Strictly Confidential

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Strictly Confidential Page 13

by Terri Reed

  She came close and slapped him, stinging the already tender spots where Escalante had hit him. Alessandro gritted his teeth, not wanting to give either of them any satisfaction in his pain.

  “You’re easily duped,” Alessandro ground out. “You let this amoeba turn you from your own brother.”

  Her eyes darkened. An expression akin to panic slid across her face.

  Escalante grabbed her by the arm. “What is he talking about?”

  Her red lips twisted into a seductive smile and she stroked her hand along his arm. “Nothing. He lies to distract us from his child.”

  Malice shone brightly in her gaze when she turned toward Alessandro. “Your cheeky little reporter friend told me about the child that you have hidden away. Didn’t take much time at all to locate the brat. Money does talk.”

  Alessandro swallowed against the torment of impotent rage flooding him. He’d warned Colleen that her snooping would get someone hurt. He’d never dreamed it would be Mia. He’d been an idiot to allow his feelings for Colleen to impair his judgment.

  In that moment, he realized the price his quest for justice had cost him: the safety of his child. Regret sliced through his heart, wounding him as deeply as if Escalante had put a bullet through his chest.

  After what seemed an interminably long period of time, during which Colleen searched the suite looking for a way to escape other than jumping from the balcony and praying she landed on the one below without breaking her neck, she finally settled on the couch with the Bible she’d found lying beside the bed in the master bedroom.

  She’d wondered at first if the well-worn book belonged to Alessandro or Tomas, but the inscription in the front jacket warmed her heart. The leather-bound Bible belonged to Alessandro, given to him by his grandmother.

  Restless and unable to focus, Colleen flipped through the pages, searching for…something to bring order to her chaotic emotions and anxious mind. She came to the Book of James and began to read from the beginning verse. The words touched her deeply, bringing the much-needed peace she craved.

  Her heart knew that God loved her, that He loved Alessandro and Tomas. God’s word said to ask in faith without doubting. She’d asked for protection for the Donato brothers. Closing her eyes, she held on to the promise that God would answer her request.

  A sharp knock on the door broke the stillness of the room. She jumped up and ran to the door. Through the peephole she saw Lidia Vance. “Thank you, Lord,” Colleen breathed out.

  “Lidia! Lidia, it’s me, Colleen. I’m trapped in here!” she yelled, hoping the woman on the other side would be able to hear her and let her out.

  A second later the door clicked and opened. Lidia walked in, her plump frame clothed in dark colors that for a moment brought an ache to Colleen as she thought about the danger Alessandro and Tomas could be in. She threw her arms around Lidia’s neck. “I’m so happy to see you.”

  Lidia patted her back. “Hey, now. I’m happy to see you, too. Where’s that rascal nephew of mine?”

  Colleen broke out of the embrace, her heart racing as she tried to explain what was happening. “We must phone Sam and Becca, let the police know what’s going on. Do you have a phone? Alessandro did something to the phone here. It doesn’t work.”

  Lidia nodded and pulled out a small cell phone from her purse. “That’s why I came. I couldn’t get through.”

  Colleen went in search of her purse but froze in shock as she listened to Lidia talking on the phone. Had she said Falcon? What was going on?

  Colleen grabbed her purse and hurried over to Lidia as the older woman flipped her phone closed.

  “Reinforcements are on the way,” Lidia announced.

  “Who’s Falcon?” Colleen asked.

  “That’s classified.”

  “Alessandro said Falcon was their CIA contact. How do you know Falcon?” Colleen pressed.

  Lidia’s mouth formed a disapproving line. “I told that boy he was getting too involved with you, but did he listen? No. You must forget everything you’ve learned about Alessandro.”

  “I can’t.” Knowledge was power. Everything she’d found out about Alessandro helped solidify her feelings. “But right now there are more important things to think about.”

  She swept past Lidia. “Let’s go. I’ll need to show Sam and Becca how to get into the tunnel from inside the museum.” Colleen headed for the elevator.

