The Unexpected Bride

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The Unexpected Bride Page 3

by Debra Ullrick

  “No, humans can eat them, too.”

  “Are they native to this area?”

  “No. Farmers from back East brought them with them when they moved here.” The reins jiggled in his hands as he twisted his head toward her. “I’m sure glad they did.”

  She wondered why he was glad, but nothing more was said. She also wondered how much farther it would be before they would arrive at his place. Her arms ached from holding her parasol upright, but every time she lowered it, the hot sun burned through the fabric of her jacket.

  Minutes later, at the base of a mountain, they rounded a clearing in the trees. A very well-kept, large, two-story clapboard house flanked by long windows with white shutters came into view.

  Rocking chairs, small tables and a porch swing sat under a covered porch, making it look quite welcoming. Off to the left of the house, a makeshift scarecrow on a stick watched over a large garden.

  Nestled up against the trees set two smaller but generous-size clapboard homes. They, too, had covered porches, a swing, rocking chairs and small tables—and were equally adorable as the larger house.

  A young girl with blond braids skipped around the corner of the house. As soon as she spotted them, she hastened their direction. “Haydon! You’re back,” she hollered and slowed her pace when she neared the horses. “Did you brung me anything?”

  Haydon laughed.

  Rainee liked the deep rumbling sound.

  “You’re too spoiled for your own good, Squirt. I hate to disappoint you, but I didn’t bring you anything. I didn’t go to town for supplies.”

  The little girl scrunched her brows and looked up at Rainee. “Who’re you?”

  “Abigail. Mind your manners.” Mr. Bowen stepped on the brake and tied off the reins before jumping down.

  “Sorry.” She lowered her head, her long braided pigtails reaching down her green cotton dress.

  He ruffled the little girl’s hair, then turned and extended his arms toward Rainee. Situating her belongings out of the way, she laid her hands on his shoulders and allowed him to help her down.

  The instant her feet touched the ground he removed his hands from her waist and stepped back as if she had bitten him.

  “Miss Devonwood.” Haydon looked at her, then at the small child. “This is my sister Abby. Abby, this is Miss Rainelle Devonwood.”

  Rainee smiled down at the girl with the blond hair and sapphire eyes so like her brother’s. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Abby.” She gave a quick curtsy as was customary back home when greeting someone. “But please, call me Rainee.”

  “Nice ta meet ya, too, Rainee. I like the way you talk.”

  “I like the way you talk, too. You have a lovely accent.”

  “I dun’t got no assent.”

  “Accent,” Mr. Bowen corrected her again.

  “That’s what I said. Assent.”

  Rainee waited to see if he would correct her again, but he shook his head and mussed her hair once more.

  “Haydon. You’re mussing my hair.” She planted her hands on her waist and narrowed her eyes, but even Rainee could see the smile in the young girl’s frown.

  “Sorry, Squirt.”

  “Thas okay.” Abby smiled at her brother, then glanced over at Rainee. Her brows curled, and her forehead criss-crossed. “Whach you doin’ here?”

  “Never you mind, Little Miss Nosey.” Haydon tapped his little sister on the nose and winked. “Listen, Squirt, would you do me a favor and run over to Jesse’s and ask him to come here?”

  Abby bobbed her head and darted off toward Jess’s house.

  Haydon wasn’t sure if his brother was able to be up and about yet, but if he was, then he needed to get his sorry backside out here and deal with this awkward mess.

  Without looking at Miss Devonwood, he wondered what he should do or say before his brother got there.

  “The place is quite lovely.” A whisper would have been louder, but the awe in her voice screamed loud and clear.

  Haydon scanned the ranch, trying to see the place through her eyes. He always thought this area was some of the most beautiful country he’d ever seen, but for some odd reason it pleased him that she thought so, too. Oh-h-h no you don’t, buddy. Who cares what she thinks? She’s not staying.

  “Who lives in that house?”

  He followed her finger. “My brother and his wife.” The brother that sent for you. But he can tell you that. Not me.

  “And that place?” She pointed to his house.

