The Complete 8-Book Guardians Adventure Saga

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The Complete 8-Book Guardians Adventure Saga Page 95

by Summer Lee

  That was a strange term. “Okay.”

  Amanda then asked me about my relationship with God. Did I pray every day? She spoke kindly. We talked until dusk, and she prepared to go home. “My residence is many leagues away,” she said. “I must see to the sustenance of my…cat.”

  I smiled again at her use of archaic language and even…expressing the location in Roman distance, as if Biblical times. “Walker wants me to read the passage in Matthew 24 again.” The idea was overwhelming to me.

  “Read it over and over until you feel it bloom inside your soul. He will want you to familiarize yourself with it, so you can teach it if necessary.” She made it sound easy.

  “Oh, brother. This is too much too soon,” I said. “I don’t know if I can do that.”

  “Do not fret,” Amanda said. “I will return on the morrow and we will read it together.”

  “Thank you.” That would help for sure.

  As she turned to leave, she stopped and asked, “Do you not know the names of the horses?”

  “I don’t recall them having names,” I said.

  “Well, they do,” Amanda said. “You must learn their names.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding.”

  “I do not jest about such things, Martha!”

  “Wait.” I opened my laptop and went to a search engine page.

  I typed in the words and read from a web page, “The one on the white horse is Conquest. The one on the red horse is War. The one on the black horse is Famine, and the pale horse is Death.” I shook my head.


  “You look.” I turned the laptop toward her to read it. “These titles fit their description exactly,” I said as I watched her eyes move over the words.

  “They have been named after their assignment,” she said. “According to the colors in the Old Testament, Conquest is going west; War is going east; Famine is going north and Death is going south.”

  “That is what I have to look up,” I said. “It just seems like famine is all over Africa right now.”

  “Actually, death is all over Africa right now.”

  “So, I need to look for famine in Russia.”

  “Exactly. Get a commentary and become acquainted with the teachings. We will look at the news tomorrow to see how the dots connect.”

  It was now dark outside, so I encouraged Amanda to spend the night again. “My guest room is always available. Walker told you that I need you to stay here a few days at a time so we can work together, didn’t he?”

  “Well, yes he did. I have enough clothing in my satchel, but…my cat needs me. She has food and water but not my companionship or supervision.”

  “So, please stay again,” I said.

  She looked torn. “Very well. One more night.”

  “I am glad Walker is on top of his game. He knows I am needy.”

  We both laughed.

  “We’ll have breakfast in the garden in the morning. How does that sound?”

  “Good. Thank you. I like to break the fast with you in the cool of the mornings,” she said. I started toward my room.

  Suddenly, the earth began to vibrate. “What is that?” I asked abruptly. “An earthquake already?”

  “Just a small one.”

  “Or, is it the horses? Are they ready to pounce on us?”

  This might be how they would come—like an earthquake! Or was this another attempt by the evil one to stop me. For certain, they would come when it was time:

  Galloping, galloping, galloping.

  Chapter Eight

  “Tell me how far along you are on your assignment,” Amanda said, sipping her tea with honey the next morning.

  “I’m slow. I am now writing about the red horse,” I said. “It is going to take time to read those books in the Bible.”

  She smiled. “We shall do it together.”

  “Good. I know some things. I have used prophecy and self-improvement Scriptures to make my life better, but this is a lot harder. To me, this is the most important thing I’ve ever done,” I said. I noticed my voice sounded stronger. “I observe spiritual surprises all the time in the Bible. I expect to find a diamond tucked in the Book of Revelation any day now.”

  “Interesting way to put it.” She laughed.

  “This is going to be hard for me though.”

  “How so?”

  “I am intellectually challenged.”

  “You will find what you are looking for,” she said, laughing.

  “I need your help.”

  “That is why I am here,” she said. “Tell me what you know about the message given to the Apostle John in the last book of the Bible.”

  “You mean Revelation?”


  “Okay,” I said, “The Book of Revelation begins with the Apostle John being kept as a prisoner on the island of Patmos. I’ve read that was after the Romans failed to kill him by boiling him in oil. It was during his private prayer time on the Lord’s Day that he had the miraculous vision. In the vision, he saw Jesus, who first gave him messages to send to seven churches. And then, an angel took him on a tour of Heaven, which mostly was a look into the future.” I smiled. “Our future.”

  Amanda looked pleased. “Exactly right.”

  “To be specific, John saw into the future of when the world as we know it will come to an end. I realize we are close to that end.”

  Amanda replied, “This is the time period for it.”

  I said, “That is probably why Walker came to me, and I began studying prophecy.” I remembered the angel’s first visit. “That was when my spiritual eyes were opened.”

  “Why are you writing about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?”

  “Walker asked me to do it.”

  “There was a reason why you were chosen. What had happened just before you saw Walker?”

  “Well. First, I had a pupil that was interested.”

  “When was that?”

  “About two years ago. But Walker approached me a few days ago.”

  “That was when I was first asked to share my ideas with you,” she said. “Walker came to me.”