  “Hold up, young lady. You’re going home.”

  Biting back her frustration, Colleen pushed the button. “No. I’m going to go to the museum.”

  “Colleen, you’ll only get in the way.”

  “Argh. You sound like Alessandro. Sam won’t think I’m in the way.” The elevator doors slid open and she started to walk over the threshold. Lidia’s hand on her arm stopped her. The doors slid shut again and the elevator went on its way without her.

  “Listen to me,” Lidia said, her voice gravely quiet and commanding. “This is bigger than the local police, and not something that can appear in the Sentinel. Too many lives are at stake. If you care for Alessandro at all, you’ll back off and let us do our jobs.”

  “Us? Lidia, do you work for Interpol as well?”

  Lidia sighed. “No.”

  All the bits and pieces of conversation played themselves out in Colleen’s head. “If not Interpol, then…you must be CIA.”

  “Colleen, please let it go.”

  Stabbing the elevator button again, Colleen said with complete conviction, “You’re Falcon. Unbelievable. Does the mayor know? Of course he knows.”

  A thought jumped at her and the anticipation of a juicy story quickened in her gut. “Mayor Max Vance is a CIA operative as well, isn’t he?”

  One look at Lidia’s frown confirmed Colleen’s suspicion. “Wow. This is big.”

  “I’m getting too old for this,” Lidia muttered. “Colleen, what are you going to do?”

  The elevator doors opened and Colleen stepped in. “I’m going to help Alessandro and Tomas. Are you coming?”

  Lidia chuckled and stepped in beside her. “I know why Alessandro likes you. You’re as stubborn and as strong-willed as he is.”

  Colleen grinned and tucked Lidia’s words away in her heart. She hoped that Alessandro more than liked her. Fond was the word he’d used. But could he love her? And could she—she swallowed back a nervous flutter—love him?

  Could her faith be strong enough for both of them?

  Only time would tell.


  Seeing that Escalante had turned his attention to his drugs, Alessandro seized the opportunity to work at loosening the duct-tape restraints binding his hands and feet with the sharp edge of the band on his wristwatch.

  He kept his movements miniscule so as not to draw notice. The band had been specially designed for such an occasion. Grateful to the clever minds who’d invented the device, he carefully sawed at the tape.

  Men moved the crates filled with the cocaine that plagued the streets of Colorado Springs out of the cavern, undoubtedly to awaiting trucks. Alessandro’s brother lay in a heap a few feet away, unconscious and bleeding.

  With renewed vigor, born out of anguish and frustration, Alessandro pulled against the weakened fastening. He had to save his brother. He sent up a silent plea to God. Could use some help here! I know I’ve shut You out, but Tomas hasn’t. He needs You.

  Colleen’s words came floating back to Alessandro. He won’t move in your life until you seek Him.

  Alessandro had stopped seeking the Lord years ago, even before Paola. Was that the emptiness he felt?

  Tomas had tried to tell him he wasn’t looking in the right places for fulfillment. Alessandro had not wanted to hear it. His life had become about the work. And then after Paola’s death, his life became about seeking the justice that he felt God had denied.

  Now, he couldn’t ignore the truth in Colleen’s words.

  And he vowed to himself that he’d renew the faith he’d once held so dear. If he survived

  Raised voices drew his attention. Escalante and Dahlia were arguing. She stomped off, disappearing through the tunnel leading back toward the museum. The malicious expression on Escalante’s face as he watched his cohort walk away didn’t bode well.

  When Escalante turned that malevolent stare on to Alessandro, Alessandro realized with a slight shudder he was looking into the dead, cold eyes of pure evil.

  “So, have you thought about my offer? Your daughter in exchange for leading the imbecile police away from Colorado Springs?”

  The bindings at Alessandro’s wrist slackened, giving him hope. He fought to keep his struggle with the tape subtle so as not to alert Escalante. “Why do you want to stay here? Wouldn’t Europe be more profitable?”

  “Make no mistake, when all is said and done I’ll be a rich man, but revenge is sweet and I want my share.”

