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Page 6

by Bruce W. Durbin

  Supervisor, softly, "No, no search."

  Supervisor moves and hangs up the telephone. He picks up a jacket and moves out of the office.


  It's night, as Supervisor locks the outside door and then moves towards some parked vehicles. He seems to hear something and spins around, but sees nothing. He gives a forced smile, then turns around.

  As he turns around, he drops his car keys. He bends over to pick up the keys.

  Supervisor straightens up and puts a key into the car lock.

  As he starts to turn the key, he suddenly frowns. His face contorts in pain and he involuntarily twists the key, causing it to break inside the lock.

  Supervisor staggers forward, then drops to the ground, with Daniel, in his 20's, coming into view and holding a bloody knife.

  Daniel drops the knife on top of Supervisor, then turns, walking away.

  Supervisor crawls a short distance, then stops moving.


  In his office, Mikey stands and is on the telephone. The office is now filled with packed boxes. Mikey is on the telephone and is nervous.

  Mikey, "Yes, yes, I spoke with the Supervisor. Everything has been taken care of. Nothing can be traced back to you."

  Mikey stops and looks at a box, seeing a printed label, reading, "YOUNG'S HERBAL TEA."

  Mikey, "Yes, yes, I'm sure. I've deleted all of the files from my computer. Yes, yes, I'm sure."

  The sound of a doorbell.

  Mikey, "That's the movers. I have to go. Yes, yes, I'm sure. was just some animals. A tiger, a rhino, a...okay...thanks."

  The sound of a doorbell.

  Mikey ends the phone call and walks towards the door, avoiding moving boxes, as he walks. He gets to the door, opens the door, and then turns, starting to walk away.

  Mikey, upset, "You're two hours late, so I hope that..."

  There's the sound of a POP-POP.

  Mikey is hit in the back of the head, with two bullets. He staggers and then drops to the floor.

  Daniel, carrying a silenced handgun and a bag, walks up to Mikey and fires two more silenced shots into Mikey.

  Daniel looks around the house, then moves, sets the bag down, opens it, and pushes some buttons.

  Daniel turns around and starts to walk out of the door, as smoke starts to rise from the bag.

  Outside the building, Daniel walks away from the building complex, just as the windows explode, with flames arcing out into the darkness.

  Continuing to walk, Daniel takes out a cell phone, as he gets inside his car.

  Inside the car, Daniel begins talking on the cell phone, as he drives past the building complex, which is now engulfed in flames.

  Daniel, "It's done. Yes, I got the coordinates from his helicopter. Just as soon as the team is ready, we'll be on our way...It'll be as though it never existed."


  Inside the airplane, Lee is looking at Tommy, "Ah, the complexities of man's existence."

  Everyone is sitting around, with empty cans of food in front of them, as well as bottles of water.

  Lee has been re-handcuffed, with his hands in front of him.

  Jim and Ming are loading magazines for the AK-47's, as Rachel tests the string on the bow.

  Tommy, looking at Lee, "Nothing complicated about this life. You're born, you live a little, then you die."

  Tommy looks at Timothy, giving him a hard look.

  Tommy, "Unless, you're a fuckin' zombie."

  Lee laughs, with Timothy almost blushing.

  Jim, "Hey, Ming? What's the penalty for smuggling zombie juice out of China?"

  Ming, matter of factly, "Depends on whether the...zombie juice is classified as a...national treasure, but...smuggling anything out of China is still a capital offense."

  Ming draws his finger across his throat, "Penalty of death."

  Timothy swallows, then summons up his courage, giving Ming a hard stare.

  Timothy, "And? Smuggling a Chinese citizen out of China?"

  Timothy looks at Lee, then at Ming, "What's the penalty for that?"

  Lee, "Thank you, professor, it's the first time someone has declared me a...national treasure."

  Lee laughs, with Timothy blushing.

  Timothy, to Ming, "Do you believe that with position, comes power? Deceive yourself into believing that you can operate outside the law."

  Ming, smiling, "Actually, we obtained approval from both the Chinese and American governments to...smuggle Lee out of the China. We only deceived the cargo company, which is...corrupt."

