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Tortall Page 15

by Tamora Pierce

• Thayet establishes the Queen’s Riders.

  • June—Keladry of Mindelan is born.

  • Merric of Hollyrose is born.

  • Seaver of Tasride is born.

  • Quinden of Marti’s Hill is born.

  • Lord Wyldon of Cavall takes the position of page training master.


  • Prince Liam of Conté is born.

  • Thom of Pirate’s Swoop is born.

  • Owen of Jesslaw is born.

  • Prosper of Tamaran is born.

  • Teron of Blythdin is born.

  • Arram Draper flees Carthak and changes name to Numair Salmalín.


  • Prince Jasson of Conté is born.

  • Warric of Mandash is born.

  • Iden of Vikison Lake is born.


  • Princess Lianne of Conté is born.

  • Alan and Alianne of Pirate’s Swoop are born.


  • Princess Vania of Conté is born.

  • Sairayu Balitang is born.

  • Baron Piers of Mindelan and his family go to the Yamani Islands, representing the Crown.

  • Timon Greendale reorganizes the palace service.


  • Carthaki mages find the spells to open the Divine Realms (during the eighth year of King Jonathan’s reign).

  • Ilane of Mindelan saves Yamani relics (swords) from invading pirates.

  • Salma Aynnar joins the palace staff (while Conal of Mindelan is still training).

  • Sir Raoul is thrown from the saddle in a jousting match; he is defeated.


  • Kel of Mindelan begins training on glaive.



  • Daine’s family is attacked; she loses her home.


  • March—Onua Chamtong hires Daine at the Cría fair.

  • Daine is visited by the Badger God for the first time.

  • Daine meets Numair.

  • Lord Sinthya escapes to Carthak.

  • April—

  ○ Daine and company arrive in Corus.

  ○ Daine takes a job with the Riders and learns about wild magic.

  ○ Stormwings attack the palace.

  • May—

  ○ King Jonathan rides on Progress.

  ○ Queen Thayet and her Riders move out for Pirate’s Swoop.

  ○ Daine begins to learn how to heal animals.

  ○ Riders encounter griffins on the coast.

  • Pirate’s Swoop is surrounded by an unmarked enemy army and navy.

  • A dragon is called from the Divine Realms; Daine heals her.

  • Daine calls to the kraken; it helps her defend Pirate’s Swoop.

  • The kraken destroys enemy forces while the Riders and guard destroy the army.

  • Daine finds Skysong, the dragon’s kit, after the mother is killed.



  • January—Daine turns fourteen.

  • The kudarung (winged horses) return to the Copper Islands.

  • Dovasary Balitang is born.

  • March—A Rider Group disappears.


  • September—Daine and Numair go to the Long Lake.

  • Daine learns of her ability to shape-shift.

  • Numair transforms a fellow mage.

  • Yolane of Dunlath is captured for plotting treason.

  • Maura of Dunlath inherits Dunlath.


  • Autumn page training begins:

  ○ Prince Roald begins training as a page.

  ○ Cleon of Kennan begins training as a page.

  ○ Vinson of Genlith begins training as a page.

  ○ Joren of Stone Mountain begins training as a page.

  ○ Garvey of Runnerspring begins training as a page.

  ○ Zahir ibn Alhaz begins training as a page.



  • January—Daine turns fifteen.

  • April—Edmund of Rosemark is late for page examination. Commanded to repeat all four years, he refuses.


  • King Jonathan sends an envoy to Carthak for peace treaties.

  • The Graveyard Hag meets Daine.

  • Daine learns that her father is the god Weiryn.

  • Ozorne kidnaps Daine.

  • Daine attacks.

  • Ozorne escapes.

  • Numair’s old teacher Lindhall Reed immigrates to Tortall.

  • Prince Kaddar becomes Emperor of Carthak.

  • Autumn page training begins:

  ○ Faleron of King’s Reach begins training as a page.

  ○ Yancen of Irenroha begins training as a page.

  ○ Balduin of Disart begins training as a page.


