The Two Koreas: A Contemporary History
Page 78
Eisenhower, Dwight, 196
Emergency Decree Nine, 54
Ericson, Richard, 44
Estes, Howell, 240
European Union, 340
Families, reunited, 22, 36, 115, 318, 332, 337
Flanigan, Thomas, 247, 269
Ford, Gerald, 44, 53, 73, 112
DMZ crisis, 60–63, 65, 75
Korea policy of, 54, 56, 69
France, 107, 334
nuclear collaboration with ROK, 55, 57, 59
Frudden, Mark, 65
Gabon plot, 111
Gallucci, Robert, 221–222, 236, 368
Agreed Framework negotiations by, 275–277, 278–279
Carter and, 257, 259–261
defueling crisis, 240–244
light-water reactors, 286
nuclear negotiations by, 221–223, 227–228, 269
Gates, Robert, 48, 210, 216, 413, 434
Giscard d’Estaing, Valery, 59
Gleysteen, William, 83–85, 103, 105, 107
Chun coup, 93–94, 96–97
Kwangju uprising, 98–104, 105
Park assassination, 88–89, 91–94
Gong Ro Myung, 278, 287, 288, 305, 306
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 121
Bush and, 154, 159
economic reforms of, 147, 156, 160
Kim Il Sung and, 124, 125, 155
plot against, 202, 203
Reagan and, 125, 154
relations with ROK, 149, 155, 156–157, 160, 180
rise of, 154–155
Roh Tae Woo and, 159–165, 175–177
Soviet-South Korean economic negotiations under, 175–177
Gordon, Michael, 235
Gore, Albert, 236, 249, 259, 260, 292, 436
Graham, Billy, 85, 234
Graham, Ruth, 234
Great Britain, 340
Green, Marshall, 31
Green, Michael, 356, 406
Gregg, Donald, 103, 164, 201, 213, 243, 376
Chun Doo Hwan, 103, 106
CIA station chief, 36, 48, 49–50
contact with North, 394, 414
US-DPRK negotiations, 377, 378
Gromyko, Andrei, 166, 185
Ha Chong Uk, 295
Habib, Philip, 30, 44,
Kim Dae Jung rescue, 35
Kim Il Sung, 65
ROK issues, 30–33, 53, 58, 72
Hadley, Stephen, 353, 377, 406
Hahm Pyong Choon, 58, 110
Haig, Alexander, 69, 106–108, 113
Hall, Bobby, 281–282, 294
Halloran, Richard, 68
Han Se Hae, 117
Han Song Soo, 353
Han Sung Joo, 219, 220, 251, 278
Hana-hoe, 95
Hangul, 178
Hangyore Sinmun, 387, 413
Hanna, Richard, 73
Harrison, Selig, 205, 252–253, 258, 313
Hata, Tsutomu, 250
Hausman, James, 26
Heavy and Chemical Industries Promotion Plan, 29, 54
Hecker, Siegfried, 398, 399, 416
Henderson, Gregory, 6, 12
Hiatt, Fred, 146
Hileman, David, 281
Hill, Christopher, 405, 406, 407, 414, 416
Kim Gye Gwan and, 417, 430–431
New York Philharmonic, 420, 422–423
six-party talks, 428, 429, 430
Ho Dam, 75, 117, 161
Ho Jong, 235–236
Hodge, John R., 5
Holbrooke, Richard, 71, 74, 84–85, 90
Hollingsworth, James F., 49–50
Holloway, James L., 61–63
Honecker, Erich, 81, 114, 119, 170
visit to Pyongyang, 76–77, 79–80
Hu Jintao, 417
Hu Yaobang, 121
Huang Hua, 71
Hubbard, Thomas, 351, 353, 359, 386
framework negotiations, 230, 235–237, 282
Hall’s release, 281–282
talks with DPRK, 287, 302, 351
Hungary, 119, 159, 272
relations with ROK, 117, 147–149, 169
Huntley, Martha, 101
Hwang Jang Yop, 142, 309, 312, 313
Hyland, William, 61–63
Hyon Jong Un, 442
Hyun In-taek, 438, 444
Hyundai group, 141, 160
Diamond Mountain tourism, 325, 340, 442
founder of, 298, 311, 324–325, 337
Kaesong Industrial Zone, 340
IAEA. See International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Ignatenko, Vitaly, 156
Ilhae Foundation, 127
Im Tae-hee, 443–444
India, nuclear capability of, 56
Institute of the USA. and Canada, 161
Institute of World Economic and International Relations (IMEMO), 161
