Tempest (Warriors of the Wind Book 1)

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Tempest (Warriors of the Wind Book 1) Page 3

by Anna Hackett

  One of his hands slid down to cup her breast and he groaned. Violent need tore at Riley. The primal act of the animals mating had triggered something in her. Blood pumped thickly through her veins and she nipped at his bottom lip.

  She ground against his straining erection. There was just the barrier of their clothes between their hot, straining bodies. Even through denim and his jodhpurs, she felt the heat of him and the solid size of his cock. His hips pushed against her and she bucked her hips.

  “Dio. I’m so close to dragging you down onto the grass and fucking you right here.” His voice was a guttural growl.

  The words sent a rush of desire arrowing between her legs. She wanted him to strip her naked and take her here. His lips trailed over her jaw, then his teeth captured her earlobe. She cried out.

  “I want to pound myself inside you until we both explode. I don’t care that my grooms could stumble on us at any moment.” His fingers tugged at her nipple. “Except I don’t want anyone else to see you naked but me.”

  She wanted to know what it felt like to be taken, and to lose herself in Lorenzo Venti.

  Deepening the kiss, she took more. She slid her hands up and into his thick hair, moaning into his mouth.

  Her power swelled inside her, uncalled and out of control. She realized just taking his body wouldn’t be enough. She wanted more.

  As his hands slid over her and cupped her ass. She wanted every part of Lorenzo, every shadowed corner of him. She wanted to pour her healing power into him, as he poured himself into her. The need rose up like an unstoppable wave. She wanted to see the pain buried behind his eyes disappear. She wanted Lorenzo’s trust, his smile, his soul, his everything.

  A part of her fought the call. A dim voice in her head told her to stop, but the wave pushed her on. Maybe he could make her forget the dark anger burning inside her? Make her forget the scent of burning flesh and the spill of blood.

  She twisted her hands in the dark mass of his hair and tugged his head back to look into his brown eyes.

  The power poured out of her in a rush.

  Lorenzo jerked like he’d been hit by lightning. His eyes widened and his jaw tensed.

  “Dio.” The word was a choked whisper. “No. No.” He yanked himself away from her, and bent over, pressing his palms to his knees.

  The break in the connection left Riley reeling. It took her a moment to rein in her powers. Shit, what had she done? Struggling to clear her head, she moved up beside him, her knees unsteady.

  “Don’t touch me.” He didn’t look at her, just stared at the grass, air sawing in and out of his lungs.

  “Okay. Okay.” But she wanted to touch him. For some reason, this man made her want to hold him and help him fight all his battles. She shook her head. What the hell was she thinking?

  An image of her mother—tied to a post with flames licking at her feet—sprang into Riley’s head. She’d promised over Maggie Donovan’s charred body that she wouldn’t follow her mother’s path.

  Today she’d come very close to breaking that vow.

  Lorenzo straightened. His face was set and pale. “What the hell are you?”

  She stood and shoved her hands into her pockets. She never talked about what lived in her blood. But he was the Keeper of the Winds and had his own powers. She knew he wasn’t going to tie her up and toss a match at her.

  “I’m a descendant of the Goddess of the Sacred Flame.”

  Lorenzo’s brow creased. “Vesta?”

  She shrugged. “That was her Roman name. In Ireland, they called her Brigit.”

  “Luca never mentioned your power.”

  Riley shrugged again. “I don’t talk about it. And I don’t usually use my powers on humans.”

  “Whatever you did to me before, don’t do it again.”

  She wasn’t going to admit that her power had been out of her control. “I’m sorry, Lorenzo. I never meant for that to happen.”

  He pushed his hair back. “Let’s forget it happened.”

  She lifted her chin. “My power or kissing you?”

  His gaze narrowed. “All of it, Riley.”

  Goddess, he was gorgeous. It made her itch to reach for him. “You enjoyed kissing me.”

  His teeth clicked together. “I’m less concerned about the kiss.”

  “So it’s okay to kiss you, just not to heal you?”

