and Japan 161, 163
Russian presence in 47, 49, 161–62, 174, 182
and British defeat in a maritime war 105–6
British dominance 4
and Diamond Jubilee 25
Marchand, Captain Jean-Baptiste 22, 133–34, 135
Marconi 486
Marconi, Guglielmo 222
Margutti, Count Albert von 204, 205
Maria Feodorovna (Dagmar of Denmark; Nicholas II’s mother) 171, 175–76
Marie, Empress of Russia 4
Marie Antoinette 167
Marie Nikolaevna, Grand Duchess of Russia, murdered by the Bolsheviks P1.11
Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso 247, 265
Marlborough, Duke of 490
Marschall von Bieberstein, Adolf 283, 284
Marx, Karl 284, 286, 288
Marxism 285, 286, 287
Massis, Henri 239
Matisse, Henri 165
Mauretania, RMS 112
Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico 206, 213
May Day 292
Mayerling incident (1889) 2–6
British interests 39, 75, 399, 499
eastern end of 39, 152, 399, 446
France’s Mediterranean destiny 149
passage from Black Sea 38, 75, 181, 182, 195, 225
rivalry in 145
Royal Navy Fleet 112, 135
security of 75, 157, 499
status quo in 35, 225
Meinecke, Friedrich 513, 592
Menelik, Emperor 133
Mensdorff, Count Albert 224–25, 459, 543, 556
mercantile marine, British, destruction of 106
Mesopotamia 555
Messimy, Adolphe 144, 345, 346, 347, 351, 544, 566–67, 583
Messina earthquake (1908) 432
Meteor (yacht) 85, 511
Metternich, Count Paul 58, 120, 151, 248
execution of Maximilian 206, 213
and US investment 16
middle classes
doubting of working class loyalty and reliability 106–7
fashion 11
growth in 7, 78
and the military 258
quality of life 11
rise of 32
Russian 476
savings and property 11–12
tourism 10
working class resentment of 248
Middle East 40, 83
oil fields 499
Milan, King of Serbia 388
militarism xxv, 86, 255–60, 264, 267, 270, 272, 273, 274, 276, 290, 294, 312, 482, 509, P1.15
Military Law (Germany) 430
military planning
acceptance of war as necessary and inevitable 351–52
the business of experts 301
civilian leaders not kept informed xxvii
infatuation with the offensive 351
mass mobilisation xxvi
offensive plans seeking a quick and overwhelming victory 313
rigidity of xxi
Russian 185, 343
selling 235
timetables xxvi
XVII plan (Joffre) 350
see also Schlieffen Plan
Millerand, Alexandre 374
Milovanović, Milovan 441
altering schedules 301
army units 298
Austro-Hungarian 337, 338, 467
British Expeditionary Force 375
German 321–22, 425, 426, 457, 497–98, 566
men and equipment 297–98
Russia xxx, xxxi, 321, 338, 343, 344, 467, 478, 504, 550, 552, 553, 565
Serbian army 537
time taken 301–2
transport 298–301
Moltke, Helmuth von, the Elder 124, 239, 310, 316, 318, P1.18
appearance 295
becomes head of general staff 299
concern about impact of nationalism on war 255
cultured 295
and mobilisation 299, 302
an officer from the Junker class 295, 298
and Schlieffen 317
and Treitschke 81
warns of a new age of wars of peoples 311
Moltke, Helmuth von, the Younger 318, 331, 457, 482, 511, 523, 524, 565, 594
appearance 324
and Belgium 329
character 324, 325, 478
chief of German general staff 295, 324–25
death 601
dismissed 324
exchange of letters with Conrad 334
failing health 526
on the Franco-Russian alliance 561–62
interests 324
and Liège 574
modifies Schlieffen Plan 316, 322, 324, 327–28
and public opinion 479–80
relieved of his duties 595
as Schlieffen’s successor 323, 324, 334
