Gage, Ronna - Send Her To Me (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Gage, Ronna - Send Her To Me (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 4

by Ronna Gage

  “Hey, the hotel has several vacancies, and the rooms are worth the price,” a voice announced.

  Kelli screamed at the intrusion. Out of habit, she usually looked around the immediate area. Being brought up by a law enforcement father and three older brothers taught her to be constantly aware of her surroundings.

  Her father warned her of stranger danger and to always be prepared. Somewhere in his wisdom he forgot to mention the hell she would have as the only girl within a household of alpha men. The tricks and scare tactics never ceased while she grew up. Telling your dates you had family in law enforcement didn’t guarantee many repeat outings.

  In spite of all her dad’s advice and her brother’s hellish tricks, she missed the person that sneaked up on them. She let herself be distracted to the point that she didn’t hear him coming. If this had been one of her brothers, they would be unmerciful in their attack.

  She turned; the casino’s pudgy security guard stood before them, leaned against a golf cart, and looked at them with kindness. Kelli suspected he meant what he said and stood by it firmly. He didn’t want public displays of affection in the full view of the parking lot. He stepped away from the vehicle and walked to them. His height matched Carter’s and by the looks of him, just as dark. Kelli imagined he and Carter could have possible lineage to the Native American people.

  “Yes sir. We may take you up on that.” Carter pulled her close to him.

  Kelli took the possessive gesture favorably. Carter claimed her as his in front of the other man. Her heart soared.

  “Well, I’ll let you two go on. But next time do me a favor.”

  “What’s that?” Carter asked.

  “Don’t make out in my parking lot.”

  “Will do.”

  Carter took Kelli’s hand. They walked toward the hotel’s entrance. Kelli wasn’t giving anyone another chance to sneak up on her. She looked over her shoulder several times on the way to the casino’s entrance.

  Carter looked around. “What are you looking for?”

  “Nothing. Just making sure,” Kelli replied.

  “Of what?”

  “That no one lurks in the shadows and tries to take advantage of us.” He stopped. Kelli didn’t make the connection that he stopped until she almost jerked her arm out of socket. “What?”

  Carter pulled her to him, clutched her upper arms, and gave a wolfishly beautiful smile. “Kelli.” His lips were mere inches from hers. “I’m the only thing you need to concern yourself with tonight.”

  Her eyes darted to his. There, that wicked, seductive look in his gaze glimmered again. Just like magic, the tensions of being in an unfamiliar place eased from her mind. Carter would protect her from anyone who tried to harm them, of that she had no doubt. But who will save us from each other? That thought rambled in her head when she stepped inside the casino.

  Lights and sounds of various game machines excited Kelli when she and Carter entered the establishment. She watched people play while Carter led her through the gaming area. Groups of people played slots, roulette, poker, and video poker. Where to begin? She’d never gambled before in her life. Chills of excitement brought goose bumps to break out over her skin. “Where do you want to go?”

  Carter closed some distance between them. “I think we should take advantage of the buffet.”

  Kelli hadn’t thought about food until Carter said something. Now, her stomach rumbled. Her eyes followed the direction to where he gestured. Banquet tables lined a wall in the area marked “Dining Room.” The closer they got, the bigger the variety of foods offered. A two-tiered chocolate iced cake sat in the middle of one of the tables. Her mouth watered. “That sounds like a great idea.” With so many foods to choose from, Kelli felt a little overwhelmed. She watched Carter pile chicken nuggets, meatballs, and pizza rolls onto his plate. Following his lead, she filled her plate with similar selections but in smaller portions.

  “I think that will do for the first plate,” Carter whispered in her ear.

  Kelli looked at the food that overflowed his plate. “You’re going to eat all that?”

  Carter grinned. “And more.” The impious man had that seductive grin on his face.

  Kelli’s stomach tumbled, heat filled her cheeks, and desire collected at the lips of her pussy. She got the idea food wasn’t the only thing on his mind. Tonight, she feared, almost, that Carter would definitely be a big concern for her. She blew air onto her heated face.

