by Toshia Slade
“I don’t know anything about that.” He pulls a shirt out of his dresser, pulling it on.
“It’s your house Brandon. How the hell do you know nothing about it?”
“Look,” he starts walking towards me and I hold my hands up to stop him. He stops a few feet in front of me. “Some guys showed up last night that I didn’t know. They were friends of one of my buddies. I walked in and saw them crushing up pills and snorting them. I was shitty drunk and didn’t really want a fight, so I told my buddies they aren’t welcome back. I’m sorry I hurt you. I figured you were with Tiff and I would have a guy’s night. I won’t do it again. And I promise not to have anyone I don’t know over again.”
“You promise you really don’t know anything about it?”
“I promise.” He reaches for me and I let him pull me in and wrap me in his arms.
“I don’t like that stuff and want nothing to do with it. I won’t deal with it being around me in any way.”
“Okay. I’ll take care of it. Now relax.” He kisses the top of my head.
“Want some pizza?”
“Later.” He starts backing us up towards his bed. “I’ve missed you.”
I put my hands on his chest and push. “Not with all those people in your house.” I point to the floor indicating all the people passed out down stairs.
“Alright.” He drops his arms from around me. “Let me take a quick shower and we’ll go eat pizza.”
While Brandon is in the shower I don’t know what to do with myself, so I head down to the kitchen and start cleaning up. I find garbage bags under the sink and start clearing off all the empty bottles, dumping the ones that still have beer in them in the sink. The glass clinking gets people stirring and soon they start to leave when they see Brandon isn’t with me. Assholes. They helped make this mess they should clean it.
I can’t believe Brandon hangs out with people that would bring that stuff into his house. What if cops come? What if I was here and they came? I could go to jail and chance being kicked out of school and a record to boot. If I ever find that shit again, I’m gone. I won’t chance it.
Once I have a bag full of all the bottles cleared from the kitchen, I grab a rag and wipe off the counters and kitchen table. As I’m finishing up in the kitchen, Brandon comes in and presses his chest to my back, pulling me into a hug. He places a kiss on my neck, “you didn’t have to clean, babe.”
“I didn’t have anything else to do.” He keeps kissing my neck and I pull away. I’m still a little mad and hurt and I know where he’s going with this. I don’t want to have sex with him right now. I want to eat pizza and go do something fun.
I reach up in the cabinet and pull down two plates, putting a couple slices on each plate. I reach into the fridge and grab two Cokes. “You want to eat in here or in the living room?”
“We’ll eat in here. I’ll clean up in there after we eat.”
“So what do you want to do today?” I’m picking at my pizza, not really hungry anymore.
“How about we curl up on the couch and watch a movie? I’m so tired.”
“I thought we would go do something fun. Like go bowling or dinner and movie. We never get to go out.”
“With school and your work, we don’t have time.” He gets up to get more pizza. “How about I take you out this week?”
“Can’t. Finals. And I have to pull a lot of shifts this week since I’m taking all next weekend off. And Josh called yesterday, he needs me to come out and stay Friday, to help Saturday morning.”
“I’m sorry, babe. I’m beat. I’ll take you out soon.”
“It’s fine. I’ll head on home then. I had laundry going anyway. I need to get some stuff done.”
“Hey.” Brandon gets up and hugs me. “Please don’t be mad. Why don’t you stay and watch one movie? Or go home and do what you need to do and you can come back. Bring some clothes and stay the night.”
Maybe I’m being a bitch. I hate that we never go out. I thought we could do something different for a change. I guess as long as we get to spend time together that’s all that matters. “Are you sure? If you’re tired then I can let you sleep.”
“I’m sure.” He kisses my lips, and then smacks my butt. “Run home do what you need to do, then grab some clothes and come back. I’ll get the rest of the house picked up while you’re gone.”
“Alright. I’ll be back in a bit.” I kiss his lips and before I can pull away, he pulls me in and wraps his arms around me, running his tongue over the seam of my lips coaxing me to open up to him. I open and he tilts my head to deepen the kiss.
