In Plain Sight

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In Plain Sight Page 11

by R E Gauthier

  “You know me; I can’t have idle hands around. You would know better than anyone that my work ethics will never change.”

  Kelsey smiled and chuckled softly recalling her first meeting with Coach Thompson. She had been in trouble for months, at school and at home, even her grandmother didn’t know what to do with her, but the day she rode her bike the long trip to Three Rivers, her life changed forever. She heard from a bunch of kids in her neighborhood that a youth center in McMurray had started a bunch of new programs and she wanted to check them out. Her father and brothers wouldn’t drive her, so she got on her bike and rode the ten miles to get there. When she arrived she had been out front with a few boys and they started picking on a younger boy, pushing him and calling him names. Kelsey had intervened and a fight broke out. Coach Thompson arrived in time to see her wallop not one but three of the toughest kids at the center. She had a bleeding nose and a growing shiner on her left eye but she had gotten the best of the bullies and a crowd had grown, egging on the combatants.

  She leaned in for the hug she knew was coming. She had learned long ago that there were people you could trust hugging and those you couldn’t. Coach Thompson was a man she trusted more than any other man in her life. “Coach you know I can never thank you enough for what you did for me all those years ago. Part of what... oh hell all of what I have become is because of you and this center.”

  “Kelsey you were always special, even that first day, you just needed some help in seeing it in yourself. Your grandmother is so very proud of you and has been keeping me apprised of what you have been up to over the years but I want to know how you have been.”

  Kelsey knew that Coach wanted to know how she had dealt with the sense of loss over the years and if she had finally learned to trust people. “I am seeing my father and brother tonight at Nanna’s place for a family memorial celebration commemorating their deaths. I haven’t seen any of them for over two years. I’m not sure what to expect but Nanna says that they’re all excited to see me.”

  “That’s great, you need to have your whole family, and what about a special someone, is there anyone special in your life?”

  She frowned and dipped her head. This seemed to me a common theme with all the people who cared about her so she said what she had been telling everyone else.

  “I haven’t had much time to meet someone and work on a relationship, but I do have a couple of really good friends that I trust and confide in,” she said quietly.

  Coach smiled, the tall woman was more like that shy, angry girl than she would admit. He knew all too well that she was lonely and craved human closeness. The first time he had tried to hug her, was like trying to hug a porcupine but once he got pass her prickly nature she was a very loving and caring girl. Someone just had to get her to trust them and then she would open up like the rarest of flowers. That day Coach had learned that the angry girl needed an outlet before she got into some serious trouble. Over the next few months and years that brooding, hostile girl would turn into one of the best youth mentors and martial arts champion the center had ever seen. He was very proud of the woman and FBI agent she had become. I just wish she could find someone to love.

  The two talked for quite awhile about Kelsey’s FBI career and how her hopes and dreams of finally being able to go after the killer who took her cousin and family away from her. Coach had warned her about getting too invested in a case she may never be able to solve, but Kelsey had always been the girl who never said ‘never’ even when the outcome looked bleak. They talked about a program that Kelsey wanted to help fund in the name of her cousin Aisling that would help impoverished and troubled youths.

  “Kelsey there is another reason why I wanted to see you while you were in the area. I’m not sure if you remember Race Norwood but she has been in touch with me and asked about you the last time she was here.”

  “Yes I remember her”. I remember kissing her out back under the bleachers. “God I haven’t seen or heard from her in ages. The last time I did she was in the Marine Corps and was being deployed to Afghanistan. What has she been up to?”

  “Well I do know she isn’t in the Marines anymore, seems she got discharged honorably over a year ago now. She didn’t give me a number to reach her but said if I ever see you again, she wants you to leave your number with me so she can contact you.”

  “Sure I can do that.” Kelsey gave him one of her FBI cards, with her private cell number on the back. “I really should be getting back to Nanna’s before she starts taking it upon herself to set up for the family get-together tonight.”

  “Well I wouldn’t be surprised if Isla does it all herself; I have never seen such an active ninety year old woman in my life,” Coach said shaking his head and chuckling.

  She winked. “It is the strong Scottish Highland blood she always tells me. I am apt to wager she’ll outlive us all,” she said shaking her head.

  “I wouldn’t take that bet, I would lose my shirt on it. Don’t be a stranger Kelsey. I’ll send those application papers and we can get the fund and program started as soon as possible. I hope you can be here in a few months when we announce it at the Annual Open House.”

  I can’t make any promises but I do plan on coming here for the Holidays this year, Nanna has already made sure I would promise to do that. So maybe I can get over here for the Open House.”

  “You do that and tell Isla I am still waiting for some of her famous oatmeal biscuits.” Coach leaned in for another hug and whispered in her ear. “Please take care of yourself and do try to make time for someone in your life, it is why we were put on this share it with someone.”

  Everyone seemed to be telling Kelsey that very thing lately. What was it with everyone? Not everyone had someone in their life. Kelsey tried in vain to keep the tears from spilling out of her eyes but she just couldn’t do it, so she quickly wiped the offending drops from her cheek and forced a smile. “I’ll tell Nanna you want some of her oatcakes and be sure to give Race my number. I have been thinking about her these last few days and it would be good to reconnect with her.”