  Thirty minutes later, her meal eaten, she sat and waited for Carter to finish his second plate. The sounds of a dinging bell and loud whistle caught her attention. She watched a woman and two friends fill buckets with coins. Their excitement contagious, it blazed inside Kelli making her want to try her own luck.

  “Why don’t you go on and try it?” Carter asked, invading her thoughts.

  “Try what?”

  “Your luck at the slots.”

  She looked back at him, feeling self-conscious to have her thoughts read so easily. She looked at the game and then back at Carter and waited. Why couldn’t she find the courage to go and try it? The notion hit her. She didn’t want to go alone.

  “No, I’ll wait for you.”

  He smiled at her, and the nerves in her belly wavered.

  “You’re cute.”

  She looked back at him. “Why do you say that?” That would have been the last compliment she thought she’d hear from him.

  “You’re like a little kid about to go on an adventure.”

  “How?” She didn’t understand the analogy. “Do you think I’m childlike?”

  He shook his head. “Your eyes are shining, your skin is flushed, and you are breathless with anticipation.”

  She smiled, but her gaze drifted to the machines, and then back at him.

  Carter narrowed his eyes. “I take that back.”

  Her attention refocused on him and not the games. His comment teased her curiosity. “What?”

  He leaned into her ear, brought her hand to his lips, and lightly kissed her fingers one by one. “You look like a woman who has just been satisfied with the best sex of your life. And I’m hoping to be the man to put that expression on your face.”

  Kelli fanned the flushed brightness in her cheeks with her free hand. She hoped they weren’t as red as the heat hinted. Words escaped her. Inside, she quivered and shook with curiosity to know if he was that man. Outwardly, she didn’t look at him for fear he would see right through her. She felt Carter give her hand a little squeeze and dared a glance. She prayed he wouldn’t think less of her for the reaction.

  His fingers combed a soft trail through her hair. The currents of emotions stretched to a moment pregnant with unsatisfied gratification. He looked away for a second, and when he faced her again, his eyes lost the lust they displayed mere seconds ago. He cleared his throat. “When you play the slots, go to another machine.”

  His comment distracted her. His advice curbed her newly awakened emotions, ones best described as curiosity, lust, and most of all, fear. She was willing to give in and explore all these emotions with Carter because right now the pain of rejection wasn’t on the emotional list.

  “Why? That machine is paying off. You saw it,” she argued.

  “No, it paid off. It won’t pay off again tonight.”

  “Oh, okay.” Kelli walked to the end of the dining room. At the step, she turned to him. “Are you coming?”

  Carter laughed. “Why? Do you need me for something special?”

  The butterflies in her stomach raged with the triggered emotion with that thought. Keeping this relationship at a slow and steady pace became a goal she lost focus to obtain. “Yeah, I need you to show me the game.”

  He walked to her. The slow, sensual stride mesmerized her. When he reached the step where she waited, she looked into his brown eyes. Her breath caught.

  “Is that all?”

  Lord, give me strength. “No,” she answered too quickly.

  He came closer still, invading
her personal space. “What else do you need from me?” he asked.

  Kelli found herself turning into him. The seduction in his voice made her weaken a little more. His thumb stroked her palm. She jolted. Hungry, molten desire filled her body. She had to put a decent amount of distance between the two of them. But how? What could she say and not drive him away? She wanted him, but fear of getting hurt quelled her desires. She said the first thing that came to mind.

  “I need you to collect and carry my winnings.”

  “So sure you are going to win.”


  “You feel lucky?”

  Kelli looked around the slot machines and the gaming area. “I’ve been lucky a lot lately.”

  Carter laughed and pulled her into a hug. “Okay, but it’ll cost you.”

  Was that a dare? She looked at him. “Not the shirt off my back, I hope.”

  That wolfish smile crossed his lips. “What an interesting ante. One I look forward to collecting.” His words caused her heart rate to quicken. He led her to the fist row of slot machines. Feeling his hand at the small of her back, she knew she had already won.

  Kelli watched for the bar waitress to come back with her drink.

  “Do you want to try this one?” Carter asked beside her.