This is exactly what I needed to clear my head of all thoughts. Thoughts of Cam and his kiss, Brandon hurting me, and my doubts.
Chapter Fourteen
After spending the rest of Sunday with Brandon, I didn’t see him outside of class all week, between work and cramming in last minute studying for midterms. Friday is finally here! Now I just have to get through one more shift, and then Tiff and I are heading for Josh and Cam’s. I’m a little nervous about staying under the same roof as Cam. What if he tries to kiss me again? Will I be able to resist him? Stop being stupid, Gabby! Josh and Tiff will be there. Everything will be fine. I’m pulled from my thoughts as Tiff comes barreling though the staff door at the coffee shop.
“It’s Friday, biotch! Finally! Can’t wait to get my drink on, and maybe find a little play toy for the night.” Tiff wiggles her eyebrows up and down, thrusting her hips.
“Oh my god, no you didn’t. You’re such a hooker.” I can’t help but laugh. She talks a lot, but she isn’t one for a one-night stand. She acts all big and tough but has the biggest heart.
“A girl has needs and it has been WAY too long, my friend.” She draws out the word way.
I shake my head and finish tying my apron. “I know you. You’re not going to have sex with some stranger and forget about it!”
She doesn’t respond, only goes about getting ready for our shift.
This evening is dead at the shop. Most students are out celebrating the end of midterms, and it’s not with coffee. We have a few customers sitting at the tables either reading or working on their laptops. I check my phone to see two texts.
I text Brandon Josh’s address, and let him know he can come whatever time he wants to.
I let out a whoop and fist pump, drawing the attention of everyone in the coffee house. Heat blooms in my cheeks and spreads down my neck into my chest.
ME: R U SERIOUS? I <3 U!!!
Tiff comes over and bumps her shoulder into mine, looking down at my phone. “What has you all excited?”
Hooch is one of my favorite drinks, but it’s a lot of work and expensive with all the fruit that goes into it. “We’re going to be cutting fruit all night. Josh and Cam are buying the stuff for hooch!”
“Hangover here I come.”
Tiff is right. It tastes just like Hawaiian Punch, so you can’t taste the alcohol and you drink way too much, but it’s so good.
A couple of hours later, around eight, we’re still slow and only have a girl reading and another girl on her computer. “Let’s start clean up so we can get out of here right at nine.”
“Sounds good to me.” Tiff heads to the back to get the mop ready while I go around cleaning the tables off and turning the chairs upside down on the table.
Everything is done and we’re ready to get out of there right at nine.
“Let’s get out of here. I want to stop by the liquor store and pick up a pack of wine coolers.” Tiff removes her apron and grabs her purse while I do the same.
“I’m ready to get there and get started. Why don’t we just have a few glasses of the hooch, we can mix it then add the fruit?”
Tiff shrugs. “Okay with me.”
“You want to drop your car off at home and
ride out with me? I’m not too sure how many people are coming, so it will save parking room.”
“Yeah, see ya there.”
Twenty minutes later and we’re pulling up to the guys’ house. I’m exhausted and not too sure if I’ll make it through all of the fruit. It’s a lot! You have to wash and cut up apples, oranges, pineapple, strawberries, and pull grapes from the vines.
The guys come out and greet us, helping with our bags. “Okay, let’s get this done. I’m worn out and ready for bed. Can everything but the hooch wait till tomorrow?” I follow behind Josh and Tiff, up the stairs.
“Yeah, I figured with the four of us it wouldn’t take us too long to get the decorations done, and we can sleep in tomorrow.”
Cam leans in and whispers in my ear, “I grabbed you one of your Rockstar drinks too. I figured you’d be tired.” Shivers run from my neck to my toes and I break out in goose bumps. Why can I not feel like that with Brandon? Why does Cam have to do something sweet and be so damn hot? Brandon, Brandon, Brandon, Brandon. I need to keep reminding myself of him. I feel like a damn yo-yo, going in one direction only to be yanked in another.