  “So, you are a true prophetess?” It felt good to know that Amanda was anointed. I could feel it in my spirit. “Has the Lord spoken to you lately?”

  “Yes.” She nodded and smiled.

  “Can you tell me?”

  “Not yet.”

  “What can you share with me about Revelation?”

  “I know what you know. The first few chapters were written to local churches, as you said.”

  If there was a special word from God, then perhaps Amanda would receive it, although I preferred to be the one with the miracle word. She said, “But that isn’t what my assignment is about.”

  “The church messages are important though,” I said. “But that is not my concern right now.”

  “Those physical churches represent the spiritual church down through the ages—until the Rapture.” When she said that, Amanda’s eyes lit up—almost smiling, making me feel at ease. It was the Holy Spirit inside of her.

  “And that was when John was taken to heaven by an angel,” I said. “The Apostle John saw the Lamb, pictured as the suffering Jesus, break open the seven seals of a scroll which had been in the Father’s hand. Tell me about that.”

  “You know that the first four seals describe the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. You know that their colors are important.”


  “You do need to keep that in mind all the time.” She narrowed her eyes into a serious expression. “You need it in your heart. Do you agree?”

  “I do.” I slowly nodded my head, listening carefully. “That is because God will talk to me in my heart.”

  “A purifying effect will be the result of the trials before the end comes.”

  I said, “That may be when World War III begins. If we can take Revelation seriously, many will be dead when it is over.”

  “The purification is real,” sai
d Amanda. “I want to caution you that interpretative labeling of World War III is not Scriptural. When the time comes, it may just be a series of wars that occur at the same time, but the media may hold back from labeling it World War III. Stick to the facts and events in the Bible.”

  I nodded. “I know the verse to guide me. Revelation 9:15. It says that a third part of man will die. That is a sign.”

  “Yes, you see, don’t you, Martha?” Amanda asked quietly.

  The calmness of her voice and the seriousness of the subject kept my attention.

  “Yes, I do,” I said. “When I first began my research, I learned that World War I claimed more than eight million lives, and World War II claimed 50 to 70 million. War-related famine killed another 12 million.” Chills ran up my spine. “But we probably don’t even know the real number of deaths.”

  “God does. He knows every sparrow that falls,” Amanda said. “But how could we know every soul who perished? Their numbers are far more than reported.”

  “There is trouble in the Middle East.” I shivered. “I wonder, has World War III already started?”

  She said, “I cannot say. However, some past presidents and the CIA believed it began on 9/11.”

  My heart beat faster. We were possibly in the end times already!

  Amanda continued, “In the narration in Revelation, the horsemen knew they had a job to do—a job of cleansing as God expels wickedness from the planet he made.”

  “Is that something I should write?”

  “If it was me, I’d mention the four winds before talking about the first horse,” she said. “Even though the Bible puts it after.”

  “Why so?”

  “That will get the attention of your readers.”

  “I understand.” I nodded. “How do I say that?”

  “Say, ‘John saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth.’ That will get the attention of the people.” Amanda sounded rational enough. “It will begin at a time when business is as usual,” she said.

  The leaves crackled nearby, interrupting our conversation. I looked up and saw that my angel was approaching. “Hello, Walker.”

  “Hello, Martha. Hello, Amanda. How are you ladies doing?” He shook our hands. So formal.

  I was glad he had returned. “Amanda believes I need to start with the wind blowing before I mention the white horse.”

  “Good idea.” He nodded. “Mention the west wind first.” Walker had a heavenly fragrance about him that was pleasant. “The Lord will send the white horse west,” he said. “Remember, the man on that horse who rides out on his corner of the earth represents the west. Because they are rich and educated, they think they are superior to the rest of the world.”

  Amanda said, “Western government will be bent on gaining control of the whole world. The EU will be superior, just like the United States is now.”

  “That is hard to understand.” I said, “Western civilization has always considered it to be their job to protect nations about them, because they are good at it. It makes sense that the first horse will go west.”

  “But this will be a religious war,” Amanda said. “It is different than material blessings and poverty. Isn’t that right, Walker?”

  Walker agreed. “The tribulation is a time when Satan pits his army against God and His Son.”

  “Do you think that the rider on the white horse will conquer the entire Western Hemisphere first?” I asked.

  Walker said, “It is the old Roman Empire, isn’t it?”

  “Absolutely.” Amanda closed her eyes. “We can tell by the statue in the book of Daniel.”

  “Amanda would know.” I said, “There are others who think so. I know that.”

  “Right now, the United States is the most powerful nation in the world,” said Walker. “But will not be so for very long.”

  I said. “Our president has clout around the world. Could his actions represent the rider on the white horse?”

  “Not necessarily him, personally,” Amanda said. “The United States is not specifically mentioned in prophecy.”

  “Look down the road three or four years,” said Walker. “Things will change in the United States.”

  “This is the second term for our president,” I said. “I’ve read that the European Union may want him for a vice president after he leaves office.”

  “That is quite possible,” said Amanda. “I sense something similar in my soul.”