  “Revenge on who?”

  Escalante gave an arrogant smirk. “That’s my business. Yours is whether I send someone to take out your child or you help me.”

  The man was beyond mad. His plan didn’t even make sense. “So you’ll let me go either way?”

  Escalante barked a harsh laugh. “No, but you’ll die not knowing if your child will be joining you in the grave.”

  “You’re a sick man,” Alessandro spat out and lunged forward in the chair.

  The violent movement wrenched his arm, sending pain radiating through his shoulder into his head, but one wrist came free. To cover the surge of victory, he thrashed in the chair, making a big display of anger and frustration as he peeled the other wrist free from the tape.

  Escalante’s deep laugh grated on Alessandro’s nerves and he couldn’t wait to wrap his hands around the man’s neck.

  Sudden shouts and the reports of gunfire filled the chamber, abruptly cutting off Escalante’s laughter.

  “You’re done for now, Escalante,” Alessandro gloated, as he acquired the use of both hands. He bent forward to undo the tape at his ankles. From the corner of his eye he saw Escalante grab the gun that lay on the table and aim it in his direction. Heart pounding, Alessandro flung himself over sideways as the loud explosion of the shot deafened him in the small space.

  Desperately working at freeing his ankles, Alessandro used the toppled chair seat as cover. “There’s nowhere for you to go, Escalante! You’re done for. Give it up.”

  “Ha! You think I don’t have an escape planned?” Escalante’s laughter faded away.

  Alessandro released his ankles, crouched and peered over the chair in search of his quarry.

  The man had disappeared.

  Grinding his teeth in frustration, Alessandro rushed to his brother. Tomas had an erratic pulse. Some of the panic eased from Alessandro’s shoulders. He gathered his brother into his arms. “Stay with me, Tomas. Mama will box my ears if you die.”

  The sound of running feet coming from seemingly all directions echoed down through the tunnels. Within moments, the chamber was awash with CIA, FBI and DEA agents. Alessandro demanded a radio and contacted Interpol headquarters, informing them of the danger to his daughter. They promised to protect her until he could arrive to be with her.

  In the hubbub of getting Tomas secured with the authorities and taken to the hospital, and filling in the other agents on what had transpired, Alessandro caught a glimpse of a blond-haired vision. Colleen.

  His heart did a double take, but he quickly forced his attention away. The woman had jeopardized his child’s life with her investigating. He would never forgive her for that.

  Focusing his mind on how Escalante had escaped, he searched the cavern walls and found a small latch concealed to look like a protruding rock. With a quick flick, a panel swung inward, revealing yet another tunnel. He rushed into the darkness, but this time thoughts of justice were crowded out by terror for his daughter’s safety.

  He had to find Escalante before the man fulfilled his threat to hurt Mia.

  Colleen’s heart stuttered and dropped as she watched Alessandro disappear into the dark tunnel. Alone.

  Frantic worry propelled her forward. She stopped short at the opening. Everything inside her screamed to follow him, but what if she did get in the way? What if she distracted him and Escalante seized the opportunity to hurt Alessandro?

  In a panic, she grabbed one of the agents who’d met Lidia and her at the museum. “Alessandro needs backup. He went in there.” She pointed to the gaping hole in the wall. “Hurry.”

  Without waiting for further explanation, the agent motioned for two other agents to accompany him and they disappeared after Alessandro. A bit of relief released the breath held in her lungs, but she wouldn’t be at ease until she knew Alessandro was all right. Just the thought of him getting hurt or killed froze her heart. There was so much left unsettled between them. So much she wanted to say.

  She saw Sam Vance and Becca Hilliard enter the chamber, and from the thunderous expression on Sam’s face, Colleen surmised he was none too happy to be the last called to the scene. She started toward the two detectives. A hand on her arm stopped her.

  “Everything you know, Colleen, is privileged information. Please, be responsible with it,” Lidia said in a low voice.

