Epilogue: War
1. Morison, Letters of Theodore Roosevelt, 790. 2. Bosworth, Italy and the Approach, 78. 3. Brock and Brock, H. H. Asquith, 130n2. 4. Bond, The Victorian Army and the Staff College, 294–5, 303. 5. Strachan, The First World War, vol. I, 239–42. 6. Ibid., 278–9. 7. Kessler, Journey to the Abyss, 857–8. 8. Smith, One Morning in Sarajevo, 264–8. 9. Fuller, The Foe Within, ch. 8, passim. 10. Craig, Germany, 1866–1945, 368. 11. Cecil, Wilhelm II, 210–12. 12. Ibid., 296. 13. Joll, 1914, 6. 14. For a good description of Wilhelm’s last years, see Cecil, Wilhelm II, chs 14–16.
List of Illustrations
1. Lord Kitchener announcing the annexation of the Transvaal, cartoon by Jean Veber, L’Assiette Au Beurre, 28 September, 1901. Photo: The Granger Collection/Topfoto
2. ‘A Troublesome Egg to Hatch’, cartoon by John S. Pughe, Puck, 6 April, 1901. Photo: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C.,
3. ‘Dropping the Pilot’, caricature of Otto von Bismarck and Kaiser Wilhelm II, Punch, 29 March, 1890. Photo: Topfoto,
4. ‘The Kaiser sets out to be Lord of the Sea’ unattributed illustration, Der wahre Jacob, 3 August, 1909. Photo: Mary Evans,
5. ‘No Limit’, cartoon by L. M. Glackens for the cover of Puck, 22 September, 1909. Photo: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C.,
6. ‘The Cordial Agreement’, cartoon by Jules Faivre, Le Rire, 1903. Photo: Topfoto,
7. ‘The Russian bear, wounded in his fight with Japan, turns on his master, the Tsar’, cartoon by Roubille, Le Rire 4 February, 1905. Photo: Mary Evans,
8. Illustration by Carl Otto Czeschka, Die Nibelungen, 1909. Photo: Mary Evans,
9. ‘The Zabern Incident’, cartoon by Olaf Gulbransson, from Simplicissimus, November 1913. Photo: IAM/akg-images. © DACS, 2013,
10. ‘Every hour is lunch hour at the Dreadnought Club’, cartoon by Udo Keppler, Puck, 31 May, 1911. Photo: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C.,
11. ‘Them fellers over there want to disarm but none of ’em dast do it first!’ cartoon, 1906, by John Scott Club. Photo: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C.,
12. ‘The Perfidy of Albion’, satirical map of Europe, 1914. Collection of the Museum Europäischer Kulturen, Berlin. Photo: © 2013 Scala, Florence/BPK, Berlin,
13. ‘At the Moroccan Conference’, cartoon by J. H. W. Dietz in Der Wahre Jacob, 6 February, 1906. Photo: akg-images,
14. Bulgaria and Austria whip parts of the Ottoman Empire from beneath the feet of Abdul Hamid II of Turkey, Le Petit Journal, 18 October, 1908. Photo: Mary Evans,
15. An Italian soldier grabs the green standard of the Prophet during the annexation of Tripoli, Le Petit Journal, 12 November, 1911. Photo: akg-images,
16. ‘Fire in the Balkans’, cartoon by Thomas Theodor Heine, from Simplicissimus, 28 October, 1912. Photo: akg-images. © DACS, 2013,
17. ‘The more the nations try to outdo their neighbours in the arms race, the more their own people suffer’, cartoon by Rata Langa, Der Wahre Jacob, 1909. Photo: Mary Evans,
18. ‘The Power Behind’, cartoon by L. Raven Hill, Punch, 29 July, 1914. Photo: Mary Evans,
19. Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, front page of the Daily Mirror, 29 July, 1914. Photo: John Frost Newspapers/Mary Evans,
20. ‘Bravo, Belgium!’, cartoon by F. H. Townsend, Punch, 12 August, 1914. Photo: Mary Evans,
Black and white illustrations