“Thanks.” I look over my shoulder and catch Cam staring at my ass. Heat pools between my thighs. Gosh dammit. I will not go there again. I rush into the house and head straight to the refrigerator for my energy in a can. Pulling all of the fruit out that we’ll be using, I take advantage of the cool air hitting my heated cheeks. How am I supposed to spend the whole weekend with him after being here for less than five minutes and look where I am already? Lord, please have mercy on me. I need to get over this man. I have a hot boyfriend. Who lies to you! He didn’t lie to me; it was misunderstanding. Right? Great, now I’m arguing with myself!
Watching Gabby hide her face in the fridge, to cover up the blush from catching me checking out her ass, has to be one of the cutest things I’ve seen. It makes me happy to know I still affect her.
Having her in the house, not even a hundred feet from my bed is killing me. I want to take her to my bed and hold her for hours. Don’t get me wrong, I want to be buried deep in her, but not until she’s mine. I just want that feeling, the way my heart speeds up and how she fits my body perfectly when she’s in my arms.
I don’t think she even knows that we’re alone in the room right now. I do know that her bent over in those tight khakis pants, showcasing her fantastic ass, is making it uncomfortable in my pants. I hurry and adjust before she turns around or someone walks into the room.
Josh comes walking into the kitchen carrying the huge plastic tub we bought. “I already washed this and it’s ready for stuff to start going in. Why don’t you go get a shower, change, and then you all can start?”
“If I go shower now I’ll be done. Besides, I’m just going to get dirty and all sticky from the fruit anyways. Let me drink this and we’ll get it done.” She takes a quick drink, and then goes to the sink to wash all the fruits.
Images of licking Gabby clean flash through my mind. I push down the moan that wants to be released. Get your head out of the gutter, asshole. What’s more important, banging Gabby or making her yours?
“Well, if you’re not going to go shower, I’m going to jump in.” I need a cold shower to try to get rid of this hard-on I’m currently supporting.
Once I’m in the shower, I turn the water on as cold as I can stand it. And wait. Nothing happens. Shit! I’m going to have to take care of it or I’ll be hard all night.
I wrap my right hand around myself, bracing my left on the shower wall. Closing my eyes, I’m back on the dance floor. Gabby’s hot, wet pussy is grinding on my leg. Her warm, soft body is pressed against mine.
My breathing increases along with my strokes.
I think back to the sweet taste of Gabby when my tongue was in her mouth, on her neck. How her ass felt in my hands. Tingling shoots down my spine.
I lean back against the shower wall and pump my cock faster, cupping my balls in my other hand.
I remember Gabby panting and breathless in my arms. Her soft moans, as I ground my dick into her. I throw my head back and groan as I shoot my load all over the shower wall.
I hang my head between my arms, trying to catch my breath. That night has gotten me off every night this week. I should feel bad. She’s my best friend’s little sister and she has a boyfriend. But, I don’t. Gabby will be mine one day. And that day is coming soon.
All cleaned up, I jump out and dry off. I throw on some ball shorts and head back to the kitchen. Gabby is bent over the tub pouring juice in, and I start to harden again. It’s going to be a long weekend.
Chapter Fifteen
It takes a little over two hours to make the hooch and I’m beyond ready for bed. “I’m going to go take a shower.” I finish wiping off the kitchen table and turn to Josh. “Where are we sleeping?” They have a three-bedroom house, but the spare is their home office.
Josh grabs Tiff in a headlock. “You can sleep with me. I know how scared of the dark you are.” He ruffles her hair, and then throws a wink my way.
“In your dreams, stud.” Tiff shoves Josh away from her and stands up. “I need a shower, too; I’m a sticky mess.” She walks out of the kitchen.
“At least you know I’m a stud!” Josh yells and follows her out.
Thank god, there are two showers. I would fight Tiff over it right now. I want to get clean and climb in bed.