  • December–Midwinter:

  ○ The barrier between the Realms of the Gods and the Mortals evaporates.



  • January—Daine turns sixteen.

  • Spring thaw—Daine and Numair help protect the realm as the Immortals War begins.

  • April—

  ○ Nealan of Queenscove begins training as a page.

  ○ Sir Raoul of Goldenlake is elevated to the peerage, becoming Lord Sir Raoul of Goldenlake and Malorie’s Peak.


  • June—

  ○ Lord Wyldon rescues the younger princes and princess from hurrocks.

  ○ Daine and Numair are plucked into the Divine Realms.

  ○ Daine meets the god Weiryn, the god Gainel, and some animal gods.

  ○ Daine falls into a spider trap; Numair rescues her.

  ○ Daine and Numair attend a Dragonmeet.

  ○ Battle of Port Legann takes place.

  ○ Daine kills Ozorne.

  ○ The gods punish Uusoae and decide the fate of the Immortals.

  ○ Queen Thayet hands command of the Queen’s Riders over to Buriram Tourakom.

  ○ The Immortals War ends.

  ○ The Mindelan family returns from the Yamani Islands.

  ○ Eda Bell (the Shang “Wildcat”) joins the palace training staff.


  • Keladry of Mindelan applies to become a page; Lord Wyldon and King Jonathan agree to put her on probation.

  • Kel fights a spidren and decides to train as a page despite the probation.

  • Autumn page training begins:

  ○ Keladry of Mindelan begins training as a page, sponsored by Neal.

  ○ Merric of Hollyrose begins training as a page, sponsored by Faleron.

  ○ Seaver of Tasride begins training as a page, sponsored by Prince Roald.

  ○ Esmond of Nicoline begins training as a page, sponsored by Cleon.

  ○ Quinden of Marti’s Hill begins training as a page, sponsored by Zahir.

  • Kel receives her first present from her mystery benefactor.


  • Kel has her first fight with Joren, Vinson, and Zahir.



  • Kel has her second fight with Joren and his cronies.

  • This winter is described as “the hardest in a decade.”

  • February—The pages go on an overnight hike.

  • The pages have their first all-out brawl (during training).

  • March—Lord Wyldon learns of Kel’s fear of heights.

  • April—Kel has her first page examination.


  • June—The pages go on a Royal Forest camping trip.

  • June—Kel turns eleven.

  • Late June—Spidren hunt with the King’s Own and Sir Raoul.

  • Lord Wyldon allows Kel to continue her training; her probation ends.


  • Princess Kalasin goes to live with the Countess of King’s Reach.

  • Kel rescues the dog Jump and takes Lalasa I
sran as a maid.

  • Autumn page training begins:

  ○ Owen of Jesslaw begins training as a page, sponsored by Prince Roald.

  ○ Prosper of Tamaran beings training as a page.

  ○ Teron of Blythdin begins training as a page.

  • Kel and Joren have their first conflict of the training year when Kel protects Owen.

  • There is a second all-out page brawl in the barn, after training.

  • November—Kel begins training Lalasa in self-defense.

  • Midwinter—A silent war between Joren’s group and Kel’s group occurs during the banquet festivities.



  • February—Winter camping trip

  • April—

  ○ Joren, Vinson, Cleon, Garvey, Zahir, and Roald all become squires.

  • May—

  ○ Lord Imrah of Legann takes Roald as his squire.

  ○ Sir Inness of Mindelan takes Cleon as his squire.

  ○ King Jonathan of Conté takes Zahir as his squire.

  ○ Sir Paxton of Nond takes Joren as his squire.


  • June camping trip—

  ○ Kel and company defeat hill men.

  ○ Kel turns twelve.

  • Joren tries to make peace with Kel.

  • Autumn page training begins:

  ○ Warric of Mandash begins training as a page, sponsored by Merric.

  ○ Iden of Vikison Lake begins training as a page, sponsored by Owen.

  • Lord Wyldon begins teaching a Tactics and Strategies class for older pages.

  • Lalasa gets her first sewing commission; Kel meets Tianine Plowman.