  “That’s mine.” As in mine alone. As in, not yours and mine.

  She faced the main house. “Then this must be your parents’ home.”

  “It’s my mother’s.”

  She turned questioning eyes up at him.

  Quit looking at me with those beautiful peepers, ma’am. “My father passed away a couple of years ago.”

  Sympathy passed through her gaze, and he forced himself to look away. “Oh, my. I am so sorry.” She laid her hand on his arm. Something about her gentle touch sent warmth spreading through his veins.

  He stared at the spot where her hand rested. The gesture touched him, but at the same time it sent warning signals flashing through his brain. Her politeness and sweetness were driving him crazy. He dropped his arm to his side, letting her arm slip from his. He didn’t want to feel any kind of a bond to this woman—or any other woman for that matter.

  Then he made the mistake of once again looking at her face. Hurt and discomfort gazed back at him. She looked so small and vulnerable. Guilt trailed through him like hungry red ants at a picnic, chewing away at his conscience. His thoughtless gesture had hurt her, and she didn’t deserve the treatment he had dealt her. But then again, he had to protect himself. He needed to harden himself against the emotions she seemed to stir up in him so easily. Emotions he wanted no part of. The sooner Jesse dealt with her, the better. Just keep telling yourself she’s not your problem, Haydon, and you just might survive this situation with your sanity and heart still intact.

  He turned toward Jesse’s place, wondering where Abby was and what was taking her so long.

  “Excuse me, please?”

  As much as he didn’t want to, Haydon faced her again. “Yes?”

  Her eyes locked on his for the briefest of moments before her lids fluttered, and she looked toward Jesse’s house. “Is Abby the only one who does not know why I am here?” She turned those wide innocent fawn eyes up at him again, and his heart lurched.

  The last time Haydon saw a look like that was on a puppy he’d owned as a child. That puppy had won his heart and had gotten whatever it wanted. Haydon swallowed hard. Rainee’s not a puppy. She’s a woman. And not just any woman. She’s the most dangerous kind there is. Sweet and innocent-looking, and beautiful. “Miss Devonwood, I—”

  “Haydon!” Abby’s voice carried across the yard.

  Haydon wanted to hug his sister for saving him. He spun her direction and watched as she ran toward him.

  “Jesse got hurted this mornin’ and he can’t come.”

  His heart dropped to his boots. He had hoped Jess would at least feel well enough by the time he got back that he could deal with Miss Devonwood. Now what?

  “How come I didn’t know he got hurted?”

  “Hurt, not hurted,” Haydon corrected. “Because you, Mother and Leah were gone all day, remember?”

  Abby hiked her little shoulder. “I forgetted.”

  “I forgot.”

  “Did you forgetted too?” Her round eyes smiled up at him.

  “No, I didn’t forget. You said… Oh, never mind. Why don’t you run along and go play now?”

  “Okay.” She skipped back toward the corner of the house and disappeared.

  Haydon turned toward the sound of Miss Devonwood’s twitter.

  Her gaze lingered in the direction Abby had gone.

  “Just what do you find so amusing, Miss Devonwood?”

  Rainee reeled toward him and blinked. Amusement, not anger, fluttered across
his handsome face. “Abby is lovely.” She stared at the spot where the little girl had disappeared. “To think that precious girl is going to be my sister is so—” Rainee’s eyes flew open and hot blood rushed into her cheeks. She pressed her fingertips to her mouth to stifle her gasp.

  Merciful heavens! What is wrong with you, Rainelle? Since you got here, he has not mentioned the subject of marriage even once, and here you are talking about Abby being your sister. No wonder Mother had to rebuke you so often. Will you ever learn? She gazed longingly at the forest of trees, wishing she could flee into their thickness and hide away forever.

  She turned and retrieved her parasol, handbag and the flowers from the bench seat.

  “Haydon. Where have you been all day?”

  Rainee whirled toward the big two-story house. A tall, lithe woman strolled toward them and stopped directly in front of her.

  The handsome blonde lady with powder-blue eyes looked up at Haydon and quirked one delicate eyebrow. “Sorry, I didn’t know we had company.”

