Giving It to the Enemy (Saints and Sinners MC #2)

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Giving It to the Enemy (Saints and Sinners MC #2) Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “Please, Pipe, fuck me.”

  He knelt up, grabbed her hips, and started to slowly fuck her.

  “Watch us, baby, watch how fucking wet you are.”

  She watched his cock slide out of her, and it was slick with her cum. The pleasure built inside her, and she couldn’t look away. She pushed up to meet him thrust for thrust.

  This was her first ever time getting fucked, and she loved it.


  Pipe wasn’t going to last. Her pussy was so fucking tight, and she was squeezing him even more as she neared her orgasm. She was literally blowing his mind with how damn responsive she was. Her tits were bouncing with each thrust of his cock, and she was begging for him to fuck her harder.

  Her gaze was on his cock, and she hadn’t looked away, not even for a second. He found that to be one of the hottest things of all, the way she watched him.

  Slamming into her pussy, he let go of one of her hips, to slide his fingers across her clit. All it took was a couple of strokes, and she screamed out her pleasure, calling his name, over and over.

  He couldn’t hold back, and with a few thrusts inside her cunt, he erupted, filling her with his cum. Pipe hadn’t worn a rubber, and he didn’t care what came of it. Elena was his, and if they got pregnant, it would solve so many of their problems.

  When it was over, he stayed inside her, and collapsed beside her on the bed. He cupped her cheek, running his thumb across her bottom lip.

  “How was that?” he asked. “Are you in a lot of pain?”

  She licked the tip of his thumb, and shook her head. “No, I’m not in any pain. Is that weird?”

  “No. I’m going to run you a bath, and we’ll have a soak to ease any pain that you might have.” He’d never taken a virgin before, but he’d read in some sappy shit that women took baths, right?

  He wanted to do right by Elena, and already he was fucking up.

  “So, how are we going to make this work?” she asked.


  “Us, you and me, and the fact we’ve got two MCs who don’t get along all that well.” She placed her hand on his side, and pulled away just as quickly as she placed her hand there.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  “I didn’t know if I should touch you or not.”

  “Baby, I’ve just fucked you, took your cherry, and my dick is still very happy inside you. You can touch me anytime you want.”

  Her hand went back to his side, and everything felt right to him with her touch. She grounded him in ways that killing and the club never had.

  “So, how are we going to make this work? I don’t want Saint finding out, not just yet.”

  No, he didn’t want Saint finding out either. The last thing he needed was for Elena’s brother to scare her, and he wouldn’t be able to have these moments of holding her, and he wanted to hold her in his arms. She was like a drug to him, and he was going to take advantage any way that he could to keep her in his life.

  “We’re not going to be telling Saint anything.” He stroked her cheek, and smiled. “You don’t have to worry.”

  “Sneaking around isn’t exactly going to be fun.”

  “There are places neither of our clubs go.”

  “Isn’t it dangerous? You’re in charge, the leader of your club. Shouldn’t you have some kind of protection.”

  “Yes, I do. I have a couple of men who watch my back, babe. Knife is one of them. The man you saw last night, and also Shawl. You’ve not met him, but both will have my back.”

  “We’re not going to be alone?” she asked.

  “We’ll be alone for the most part. It depends where we meet. If we meet at the bar, I’ll be there with you no problem. I’ve got a private place not too far from the clubhouse, and you can visit me any time. I’ll show you where it is later tonight, if you want?”

  “I’ve got to work today.” She jerked, and glanced behind her. “In three hours.”

  He nodded. “I’m going to run you a bath. Stay here.” He pulled out of her tight little pussy, and he hated it when he saw her wince.

  Pipe made his way toward her bathroom, and started running her a bath. When he saw some soothing salts, he added them into the water as well.

  “How do you know where my bathroom is?” she asked.

  He turned to find her stood in the doorway. “If you’d come home like I thought you would, you’d have been fucking me the whole night.”