  Jim, "Hence, your fuckin' China White and the tiger. Enough talk. Get some sleep."

  Jim looks at Rachel, who is examining one of the arrows.

  Jim, to Rachel, "Better off with a rifle."

  Rachel gives Jim a hard look, "Men and guns. Must be some kind of phallic symbol."

  Lee laughs, "I like her."

  Rachel, to Lee, "Fuck you."

  Lee laughs, as Jim moves and unlocks one of Lee's handcuffs, then handcuffs it to a seat.

  Jim moves, picks up a sleeping bag, unfolds it, lays down, and quickly closes his eyes. There's a brief pause and then everyone else does the same thing.

  Jim, without opening his eyes, "Everyone...sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite."

  Lee laughs, "I love American humor."


  Outside the airplane, a container begins to rock, with scratching sounds coming from inside.

  There's the sound of a HYENA bark/howl.

  Suddenly, the door creaks open.

  There's the sound of a HYENA bark/howl.

  The container rocks, as the opening in the door widens.

  There's the sound of a HYENA bark/how.

  Suddenly, a HYENA wiggles out of the door and runs a short distance. Then, a second and third HYENA wiggle out of the container and run a short distance. They bark/howl.


  Inside the airplane, everyone has sat up and are listening. From outside, there's the sound of HYENA bark/howl. Jim, "Dogs?"

  From outside, there's the sound of HYENA bark/howl. Tommy, "That's not a dog."

  From outside, there's the sound of HYENA bark/howl.


  Outside the airplane, the HYENAS sniff the air, then run towards the graves. They begin tearing into the bodies, with one HYENA pulling one of the bodies a short distance away.

  Doug, Jim, Tommy, and Ming come out of the airplane, with Jim and Ming holding AK-47's. Doug holds the shotgun and Tommy is holding his handgun.

  A HYENA sees them and charges at them. Doug and Tommy fire at the HYENA, but it's too quick and continues charging.

  Jim and Ming slightly smile, as they raise their rifles, take careful aim, and pull the triggers.

  There's a loud click from both rifles.

  Jim and Ming quickly lower the weapons, looking at them, as the HYENA continues to move closer, with Doug and Tommy firing.

  The other HYENAS start to run towards the group, just as the first HYENA is almost on top of Doug and Tommy.

  Jim and Ming are trying to get the rifles working, as they look up, seeing the quickly approaching HYENAS.

  There's the click-click sound from both rifles.

  Doug and Tommy's guns go empty. They all stare at the HYENA, which is almost on top of them.

  There's a HYENA bark/howl.

  The HYENA slams to the ground, sliding to within just inches of Doug and Tommy. They see an arrow in the head of the HYENA.

  They turn slightly, seeing Rachel, who is holding the bow. She notches another arrow, aims, and fires, with the arrow whizzing by the faces of Doug and Tommy.

  They turn, just as the arrow hits another HYENA in the shoulder.

  There's a HYENA bark/howl.

  The HYENAS spin around, running away, and out of sight.

  There's a HYENA growl.

  They turn back towards the graves, seeing a HYENA pulling a man's leg. It runs after the o
ther HYENAS.

  Doug, "We should have checked all of the containers."

  Jim, "Yeah, well, too late now. Come on, let's get back inside."

  Jim turns and walks back into the airplane, as Doug looks around. He looks towards the containers, then focuses on one container. He stares at the container, then turns, moving inside the airplane.

  The container slightly rocks.

  Inside the airplane, Jim gives Timothy a hard look, "Don't suppose you know anything about the hyenas?"

  Timothy, "Yeah, hyenas. What else were you planning on smuggling out of China? Maybe, some dope? Are you thinking that you're some kind of Noah? Smuggling out two of every kind of fuckin' animal?"

  Timothy, "I only had the two..."

  Timothy stops, catching himself, "The two crates of, of wine."

  Tommy, "A tiger, rhino, hyenas, a shitload of A-K forty-sevens..."

  Ming, "Which don't work."

