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Titan Stand

Page 142

by Max Jager

  "Where is it, and when are we going?" He asked.

  "Can't tell you where, I doubt you've even heard of the place. As to when, soon, very soon, in fact, You might want to pack a small bag as well as have any weapons you plan to take all set and ready to go."

  "Anyone else going?" He asked.

  "Yes…a friend, although I'm seriously thinking about asking Jezang as well."

  As soon as she mentioned Jezang's name he knew this was going to be damn serious, it also meant Jezang was going to protect him.

  "Yeah, go ahead and ask her," replied Matt.

  Although he felt like he was running out on everyone again everyone here on Endor were adults, the distillery project didn't really need him, he'd already given Brand permission to build near the spring. Since Ilmi was here and had announced she would be staying for a while, Liam would be happy. Dillon had gotten himself involved in the flying saucer project and Jenna was going down to Dinocki to hang around with Dr. Black and Ellen.

  "I've got to leave the day after tomorrow," stated Holliqua, "But when I return we are going, and I mean right away, so if you have any second thoughts about going you had better make up your mind right now."

  "I'll be ready Holliqua,"

  "Good, now it's my turn to be on top."

  The next day Matt and Holliqua went for a ride in the gator, covering quite a distance. Rolling north through the trees they eventually came to open savanna where he could really open it up over miles and miles of open plain before coming to the resumption of the massive forest. It didn't suddenly stand in their way but began with patches of wooded lots and small groves. They found an especially shady one with a small brook winding it's way through and stopped to eat. As soon as he shut off the engine. Save for the distant sound of birds tweeting and cawing there was total silence, not even the gentle breeze made any noise.

  "As they sat on a blanket eating, Holliqua observed,

  "Are there no animals on this planet?" She asked.

  "A few," he replied, most seem to hang out in the forest, but I've wondered that myself, especially out here on the plain. I've asked Tucker but he doesn't seem to know."

  As they sat admiring the landscape, Holliqua suddenly froze,

  "Something is coming!" Matt moved to the gator to retrieve his rifle, but listened closely as well. The sound was familiar to him, one he had heard many times. Taking his rifle just in case, he returned to the blanket and sat down.

  "What is it, what's that sound?" she exclaimed. Smiling, he patted her leg,

  "Relax, they are friends." Moments later Zyndon, Tressa, Ladhas, and Issia trotted up.

  "What are you doing way out here Matt?" asked the centaur, as the others formed a circle around the blanket Matt and Holliqua were sitting on.

  "Just out enjoying the day," replied Matt, "How about you guys, just out slumming or does Falkner have you out doing something?"

  "Well we were down watching those new people for awhile," said Zyndon, but that got boring so made a wide arc around the area and are now making our way back to Dinocki." Matt nodded,

  "I was down there just the other day, looks like we're going to be employing them in our new distillery."

  "A distillery?" Exclaimed Ladhas, "This is news.'

  "It's a new venture of Brand Ti'Korvo and a bunch of tavern owners Ozni Okus is also involved," replied Matt.

  "Ozni's involved?" added Zyndon, "That old pirate? Well he does know the tavern business."

  "Ozni is talking to the Ag minister on Denedra about growing wheat, corn and barely on Denedra," said Matt. "We traveled back to earth to get some experts to help get a distillery set up and running, and it looks like we'll be building it next to that lake with the spring."

  "We know the place," said Zyndon.

  "As you have wandered around," asked Matt, "Have you noticed many other animals out here on the plain?" Zyndon looked at the others, all shaking their heads,

  "Other than Boloth's not especially. According to the hunters, the mountains are full of kasroc's, and the woods have plenty of Balpric's and lopa's."

  "I don't know," wondered Matt, "but it seems like there should be more animals on a planet like this. By the way, how much area have you guys explored?"

  Zyndon and his friends laughed,

  "Very little, my friend," replied Zyndon, "We generally try and stay out of the forests as they are very thick and you can easily get lost. Rick Patterson taught us how to use compasses and what he and Jensen call "orienteering, but since we don't have any maps other than what we draw ourselves it's not very effective."

  "well that's going to change before too long," replied Matt, "I've got Gandric working on getting us a small GPS satellite to orbit over the planet, should make finding our way around a whole lot better."

  "Well as to your original question," said Zyndon, "We've really covered very little ground but Falkner has us working in sections which aren't a bad idea really. Well it was nice speaking with you Matt, ma'am, "we're on our way back to Dinocki for awhile." with that, the group thundered off. Matt sat and contemplated centaurs and how they were part of mythology back on earth but very real out here on Denedra and Endor. Looking at Holliqua, he grimaced,

  "There's a connection somewhere. Elves, fairies, centaurs, they are all woven into legends back on earth but save for the one place in Ireland none exist on earth anymore but they do out here…strange."