  “Will the end be very soon?” I felt sick to my stomach.

  “What are you concerned about, Martha?” asked Walker.

  “I am thinking that our president may be a harbinger pictured by the white horseman,” I said. “That the one on the white horse is not the actual Antichrist, but a forerunner—our president.”

  “But who does he represent?” Walker asked, frowning.

  “The European Union.” I raised an eyebrow.

  “Then, why do you think it is your president?”

  “Doesn’t it seem like he is still campaigning, even though he is in his second term of office?”

  Walker said, “So, you think the president is campaigning to be president of the New World Order?”

  “Yes.” I inhaled air. “Or vice-president.”

  “What difference does it make who heads it up?” asked Amanda. “He will be pure evil controlling the world.”

  “You are wasting your worries,” said Walker.

  “In Revelation 13, John saw a beast with seven heads and ten horns come out of the sea. He looked like a leopard with bear’s feet. Satan gave him his power.” I looked at Walker. “That has to be the Antichrist.”

  “It is,” he said.

  I shrugged my shoulders. “He does not look like the man on the white horse.”

  “True,” said Walker, taking his cell phone out of his pocket. “My Internet connection,” he said, pointing the phone. “Let’s see if anyone else thinks that.”

  I laughed. “You have supernatural powers, Walker, and you don’t need Internet.”

  He laughed as well. “I know, but I like it.”

  Amanda was focused on the subject at hand, ignoring him. “But if scholars think those two evil powers are the same man, maybe he is,” said Amanda, opening up her laptop on the patio table. “I’ll check it out.”

  “Maybe he is what?” I asked.

  “The man on the white horse could be the Beast,” she said. “Even if they don’t look alike.”

  “I disagree. That is what a lot of preachers say off the top of their heads,” I said, standing. “I am willing to let you check it out, because I don’t want to be unfair.”

  “Resolve that issue. You do need to know the answer to that question in order to be focused on your assignment,” Walker said, smiling at me.

  “Okay. I have commentaries on my laptop.”

  “Wait! I have it here,” Amanda said. “The passage you are referring to is found in Revelation 6:2. In the NIV it says, “I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.”

  “That is it.”

  “It says, that there are three different views.

  “1. Christ

  “2. the Antichrist

  “3. the spirit of conquest

  “Those who think it is Christ use Revelation 19 as their reason. Jesus Christ is on the white horse there. They say that the Antichrist is probably not depicted as the rider on the white horse, since the rider is not acting in opposition to God’s plan, but rather is fulfilling it.”

  “The Lord gives a chance for the most hardened hearts to repent and be redeemed. It is unlikely that the Antichrist would play a role in that.”

  “That’s good. How do we repent?”

  “Just keep your eyes on Jesus.” He flipped a strand of hair out of his face. “The third option for the rider is that it is a spirit of conquest. It says ‘This is the most likely interpretation. In
this case, God sends out messengers of his wrath.”

  “People say that this may be an angelic being or a figurative character.”

  “In either case, it indicates that God will bring about a period of war upon the earth.”

  “Thank you so much,” I said. “I am in good company, because I believe the rider is from heaven on a mission for God.”

  Walker said, “You ladies are doing great.”

  I turned to Amanda. “Will you send that article to me as an attachment, so I can download it?”


  “This is what I want to do,” I said. “I want to find men of renown in major countries of the world. I want to write about them, and tell their beliefs in connection to the curses brought on earth by the Four Horsemen. How does that sound?”

  “Fine with me,” said Amanda. “That will take a while.”

  “Martha,” said Walker. “I need you to make a special effort to publish four pieces in your local newspaper. People need to know the truth.”


  “If you are diligent and ask God,” said Walker. “You will find mysteries known only in heaven.”

  “Thank you,” I said, turning away. “I’ll be in the library for a while, trying to sort this info out.”

  As I walked away, I could hear the sound of clomping above me. It was the horses. . .

  Galloping, galloping, galloping.

  Chapter Nine

  “Make yourself at home. Eat or drink whatever you want. There are sandwich makings in the fridge.”

  “Thank you, I will.”

  “And you, Walker, are an angel. You are free to do what you do best. And eat whatever you like in my home. Or eat your heavenly food.”

  We all laughed.

  I went inside to my computer to download the article that Amanda had found. I pulled a commentary off a shelf, and sat down to read. I found something I wanted to share.

  I scanned the page into the computer and uploaded it onto the Internet. A few minutes later, I got my laptop and returned to the patio. I uploaded and opened the attachment.

  “Back so soon?” asked Amanda.

  “Yes. Listen to this,” I said, opening the page. “A Bible student, by the name of Grimsrud, said that the white horse signifies triumphant warfare because the Four Horsemen represent war and its attendants of evil: war, strife, famine and disease. Grimsrud said that the word ‘conquer’ was used eleven times in the Book of Revelation and was used here in some translations. He said that ‘conquest by a faithful witness’ is mentioned once in each of the seven letters at the beginning of the Book of Revelation. It is used for the Lamb and his faithful servants.”


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