  Kelsey left the youth center feeling conflicted; Coach Thompson had been a divining rod in her life and today his words were pointing her in opposite directions. He always helped her work things out but today she only found more things to muddle up her thoughts. Her musings of her ability to read Miranda and Race wanting to reconnect made her think about the consequences of her actions lately. I just need to keep my head in the game and keep all these distractions at bay.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “When you build walls around yourself, you only invite someone to tear them down.”

  Back at the house, Miranda helped Nanna organize the kitchen and the items needed to set up the serving and seating area in the garden. She had shown her a few yoga poses she could daily to stay more limber, although for a ninety year old she looked in amazing shape. Isla asked Miranda to call her Nanna because everyone called her Nanna. She had also made it clear that it was not open to discussion that she would be welcomed to join the family for tonight’s festivities. Miranda didn’t want to argue with her; she had always been taught to respect her elders and she so missed her own grandparents. They had not talked much about the absent agent but she could see that the older woman was preoccupied thinking about her granddaughter.

  “So has Kelsey ever read anyone before me?”

  Nanna turned and her eyes filled with sadness as she frowned.

  “Well I think she has read before and even had visions of the future before today but her father’s disapproval and Kelsey’s guilt beat them out of her.”

  “You don’t mean...?”

  “Oh no, Thomas would never strike one of his children but he and Kelsey never were able to be close ever since her mother died when Kelsey was only six. So he never could embrace her gift, his wife had it and he never did believe in he just squashed it so much little Kelsey just stopped developing her own I think.”

  A deep
sadness fell over her heart; she had learned today that three members of the family had died tragically during an apparent home invasion some twenty-one years ago and tonight’s gathering was a celebration of their lives. Now hearing that Kelsey’s mother and Nanna’s only other daughter had also died years prior, just made her feel such loss for the two women who were becoming more a part of her life than she had ever thought possible.

  “Oh god Isla...I mean Nanna that must have been so awful for everyone. I know now why Kelsey is so close to you.” She went over and drew the older woman into a hug and she hugged her like she wanted to hug her granddaughter. She heard the front door open and knew that Kelsey had returned, she whispered, “Looks like we can’t talk about her any longer.”

  “Not to worry my dear, I could talk about my lovely girl when ever, just let me know,” Nanna said deepening the hug.

  Nanna turned and asked her granddaughter how her time with Coach Thompson had gone when she heard the quiet footsteps coming into the room. How could a woman so tall and strong be so silent when she moved?

  “Our visit went well and he told me to tell you that he is still waiting for your famous oatmeal biscuits.”

  Smiling, Nanna squeezed Miranda’s hand.

  “Oh that is what I wanted to do today...make some of those oatcakes for you.” Glancing over at her beautiful granddaughter and then back to the small woman in front of her; she saw the looks the two women shared without realizing they had.

  “I have invited Miranda to join us tonight and will hear nothing of the contrary refuting it so Kelsey why don’t you and she go out into the garden and start setting up the tables and chairs and when you’re done I’ll have some of my oatcakes warm and ready to eat.” Normally she would never think of asking a guest to help with arrangements or manual labor but seeing how the two women looked at one another and sensing the attraction there she thought putting them together more would be what they both needed.

  Kelsey giggled and gestured for Miranda to join her as she walked out into the garden.

  “Wait till you have tasted Nanna’s Scottish oatcakes. You won’t be able to think of eating any other again.” She took her by the hands and spun her around and then she stopped and looked rather shocked. “I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me. I’m sure just thinking about those yummy oatcakes served with butter and hot syrup has me believing I am a little girl again.” She didn’t look apologetic but mischievous.

  Miranda laughed out loud and when she saw the surprised, hurt look in Kelsey’s eyes she stopped and reached up onto her toes and kissed the red cheek. There was that shy little girl again.

  “I am not laughing at you but with you. I rather like this side of you.” God how will I ever be able to resist her...? Sexy, cuddly and adorable were three of the most irresistible qualities in a woman.

  Kelsey and Miranda worked at assembling the tables and chairs and preparing for the caterers to arrive, while Nanna made her oatcakes. The air filled with the sweet smell of them baking in the oven, the warm day made only bearable by a cool breeze and the shade of the trees in the garden. She thought of earlier when the author had kissed her cheek and how it felt. She had wanted to return that kiss. Several times she had to stop herself from staring at how the small woman walked or moved because she looked surprisingly strong for someone so small. Her inner thoughts were interrupted when the author asked where the lights would go. Not wanting this day to end she prolonged their chore of arranging the garden for everyone to sit and erecting lights over the poolside. Twice she had been caught standing and staring.

  “Kelsey, earth to Kelsey, do you want these over here?” Miranda waved in front of her face.

  “Sorry, I must have been daydreaming. Yes the flowers look great over there.” She still wasn’t totally sure all of what she had asked her. Her mind on the emotions rushing in and the woman who had put them there, she nodded and smiled when Miranda placed the flower basket near the covered swing. A memory of she and her cousin Aisling swinging on it looking up at the stars came to mine and she smiled wistfully.