  When they were sure the centaurs had indeed left, Matt and Holliqua made love on the blanket then lay on their backs enjoying the warmth of Endor's sun for the rest of the afternoon.

  All too soon, Holliqua had to leave but before she did, she went over the coming mission with Matt.

  "I had to pull a lot of wires Matt, so don't let me down. We will be traveling to two, possibly three planets, one that's inhabited with not-so-nice people. What are you planning on doing for weapons?"

  "Weapons?" He asked.

  "Yes, you may have to kill so plan accordingly."

  "Oh wow," he gasped, "Well naturally I'll take my CZ pistol, my AK 74, and my M4 auto shotgun."

  "Well you're only going to be allowed one pack so pack it very carefully. I've noticed those weapons you use seem to use a lot of ammunition," she replied, "Don't forget, there won't be any re-supply."

  "What are we going to do for food?" He asked. Holliqua snickered,

  "We eat whatever we can scrounge or buy. Oh and one more thing…Since I will be in charge of this operation you will do exactly what I tell you, no deviation, is that completely understood?"

  Matt had really stuck his foot into "it," "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it," and all that, he'd been bugging her for this chance now he was getting it." Holding his right hand up as if he was swearing an oath, he replied.

  "I swear, you Holliqua are the boss." She studied him for a moment, then added.

  "For security reasons I can only tell you that we will be hunting someone down, possibly two. I will tell you more as I see fit, and at the proper time, understood?"

  "Yes…understood," he replied.

  "I would prefer you simply tell Liam, or whoever you're placing in charge you and only you will be gone for at least a senth, possibly two, and that if anyone should show up here asking questions contact Malhazar Security forces immediately, Is that understood?" This whole thing was really starting to get very heavy and involved, what the hell did he get himself involved in?"

  "You just be sure to have everything ready when I return, we will leave immediately."

  He had no idea when she would return so he wasted no time speaking to Liam, Donald Falkner, and Major Morford about leaving with Holliqua on a moments notice. He also let Brand and Ghaax know as well.

  "I've got things moving right along," said Brand. "In a couple centon's we'll be moving some of the Sistorki out to the distillery site to construct temporary housing. Those fellows from earth will be going as well. Neb has contracted with an Lyskandan company to do the actual construction."

  "Well I certainly hope things go well for you," replied Matt.

  "I do too," sighed Brand. When he spoke to Ghaax, the Qephruian replied,

  "I think I like this place Matt, its quiet…peaceful, been out looking for a place to build a home, er, uh if that's all right with you?" Grinning, Matt replied,

  "Ghaax your free to build anywhere you like but if it's down near Dinocki better speak with Roy VonDran first. Ghaax chuckled,

  "Well actually it is down in that general area, and I've already spoken with him as well as a few of those elves, nobody seems to mind."

  "Well that's good," replied Matt,

  "So what's this mission you and your female friend are leaving on?" Shaking his head,

  "Don't know, she won't tell me other than its dangerous, and I might have to kill people. Ghaax thought a moment then shook his head.

  Hold on, I've got a couple things for you." Shortly, he returned with something in his hand.

  "Take these…" one appeared to be a ring, a rather nondescript grey colored ring. The other item was a flat oval disk about half an inch thick. As he studied them, Ghaax explained.

  "Place that disk behind your belt or in your boot, someplace no one will find it."

  "What is it?" Asked Matt,

  "It's a homing signal, should you find yourself in a jamb and I mean a truly serious one squeeze it as hard as you can for ten tiggs it will send out a signal which I will be able to pick up even from here I'll come running."

  "Are you saying that this can send a signal clear across two solar systems?"

  Ghaax smiled,

  "Pretty simple technology really…at least for my race. At any rate, it's only good for one time so if you use it better make sure you really are in trouble, I'll simply backtrack the signal and come as soon as I can."

  "So what's this ring for?"

  "If you're in a situation where your hands are bound or you're locked in somewhere simply press it for several tiggs. It will release a drop of acid from that tiny hole on the bottom there. It will melt any metal or rope around. It can also destroy any lock." The ring was a little too large for Matt's finger, but Ghaax solved the problem with a special insert.

  "Just remember, the acid comes out of this tiny hole make sure you don't get any on yourself."

  Matt shook his hand,

  "Thanks Ghaax, I hope I don't have to use these."

  "I hope you don't either," he replied. "Oh, by the way, if you need me before you leave I'll be over helping Gandric and the other's with their flying saucer."

  "Are you familiar with saucers?" Asked Matt. Ghaax laughed,

  "My first ship was a saucer, catch you later Matt."

  He spent the next day wandering around to the various projects save the flying saucer getting reports on their farming efforts . There were now four rice fields along with eight dreeda fields being overseen by robots belonging to Ror'Jes M'Raixx . Ichirou Haruto told him the ground the ground was a little more porous than he liked, and in fact was seriously thinking about switching over to dreeda.