“Y’all can have my bed. I’ll sleep on the couch,” Cam says as he finishes his beer.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I need to grab my charger and pillow, and then it’s all yours.”
“Okay, thanks.” I follow him out of the kitchen and can’t help but admire his back and his strong muscles without his shirt on. I see part of the tattoo he has on his ribs that comes around a little on his back. My mouth waters and heat blooms between my legs thinking about how it would taste and feel to trace each word in the script with my tongue. I wonder how many other girls have gotten to do that. It makes me sick to my stomach to think about how many women Cam’s been with. My chest aches and I rub it trying to dull the pain. Stop it, Gabby. You shouldn’t be thinking like that, you have Brandon.
I shake my head to clear my thoughts and hear the shower running in the hall bathroom. I knock and poke my head in, “We’re sleeping in Cam’s room, so when you get done, come in there.”
“Okay. I have to grab my stuff out of Josh’s room when I’m done.”
I turn and pull the door shut and see Cam come out of Josh’s room carrying my bag.
“I grabbed yours. I didn’t know if Tiff was going to get dressed in there or what.” He hands me my bag and kisses my forehead.
Why does he have to keep doing nice things? First the drink, the bag, and now his lips on me. I can’t take it.
“Thanks.” I take my bag and head straight for Cam’s room, darting into the bathroom. “Night” I say right before I shut the door.
“Good night,” I say to the door. I hear the shower start and immediately start to harden thinking about Gabby naked in my shower, water running down her body. I imagine what it would be like to be in there with her, licking the water off her, cupping her breasts in my hands, kissing, and biting down her body. I’ve gotta get out of here before I do something stupid.
I grab my charger and one of the four pillows from my king-size bed. Gabby will be in my bed in less than thirty minutes. What would it be like to lay her out on my bed? Take her slow, her below me, face flushed, breathless, and moaning my name. My semi-hard cock is now hard as a rock and throbbing. Get your ass moving, Taylor. No going there. Tonight.
I stop at the hall closet, grab a blanket, and make my way to the couch. I’m really glad we decided to get the sectional now. My six foot two frame doesn’t fit well on a couch. I get comfortable and my mind goes directly to the thought of Gabby sprawled out on my bed, her hair all spread out on my pillow, in nothing but a t-shirt
and panties. How the hell am I going to get sleep, knowing she’s in there, in my bed?
Chapter Sixteen
Lying in Cam’s bed, I’m surrounded by his woodsy scent. I can’t help but bury my head in his pillow and inhale. His room is all him, a huge king-size log bed, along with matching log dressers. He even has a couple countryside pictures hanging on his walls. And it’s the most comfortable bed I’ve ever laid in. Yet, I still can’t fall asleep.
Tiff was already in the bed, curled up, and snoring when I came out of the shower. And here I am, tossing and turning, wishing the ache between my legs would go away. I took a cold shower trying to ease it, but nothing worked. I just kept picturing Cam in the shower just hours before me. I can’t stop imagining what it would be like to take a shower with him, running my hands up and down his chest, covering him in suds and watching them roll down his chest, stomach, and over that thin line of dark hair.
I groan and scrub my hands down my face. I have to stop this, coming here to spend the weekend was a bad idea. All of the progress I made is now gone and I feel like I’m being pulled in even more.
Cam’s words play back in my head. “I’m not sorry I kissed you, because that was the best kiss of my life. You mean the world to me, Thumper, and I’ve realized a lot of stuff in the past month.”
What does that even mean? What did he realize? I throw the covers off and sit up. I’m not going to be getting sleep any time soon. And I’d rather think while out on the porch, looking up at the stars, in the fresh air. I’ll get a glass of water and sit on the back deck.
I tip toe through the hall and the living room, into the kitchen, not wanting to wake anyone. I open the cabinet slowly, trying to keep the noise down, and then make my way over to the refrigerator to get the water. I press the glass in the hole on the lever and I cringe. Why is it when you’re trying to be quiet everything seems so much louder than it really is?