  Tommy gives Timothy a hard look, "Zombie juice...what's next?"

  Doug looks at Rachel, "By the way...thanks. Nice shooting."

  Rachel, smiling, "You're welcome."

  Ming sits down and quickly/expertly takes the AK-47 apart. He stops and looks up at Jim.

  Ming, "No firing pins."

  Jim, frowning, "What else could go wrong?"


  Outside the airplane, a container bursts open, with vapor seeping out from the open door.

  Looking at the graves, the bodies are starting to get up.

  The Village Men come into view, as they move closer to the airplane.


  Inside the airplane, Lee moves and looks at Timothy.

  Lee, "Why don't you tell them the rest of the legend?"

  Timothy, "What? I deal in science, not legend."

  Lee laughs, "Okay, I will tell them."

  Lee, with a serious tone, "People? May I have your attention?" Jim, "Close your eyes and go to sleep."

  Lee, smiling, "Oh, I think you'll want to hear my story."

  Ming, "Jim's's best that we all get some sleep. We don't know what

  tomorrow holds." Lee, "Oh, what I'm about to tell you, will make you forget about your tomorrows."

  Jim looks at Ming, with a questioning look. Ming just barely nods his head.

  Jim looks at Lee, "Make it quick."

  Lee, "The warriors, who developed the wine, the elixir of eternal life, they served the Emperor...."


  Outside of the temple, at night, several EMPEROR WARRIORS, dressed in ancient battle gear, are drinking from clay vases of wine.

  Lee's voice, "Their love for the Emperor was so great, that they wanted to serve him...forever."

  The EMPEROR WARRIORS appear to CHEER, as they raise the clay vases, in salute.

  Lee's voice, "The warriors, who sought to steal the secret..."

  Suddenly, the opposing ENEMY WARRIORS burst into the area and the battle begins.

  Lee's voice, "They, they were evil."

  Timothy's voice, "Evil is merely a word to describe..."


  Inside the airplane, Timothy is staring at Lee, with a hard look. Timothy, "The enemy, the opposition...the losers."

  Lee, "Perhaps, but..."

  Lee looks around at the other people, "Legend has it that..."

  Lee looks at Tommy, "Once you've tasted China White..."

  Lee tries to restrain his laughter, "Even losing your head won't kill you." Lee laughs, as Tommy and everyone else looks at Timothy, whose face

  slightly blushes. Lee calms down. Lee, "Oh, my friends, we're not talking ordinary...ZOMBIES, we're talking about zombies that can't be killed and..."

  Lee looks at Timothy, with a hard look, "I heard that the professor found the bodies of the warriors. The Emperor warriors..."

  Lee gives Timothy a smile, then slowly looks at the others.

  Lee, "And, the enemy warriors."

  Lee turns back towards Timothy, giving him a hard stare.

  Lee, "Seems that you found everything, anything that would make you rich...did you find the...China Black?"

  Timothy can't hide his shock, as his mouth drops open.

  Timothy, "How did you know about..."

  Timothy stops.

  Rachel, "China Black?"

  Lee slowly turns and looks at Rachel, "China White brings them to life...China Black puts them to...sleep forever."

  Lee turns back towards Timothy, "The Emperor Warriors knew that there would come a time when they would not want to live forever, they also knew that their secret could be stolen, so..."

  Lee looks at the others, "They created an..."

  Ming, "Antidote?"

  Everyone turns and looks at Timothy.


  In a large, open field, at night, General Zhou and General Tong's armies are embroiled in a fierce fight, but every time a soldier, on either side, is killed, the soldier gets back up, continuing to fight.

  General Zhou and General Tong are engaged in an intense battle, indicative of their fighting expertise.

  They both periodically cut each other, with the wounds seeming to heal, as they continue fighting.

  Suddenly, General Zhou seems to scream something, as he flings powder at General Tong. Instantly, all of the EMPEROR SOLDIERS fling powder at the ENEMY SOLDIERS.

  As General Tong frowns, trying to back away from the powder, General Zhou delivers a vicious cut with his sword.