  The breath whistled through his teeth. “Heal me? Is that what you can do?”

  She shrugged a shoulder. “Among other things.”

  “I don’t need healing. Just don’t touch me at all. The mating is done, a room is prepared for you in the villa for tonight. But tomorrow, I want you off my island.”

  She watched him stalk away and her smile dissolved. He clearly didn’t want her touching whatever was tucked away inside him. That should make her happy.

  But she wanted to touch Lorenzo and, goddess help her, a part of her wanted to heal him.

  Had it been like this for her mother? Had she been unable to resist the urge and been at the mercy of her powers? Riley’s hands curled tight until her knuckles ached. Then she forced her fingers to relax, one by one.

  It was best for both her and Lorenzo if she got off this island.

  One night. She had to get through one night, then she’d be far away from the frustrating temptation of Lorenzo Venti.

  Chapter Four

  Riley jerked awake. Throbbing agony filled her chest.

  But it wasn’t hers. It belonged to someone else.

  She pushed the sheet away from her naked body. The bedroom was as dark as pitch, and outside a strong wind rattled the windows.

  She strode to the French doors. In the moonlight, she saw a vicious wind scraping across the island, bending trees and knocking over anything light enough to move.

  Something was wrong. Very wrong.

  She spun and snatched up her jeans off a chair. Was Lorenzo okay? Was it his anguish storming through her?

  She yanked her jeans on and then a shirt, fumbling with the buttons. She strode out of the room and raced down to the double doors at the end of the hall. Lorenzo’s bedroom.

  Riley shoved open the doors.

  He was awake.

  He was just pulling jeans up over his naked body. His skin glowed in the light from the lamp beside the huge bed. His chest was wide and hard, and his stomach was tight ridges of muscle. The breath in Riley’s lungs evaporated and desire poured into her bloodstream. He was so gorgeous.

  He spun, staring at her. His gaze drifted down her body, lingering on her bra-less breasts, before his head jerked up. He turned his back to her and yanked on a white shirt that he left unbuttoned. A well-worn pair of boots followed.

  “Go back to your room.” He swept by her.

  “Tell me what’s going on.” She fell into step beside him.

  He shot her an unreadable look. “The winds are causing trouble at the stables.”

  Don’t get involved, Donovan. She should go back to her bed. In a few hours, the sun would rise and she’d be far away from Isola del Vento. Safe, back in her own world.

  But there was no way she’d let him go down there alone, even if he was the damn Keeper of the Winds. “I’m coming with you.”

  He held up a hand. “The winds are my business.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t care. Today Lorenzo, you’ll have to accept some help.”

  “You always have to argue and push.” He shook his head. “I don’t have time for this. If you’re coming, fine, come.”

  Together they ran down to the stables, the icy wind tearing at their clothes. They stepped into the building. Inside it was quiet, the lights on low. Riley heard the hushed snuffles of the horses.

  Lorenzo strode to a stall and pushed it open. “Here.”

  Inside, a white horse lay on her side, her breathing labored. Lorenzo crouched beside the animal, murmuring soothing sounds, and running his hands over the mare’s swollen belly. “It’s okay, bella.”

  Riley crouched beside him and reached out to touch the mare. Her agony melded into Riley. “She’s in pain.”

  “I worked that much out.” Lorenzo blew out a sharp breath. “It’s the damned winds. They find new ways to wreak havoc and pain.” His jaw worked. “They’ve targeted the horses before, but with Stromboli grumbling, it’s strengthening them.”

  “You don’t have a vet on staff?”

  “I do, but he’s in Rome for a conference. And because of the winds’ power…” Lorenzo shook his head. “Even if he was here, there wouldn’t be much he could do.” Lorenzo moved a hand down the mare’s nose. “Sweet Carina. I was there when she was born. I hate seeing her like this.”

  Goddess, Lorenzo looked almost vulnerable. Again, a warning rang in Riley’s head—don’t get involved. She shouldn’t get any closer to this man who threatened to suck her back into the mire of her past.

