In Plain Sight

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In Plain Sight Page 22

by R E Gauthier

  Then with the clarity of a cold glass of water thrown in her face she became aware of an ache in her chest that woke her from the pleasure she had been experiencing. Dazed she tried to block it out; not now, leave me alone. The ache grew stronger and she opened her eyes to witness a pair of hurt-filled ones watching her from a few feet away.

  Behind Race she saw Miranda wearing a small dark blue dress and standing up against a woman who fondled her from behind, a hand on her chest and another sliding down her hip. She realized that she must have experienced the author’s feelings seeing her with Race. The dark woman holding Miranda nuzzled her neck and a feeling she had never experienced before bubbled up. Out of nowhere she wanted to punch this strange woman in her face for touching Miranda that way. Knowing she didn’t have the right to feel that way she closed her eyes to try and calm down. Maybe I had experienced sensing what this woman was doing to Miranda and that was my own reaction. She stiffened and automatically pulled away.

  “What’s wrong Kels?”

  She tried not to look but found her eyes fixated on the scene unfolding in front of her. A woman in black had effectively imprisoned Miranda in her strong arms and continued to caress her. Her own body didn’t feel pleasure it only felt pain as she watched the hand on the hip slip under the hemline of the dress and move up.

  Race moved then and turned to see what had drawn her attention.

  That’s when Kelsey saw the author’s face go white and then ashen.

  “Oh my God no...Please no.”

  Kelsey had little time to react to the blackness that overtook her own mind and then she saw the tall woman holding Miranda catch her before she hit the floor. She had known the author would faint it looked familiar to the last time she had seen her faint, the same look, the color washing out of her face and the blackness. This time she couldn’t get to her and it hurt to watch another comforting and holding her. The tall dark woman held the petite woman cradled in her arms as she squatted down and looked around for someone to help. Wanting to go to her, she found it difficult not to rush over and tear Miranda away from that woman.

  “Do you know the woman who fainted?” Race asked her.

  “I I just thought...I’m fine.” She knew she hadn’t made any sense but couldn’t think of how she would explain to Race that the woman who fainted is a witness in the case she’s investigating or tell her that she’s the woman I need you to distract me from. So she just lied. “I don’t know her I just knew she was going to faint, that’s all.”

  Seeing the tall auburn woman approaching the scene with a shorter red-head in tow she knew that the author would be taken care of. Jess Harrington. Great she’s the last person I need to see here. She’ll blame me if she sees me. And her best friend, Nikki didn’t need to see her here either, too much to explain.

  Pulling back to try and hide in the crowd she almost succeeded until she saw her best friend’s eyes light up.

  Kelsey saw Jess push her way into the crowd that had formed around her friend and now had control of the situation, she’ll be okay now. She relaxed somewhat but then Nikki reached out and grabbed her arm.

  “Mack you can’t hide from me I saw you, did you see what happened to Miranda?”

  She stiffened and looked into Race’s eyes.

  “You said you didn’t know her why are you lying to me?”

  “I’m...sorry I just can’t go into that right now.”

  “Agent MacGregor I should have known. Are you just going to stand there and watch your star witness in your big FBI case lie on the floor like this?”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  “One may not tell you how they feel but given the chance they will show you.”

  Sitting in the cab on their way back to the hotel; she knew she would have to explain everything to Race another time. She had left her at the club angry and confused; her responsibility as FBI lead meant she had to take care of their witness as Jess so aptly put it. She tried to answer the persistent questions from the two concerned woman hovering over Miranda. She didn’t know what made the petite woman faint, she didn’t think it’s anyone’s business why she had been out or who she had been out with.

  Kelsey had been relieved when she regained consciousness but when Miranda didn’t respond to questions directed at her she grew quite concerned. The petite woman remained silent as they called a cab and helped her into the back seat and now that they were at hotel entrance she still hadn’t said a word. Jess had spoke to her in a hushed tone and cradled her head while she looked on wanting so much to hold her and tell her everything would be okay. How can I promise her that?