and second Moroccan crisis 426
and Theosophy 325
ultimatum to Belgium 585, 586
and war on two fronts 300–301
war as unavoidable 479, 505
Monaco, prince of 267
Monastir 439–40
Monet, Claude 142
Monroe Doctrine 41, 42, 151
Montenegrin army 401, 402, 502
Montenegro 199, 227, 380, 386, 439
agreement with Bulgaria 444
agreement with Serbia 444
Austria-Hungary offers loans 448
constitution 438
independent state 222
population 437
ports 222
relations with Russia 225–26
response to Serbia’s plea for support 537
and Sanjak of Novi Bazar 382, 396, 401, 409, 454, 465
and Serbia 389, 390, 393, 396, 401
signs alliance with Serbia 444
Moravia 210, 211
Morley, Lord 584, 585
Moroccan army 154
Morocco 126, 132
and 1880 agreement 358
Algeciras Conference 355, 356, 363, 364–65, 367–68, 369
British behaviour in 154
Entente Cordiale 157, 158
falls into anarchy 150, 153
first crisis (1905–6) xxix, 118, 192, 292, 326, 355, 356–62, 377, 392, 405, 413, 424, 429, 467, 471, 486, 541, 605
France and Germany in dispute 252, 413, 414–15
French agreement with Germany (1909) 377
French agreement with Spain 358, 361
French influence in 138, 150–51, 156, 157, 358–59, 413, 414, 415, 427
German interest 415, 421
joint bank loan to 155
Kaiser Wilhelm’s visit to Tangier 353–56, 359, 360, 361, 363, P1.22
mineral rights 411
Open Door policy in 356
second crisis (1911) xxvi, xxix, 293, 326, 372, 374, 406, 411–15, 419–31, 433, 446, 467, 471, 478, 482, 544, 605
Spanish influence 415, 428
Moscow, Bolsheviks attempt to seize 166, 167
Mozambique 45, 421
Müller, Admiral George von 479
Munch, Edvard: Vampire (Love and Pain) 244
Münster, Georg zu 279, 282
Muslims 1, 38, 83, 180, 354, 390, 441
Albanian 462–63
Bosnian 382, 389
Shia 380
Sunni 380, 446
Mussolini, Benito 435, 473
Naples, Italy 222
Napoleon Bonaparte 5, 95, 104, 109, 132, 134, 137, 147, 179, 203, 204, 250, 261, 272, 296, 304, 310, 330, 346
Napoleon III, Emperor 137, 261, 298
Napoleonic Wars (1803–15) xxiii, 18, 179, 269, 296, 375
Narodna Odbrana (National Defence) (Serbia) 401, 439
National Council on Public Morals 245
National Liberals (Germany) 158
national movements 209, 210, 257, 439
National Service League (Britain) 249, 260
nationalism 605
> Albanian 391
Austria-Hungary 165, 203, 209–11, 215–16, 232, 248–49
and better communications 9
Bosnian 440
Bulgarian 439
Chinese 232
in the colonies xx
defined 203
and disarmament 279
ethnic xxvii
French 262, 292, 351, 377, 400
German 81, 377
Hungarian 477
Hungarian revolt against the Habsburgs 3
importance of the nation 248
Indian 597
intense in many pre-1914
European societies P1.16
Irish 107, 490, 543, 588
Italian 431, 433
jingoistic 103
and militarism 264, 312
new nationalist fervour deplored 255
Niemann blames England for wars 253
and Ottoman Empire 248–49
and politicians 439
and ruling classes 473
Rumanian 386, 506
Russian 476, 492, 493
and the Second International 291–92
Serb 209, 215, 238, 388, 389, 390, 410, 465, 515, 546
Slav xxvii, 225, 249, 312, 513
US 16
varied content 249
natural selection 246, 268
Naumann, Victor 521–22
Naval Cabinet (German) 88, 90
Naval College, US 87
Naval Office (Germany) 96
naval race xxvi, xxix, 59, 75, 76, 113, 114, 116–24, 126, 127, 129, 130, 154, 196, 197–8, 225, 253, 282, 315, 359, 393, 394, 406, 423, 471, 477, 492, 507, 508, P1.8, P1.9, P1.21, P1.34