  General Tong looks down at the wound, seeming to realize that there is now a difference. General Tong looks back up at General Zhou, frowns, then screams, as he charges, with General Zhou starting to deliver a death strike, as the EMPEROR SOLDIERS begin to cut down the ENEMY SOLDIERS.

  General Zhou strikes General Tong, who falls to his knees. He struggles, but he knows he's dying. He slowly looks up at General Zhou, who looks around the battlefield, seeing that the ENEMY SOLDIERS have all fallen down, with EMPEROR SOLDIERS delivering killing strikes.

  As the ENEMY SOLDIERS die, they burst into flames for a moment, then they turn to ashes, which float back down to the ground. General Zhou and General Tong both look back at each other.

  General Zhou screams an order, with the EMPEROR SOLDIERS dropping to their knees.

  There's a brief pause and then the EMPEROR SOLDIERS burst into flames for a moment, then they turn to ashes, which float back down to the ground.

  There is now only General Zhou and General Tong, as ashes swirl around the two men, like falling snow.

  General Tong seems to screams, as he lungs at General Zhou, but he bursts into flames, then turns to ashes, which swirl around the area. General Zhou looks around the area, seeing just swirling ashes.

  General Zhou lifts his head and arms up towards the darkened sky.

  There's a brief pause and then he bursts into flame.


  Inside the airplane, Tommy jerks awake and looks directly into a flame. Rachel is opening (FLAME) and closing the ZIPPO lighter. Rachel looks at Tommy, then closes the lighter.

  Rachel, "Tommy? Are you okay?"

  Tommy, "Yeah, yeah, sure."

  Tommy looks around, seeing that Timothy, Lee, and Ming are asleep. He

  looks around, but doesn't see Doug and Jim. Tommy looks back at Rachel. Rachel, "Doug and Jim went to check out the other containers." Rachel flips the ZIPPO open, then looks at the flame.

  Rachel, "They think that the good professor probably has the antidote hidden



  It's still night and inside a helicopter, Daniel. MAN #1, MAN #2, and MAN #3, dressed in BLACK BDU's, with rifles slung across their shoulders, sit inside a helicopter. They're all silent.

  Daniel looks out of the side, seeing the remote area below. Daniel says something to the pilot, with the helicopter banking and then turning around.

  The helicopter hovers above Doug's crashed helicopter comes into view.

  Daniel says something and the
helicopter starts to land.

  As the helicopter lands, Daniel motions to MAN #1, who jumps out of the helicopter and scans the area, as he runs up to the helicopter. MAN #1 looks inside the helicopter and the area, then runs back up to the helicopter, yells something to Daniel, who frowns, then motions for MAN #1 to get inside.

  MAN #1 is barely inside the helicopter, when it takes off.

  The helicopter moves a short distance, then passes over a slight hill and in the near distance, the faint glow of lanterns inside the cargo airplane flicker, with Daniel starting to smile.


  Inside the airplane, Rachel looks at the glow of the lantern. Ming is fighting to stay awake, as he looks at Lee. Ming periodically blinks his eyes, closes his eyes, then jerks his eyes open.

  Tommy and Timothy are apparently sleeping.

  There's a noise. Rachel jerks up, as Doug and Jim walk inside. Rachel, to Doug, "Did you, did you find the, the China Black?" Doug shakes his head, then moves, sitting down by Rachel, as Jim moves

  and sits down, looking at Ming, who dozes, then at Lee, who smiles at him. Doug, "There are too many containers and it's too dark. We'll wait until the morning."

  Rachel, "Did you find the firing pins...for the rifles?"

  Doug shakes his head, "Maybe, we won't need the rifles."

  Rachel, "Do, do you really believe that?"

  Doug shakes his head, "A tiger, a rhino, some hyenas, and...zombies. We need something and it's a long walk out of here."

  Rachel looks at Timothy, with Doug following her look.

  Doug, with disgust, "What people will do for money."

  Doug lightly shakes his head, then looks at Rachel, who starts to smile.

  Rachel, "Yeah, what people will do for money."

  Doug smiles, then leans his head back, closing his eyes.


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