  “Mother, this is—”

  When he stopped speaking, Rainee looked up at him, wondering why he quit talking. Obviously he was not going to say anything more, so Rainee took matters into her own hands. She turned her attention to his mother. “Good afternoon, ma’am.” She curtsied. “I am Rainelle Victoria Devonwood.”

  “Good afternoon, Miss Devonwood. I’m Katherine, Haydon’s mother.” Katherine looked perplexed as she glanced from Rainee to Haydon and back again.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Bowen.”

  “Please call me Katherine. We don’t stand on ceremony out here. Feel free to address all of us on a firstname basis.”

  Rainee looked at Mr. Bowen. Mother had always made it clear a man should never call a woman by her given name unless they had known each other for a long time or were courting. Neither one fit this scenario.

  His jaw worked back and forth again, but after a few seconds, he glanced at her. “Mother’s right. Call me Haydon.”

  Relief drizzled over her like a warm summer rain. One more detestable rule of etiquette she would not have to follow out here. Mother and Father would not approve of her choice to call someone by their first name, but Rainee loved it. It was much more personable.

  “Thank you, Haydon.” Using his Christian name felt quite strange and yet lovely at the same time. “Please call me Rainee. I prefer it over Rainelle.”

  “Rainee,” he acknowledged. “Rainelle is a beautiful name, though. I’ve never heard it before.”

  Rainee blushed under Haydon’s compliment. “My father was British. It was his mother’s name.” Her gaze lowered and she noticed the flowers in her hands. She extended the bouquet toward his mother. “These are for you, Mrs. Bowen.”

  “It’s Katherine, remember?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” It would take Rainee a while to get used to addressing an elder by their given name but the very idea brought a smile to her face.

  Katherine took the flowers, and her eyes brightened as she smelled each one. “Oh, I love flowers. And these are my favorites. How very thoughtful of you to take the time to pick them for me. Thank you, Rainee.” Katherine smiled and again her questioning gaze swung between Rainee and her son.

  The joy of the moment evaporated as quickly as it had come. A sinking feeling came over Rainee. Had this man not mentioned her to any of his family? What was going on around here?

  Rainee’s blood flow slowed way down—either from all the heat she had endured the last several days or the realization no one seemed to know anything about her.

  “Don’t just stand there, Haydon. Can’t you see Rainee isn’t feeling well? Help her inside and get her a glass of water.”

  She wanted to protest, to say she was fine, but she never got the chance. Haydon was at her side, escorting her into the house and onto a comfortable sofa.

  “You’d be more at ease, Rainee, if you removed your jacket and hat. May I?”

  She nodded.

  Haydon helped her out of her traveling jacket and set it on a nearby chair.

  She removed the pins from her hat, wondering if she looked a fright.

  He took her hat and set it with her jacket. “Would you like me to take your gloves too?” He extended his hand toward her.

  She clutched her hands together and squeezed them until her fingers throbbed. “No. No, thank you.”

  A quick nod her direction, and he left the room. Within minutes he returned with a full glass of water. “Here. Drink this. You’ll feel much better.”

  When she reached for the glass, their fingertips overlapped. A warm tingling sensation started at the tip of her fingers and spread up her arm and into her body, causing her to shiver and very nearly drop the glass.

  Haydon yanked his hand back, and she barely kept the glass upright between them. For a brief moment, he stared at her with a look of sheer horror. Then he whirled and disappeared through the doorway as if the house were on fire.

  Had he felt what she had? Her heart was still fluttering from that one touch.

  If he had, was it a bad thing or a good thing? If his reaction was any indication, it must be quite bad.

  Too tired to ponder that, she tipped the water glass to her lips. The tepid water tasted almost sweet. She drank the whole glass of liquid within seconds, even though it was a very unladylike thing to do.

  “Feel better?”

  Rainee looked over at Katherine, who strolled into the living room and sat in a chair across from her.