Navy Law (1912; Germany) 430
Navy League (Britain) 49, 105, 128
Navy League (Germany) 97, 119, 472
Navy Office (Britain) 61
Nazis 238, 251, 603
Neklyudov, Anatol 442, 443
Nelson, Admiral Lord Horatio 84, 109, 111, 112
Nemesis (armour-plated steamship) 14
Dutch royal family 281
first Hague Peace Conference 281
second Hague Peace Conference 283
neutrality 328
Neutrality Treaty (1904) 227
New Hebrides (now Vanuatu), and Entente Cordiale 156
New York 232
financial centre 232
New Zealand, and financing of Royal Navy 114
Newbolt, Henry: ‘Vitaï Lampada’ 259
Newfoundland 154
cod crisis 44
and Entente Cordiale 156
France’s rights in 151, 156–57
Nibelungs 197, 198
Nicholas I, King of Montenegro 389, 445
Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia 190, 486
Nicholas II, King of Montenegro 437, 438, 444, 461, 462
Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia (1868–1918) 256, P1.2, P1.11
300th anniversary of Romanov rule 474
abdication 601
absolute monarchy 169, 173
advisers 173
and annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina 398
announces that Russia and Germany are at war 581
appearance 171, 487
becomes Tsar (1894) 164, 169
Björkö agreement 189–90
character and views 169–73
childhood 170
and death of his father 169, 171
and the Duma 168, 173, 178
education 170–71
and Edward VII 187
fundamental weakness xxx
isolated on his country estate 167, 176–77
‘Little Father’ 167
love of the military 171, 205
marriage 174–75, 185
military service 171
murdered by the Bosheviks 601, P1.11
and Queen Victoria 175, 187
reactionary influences 483
relations with the Kaiser 358, 419, 494–95, 590
and religion 172
resents Wilhelm’s advice 188–89
response when told of the ultimatum to Serbia 551–52
Reval meeting 394
and Russo-Japanese War 174
and second Moroccan crisis 423
telegrams to Wilhelm 566–67
at wedding of Kaiser’s daughter 469
Nicholas Nikolayevich, Grand Duke 177, 550
Nicolson, Sir Arthur 114–15, 153, 154, 194, 367, 368, 406, 408, 424, 443, 496–97, 543, 555, 557, 580, 588
Nicolson, Harold 115
Niemann, August 253
Nietzsche, Friedrich 229, 237–38, 308, 440
nihilism 241
Nijinsky, Vaslav 229, 230
Nile river 34, 131, 133, 134
Nixon, Richard xxix, 58, 155
Nobel, Alfred 267–8, 304, P1.14
Nordau, Max: Degeneration 243
North Africa
French influence in 138, 150
Ottoman influence 380
North Sea 101, 113, 130, 159
extensive British manoeuvres in 112
German bases in 93, 117, 129
Kaiser’s summer cruises 62, 64
Northcliffe, Lord 102, 103, 107
Noske, Gustav 286
Obrenović, Alexander 514
Observer 103, 122
Olga Nikolaevna, Grand Duchess of Russia 109, 169
murdered by the Bolsheviks 601, P1.11
Olney, Richard 17, 41
Olympic Games 20, 232
1900 Games 7
Omdurman, Battle of (1898) 134
Opium War, First (1839–42) 14
Orange Free State 23, 50, 258
Osborne, Isle of Wight 84, 85, 109
Ostend 563–64
Ottoman armies 445, 461
Ottoman Empire
Armenian massacres (mid 1890s) 38, 39
at the mercy of its nationalities 203
and Black Sea 38, 75
and Bosnia 2
collapse of 599
corruption 39
decaying xxviii, 14, 39, 83, 135, 181, 199, 200, 216, 222, 269, 333, 379, 380, 381, 385, 395, 414, 440, 441
division of 485
European influence 40
First Balkan War (1912) P1.28
French interest in 149, 381, 446
German interest in 99, 185, 378, 456–57, 492, 494
in Great War 597
and imperialism 39