  But she’d felt drawn to him from the first moment she’d seen him. She couldn’t resist the call of the hurting horse, or the shimmer of desperation she sensed from Lorenzo.

  “Maybe I can help.”

  His gaze met hers.

  And Riley knew she’d do anything to ease the pain in Lorenzo’s dark eyes.


  Lorenzo kept his eyes locked on Riley’s hands. They moved in a hypnotic motion over the mare. Who knew such an energetic woman, who was always in motion, could be so gentle?

  Her fingers were slim with short, well-shaped nails, but there were a few nicks and scars on her skin. They weren’t the hands of a pampered woman or one who sat at a desk all day.

  She stroked and murmured comforting noises to Carina. Her blonde-brown hair fell over her face, and she was completely focused on the animal. She was locked with Carina, breathing with her.

  Helping to heal her.

  With each circle of those hands, Lorenzo wondered how they would feel on his skin. He swallowed, but it didn’t ease the rock lodged in his chest. She’d given him a taste of it earlier with that frenzied kiss. It was far too easy to fantasize how she’d feel naked under his hands.

  What would it feel like to have all the life, vitality, and heat focused on him?

  His chest tightened. What was he thinking? He couldn’t let himself forget what had happened when her power had hit him. She’d ripped the scabs off his secret wounds and left him choking with hot emotion. The wind kept him cool, and kept the horror of losing his father locked away. Riley made him feel, and in doing so, brought all those horrors to the surface.


  Her voice broke through his thoughts and he looked at her. Her storm-gray eyes held concern, and this close, he could see her long lashes were shades darker than her hair. Why did she have to be so tempting?

  The groove on her brow made him guess she’d called his name a few times. “Si.”

  “I need your help.” She grabbed his hand, her fingers scorching hot on his skin. She tugged him closer, until their shoulders and hips touched, and pressed his hand against Carina’s side.

  Lorenzo stared hard at the horse, but being close to Riley had electricity running through his system. Her hands resumed their fascinating movements, and this time he saw the red glow beneath them. Carina made a sound close to a moan.

  “You’re hurting her.”

  “Healing hurts,” Riley said between clenched teeth. “Help keep her calm.”

  Lorenzo ran his hands over Carina, but he turned his head and studied Riley. Perspiration slid down her face and her jaw was locked tight. “It hurts you, too?”

  She didn’t respond, but her face was a clear answer. Carina stirred, her breathing a little easier. The longer Lorenzo watched Riley, the more in awe he felt. She was magic.

  He’d always known she had a special talent with horses. It was why Luca had hired her. Riley could tame the wildest horse and coax the most broken one. Now he knew why.

  He had lived with his power a long time, but it kept him distant from people. That had always suited him, since he preferred horses over people. Yes, he protected humans, but he couldn’t enrich their lives the way Riley could.

  He leaned into her a little and together, they kept working on Carina. Finally, the horse settled, her body relaxing.

  Riley lifted her head and sat back. “She’s going to be fine.”

  Carina’s belly was back to normal. “Grazie. You have an amazing gift.”

  A muscle jumped in her jaw. “Some might call it a curse.”

  Did she? “You said you don’t use it on humans.”

  She was silent a long time. She leaned over the horse, her hands checking the animal. “I inherited the gift from my mother. She was the most talented healer I’ve ever seen.”

  Lorenzo heard the anger and pain woven into her words. “Was?”

  Riley’s body tensed and she dropped her hands into her lap. “Ma healed the wrong person. The son of a religious fanatic.”

  Unable to stop himself, Lorenzo reached out and placed a hand on Riley’s arm.

  “Despite the fact the bastard’s son was going to live, the man gathered up his cronies for a good old-fashioned witch hunt.” Riley swiveled her head to look at Lorenzo. Storm clouds swirled in her eyes. “He burned her at the stake.”

  Dio. The furious sorrow pumping off her swamped Lorenzo. She’d watched her parent die, ripped from her horribly, just like he had. “I’m sorry.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know why I’m telling you this.”

  And he didn’t know why he was asking. But for some reason, he needed to know. “I…lost my father. I understand. Tell me.”