  She convinced Nikki and Jess that everything would be okay once Doc had checked her over. She took over Miranda’s care as soon as they arrived at the hotel carrying her in and to the elevators. It hadn’t been easy but she also talked Jess into letting her carry the author to her own suite where Doc waited for them. Once they arrived at her suite, Doc took over her care and assured Jess that he didn’t think she needed to go to the hospital.

  Kelsey waited outside the bedroom with Nikki and Jess as Doc examined and checked to see if Miranda had sustained any injuries. She told Nikki to take Jess to her room to change and she’d call them once Doc had finished with his examination. She had been glad Nikki didn’t ask any questions about Race and Jess seemed too wrapped up in Nikki to turn her obvious displeasure on her.

  “Nikki can you please take Jess back to her room or yours and I’ll call you if we have any news?”

  “Agent MacGregor if you think I’m going to leave Randi here with you, you’re crazy.”

  “Jess she’s in good hands with Doc and once he’s checked her over I’ll call and let you know how she is.” She hoped the woman would agree and leave; she didn’t need her breathing down her neck at the moment. I feel bad enough right now.

  “Mack’s right there is nothing we can do right now. Come with me and I have a well-stocked mini bar in my room and...” The rest was muffled against Jess’s neck.

  The two women left but not before Jess gave Kelsey a scathing look. She really doesn’t like me.

  She sat looking out over the harbor’s skyline when she saw Doc approaching her in the glass’s reflection.

  “Were you there and saw what happened?”

  Slumping forward in her chair and hanging her head she tried to straighten her thoughts.

  “Doc I don’t really know... she saw me and she acted shocked and then she cried out ‘Oh my God, please no’ and then fainted.”

  “Those were her exact words?”

  “Yes, is she still not talking?”

  “She hasn’t said a word, did she say anything at all after she fainted and came to?”

  “Nothing; she hasn’t said a word. Why is that Doc, I mean it’s like she’s having a night terror but instead of crying or shaking she just stares. It just doesn’t make any sense she’s awake not asleep.”

  “We see this is some PTSD patients where they’re experiencing a memory of a traumatic event and go into a catatonic state of sorts. Miranda appears to be experiencing that at the moment.”

  “Could she be having a memory right now?”

  “Yes it’s quite possible.”

  “Can we do anything for her? Should she go to the hospital?”

  “We can’t do much for her and if she went to the hospital they wouldn’t do much either except put her in the psychiatric ward; do you want her there?”

  “No of course not; I wish she would talk to us, tell us what is going on.”

  “There is no way of knowing what is going on inside her head at the moment, if she doesn’t recover my tomorrow we may want to seek more medical attention. Someone should stay with her tonight to make sure she doesn’t hurt herself if she starts to wander off or comes too and is scared.”

  “I’ll be with her all...”

  A muffled cry came from the bedroom and Kelsey reacted instinctively. Going to the bedside she had the author in her arms and rocking
her soothingly as she rubbed her back.

  “I have you, I’m right here Miranda and I won’t let anything happen to you.” Miranda had tears streaming down her face and great sobs tore a hole in Kelsey’s heart as they wracked the body she held. “Please don’t cry Mo Chridhe, you’re breaking my heart. I’m with you, and I won’t go anywhere. Please stop crying and tell me what is wrong.” She whispered softly.

  She saw Doc enter the room only to turn back, closing the door behind him; she also heard the door to her suite close as he left. Knowing they were alone she held Miranda more tightly and thought of what she should do next.

  Pulling off her jeans and bra leaving just her tank top and underwear on, she pulled the shivering woman into her arms. She moved the bed’s covers and lay with the author facing her. She held her face as she looked into eyes so filled with pain she kissed her forehead, then her nose and whispered, “She means nothing to me; it is you I have wanted since I met you, it’s you I have wanted to be with. I haven’t been capable of any thoughts except you in my arms for days.”