joins Serbia and Greece against Bulgaria 462
loans to 138, 446
loss of xx, 226, 227, 493
nationalism 381
Nicholas of Montenegro declares war 445
Paris Universal Exposition 1–2
propped up by great powers 382
relations with Britain 38, 39
relations with Germany 83
Russian interest in 494
territory in North Africa 138
and Triple Alliance 575
war with Italy over Libya (1911) 220, 431, 433–35, 441, 447, 473, 560
War Minister killed by Young Turks 459
weak and divided 153
Oxford University 152–53, 496
Pacific islands, imperialism in 39
pacifism, pacifists 139, 265, 274, 275, 282, 293–94, 488, 509, 585
Page, Walter 591, 592, 597
Paget, Sir Arthur 491
Palais des Beaux-Arts, Paris 4, 239
Paléologue, Maurice 149, 341, 364, 544, 550, 551, 552, 565, 583
Palestine 150
Palmerston, Lord 136
Pan-German League 8, 97, 158, 421
Panama Canal 17
Panama Canal Company 140
Pankhurst, Christabel 489
Pankhurst, Mrs Emmeline 489
Panslavism 382, 387, 401, 410, 448, 449, 546, 590
Panther (German gunboat) 411, 412, 419, 420, 421, 422, 424
Alexander I marches through 147
trations 559
Edward VII visits (1903) 155–56
financial centre 232
Poincaré greeted with enthusiasm 565
population 7
terrorism 241
Paris Chamber of Commerce 6
Paris Commune 140
Paris Métro 9
Paris Municipal Council 145
Paris Peace Conference (1919) xxx
Paris Universal Exposition (1900) 142, 232, 239, 596, P1.1
achievements of Western civilisation 6
and alliance system 22
Bloch’s exhibit 271–72
celebrates progress 20, 238
countries represented 1–5, 15–16
and Dreyfus affair 145
Exposition Annexe, Vincennes 7
Hachette guide 2, 6, 7, 8, 21, 23
Japanese exhibits 15, 21
Olympic Games 7
opened by Loubet 1
Palace of Armies and Navies 22
Palace of Electricity 2, 6
Palace of Teaching and Education 8
Palais de l’Horticulture Etrangère 11
Palais de l’Hygiène 10
success of 1
Parliament Bill (1910) 129
Parsons, Charles 28, 113
Pašić, Nikola 388, 401, 439, 442, 450, 451, 463, 515, 533, 534, 536, 537, 538
Pasteur, Louis 10
patriotism xxvii, 81, 103, 106, 139, 250–51, 308
inverted 255
Peace Crusade 283
peace movement 268, 268, 274, 275, 276, 278, 279, 280, 282, 284, 285, 293, 468, 470, 503, 509, 581, 593
pensions 108, 127
People’s Budget 128–29
Perdicaris, Ion 358
Permanent Court of Arbitration, Peace Palace, The Hague, Netherlands 281–82, 561
Persia (Iran)
Anglo-Russian Convention 194–95, 196
British move into 192
and the Great Game 40
and imperialism 39
struggle for influence in 555
weak and divided 153
Peter I, King of Serbia 389, 438, 439, 514, 515, 542
Peter the Great 165, 168, 184–85
Peterhof, near St Petersburg, Russia 176, 548
Pfadfinder 260
Philip, Prince, HRH The Duke of Edinburgh 106, 601
Philippe, M. 173
Philippines, US control of 16, 40
Picard, Alfred 8, 22
Picasso, Pablo 21, 165, 230
Pichon, Stephen 400, 429
Picquart, Colonel Georges 141, 143
Pissarro, Camille 142
Pius X, Pope 240
Plehve, Vyacheslav 166
Plymouth 89
Poincaré, Henri 483
Poincaré, President Raymond 495, 497, 538, 551, 582
aims to make France stronger and more assertive 485
anti-German nationalist 429
and British expeditionary force 446–47
calls for national unity 583
character 483–84
on French desire for peace 139
and French loans to Russia 370, 486
French policy 483
on Germany 485
presides over France’s victory 603
The War that Ended Peace Page 90