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 196, 209, 232, 239, 347
defueling crisis, 242–243, 247–248
DPRK joining NPT, 198, 200, 207, 208
expelled by DPRK, 252, 258, 430, 432
inspections of North by, 208–212, 213, 214–215, 237
International Monetary Fund, 317–318
Iran-Contra scandal, 130
Iraq, 209, 216, 357
US invasion (2003) of, 349, 382, 388, 392–393, 395
Israel, 83, 346
Italy, 333–334, 340
Ivanov, Igor, 332
Jameson, Sam, 104
abductions by DPRK, 359, 376, 401
food aid to DPRK, 291, 320
historical influence on Korea, 3–4, 328
occupation of Korea, 8, 18, 43, 171, 385
political developments in 1994, 250–251
relations with North, 171–173, 332, 359–362, 376
relations with South, 28–29, 44–45, 171
rocket launch by DPRK, 319, 320, 412
sanctions against DPRK, 249–250, 332, 415
Jiang Zemin, 170, 192, 301, 397
Jo Myong Rok, 341–344, 354
Johnson, Lyndon, 75
Joint communiqué, US-DPRK, 345, 347, 351, 354–355
Joint Declaration on Denuclearization (1991), 206, 404, 406
Joint Nuclear Control Commission, 206, 212–213
Joint Security Area (JSA), 2, 183, 293
axe murders in, 59–66
Jong Chong Chol, 355
Kim Il Sung and, 15–16, 37, 77, 181, 222
Kim Jong Il and, 302, 326
philosophy created by Hwang Jang Yop, 312–316
June Resistance, 126
Kaesong Industrial Zone, 440, 448
KAL 007, downing of, 109–110, 112
KAL 858, bombing of, 144–145
Kamentsev, Vladimir, 144–146
Kanemaru, Shin, 172–173
Kang Chang Sung, 59
Kang Min Chul, 111
Kang Sin Ok, 90
Kang Sok Ju, 185, 221, 252, 359, 360, 361,
framework negotiations by, 276, 277, 280, 328
Kelly and, 370–372, 374, 377
light-water-reactor plants, 226, 252
meeting with Albright, 345
nuclear negotiations by, 221–222, 231, 242, 269, 276
talks with Japan by, 359, 360, 361
uranium issue, 370–372
visit to Beijing, 404
visit to Washington, 342–343
Kang Song San, 121, 233
Kanter, Arnold, 207
meeting with Kim Yong Sun, 208, 221, 222, 224, 254, 270
Kartman, Charles, 321–322, 341, 351, 368
KCIA (Korean Central Intelligence Agency), 12, 91, 103, 173
Chun Doo Hwan and, 96, 98
Kim Jae Kyu, director of, 85, 87, 90
Lee Hu Rak, director of, 13, 20, 33, 120
practices of, 23, 34–36, 41, 99
Kelly, James, 356, 366–372, 376, 405
Kang Sok Ju and, 368–370, 377, 397
Ri Gun and, 395–396
Kennedy, John F.,
5, 26, 75, 261
Kessler, Glenn, 423
Khan, A.Q., 347
Khmer Rouge, 50
Khrushchev, Nikita, 9, 125, 261
Kim Byong Hong, 285
Kim Chang Hwan, 85
Kim Chong Hwan, 93
Kim Chong Whi, 147, 163–164, 177, 194, 207
Kim Chung Yum, 29
Kim Dae Jung, 26, 34, 373, 375, 387
arrest of, 99, 100
death of, 437
George W. Bush and, 350, 351–352, 358, 359
kidnapping of, 35–36, 40, 43, 99, 106
Kim Young Sam and, 136–139
Nobel Peace Prize awarded to, 340
opposition to Park, 34–35
political moves of, 135, 136, 300
presidency of, 317–318, 381, 385, 441
presidential candidacy of, 139, 297
state visits of, 334, 351
summit with Kim Jong Il, 319, 334, 335–340, 439
Sunshine Policy of, 317, 331, 374, 381, 387, 442
US actions to save, 105–108
Kim Dal Hyon, 227
Kim Dong Jo, 32
Kim Du Nam, 184
Kim Duk Hong, 313–314, 316
Kim Duk Hyun, 12
Kim, Georgi, 124
Kim Gye Gwan, 417, 429
Hill and, 417, 430–431
New York Philharmonic performance in Pyongyang, 421–423
relations with United States, 287, 368–369, 341, 408
Kim Hak Joon, 214
Kim Hyon Hui, 144, 273