  A warm tear slid down her hand and she watched it travel to the corner of Miranda’s lips. Without even thinking of what she should do she licked that salty tear with the tip of her tongue.

  She heard the sharp intake of a breath, felt the hand at her side slide up to cup her breast, and she smelled the fresh scent of shampoo mixed with the heady scent that she now knew is Miranda. Sensations were spilling over each other and her confused mind saw her lips meet the two salty ones in a soft sweet kiss. Deepening the kiss as she remembered Race doing; she slipped her tongue into the parted lips. The ragged moan against her mouth told her that she had done it right and the hand on her breast began to caress her through her top.

  Feeling self-conscious about what she did, she withdrew her mouth and stared into the eyes of the woman who haunted her even before they had met.

  “I’m sorry; I don’t know what I am doing. We should stop, I should stop.”

  “No, please don’t stop, you know what to do,” Miranda pleaded as she slid her hands underneath Kelsey’s top. “Just follow your heart.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Thursday September 8, 2011

  “Tha mi duil sgain Mo-Chridhe (I thought my heart would burst)”

  The warm body in her arms shifted, skin against skin, the friction a caress on her heart. Her nose picked up the distinct odors of sweat, linens and one she didn’t recognize but evoked a vision in her mind. The sound of air drawn in and blown out warm on her neck, made her smile. Never had she waken from such a delicious dream, her mind replaying the sensuous dance of fingers and mouths, of the feelings rising to the surface and breaking over her flesh as a dexterous digit grazed over moist sensitive skin, as rays of lights and held breaths shuddered in two writhing bodies entwined with each other and the cool bed sheets. The same dreams playing over and over all night long like a film playing on a loop.

  Her eyes opened slowly and she saw the narrow strip of light through the gap in the curtains, another sunny day. Happy, I’m so happy right now. Stretching her limbs stiff with sleep, stiff from using them like they hadn’t been used before. She smiled once again. Taking a few deep breaths she fully became aware of the room and her surroundings, then emptiness engulfed her, Miranda is gone.

  She bolted upright and searched the room with her eyes, finding nothing to tell her otherwise she bound from the bed and frantically searched the entire suite. Then she saw the hotel stationery on the pillow beside where her head had lain.


  Don’t worry I am okay this morning. I’ve gone to my own room and will call Jess; she will spend the day with me. Last night I don’t know what happened, why I fainted. Last night should never have happened; I’m sorry I allowed it to; sorry I didn’t have the strength to stay away from you. I’m just not in a good place, not someone you should be with now. You need someone to share the newness, the excitement of the freedom you must feel; I’m not that woman, I never have been. You deserve more, better. I care about you so much but we can only be friends but I’ll understand if you don’t want to be. I’ll stay away this time I promise but I need to keep another promise. Tell me if you’d rather I didn’t. I’ll call her and tell her I can’t, she’ll be disappointed but you can explain it to her.

  Take care MG

  Reading the note over once again her heart broke more. Acting on her feelings had been a monumental mistake, a lesson she wouldn’t soon forget. Wanting to see the author when she first awoke, she now wanted to be anywhere but close to her. Anger rose up and she steeled herself for the day ahead, the case she needed to solve. Breathe Kelsey, stand up, look forward, grow up, and let it go. The mantra she said to herself all those years ago now played itself repeating inside her head as she showered, dressed and began the day alone.


  She sat waiting to hear about what Nikki had found out about her search for Cassandra Redmond, who could in fact be their suspect. Her mind wandered and she felt a sense of déjà vu, thinking about another day when her mind wandered while listening to Nikki talk, back then her life had been so much simpler. Back then she had her identity intact and hadn’t had her heart broken. No not now, look forward...let go.

  Nikki thanked the two detectives and then rose to start her presentation but then turned to ask Kelsey if she had anything to add.