  • Midwinter—Uline of Hannalof and Kieran haMinch announce their betrothal.



  • March—Vinson attacks Lalasa.

  • April—

  ○ Page examinations are held.

  ○ Faleron and Yancen become squires.

  ○ Ragnal of Darroch faints during page examinations.

  • Lady Sarugani Balitang dies in a riding accident.


  • June—

  ○ The pages take a summer camping trip to fiefs Dunlath, Stone Mountain, and Aili.

  ○ Kel turns thirteen.

  • November—The pages camp overnight in the Royal Forest and do a battle-scenario exercise.

  • Southern clans of Scanra unite and elect Maggur Rathhausak to be their war leader.



  • Queen Thayet commissions a gown from Lalasa.

  • April—

  ○ The Big Exams:

  • Lalasa is kidnapped.

  • Merric, Neal, Esmond, and Quinden become squires.

  • Kel becomes a squire.

  ○ Kel’s secret benefactor buys Peachblossom for her.


  • June—Kel turns fourteen.

  • Sir Raoul takes Kel as a squire.

  • Sir Alanna takes Neal as a squire.

  • Lalasa opens her own dressmaker’s shop.

  • Raoul provides Kel with a second mount, Hoshi.

  • Kel meets Domitan of Masbolle, sergeant of the King’s Own and cousin to Neal.

  • The Third Company of the King’s Own captures bandits; Kel fights a centaur.

  • Kel becomes the adoptive parent of a baby griffin.


  • Kel begins tilting with Raoul.

  • The Yamani delegation arrives in Tortall with Princess Shinkokami.

  • December—Joren stands trial for paying men to kidnap Lalasa.

  ○ Kel confronts King Jonathan about legal system injustices.

  ○ Kel, Raoul, and Thayet press Jon to change a particular law.

  • Midwinter—Kel receives her first kiss.



  • January—Third Company escorts ambassadors to and from Tyra.

  • February—Third Company rids the Bay Cove area of pirates, with help from Baron George Cooper.

  • March—Third Company travels south to stay with the Bazhir.

  • April—

  ○ Third Company contains flooding in the Drell River basin region.

  ○ Owen of Jesslaw becomes a squire.

  • May—Third Company returns to the Bazhir and then proceeds to Corus, where the Great Progress has already begun.


  • June—Kel turns fifteen.

  • Kel jousts against Ansil of Groten in a tournament.

  • Kel jousts against Sir Voelden of Tirrsmont.

  • The griffin’s parents come to reclaim their baby, with assistance from Daine.

  • Kel tilts with Lord Wyldon at a Fief Blythdin tournament.

  • Midwinter—

  ○ Cleon of Kennan passes his Ordeal of knighthood.

  ○ Vinson of Genlith survives his Ordeal of knighthood.

  ○ Joren threatens Kel.

  ○ Kel learns that Lalasa has been teaching self-defense to common-born girls in the city.

  ○ Joren of Stone Mountain dies.

  ○ Lord Buchard of Stone Mountain attacks Kel.

  ○ Garvey of Runnerspring passes his Ordeal of knighthood.

  ○ Zahir ibn Alhaz passes his Ordeal of knighthood.

  ○ Prince Roald of Conté passes his Ordeal of knighthood.

  ○ Lord Wyldon resigns.

  ○ Padraig haMinch is chosen as the new training master; Gareth (the Younger) of Naxen takes the interim position.

  ○ Lord Wyldon takes Owen as his squire.



  • Petranne Balitang is born.

  • Landfall, of the Tortallan spy network, begins spying in Hamrkeng, Scanra.

  • The Progress stays in Persopolis.

  • Bay Cove is struck by an earthquake; Third Company helps refugees and rebuilds the town.

  • Spring—At the Blue Harbor tournament, Kel jousts with Wyldon.

  • June—

  ○ The Progress goes to Mindelan.

  ○ Kel turns sixteen.

  • Troops are dispatched to the northern border.

  • Roald and Shinkokami take over the Progress (while Jon and Thayet visit troops and nobles).