  Colleen winced with trepidation. “I can’t promise anything. I have a story that needs to be told.” A story that would put her at the top of the heap, garner her the recognition she’d being working so hard for. But she had no idea how to reconcile her need for the story with her feelings for Alessandro.

  The disappointment in Lidia’s eyes before she turned away tugged at Colleen’s conscience.

  “Aunt Lidia, Colleen? What are you two doing here?” Sam joined them, his puzzled, angry gaze raking over them.

  Lidia hooked her arm through Sam’s. “I’ll explain everything.”

  She led him away, leaving Colleen feeling alone and in the way.

  She understood what both Lidia and Alessandro wanted from her. Her silence.

  But how could she ignore the story of the drug raid and the return of Escalante? This story could galvanize her career, maybe even create enough buzz to syndicate her writing.

  First and foremost she was an investigative reporter. She had to stay true to her job.

  She only hoped Alessandro would understand that.

  Colleen hurried to the local hospital’s waiting area, where the lady at the administration desk had said Tomas’s family had gathered. The windowed area with its yellowing tile floor and hard, uncomfortable chairs was filled to overflowing with the Vance family.

  Alessandro faced her as she approached, his expression hard and unreadable.

  Her heart leapt into her throat and relief flooded her like a tidal wave. He was all right.

  She touched his arm. “Is Tomas okay?”

  Alessandro’s eyes regarded her warily. “He’s in surgery.”

  “Did you get Escalante? Dahlia?”

  “No comment.” He moved out of her reach.

  Stung by his withdrawal, she bit her lip. He was angry, obviously. She thought she knew the reason. Lidia must have informed him that Colleen hadn’t promised to keep all that had transpired confidential, but then again, she had a hard time reading him. That was one of the things that fascinated her about him.

  She followed him to the window where he stared stonily out at the night sky. They were a few feet from the others, so she asked, “Do you want to tell me, off the record, what happened?”

  “How do I know you’ll keep your word not to print anything I say?”

  Disappointed by his lack of trust, she countered, “I’ve never lied to you. I’ve never made a promise I couldn’t keep.”

  He stared out the window. “No. You’ve made no promises, as far as I know.”

  She gritted her teeth. “You’ve only asked for one promise and I couldn’t make it. That doesn’t make me untrustworthy. I promise I won’t use anything you tell me now in my story.”

  “What does it matter? Escalante escaped. So has Dahlia.”
/>   “I’m sorry. I know how much you wanted to capture him.”

  “Capture? I want him dead.” Frustration echoed in his words. “When will justice prevail?”

  She understood his feelings and wanted to soothe his ravaged soul. “Only God can deliver true justice. If you’d taken Escalante’s life, then you’d have done something that only God should do. You can’t keep trying to do God’s work.”

  “I don’t want to hear this.” He took a step away.

  Acknowledging to herself she was there for Alessandro and not her story, she followed. “You can’t outrun God.”

  He glanced at her and scoffed. “You have no idea how much damage you’ve caused.”

  She drew back. “By bringing you backup?”

  “It wasn’t your place to provide my backup. You should have minded your own business, as I asked you to in the first place.”

  A spark of anger surged. “I saved your sorry hide and you treat me like this? You ungrateful man. If Lidia hadn’t come to see why the phones weren’t working, Tomas might be dead and so could…” Her voice broke as her words reminded her of the fear she’d felt for his safety. “You.”

  He let out a heavy breath. “I am grateful for that. But what I don’t appreciate is you meddling in my private life and letting the world know about Mia.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “What are you talking about? I haven’t written my story yet. No one knows about Mia.”

  He turned to face her fully, his eyebrows low and a furious tic in his jaw. “You meddled, no matter what kind of spin you put on it. Escalante now knows about my daughter because of you. And he’s threatened her life.”

  Her stomach plummeted. She remembered asking Dahlia about the relationship with Alessandro, the calculating look in her eye when Colleen had mentioned the child. “I’m sorry. I didn’t—”

  “You didn’t what? Mean to endanger my child? Mean to expose a little girl to the whims of a madman? You didn’t think before snooping into something that was none of your business.”


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