  “The bastard forced me to watch. I saw them light the fire, heard my mother’s screams.” Riley fingered the scar on her jaw. “I tried to save her….”

  “How old were you?”


  Lorenzo’s fingers clenched on her arm. He imagined a small gray-eyed girl watching her mother die such a horrible death, with no way to save her. Her past held painful memories, just as his did.

  “I remember the smell. I can’t get it out of my head.” She looked up, but she was looking through Lorenzo.

  “What about your father?”

  “He wasn’t in the picture. I lived with my aunt, uncle, and cousins until I was grown.”

  “Wouldn’t your mother have wanted you to carry on her tradition and use your gift?”

  Riley stood, and knocked his hand off her arm. “Over her charred body I swore I’d never heal a person again. Never be a slave to it like she was.” Riley spun to face Lorenzo. “Instead, I used that power for revenge, and broke every rule she believed in. I killed all the men responsible for her death. Burned them, like they burned her.”

  There was silence, except for Carina’s quiet breathing.

  Heart beating hard, Lorenzo got to his feet. If there was ever a woman in need of healing, it was this one. She was as filled with pain as he was.

  “Do you expect me to condemn you?”

  She shoved her hands in the pockets of her low-riding jeans. “I used my power to kill.”

  His gaze traced the slim legs covered by faded denim, the gentle curves of her body, the golden-brown hair falling over her face. Those angry eyes.

  He knew she didn’t want pity or need sympathy. “You think you’re unique?”

  Her head snapped up, her gray eyes hot.

  He splayed his arms. “You don’t think I’ve used my powers to kill?”

  She frowned. “If you have, it was to protect the innocent.”

  “Sometimes. But if I could, I’d take my revenge as well.”


  Gut churning, he stared at her and saw the lines bracketing her mouth. Healing Carina had left her exhausted.

  He stepped in close and for the first time in a long time, he wanted to comfort someone and take care of them. “You’re tired. Come. Let’s get a hot drink and something to eat in the kitchen.” He held out his hand.

  She stared at it for a long moment,
then reached out. When she tangled her fingers with his, he tried not to think about how right it felt.

  Chapter Five

  Riley sat at the long wooden table and watched Lorenzo move around the kitchen. This late at night, all his staff members were tucked up in their beds, but he looked comfortable putting the kettle on to boil and warming up some soup.

  She’d already mowed through a bowl of soup and was feeling better, energy slowly coming back into her body. She watched Lorenzo pour some tea, and then her gaze drifted down his body. His movements were easy, sure.

  And sexy as hell.

  She couldn’t believe she’d blurted out her past to him. Every dark, dirty part of it. She pulled in a deep breath. He hadn’t looked at her like she was a monster.

  He’d watched her with steady understanding. He’d also given her the tiniest glimpse of his own pain.

  Lorenzo set the tea down in front of her and stood there, cradling his mug. “Drink it.” He nodded at her tea. “It’s a special calming blend.”

  She took a sip. She wasn’t much of a tea drinker but this one wasn’t bad. “Anyone ever tell you that you’re bossy?”

  “Yes, you.”

  He sat down beside her. Only an inch separated them.

  “Thank you for healing Carina,” Lorenzo said quietly, his fingers brushing over his mug.

  Riley grabbed his hand. Squeezed. “My pleasure.”

  She watched his body go tense. “You and I…we aren’t a good idea, Riley.”

  “You almost ran me off earlier, Lorenzo, but I’m made of tougher stuff. You need me.”

  His gaze lifted to hers, or rather her mouth. “You mess with my control.”

  She liked hearing that. “Sometimes it’s okay to let go of your control.”

  He shook his head. “I can’t.”

  “You prefer to be the lonesome brooder, never letting anyone close.”

  He glared at her, a strand of dark hair falling across his cheek. “I’m the Keeper, and I have a duty to keep the winds imprisoned.”

  A heavy gust of wind made the windows rattle and he stared out into the moonlit darkness, worry furrowing his brow.


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