  • Jon and Thayet rejoin the Progress.


  • Lachren of Mindelan (son of Sir Anders) begins training as a page.

  • The Progress ends.

  • Midwinter—

  ○ Yancen of Irenroha passes his Ordeal of knighthood.

  ○ Faleron of King’s Reach passes his Ordeal of knighthood.

  ○ Balduin of Disart passes his Ordeal of knighthood.



  • Elsren of Balitang is born.

  • February—Third Company begins resupplying and preparing to head north.

  • Nineteen men of the King’s Own First Company die in combat.

  • April—Third Company begins building a fort along the Scanran border.

  • May—Scanrans attack along the coast.

  • June—Scanrans attack in the region of Third Company; Kel turns seventeen.

  • Mid-August—

  ○ The Scanran army moves in to take Northwatch.

  ○ Sir Raoul battles a giant.

  ○ Kel faces (and defeats) her first killing device.

  ○ Kel commands a squad.


  • Alan of Pirate’s Swoop begins training as a page.

  • Mid-September—Encounters with Scanrans drop off.

  • Kel and Raoul head back to Corus.

  • October—Scanrans attack the village of Goatstrack.

  • October/November—Kel helps Shinkokami plan her upcoming wedding and helps Third Company recruit new members.

  • Midwinter—

  ○ Nealan of Queenscove passes his Ordeal of knighthood.

  ○ Yuki and Neal reveal their mutual affection.

  ○ Esmond of Nicoline passes his Ordeal of knighthood.

  ○ Seaver of Tasride passes his Ordeal of knighthood.

  ○ Quinden of Marti’s Hill passes his Ordeal of knighthood.

  ○ Merric of Hollyrose passes his Ordeal of knighthood.

  ○ Keladry of Mindelan passes her Ordeal of knighthood.

  ○ At her knighting ceremony, Kel is given a shield with a distaff border, the first in over 100 years.

  ○ Alanna gives Kel a sword.



  • March—

  ○ Scanra has a new king; Maggur Rathhausak unites the clans under his rule.

  ○ Kel goes into the Chamber of the Ordeal a second time.

  ○ Roald and Shinkokami postpone their wedding.

  ○ The Tortallan army mobilizes.

  ○ Kel finds Tobeis Boon, an indentured servant.

  • April—Cleon returns home.

  • Lord Wyldon gives Kel refugee-camp command; Neal and Merric are to serve under her.

  • Kel helps soldiers and convicts continue building the camp and names it Haven.

  • Numair brings refugees to Haven.

  • War is declared between Tortall and Scanra.

  • Scanrans attack Haven with killing devices.

  • Tirrsmont refugees come to Haven.

  • Anak’s Eyrie refugees arrive; the Scanrans attack.

  • Fort Giantkiller falls.

  • May—Minor skirmishes continue with the Scanrans.


  • May/June—

  ○ Scanrans attack Haven while Kel is reporting at Fort Mastiff.

  ○ Lord Wyldon gives Kel orders to bring her troops to Fort Mastiff; Kel decides to rescue the hostages.

  ○ Raoul secretly sends Dom’s squad to track (and help) Kel.

  ○ Tobe and Owen sneak out to help Kel.

  ○ Neal sets out with a “rescue party.”

  ○ Kel and company rescue the adult refugees; Kel sends them back with Merric, Seaver, and Esmond, and presses on to find the children.

  ○ Fanche and Saefas join the group.

  ○ A child seer, Irnai, dubs Kel the Protector of the Small.

  ○ Kel and her men rescue the captives with the help of villagers.

  ○ Kel battles Stenmun.

  ○ Kel battles Blayce.

  ○ Kel and company return to Tortall with the abducted children and refugees.

  ○ Wyldon gives Kel her next command: to build a new refugee camp, to be called New Haven.

  ○ Kel turns eighteen.

  Late Summer/Autumn:

  • August-ish—Daine becomes pregnant and can no longer function completely as a spy/wildmage (her child is a shape-shifter in the womb).

  • Prince Roald and Princess Shinkokami marry.


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