothing. Most of it is pretty beat up and will need repair, but it makes you look like you've been around, and some of it is practically new. Just ask Rekton when we get to the bar."

  Josh then asked him,

  "Uh Matt, about your girlfriend, uh…"

  "What about her?"

  "She sure looks like a real killer, and that gun she's wearing." Matt chuckled.

  "Please keep this to yourself Josh, but she really is. It's something we don't talk about, and neither should you. Did you ever see the Godfather?"

  "Yeah, a long time ago, why?" Matt then lowered his voice,

  "The Malhazar's are like the Corleone family, and Holliqua is like Connie, but sometimes she acts more like Sonny. Like I said, we have our own "don't ask, don't tell," policy, so just keep it to yourself okay?" As they were talking, Grak walked by, to which Matt called out a greeting, then introducing him to Josh and Kevin.

  "Where's your partner in crime?" Asked Matt.

  "He's back on Denedra," replied Grak, "He's been teaching one of their people how to fly a shuttle; you know the one that runs between Denedra and Doradus. Say Matt, I gave the queen your note which only put her off for a little while, she is really looking to see you."

  "I know, I know, Grak," he replied, "Look, if you're heading back there tell her…hold on, let me just send a note along, just a sec…"

  Taking out a piece of paper, he carefully wrote;

  "Your Highness;

  I apologize for being terribly remiss in paying you a visit, as you know; matters of state can really take up a lot of time. I will be visiting you very shortly now and will be bringing a few of my friends all of whom will be very excited to see elves as well as fairy folk. I hope you will not be displeased by my actions, but they have all expressed great interest in visiting Denedra.

  Until later, your servant;

  Matt Grainger."

  Handing the note to Grak, he instructed him to see that the queen received it.

  "Will we see you in the bar Grak?" He then asked.

  "No, not this time, I'm on my way to Denedra right now, catch you later Matt."

  By this time, Micki and Emma were done shopping choosing to wear their new clothes; now sporting clothing similar to what Holliqua was wearing. A sleeveless maroon leather jerkin with designs embossed into the leather with small grey leather shoulder protectors that resembled shoulder pads. Underneath was a grey long sleeved undershirt that had small cargo pockets just below each shoulder with pockets further down each arm. They also wore form fitting cargo type pants Emma's being maroon more or less matching the jerkin, while Micki's were grey. Each also wore calf length leather boots.

  "Holliqua and Ilmi tell us this is what most women zipping around the solar system all wear," exclaimed Micki. "We also bought an everyday outfit to knock around in."

  Matt groaned knowing that he was the one paying for all this, and even though he knew the credits would eventually come back to him, he knew he was never going to get rich at this. It also looked like Micki and Emma had made a couple new friends as they spent a lot of time chatting with Holliqua and Ilmi while they were at the bar. He also noticed Emma sketching them later on at the bar. When they arrived at the bar there was a large table waiting for them as well as two dedicated waitresses. Matt figured Rekton or Orlak must have set it up. On top of that, they were near the entrance so people didn't have to fight through crowded tables.

  "Well guys," announced Matt this is it, this is that world we always wondered if it existed." Like everyone before them, the four kids drank it all in, it wasn't science fiction anymore. As he was talking to Holliqua, Matt noticed out of the corner of his eye a number of people moving toward the table.

  Looking closer, he could see it was Rekton, Orlak, the K'Sha's entire crew followed by what were fighter pilot/ bounty hunter types. Suddenly the table was surrounded by laughing and back slapping along with jokes about the cargo and it's passengers. He nudged Liam, and together they began to call out greetings to their saviors. He also took note of his friends reactions to a bunch of decked out aliens all carrying wicked looking plasma pistols on belts with all sorts of strange looking pouches and equipment.

  In no time, the entire group was seated and offering toasts to the defeat of the raiders. Then suddenly, Cath Me'Lweth called out to Holliqua,

  "Malhazar, I know you people hate raiders with a passion, but do you suppose you could save a few of them for us, we've got a right to make a living as well."

  Suddenly things grew quiet as Cath stood up glaring at Holliqua.

  "Fuck!" Thought Matt, "What kind of shit is about to go down here?" He kept watching her right hand expecting her to go for her pistol at any moment. The rest of the table kept completely silent as she glared back at the Ruddorian.

  "I know you Cath, and I know where you like to spend all your time. There's plenty of bounty money out there, I see the list practically every geem. Now, I can see everyone worried that we are going to
shoot it out right here in the bar. I've got no grudge against you Cath." She then turned her attention to a waitress who was contemplating how she could get the hell out of here.

  "Miss, would you please bring a shot of your best for my Ruddorian friend here. Cath, sit down and enjoy your drink. At this point, everyone realized the danger had passed breathing a collective sigh of relief, laughing and joking again. Matt realized he had just witnessed a side of Holliqua unknown to him. He then spent the rest of the time they sat in the bar wondering if he dare ask her about the situation with Cath. As for the Ruddorian, both he and Holliqua acted if the whole incident had never happened. He also noticed Josh and Kevin giving him funny looks for the rest of the evening. Eventually Rekton's buddies grew tired of telling the same stories and turned their attention to the humans. Emma had been quietly sketching them when Kib Orauc noticed what she was doing. Sketching and drawing things was something the races out here simply didn't do, you wanted a picture of someone you got a digi-pic, or more likely, a hologram. When he took her sketchpad, she appeared terrified, fearing that she'd broken some alien taboo.


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