  “Okay.” After three bourbon and cokes, the effects of the alcohol had nowhere else to go but to her head. No longer feeling shy, she kissed Carter. “For luck.” She stuck a quarter into the machine, pulled the arm, and waited. Three seconds later, the beeping machine paid out five dollars in quarters. “Hot damn!” she said while she and Carter scooped up the coins.

  “You were right about your lucky streak tonight.”

  They stood up at the same time, each one staring at the other. Feeling the building intensions growing inside her, she kissed him deeply.

  “Here’s your bourbon and coke,” the waitress said out of nowhere.

  “Oh, okay,” Kelli answered with a slight buzz—a mixture of want and booze.

  The waitress handed her the ordered drink.

  “Thank you!” Kelli took a long drink. “Where to now?”

  “We keep playing.”

  An hour later, the slot machines paid off big. Kelli won a two hundred dollar jackpot that filled two buckets with coins. Spinning in her chair while Carter fished out the remainder of the coins, she eyed a neon sign. Quite inebriated, Kelli had a hard time focusing on the illuminated words long enough to read it. Steady in her chair, she read the lines between flashes.





  Blackjack! “Carter!” She jerked on his shirt to gain his attention. “Blackjack. Let’s try our luck there.”

  Her body bubbled with excitement. Impatient, she helped Carter gather the loot. She gave him a kiss, gulped down the rest of her drink, and kissed him again, longer, deeper, hungrier than the ones before it.

  “What was that for?”

  “For giving me such a good time.”

  “Honey, it was my pleasure.” He kissed her with the same passion as she gave. “Come on, let’s go.” He led her to the gaming table. By the time they got to the blackjack station, her lips were puffed with the effects of the many kisses she shared with Carter. Considering the short walk, twenty kisses turned out to be a lot.

  After three hands of blackjack, Kelli suddenly felt tired. She looked up at the clock. Three o’clock in the morning. The time whizzed by fast. She became limp with exhaustion and booze. Yawning, she shook her head, hoping to wake herself up. That trick didn’t work, so she inhaled deeply to fight the effects of alcohol.

  The tall blackjack dealer looked at her inquisitively. He looked down at her hand, and then back at her. “Time to place your bet.”

  She looked down at her cards. A nine of spades lay face down and a two of clubs lay face up. She looked at the dealer again. “Hit me.” He placed a card face up in front of her. A queen of hearts.

  “Twelve, showing,” The dealer announced.

  Kelli held her breath. “Stay.” If she compiled a list of the most nerve-racking things she had done, gambling would top it. She felt a hand massage her neck. Roughened fingertips soothed tired muscles. Carter, she sighed.

  “Player two,” The dealer announced.

  “I’ll stay,” Carter said.

  Kelli leaned into the soft feathery touch of Carter’s fingers. She sighed and turned over her card.

  “Player one has twenty-one. Player wins,” The dealer announced to the table. Carter flipped his down card.

  “Player two has twenty-one.”

  The dealer dealt himself one card, a two. “Dealer busts with twenty-two.”

  Kelli squealed with delight. Her eyes grew large when the dealer set five hundred dollars worth of chips in front of her. He set a stack in front of Carter, and pride swelled her heart.

  She grabbed Carter by the neck and hugged him. “This is so awesome! I can’t believe we won.” The thundering applause filled her ears; she turned to face a gathered crowd behind them. Sometime during their winning streak, she and Carter became the focus of the spectators.

  Carter handed the dealer a fifty-dollar chip.

  “Congratulations, Mr. Banks,” the dealer complimented. Carter shook his hand. “I hope you and your lady had an excellent time.”

  “Yes.” Carter turned to Kelli. “Thank you. We did.”

  Kelli looped her hand into the curve of Carter’s arm; he led her through the maze of people. A slight misstep and she stumbled when Carter veered to the right.

  “Are you all right?” he asked when she regained her footing.

  Kelli nodded. “Yeah, I think…” In truth, she meant to say no. Maybe that last glass of bourbon and Coke wasn’t such a good idea. “I had too mush to dink.” She slurred her words.