  "The rice could do better, but we've been finding this dreeda much to our liking.

  Mr. Stamford has studied it and found it has the same structure and basic make-up as rice. It seems to take this soil much better. We could continue to grow rice but only on a smaller scale in specially prepared planters but why bother?"

  In talking with Meghan Cook he was told the hay and straw crops were doing as well as could be expected.

  "I've spoken to the Loridian agriculture people who tell me there simply are no comparable grasses equal to them growing anywhere in any of the solar systems they are aware of."

  "I was afraid of that," he replied. "It's the same with the rice, which is why Ichirou tells me he's thinking of switching completely over to dreeda. It's just like rice so there's no big loss there. How do the stock do grazing on local grass?" Meghan shrugged,

  "About as good as range grass back home. I'm kinda worried about letting them graze freely, that's both horses and cattle as there's stuff growing out there that might be poisonous to the stock. Dr. Steel and Mr. Stamford have been testing stuff and so far haven't found anything dangerous but until I'm completely sure I'd rather not take any chances."

  "Well I don't think you have to worry about animals like wolves or other dangerous predators I certainly haven't seen any."

  "Neither have I," she replied, however I'm not sure about those buffalo-like animals called boloth's, they could be carrying some sort of disease. Again, Dr. Steel and Mr. Simmons have been working full time testing

  "So is this better or worse than back in Colorado?" He asked.

  Meghan thought a moment then frowned.

  "Well, it sounds like we won't have to contend with winter snow or government busy-bodies. The Loridian people are pretty cool so there's that. I don't know Matt, too early to tell. Oh one thing, next time you go back to earth we need to get a small hay baler Deer's are all pretty good, so are Hesston's and something to pull it."

  "I don't know about a tractor," replied Matt, you know how tight fuel is around here. Check with Gandric maybe he could suggest something that could pull it. By the way, are we talking about round or square bales?"

  "Ah shit," she replied, "I didn't think about that. Well since we're kinda short-handed in the farm hand department better make it a round baler; we can leave 'em in the field."

  Knowing that the centaurs gave her the creeps he mentioned that he ran into them while he and Holliqua were out in the gator.

  "Just keep 'em away from me they are too much like freaks to me."

  The agriculture report wasn't bad but it wasn't good either, earth seeds and plants just weren't taking the local soil well, then there was the situation with the corn wheat and barley that troubled him as well. It would be awhile before word came from Denedra if any of it grew there. He knew no one was more worried about that than Brand and his consortium, they had to guarantee payment to the farmers that tried growing the seed, they got paid whether any of it grew or not.

  Since Endor now had a communications satellite, orbiting over the planet communications with other planets was now possible; they could also receive intergalactic news through the trading company. Unfortunately, these "TV's" were very expensive so the only one on the planet was located in the community center with the radio in Falkner's office in the city hall. Sitting in the community center watching the news about things happening all over the solar system was the only outside entertainment. However, it was a great way to improve language and reading skills in alien languages. Therefore, three days later, Falkner came up to Matt with the news.

  "Your girlfriend wants you to grab your stuff and get over to Mos Eisley right away."

  Whatever she had planed was finally going down. Shouldering his backpack, he headed for the shuttle where Jezang was waiting.

  Chapter 169

  Titan Stand, Chapter 169

  "So Holliqua talked you into going on this little shindig as well eh?

  "She asked me, I wasn't doing anything particularly interesting," replied Jezang.

  "I suspect it has more to do with protecting me," replied Matt,

  "Well…" Matt smiled and patted her on the shoulder,

  "No big deal, speaking for myself, I'm glad you're here, if shit goes south, your presence might make all the difference in the world. I don't suppose she told you where we are going?" he asked.

  Jezang just looked at him,

  "She did, however I was requested to allow her to be the one to tell you." He made a face, replying,

  "Yeah that sounds like her; obviously she takes her job seriously. I guess it doesn't make a whole lot of difference, I pestered her to take me with her on a mission so here it is we'll find out soon enough."

  They landed at the pad reserved for shuttles and walked to the bar. Mos Eisley reminded Matt of the mall back in Durango that had been "opened up," lots of lights and open areas. He remembered it from the first time he'd been here jus
t after the Neistrian's had all left, and what a dump it was. No doubt about it, Brand and Clath had done wonders for the place. He was hoping to see either Brand or Clath, but they were often busy elsewhere. As they entered, a waiter quickly approached them.

  "This way please," was all he said. He and Jezang were taken to one of the private rooms where Holliqua and another Malhazar female were waiting.

  The woman (or girl) as it was often hard to be sure of ages looked similar to Holliqua although her hair was much shorter and had a wide red streak on the right side of her hair. While Holliqua smiled this female seemed to scowl.


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