  “No please Nikki you go ahead I’m sure we are all waiting to find out what you have learned about Cassandra Redmond and why we haven’t been able to locate her.” She had come directly to the briefing this morning and it gave her no time to talk to Nikki about last night. She saw her best friend’s eyes and knew she had many questions. Questions that had to wait for now.

  “Well I wish I had some definite answers but all I have found are dead ends it seems as though Cassandra has vanished off of the face of this earth. I have found that her birth mother died shortly after labor but that her family had requested the baby be put up for adoption. The birth certificate listed as Dover, Delaware as the place of birth and mother Dorinda Rachelle Dickson and father unknown.”

  Nikki paused before continuing and her new findings only painted an even grimmer image of the life of this young girl.

  “She had been adopted by a childless couple Durham and Carla Redmond who lived in New Jersey. They appeared to have given her everything a child could ever want, but the truth is more sinister. At age 10 Cassandra had spoke to a teacher that she had been sexually touched for years in the home of her uncle, the father’s older brother. The parents never believed her and when the police got involved due to the teacher’s concerns the case was mysteriously dropped and the detective investigating the case transferred out of state. The family had money and a lot of power. On May 15 1990 Cassandra was expelled from school for an incident involving four girls: Katherine Montgomery, Cynthia Trenton, Natasha Camden and Elizabeth Wright. Cassandra physically assaulted the girls in the locker room before three teachers were able to pull her off of them. Then that evening she got arrested and charged with murder when she called 911 after killing her uncle; slitting his throat. The police found her naked and crying on the floor next to his cold body.” Nikki put up the grainy arrest photo of frightened blonde teenage girl.

  The whole room went quiet and Kelsey felt such sadness for a young girl whose life went horribly wrong. How could parents who adopted a child treat her so badly, let her be molested for years. Her anger burned in her brain and she knew she wanted to talk to these people herself.

  “If she is our killer she had motives up the whazoo and we have the significance of the 15th date, not to mention killing her first victim in the same manner as our victims.” Kelsey commented and then apologized for interrupting Nikki.

  “That’s okay Mack and here’s where Cassandra Redmond vanished; we cannot find anything after she was sentenced to 3 years in juvenile detention for his murder. She should have never been sentenced but her adoptive parents didn’t want anything to do with
her and wouldn’t even speak for her at her trial. She had been remanded to a juvenile detention center in Northern Pennsylvania and after her sentence ended her trail ends there. A Cassandra Redmond has never been heard from again.” Nikki looked around the room and she felt her eyes fall on her before she continued. “I do have my feelers out to search for any family of Dorinda Dickson but it is proving to be harder than I first anticipated because at the time of Baby ‘Jane’ Dickson’s birth the only living relatives were distant at best; a great aunt and a cousin. I have tried to find them today but that hasn’t been easy.”

  “Nikki, have you tried to find any Jane Doe deaths or murders for 1993 to see if Cassandra had been a victim of foul play?” Rachel asked while looking up at the photo of the young blonde girl.

  “Yes but I haven’t found anything.” Nikki said shaking her head. “But the interesting thing is that the murder weapon wasn’t recovered and the basta...I mean the uncle had been a Marine Corp buff and had many of his memorabilia displayed in his home and one of his treasured knives went missing that night. It’s alleged to be a Marine Corp issued collector’s knife. We don’t have any supporting evidence but this could be our Strider MARSOC SMF which we have forensically identified as the most plausible weapon used in our four murders.”

  “Too bad we cannot find Cassandra after she left the Juvenile detention center,” said Supervising Special Agent Borsch of the Baltimore FBI field office.

  “Our only lead is to find a relative of Dorinda Dickson and see if her daughter ever reached out to them.” Rachel said before Kelsey rose to call a break.

  “We can all meet back here in two hours.” Kelsey said while blowing out a held breath, her nerves were frayed to breaking; I need to get out of here. Thoughts of everything that had happened to her over the last few days and this case weighed heavily on her; she took a deep breath and held it and then blew it out harshly. I need to do what I do best and that is investigate.


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