  “I had too much to drink.” he corrected.

  “You, too?” Kelli giggled. Alcohol always made her dizzy and horny.

  “Come on, lightweight.” Carter led her into the direction of the cashier’s booth. “What do you want to do now?”

  She leaned against his body, looked up at him, and replied with an honest answer. “Go to bed.”

  “Sounds delightful.”

  She felt the attraction draw her. Now, she understood what they meant by alcohol being an aphrodisiac. In her sober mind, she would never suggest they sleep together. She barely knew him, and she feared he would break her heart. Yet, being here with him now, she didn’t trust herself to be alone with him. There were too many temptations.

  “Kelli. Don’t worry. We’re going to get a room and sleep, that’s all. ” He looked at his watch. “It is way too late to drive back to Fort Worth tonight, and neither of us are sober enough to drive.”

  Cold chills ran down her back. “How in the hell do you do that?”

  “Do what?” His surprise and confusion went unnoted.

  “Read my damn mind like that?”

  Carter stepped back. “Where is this language coming from?”

  “Don’t answer my question with a question,” she whined and stomped her foot in frustration. “Answer my question first.”

  He sent her a knowing grin. “I am for you.”

  Kelli’s eyes grew in size. She licked her lips and swallowed a hard lump that formed in her throat. He was for her. She leaned in for a kiss, but her body slumped against his in exhaustion. Immediately, his strong arms came around her and held her against his hard body. Her pussy creamed yet again. Her head turned slightly into his neck, the scent of his cologne teased her nose. “You smell good.”

  “Thank you. So do you.”

  I want this man so much. “I think I need sleep,” she whispered.

  “We’ll get a room,” he soothed.

  His voice calmed her anxiety while his fingers trailed a slow, seductive track up and down her back. “Can you hold on?”

  “I didn’t bring any clothes,” she murmured, stating the obvious. Panic suddenly struck h
er. She would either have to sleep naked with Carter or in her dress.

  “Don’t worry. The hotel has a souvenir shop. We can buy T-shirts and shorts. The rooms have shampoo and other essentials. Plus, you have your purse with your girlie stuff.”

  Kelli giggled. “Girlie stuff,” she repeated. She fumbled through her bag for her wallet. “Do we have enough money?”

  “I got it covered.”

  Kelli looked up and saw the bucket he held in front of her. “The winnings, of course! Do you mind if we get a two-room suite?”

  Carter shook the bucket of chips, squinted, and shook it again. “This should just about cover it.”

  Kelli couldn’t cover her anxious laugh. She and Carter would be spending the night together after all. Was this a good idea?

  Chapter Five

  “We need a suite with two beds please,” Carter requested of the young woman at the registration desk, and then handed her his Visa.

  The clerk looked at the Visa card, and then looked up the accommodations list. “I’m sorry, Mr. Banks, but we only have one luxury suite available. It has a king sized bed and a sitting area. The sofa makes out into a full size bed,” the hotel clerk informed him.

  Was the stroke of luck a blessing to celebrate, or a pain in the ass? Lucky for Carter the couch made out into a sofa bed big enough for him to sleep. “How much?”

  “The room will be one-hundred fifty dollars.”

  Carter looked down at Kelli. Her teeth gnawed on her bottom lip, worry flashed in her eyes. “We’ll take it.” He handed her the money from the winnings, which covered the cost of the room with a few dollars left over. Good thing I didn’t have to use my credit card. He dared to look at Kelli once again. Although she no longer chewed on her bottom lip, he suspected she felt some sense of relief. He knew in his heart that he’d forgo a suite and get two of the regular rooms if Kelli asked for it. He would do whatever he had to do to ensure her comfort and security for the night. He suspected that she did not have a lot of experience in dating, and more and more little things almost confirmed it. The thought of staying the night alone with a man quite possibly made her nervous. Kelli intrigued him. Nevertheless, to have her, he needed to play it delicately. If he took advantage of her drunken condition, she would never be able to trust him, thus losing his chance with her. He could be a good guy with little problem, but he never had to work so hard at being a gentleman.


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