  “You’ve been here the whole night, and no one saw you?”

  “Why do you think I said we could make this work? I’m here, and no one knows I’m here. We can make this work.” He folded his arms, and stared down her body. There were a few specks of blood on the inside of her thighs, which he hated, but it made her his. Elena belonged to him. “I was going to spank your ass for leaving a window open.” He walked up to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, and cupping her ass. “Now, you’re going to get a spanking if you don’t leave it open.”

  “And why would I leave it open?”

  “Because I’m going to be the one climbing in the window.” Her ass filled his hands, giving him something to grab onto. Claiming her lips, he pressed his tongue inside her mouth, and moaned as his cock twitched to life.

  Down, boy. She needs to have some time to rest.

  “Come on, let’s get you soaked before you have to leave for work. You were with Sarah last night?”

  He turned the hot water off, and checked the temperature of the water to make sure she wouldn’t burn herself. When he was satisfied that she wouldn’t hurt herself, he held his hand out for her to take, and she placed her much smaller one inside his.

  Pipe helped her into the bath, and then climbed in after her. He kept his legs wide, and she rested between them.

  “I was with Sarah last night. I didn’t want to risk a run-in with Saint, but it didn’t matter. He came with Ralf and a couple of others to Sarah’s home.” She shrugged. “Sarah’s really upset.”

  Pipe didn’t say anything, holding out his hands for her to take.

  “Ralf was being an ass to her, and he had no right to invite himself into her place. He literally let them in, and then they started demanding answers to questions that they had no right to ask. God, it was so damn annoying, and even thinking about it now makes me angry.”

  “Sarah’s your friend. She comes first,” he said.

  “I don’t even know what Ralf’s problem is. He pursued her, not the other way around. Sarah was hesitant to be with him, but he was the one who became a deputy. She didn’t ask him to do that.”

  “He did it all himself?”

  “Yeah. She worked at Dirty Deeds with me, and Ralf was determined to keep trying to be with her.” She sighed. “Now he’s left her, but he’s not going to let her go. It’s annoying, and he’s going to make it hard for her to even move on. She deserves to move on.” She growled. “It’s frustrating as hell.”

  He chuckled and kissed her neck. “Guys are so strange.”

  “You’re telling me.” She glanced up at him, and smiled. “Are you going to get all strange on me?”

  “Nah, I know where my dick feels good. I’m not going to ruin any chance to be with you.” He didn’t give a shit that he sounded like a pussy. Elena, she owned him, and she didn’t even know it.

  Chapter Six

  “You’re in a good mood this morning,” Sarah said, drawing Elena’s attention. Her body was incredibly sore. The bath had helped somewhat, but it hadn’t eased everything. She was no longer a virgin. Not only was she no longer a virgin, but she had lost it to a man like Pipe, and he was amazing.

  “I feel in a good mood.”

  “Does this have something to do with a certain biker last night?” Sarah asked.

  Elena tensed up and averted her gaze.

  “It is, isn’t it?”

  “Don’t say anything,” Elena said. “Please¸ I really like him, and I don’t want Saint to ruin this for me.” Her brother would, as he couldn’t
handle her being happy. At least, that was how he made her feel, that her being happy wasn’t good enough.

  “Have you taken the time to talk to Saint? He’s your brother, and I’m sure he wants what is best for you.”

  Elena looked toward Sarah. “Not really.”

  “Maybe you should talk to him.”

  “Not about Pipe. He wouldn’t understand. Please don’t say anything.”

  “I’m not going to say anything, Elena. You’re happy with Pipe, and I think that’s a good thing.” Sarah glanced toward the main door. “I know this is going to be your secret. I won’t tell, I promise.”

  “Even if Ralf asks?”

  “Especially if Ralf asks,” Sarah said. “After you left this morning, I took a shower, and I thought about what we’d talked about. My life with Ralf was good, but it wasn’t perfect. We didn’t have a perfect relationship. We had an okay one. We got complacent with each other. Ralf wasn’t happy, and I think I was waiting for it all to fail.” She shrugged. “I guess it all sucks for us all.”