  “Thank you. Yes,” she answered even though she really did not feel better, but she hated any displays of weakness. Yet, sitting here on a comfy sofa, out of the hot sun, her eyelids felt heavy with fatigue. She struggled to keep her tiredness from showing.

  An awkward silence filled the room.

  Katherine rose. “Would you please excuse me for a moment? And please make yourself at home.”

  After the woman left, Rainee folded her hands in her lap, not knowing what to do.

  Her gaze roamed the living room. On the left of the fireplace were two wine-and-tan-colored wingback chairs. On the right was a matching high-back settee and a tan rocking chair. The wine-and-tan sofa she sat on faced the fireplace. End tables with doilies and oil lamps graced each side of the sofa. The place reminded her of the spacious living room back home. Except this place had Queen Anne–style furniture, and back home the furniture was Chippendale. Sadness crawled inside her, but she shooed it away like an unwanted bug. Dwelling on home would do her no good. No good at all.

  Weeks of traveling and being jostled about and the realization no one seemed to know about her had taxed her greatly. Her eyelids were heavy and her stomach was queasy from a lack of food. She really should have eaten something when Haydon had offered. But knowing she was penniless and seeing all those men in Prosperity Mountain leering at her, she just wanted to get away from them as fast as she could.

  Her eyes slid shut, and her head bobbed. She sat up straighter, forcing herself to stay awake, when all she really wanted to do was to succumb to sleep and dream about what could have been. Finally she could fight sleep no longer and everything around her faded as she fell into its waiting arms.

  Chapter Three

  Haydon couldn’t get out of the house fast enough as he battled the feelings warring inside him. When Rainee’s fingertips touched his, it was as if a bolt of lightning had struck nearby and he felt the effects of it, shocking every part of him. How could a woman, who he’d barely met, affect him so? Whatever the answer, he didn’t care. All he knew was he wouldn’t allow her or any other woman to penetrate the wall he’d built around his heart.

  He glanced toward the house, wondering what was going on in there. Rainee looked so tired, he actually felt sorry for her. He shouldn’t have left his mother alone to deal with her, but he had to get away for the sake of his sanity. Besides, why should he feel bad? This whole unbelievable situation was all Jesse’s doing. Haydon had nothing to do with it.

; Of all the idiotic things his brother had done, this one bested them all. The more Haydon thought about the situation and the sight of that poor exhausted woman sitting on his mother’s couch, the more he thought about confronting his brother. He whirled on his heel and headed toward Jesse’s house. The brisk walk across the yard felt good and helped relieve some of his aggravation—but not nearly enough. He leapt onto the porch. “Jesse.” He banged on the door.

  In seconds, the door slung open, and a very pregnant, very perturbed Hannah quickly stepped outside. She jerked her finger to her lips and shushed him. “Haydon Bowen, what is wrong with you? Jesse’s sleeping.” She closed the door behind her. “Although I’m surprised he can with all that banging you’re doing.”

  That sent Haydon back a piece. “I’m sorry, but he’s just going to have to wake up. There are two ladies over there—” he jerked his thumb toward his mother’s house “—who need an explanation.”

  Hannah planted her hands on her hips and glared up at him. “Listen here, Haydon Bowen. I know what Jesse did was wrong. I told him he should have talked to you before answering that woman’s advertisement on your behalf. I’m sorry, but you’ll just have to deal with it because right now Jesse needs rest. And not you nor anyone else is going to disrupt that. You hear me?” With those words Hannah opened her door and disappeared inside, closing it on him with the softest bang he’d ever not heard.

  Haydon raised his hat and ran his hand through his hair. Never before had he seen Miss Timid Hannah act like that. Seeing no other course of action, he stepped off their porch, mumbling, “Must be something about a pregnant woman that makes them cantankerous. It definitely brings out their protective instincts.” Haydon slapped his dusty hat against his leg. “Women,” he harrumphed, then plopped his hat on his head and strode toward the main house.

  He had just finished unloading the last of Rainee’s belongings onto the porch when his mother came out and stepped up next to him. “Haydon. I want to talk to you.”

  “Not now, Mother.” He hoisted his leg up to get into the wagon.


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