Kim Il Sung, 8–9
beginning of Korean War, 7, 270–271
Carter and, 249, 257–259, 261–263
cult of personality around, 16–18, 182
death of, 266–271, 295, 319, 453
defueling crisis, 244, 253
DMZ killings, 60, 65–66
DMZ tunneling, 47
last days of, 265–267, 267–268, 339
life and character of, 13–18
meeting with Southern emissary, 13, 18–20
militarism of, 48–49
nuclear weapons program, 196–198
on Park assassination, 91–92
posthumous influence of, 283–284
power solidification of, 8–9, 48
relations with China, 9, 10, 50–51, 192
relations with South, 37–38, 40, 116–119
relations with Soviets, 119–125
relations with US, 174–175
three-year plan of 1993, 232–233
unification, 19–20, 77,
US withdrawal policies, 75–80
Kim Jae Ik, 110
Kim Jae Kyu, 85
assassination of Park Chung Hee by, 87, 90–91
Kim Jong Il, 14, 233, 258, 328, 346
Albright and, 343–345
Clinton and, 436–437
characterized by others, 336–337, 338, 343, 339
Chung Ju Yung and, 324–325, 337
contrasted with Kim Il Sung, 271, 326
currency revaluation, 449–450
death of, 452–453
diplomatic role of, 121, 208, 333
economic policy of, 362–365, 374, 450, 456
health problems of, 425–427, 430, 437, 440, 443
life and character of, 272–273, 315, 324
military first policy of, 452
New York Philharmonic, 421, 423, 424
obsession with cinema, 272–273
progress under, 364–366
public appearances of, 426–427
Putin and, 340, 344, 361
regime of, 281–282, 293–294, 323–324, 326
relations with Japan, 397, 401
relations with military, 293–294, 324, 391
shortfalls of, 309–311
succession of, 271–274, 318
summit with Kim Dae Jung, 319, 333–339
summit with Roh Moo-hyun, 420, 424, 428, 439–441
terrorism, 111, 273–274
Kim Jong Nam, 425
Kim Jong Pil, 30, 33, 44, 99
Kim Jong U, 302
Kim Jong Un, 432
leadership style of, 453–454, 455, 456
outlook for, 454, 456
succession of, 424–425, 450, 452–453
Kim Ki Nam, 438
Kim Kye Won, 87, 91
Kim Kyong Hui, 185, 426
Kim Kyung Won, 91, 131
Kim Pu Song, 46
Kim Pyong Il, 149, 272
Kim Seong Jin, 11, 20, 40
Kim Seung Il, 144
Kim Song Ae, 261, 272
Kim Sook, 390
Kim Sung, 429
Kim Woo Choong, 148
Kim Yong Chul, 206
Kim Yong Nam, 178, 185, 284, 332, 338, 341
Carter and, 256, 259
China-ROK relations, 193–194
Oberdorfer and, 178, 181, 184, 185
Soviet-ROK relations, 159, 166, 168
Kim Yong Shik, 11
Kim Yong Sun
life and character of, 185–186, 284, 336
meeting with Kanter, 207–208, 221, 224, 370
Kim Yong-gon, 438, 442, 443
Kim Yoon Hwan, 135
Kim, Young C., 314
Kim Young Joo, 20
Kim Young Sam, 161, 214, 297, 325, 292, 382
banking reforms of, 295
Bill Clinton and, 306
election of, 217
election setbacks for, 138, 292
Kim Dae Jung and, 136–139
life and character of, 136–137, 225
North Korean regime, 224, 271, 277, 282, 292
North’s nuclear policies, 228–232, 238, 253
opposition leader, 89, 99, 134, 136, 298
plans for summit meeting with Kim Il Sung, 262, 266, 339
policy toward North Korea, 231, 277, 317
reaction to death of Kim Il Sung, 270–271
reaction to submarine infiltration, 304, 305–306
relations with North, 162, 224–225, 266, 291–293
Roh Tae Woo, 162, 297, 299
summit diplomacy and, 299–302
Kim, Yuri, 420
Kissinger, Henry, 31, 69, 56
diplomatic missions to China, 9, 11, 112
DMZ crisis, 60–63
Ko Young-hui, 425
Koh Yong Hwan, 111, 185
Koizumi, Junichiro, 360, 361, 365, 367, 397, 401