  “No, it doesn’t. You didn’t ask Ralf to change, did you?”

  “What? No, of course not. He was always asking me out, and it made me nervous. I’d never been good around men, and Ralf, he’s not the kind of man you ignore. He’s the kind of man you pay attention to. I tried to ignore him, and I failed. From the moment we were together, I knew it wasn’t going to last, and that sucks. It all sucks, and there’s nothing we can do about that. Some couples are not meant to be.”

  “Do you think I’m making a mistake?” Elena asked.

  “I don’t know if you’re making a mistake or not. If Pipe makes you happy, then stick with it, and be happy. Sometimes it’s just about finding some happiness together.”

  Elena nodded. She couldn’t find fault with what Sarah was saying. They stopped talking as the shop started to get busy. Elena left Sarah to handle the customers while she went toward the back, and started filling out internet orders. She brought the orders up online, and began packaging them up.

  Her cell phone chimed, letting her know that a text had come through. She stopped what she was doing, and glanced down to see Pipe had sent her a text.

  Pipe: Hey, beautiful, how are you feeling?

  She couldn’t help but smile at his text.

  Elena: I’m fine. Working!

  After her response she didn’t expect to hear anything else from him. Seconds later, her cell phone chimed again.

  Pipe: How’s your pussy?

  Elena: You’ve got to stop texting.

  Pipe: Tell me, or I’m coming to see you myself.

  Rolling her eyes, she couldn’t believe how much fun she was having.

  Pipe: I’m coming!

  Attached to his text was a picture of his bike, and she panicked. There was no way she wanted to ruin this before it had even started.

  Elena: No. I’m fine, really. I’m just sore, really sore. You’re not a small man, and you’ve proven that. I want to do it again, though. I really want to do it again, and again, and again. Are you coming over tonight?

  “What’s going on?” Saint asked, startling her.

  She quickly sent the text, and pressed her phone to silent. Turning toward her brother, she couldn’t bring herself to force a smile. “What are you doing here?”

  “Do I need a reason to come see my sister?” he asked.

  His arms were folded across his chest, and he looked dangerous, but then he was.

  “I don’t know. You tell me what has changed?” She chanced a look at him, and hoped he didn’t see that her heart was racing.

  “I’m making all kinds of mistakes with you, aren’t I?” He moved away from the door, stepping into the room.

  “I don’t know what kind of mistakes you’re talking about.”

  “I remember when you were five, and you were trying to ride your bike. Dad, he was busy with the club, and Mom was constantly on the phone to him. I was off doing my own shit. You were alone, and I remember coming home from prospecting for the club, and it was getting dark. You were still on your bike. You refused to wear a helmet as they were all too big for you.” He started smiling. “Your knee was bleeding for falling off the bike, your cheek was bruised, but you just kept on getting back on your bike, riding up and down the path outside of our house.”

  She remembered that day. Their mother had refused to help her, Dad was never at home, and Saint was already prospecting at the club. She’d been determined that no matter what she was going to be able to ride her bike by the end of the day. At first she got a few inches, and she’d fall off. Elena had stood up, brushed the dirt off, climbed back on her bike, and started riding again. Nothing would stop her from learning to ride that damn bike.

  “I remember watching, and feeling so much guilt. Dad helped me ride a bike, and you were on your own. I made a promise to myself that whenever you needed someone, I’d be there, and I’ve fucked that up, haven’t I?”

  “I really don’t know what you want me to say.”

  “Exactly. After that day, you were always by my side. I’d take you to school, we’d fist bump, and they’d all leave you alone.”

  “Saint’s little sister. No one would mess with me.” She remembered how special she felt every time he took her to school.

  “Then Mom decided to be fucking crazy, and take you away. Dad and I, we were so fucking lost without you. We kept calling Mom, and she told us that you were curled in bed, sobbing, that you couldn’t stand to be near us.”