  Once they were finished the three women had a nice break with tea and warm oatcakes with butter and syrup when they heard the doorbell ring.

  “Kelsey please let the caterers in. Most of them have been here before so they can handle the rest of the arrangements. Miranda you should go and take that long soak in the bath I mentioned before. I am going to take a short power nap.”

  “Nanna you should have said something sooner, the oatcakes could have waited for another time and you could have been resting.”

  She gently scolded her grandmother, who now looked frailer than she did just moments ago. Miranda thought how the agent looked so young and sweet at that moment.

  “I am fine Mo Chridhe. This body just needs more frequent recharging than it once did. I short nap and a shower and I can run circles around you two any day.”

  Miranda chuckled and leaned in to hug Nanna and looked at the worried agent.

  “I have no doubt you could.” She said linking arms with the older woman. Kelsey caught her gaze and mouthed thank you as she walked towards the back stairs arm-in-arm with Nanna. Looking over her shoulder she saw the agent turn and smile at her before she went to the front door. No, thank you Kelsey, she said inwardly but giggled when the tall woman turned and sent her a brilliant smile.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Even deep inside, your heart sees more than your eyes do, so open up and take a good look.”

  At quarter to six, Kelsey nervously wrung her hands and watching the sun reflecting off of the water in the pool. She had changed into a pair of black pressed shorts and a soft blue camisole top over her black bikini swim suit. She had on her flat leather sandals so as not to make herself any taller. She’s so short I don’t want to make her feel any shorter. Shaking her head she tried to clear it but all she could think about was that kiss on her cheek and how a total stranger made her feel. Her face warmed and the same wonderment infused her body; she thinks I’m sexy, cuddly and adorable. Remembering how she knew that she frowned, I should stop reading her thoughts, it isn’t polite. Then she recalled the conversation with Nikki, I have to start treating her like a potential witness not acting like some schoolgirl with a crush. Is it a crush isn’t it, how would I know?

  So caught up in her thoughts she jumped inside when a voice next to her said,

  “Well Kelsey don’t you look lovely tonight. I have a penny for your thoughts.”

  “Ahhh....ummm...sorry I...” she started but recovered quickly when she turned and saw the petite woman standing next to her wearing a sunny yellow pair of shorts and a white tank top over a flowery bikini bathing suit top. Her tanned face was brightened with minimal makeup and her hair pulled off of her face with two hair clips. Shyly she ducked her head and apologized for her inattentiveness.

  “I think I was daydreaming again, sorry what were you saying?”

  “I was just saying how nice you look tonight and... You also looked a bit worried. Is anything wrong?”

  Kelsey felt her face grow hot. Great I’m blushing again. Before this case I only blushed when talking about sex and when Nanna scolded me. Now I blush at the drop of a hat. She had been worrying about the repercussions of having Miranda here tonight but she also thought about her feelings she didn’t want to explain either so she fibbed a little. “I was just thinking about all the plans Nanna has for this garden and wishing I lived closer so I could help her more that’s all. She forgets how old she is sometimes and I worry that one day the frailties of her age will catch up to her.” She knew this sounded plausible because she had been worrying about it earlier and was glad that the author couldn’t read her thoughts.

  “In the short time I have been here I have learned that she is a stubborn, strong woman and you can’t do much to stop her from doing what she loves but its normal for you to worry. I think she’ll be planting and digging for years to come.” Miranda said, punching her arm and looking mischievous

  Kelsey looked down at the petite author and laughed out loud. Had she really just punched me? Then she dipped her head and grabbed Miranda by the waist and lifted her up and over the pool.

  “Well there my little author, how about I see just how fearless you are?” She couldn’t help but smile at the nervous look on Miranda’s face and suddenly she was struck with how she had missed having fun like this with someone.

  “I didn’t say I’m fearless...” Miranda squealed.

  “You have no idea what I am capable of my dear.” Kelsey said as she wiggled her eyebrows, trying to look dastardly.

  Seeing the worried look on the agent’s face; Miranda thought she should try and cajole her out this mood. She punched the rock-hard arm with more bravado than she felt. She knew her mistake as soon as her knuckles connected with the bare arm. A shiver shook her to the core as two strong hands gripped her waist and held her. Hanging over the pool in her arms, she realized the agent had read her mind again. I’m going to have to find a way to block her before I get myself into trouble. But for now seeing the mischievousness in those eyes told her to just play along. So she pleaded and spoke in a feigned frightened tone.

  “Please don’t drop me in the pool, Miss FBI Agent. I’ll do anything to keep from getting wet, anything. She added to the effect by drawing her hands together in prayer at her rapidly beating heart.

  “Anything...? Well we will have to return to this offer of anything another time my dear because I hear our guests arriving but mark my words I will have you in the pool one way or another.” Kelsey said with a wink and turning slightly she deposited her safely on the ground in front of her. Then she kissed her on the top of her head.

  She was certain she wore a shocked expression and growing red color on her face but it went unnoticed by Kelsey as she turned to see her grandmother and a very tall and handsome man come out the patio door. This must be her father, she had his eyes.


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