Kojong, King, 164
division of, 4, 6, 167, 196
geography of, 2, 3
pre-independence history of, 2–5
Korea-US Free Trade Agreement, 388
Koreagate, 73–74, 91
Korean Nuclear Fuels Development Corporation, 59
Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO), 286, 364, 366, 374–375, 347
accomplishments of, 369, 380, 385, 411, 412
challenges of, 412
end of, 403, 407, 411–413
in crisis, 304, 378, 379
obligations to DPRK, 287–288, 378, 403, 411
Korean War
beginnings of, 6–7
consequences of, 1, 8
Krauthammer, Charles, 230
Kristof, Nicholas, 306
Kuala Lumpur meeting, 287–288, 345, 360
Kwangju uprising, 98–105, 133, 134
Kwon Yong Hae, 220, 230
Kyodo, 364
Kyongbok Palace, 23, 104
Laird, Melvin, 68–69
Lake, Anthony, 235, 241, 251, 271, 301
Carter and, 259, 261
Landy, Pierre, 57
Laney, James, 269, 278, 287, 292, 301
defueling crisis, 236, 249, 256
Latzky, Eric, 420, 422
Laxalt, Paul, 131
Leap Day Agreement, 455, 456
Lee Boo Young, 270
Lee Bum Suk, 110, 146
Lee Chang Su, 20
Lee Hoi-chang, 386
Lee Hu Rak, 12, 18, 20, 33, 36, 120
e Hyong Choi, 307, 351, 356
Lee Hyun Woo, 296
Lee, John, 48
Lee Jong-seok, 390
Lee Joung Binn, 334
Lee Kwang Su, 303
Lee Myung-bak, 392, 423, 438, 440–441
life and character of, 438
North Korea policy, 438, 441–442, 448
Obama and, 438
Roh Moo-hyun and, 438
Lee Pyong Tae, 245
Lee, Samuel, 313
Lee Sang Ok, 190
Lee Soon Ja (Mrs. Chun Doo Hwan), 127
Lee Sun Sok, 189
Lee Sung Ki, 197
Lee Yong Choi, 329
Let’s Eat Two Meals a Day, 291
Lew Byong Hyon, 88, 106
Lewis, John, 398, 399, 416
Lho Shin Yong, 141
Li Peng, 161, 180, 189
Li Tae-sik, 378
Libya, 122, 216, 357, 401
Liem, Channing, 116
Ligachev, Yegor, 154
Light-water reactors (LWR), 226, 347, 412, 433
Agreed Framework provisions for, 274–280
funding for, 253, 285–286, 320, 413
initial proposal for, 224–227
problems providing, 285–288
US opposition to, 404–408
Lim Dong Won, 203, 325, 334, 335, 350
talks with DPRK, 335, 337, 338, 360
Lilley, James, 132–133, 150
Linton, Stephen, 234
Livesey, William, 133
Livingston, Bob, 321
Lord, Winston, 269
Los Angeles Times, 104, 142, 357, 368
Luck, Gary, 245, 256, 287
on possibility of war, 234–235, 245–247
Lugar, Richard, 249
MacArthur, Douglas, 196
Malta summit, 159
Mao Tse-tung, 7, 13, 51, 196, 197, 283
influence on Kim Il Sung, 14, 16
Marcos, Ferdinand, 31, 128
Maretzki, Hans, 142
Maslyukov, Yuri, 176–177
North Korean party newspaper, 280, 351, 353, 368, 416
South Korean censorship of, 92, 101
Medvedev, Vadim, 14, 124, 175
Mehta, Zarin, 420, 421, 422
Middle East, 67, 78, 108, 249, 382, 393
relations with DPRK, 194, 248
South Korean projects in, 141, 144
Military Armistice Commission, 63, 65, 285
Minton, Mark, 307
Missile Technology Control Regime, 329
Mondale, Walter, 69–70
Moon Jae-in, 387, 444
Mori, Yoshiro, 359
Mullen, Mike, 452
Mun Se Kwang, 42–43, 45
Murayama, Tomiichi, 269, 332
Myohyang Mountains, 172, 266
Nakagawa, Hidenao, 359
National Conference for Unification, 37, 105
National Liberation Day, 338
Netherlands, 340
Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission, 285
New York Philharmonic, performance
in Pyongyang, 419–424, 429
New York Times, 280, 306, 321, 322, 368, 375
and Billy Graham, 234
classified information leaked to, 320, 357
interview in Pyongyang, 18, 37, 48
interview with Carter, 68