  That made Elena look up. “What?”

  “Yeah, Mom told us that you’d been begging to leave. You realized what the club was like, and that you were disgusted with who you were related to.”

  “That’s not true!” Damn, her mother had been lying at every single turn, and it only made her even angrier. She’d pulled her away from her family, not just her father and Saint, but also from the club. Elena had wanted to be part of the club for so long.


  “That’s not what happened at all. I came home, and Mom had packed everything up saying we had to leave, that you kicked us out of our house. Not only that, she said that I wasn’t allowed around the club anymore. You were bad men, and bad men couldn’t be around girls like me.”

  She saw Saint frown. “Dad didn’t kick Mom out. He missed you, Elena. Fuck, I missed you.”

  “I never wanted to be with Mom. Never, and none of you tried to come and get me. None of you knew what she was like. She was crazy!” She pressed a hand over her mouth, and took a step away. Everything that had happened had been because of her mother’s lies. The distance between them was because of their selfish mother.

  “What are you trying to say? Did Mom … hurt you?”

  She froze, and stared at him. “Why are you here?”

  “Why are you always trying to hide? Why are you always trying to lock me out?”

  Elena couldn’t do this right now, not with Saint. After his revelation, she felt exposed, open, raw. She went to move around him, but he caught her arm.

  “You’re not leaving.” He moved toward the door, and slammed it shut, pressing the lock in place. She was trapped with him, alone in their warehouse, and it scared her. Elena had done everything to avoid being alone with him.

  “Who came with you?”

  “Ralf is having a private conversation with Sarah, and they’re not going to be disturbed.”

  “This is not fair. Sarah doesn’t want to talk to him.”

  He still held her arm, and he guided her toward a chair.

  “Stop avoiding me. I’m not going to do this anymore. I lost you for long enough. I’m not going to lose you anymore.”

  “Don’t ask me things you don’t want to know.”

  “I want to know what happened to you. I want you to fucking talk to me!”

  “I’m not some bitch at your club you can boss around.” She yelled right back at him. Elena didn’t belong to his club, and there was no place for her either, not if she wanted t
o be with Pipe.

  “I want to know what’s going on. Where has my sister gone? What have you fucking done with her?”

  “She was gone a long fucking time ago. I’m not that same girl anymore, Saint. I’m not some doting young little girl. I’m never going to be that girl anymore.”

  “What did Mom do? You cut me off, and I’m tired of fighting this shit out with you, Elena. Tell me.”

  “You want to know? You really want to know? This is what she fucking did to me.”


  “The fight is going well,” Shawl said. “Saint has three Prospects that are fighting tonight. The schedule didn’t include him last night.”

  Pipe nodded. He stared at the numbers for the fights that were won last night. His own Prospects had done well, and brought in some serious dough. That would be distributed among the brothers, and the men would get a cut themselves. Pipe always made sure everything was handled equally.

  “Do we know the three Prospects coming tonight?” Pipe asked.

  “Francis, Gunner, and Jewel.”

  “He’s bringing women?”

  “They’re all men. Jewel was a fighter back in high school, earned a bit of a reputation for himself. He blew out his knee, and his scholarship was taken from him. From what information I’ve gotten, he’s being schooled by the club, and once he’s proven himself, he’ll be patched in,” Shawl said.

  Pipe could see Saint helping a guy out. “Are any of his boys fighting our men?”

  “No. I figured for relations, we’ll keep each other as far away as possible.”

  “Sounds right. I don’t want any Hell’s Wolves against the Saints and Sinners MC.”

  “Does this have anything to do with a certain sister?”

  “Knife tell you?”

  “I saw Elena’s name on your cell phone. This is going to end badly.”

  “It’s not going to end at all, okay.”

  “Do you even know what you’re doing with her?” Shawl asked.

  “When you met your wife, did you just know that she was going to change you? Could you walk away from her once you got to know her.”


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