1. View of the Alexandre III bridge and of the Grand and Petit Palais (respectively left and right on the image) during the Paris Exposition, 1900. Photo: Brown University Library, Providence, RI
2. Royal group at the Palais Edinburgh, Coburg, 1894. Private Collection. Photo: Bernard Platman Antiquarian Collection/The Bridgeman Art Library
3. Kaiser Wilhelm II with Edward VII. Photo: Mary Evans/SZ Photo
4. Otto von Bismarck, 1890. Photo: akg-images
5. Franz Joseph I. Photo: Illustrated London News Ltd/Mary Evans
6. Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, c.1900. Photo: IAM/akg-images
7. Jean de Bloch. Photo: New York Public Library/The Bridgeman Art Library
8. Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz, c.1910. Photo: akg-images
9. Vice-Admiral Sir John Arbuthnot Fisher, c.1896. Photo: Robert Hunt Library/Mary Evans
10. Théophile Delcassé. Photo: Roger-Viollet/Topfoto
11. Tsar Nicholas II and his family. Photo: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C.
12. Bloody Sunday on Nevsky Prospekt, St Petersburg, 9 January 1905. Photo: ullstein bild/Topfoto
13. Jean Jaurès, making a speech, 1914. Photo: akg-images
14. Bertha von Suttner, 1908. Photo: Imagno/akg-images
15. Greek boy scouts training in first aid, 1912. Photo: Roger Viollet/Topfoto
16. The Feast of Joan of Arc, Orléans, May 1909. Photo: Roger-Viollet/Topfoto
17. President Raymond Poincaré and General Joseph Joffre, observe French army manoeuvres, Toulouse, 1913. Photo: Roger Viollet/Topfoto
18. Helmut von Moltke, 1908. Photo: Roger Viollet/Topfoto
19. Vladimir Sukhomlinov, 1909. Photo: © RIA Novosti/TopFoto
20. Alfred von Schlieffen. Photo: Mary Evans/SZ Photo/Scherl
21. Bernhard von Bulow in Italian uniform, 1908. Photo: Bundesarchiv, Koblenz
22. Kaiser William II riding through Tangier, 31 March 1905. Photo: The Granger Collection/Topfoto
23. Herbert Asquith, 1915. Photo: Illustrated London News Ltd/Mary Evans
24. Alois Aehrenthal, c.1907 Photo: akg-images/ullstein bild
25. Sir Edward Grey. Photo: Mary Evans
26. Colonel Dragutin Dimitrijević (Apis), 1900
27. Bulgarian troops taken by train to the Turkish border during the Balkan wars of 1912–13. Photo: Mary Evans/SZ Photo/Scherl
28. Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie, on the morning of the assassination, Sarajevo, 28 June, 1914. Photo: Robert Hunt Library/Mary Evans
28a. (inset) Gavrilo Princip. Photo: Topfoto
29. A lieutenant reads an announcement to crowds outside the Zeughaus, Berlin, 31 July, 1914. Photo: akg-images
30. Count Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf, c. 1900. Photo: Mary Evans/SZ Photo/Scherl
31. Count Leopold Berchtold, 1915. Photo: Illustrated London News Ltd/Mary Evans
32. István Tisza. Photo: Mary Evans/SZ Photo/Knorr & Hirth
33. Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg, c. 1914. Photo: Mary Evans/Sueddeutsche Zeitung Photo
34. Departure of conscripts from Berlin to the front, c. August 1914. Photo: ullstein bild/Topfoto
35. Removal of the veil that covered the Strasbourg statue in Paris during a patriotic demonstration to celebrate the arrival of French troops in Alsace, 10 August, 1914. Photo: Roger Viollet/Topfoto
36. Remains of the University Library, Louvain (Leuven), 1914. Photo: Private Collection
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