interview with ROK president, 89, 212, 224, 277, 280
Nixon, Richard, 31, 112, 196
Korea comments, 33, 55, 68
resignation of, 44, 73
triangular diplomacy of, 10–11
Nixon Doctrine, 10
NMD See United States National Missile Defense plan
Nobel Peace Prize, 4, 340
Nonaka, Hiromu, 332
Non-Proliferation Treaty. See Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty
Nordpolitik, 146–150, 163, 165
North Korea. See Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
North Vietnam, 10, 52
Northern Limit Line (NLL), 363, 441, 443, 444
North-South Coordinating Committee, 35–36
North-South railroad, 339
North-South talks in 1971, 11–12
in 1972, 12–13, 18–25, 36–38
in 1984–1986, 115–119
in 1990, 173–174
in 1991, 203–206
in 1992, 212, 213
in 1993, 229
in 1994, 262–263, 265–266
2000, 339–340
in 2009, 443–445
in 2010, 445–446
Novak, Robert, 57
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT),
DPRK and, 196, 242, 257, 261, 405, 435
DPRK suspension of withdrawal from, 223, 228, 229
DPRK withdrawal from, 215–218, 219, 239, 276, 394
enforcement efforts of, 209, 228–230
negotiations on, 198, 226–227
Nuclear Posture Review, 357
Nuclear reprocessing, 205–206
North and, 241, 248, 394, 396, 398
Park Chung Hee and, 55–59
Nunn, Sam, 249
Obama, Barack, 431
Lee Myung-bak and, 438
North Korea policy, 433–434
North Korea provocations during administration of, 431–435, 444–446
Obuchi, Keizo, 320
OECD. See Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development
Oh Won Choi, 55
Agreed Framework provisions for, 279, 284, 307, 378–379
DPRK need for, 122, 157, 249, 265, 275, 312
global economics of, 78, 82, 89, 250
Olympics of 1988, 128, 149–150, 340
background of, 140–143
DPRK on, 140–142
political possibilities for, 140, 146–150
televised, 156–157
Olympics of 2000, 339–340
O’Neill, Tip, 47
OPCON, see Wartime Operational Control
Operation Paul Bunyan, 64, 66
Operation Plan 50–27, 224
Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 317, 458
Outer Space Treaty, 432
Paekdu, Mount, 272
Page, Trevor, 290
Pak Chul, 260
Pak Nam-ki, 376, 450
Palestinians, 346
Panmunjom, 2, 22, 59, 75, 117, 183
meetings in, 11–13, 36, 205, 229, 237 See also Joint Security Area
Park Chul Un, 117, 118, 147, 148, 157
Park Chung Hee
assassination attempt against, 39–40, 43–44, 45
assassination of, 87–88
Carter and, 70, 72–73, 83–85, 113
defense budget of, 54–55
DMZ killings, 64, 66
election of, 26, 34, 135
end of regime of, 89–91
Gerald Ford and, 53–54
Kim Dae Jung and, 26, 34–35, 36, 138
Kim Il Sung, 20
life and character of, 8, 25–27, 95
martial law regime of, 30–36, 41–42, 385
Nixon Doctrine, 10, 11
nuclear plans of, 55–59
relations with the North, 25, 36–38
rise of, 26–27, 48, 78
rule of, 27–30
unification, 18–19, 20
yushin, 30, 33–36
Park, Han S., 16
Park Hee Do, 138
Park Jie Won, 334, 335
Park Kye Dong, 295
Park Seh Jik, 142
Park Sung Chul, 19
Park Tong Chin, 70
Park Tong Sun, 73–74
Park Yong Ok, 206
Park Yong Su, 237
Patriot missiles, 234, 238
Perricos, Dimitri, 242
Perry, William, 289, 326–327, 353
nuclear crisis of 1994, 241, 247, 248, 249, 259, 289
on possibility of war, 240, 247, 254–255, 287
visit to Pyongyang, 327–330
Persian Gulf War, 175, 235, 254
Platt, Nicholas, 84–85
Plunk, Daryl, 305
DPRK freeze on production of, 374, 368, 383, 385
DPRK production of, 206, 210–211, 321, 380, 385
Park Chung Hee and, 55, 57
supply for weapons, 215, 240–242, 275, 371, 392
Yongbyon reprocessing plant for, 195, 237, 281, 322, 349
Pond, Elizabeth, 26
Porter, William, 27, 36
Portsmouth, Treaty of, 4
Powell, Colin
on North Korea, 350, 361, 368, 399
on North Korea policy, 352, 354, 375
Powell, Jody, 69
Presidential Review Memorandum/NSC–13, 69
Presidential Review Memorandum/NSC–45, 82
Primakov, Yevgeni, 161
Pritchard, Jack, 356, 360, 362, 378, 416
Pueblo, 120
Putin, Vladimir, 340, 344, 351, 361
Pyongyang, correspondent’s view of, 182–183
Pyongyang Declaration (2002), 361, 397
Qian Qichen, 220, 251, 300
relations with North, 178, 180, 395
relations with South, 180, 187, 189, 190–191
Quinones, C. Kenneth, 221–223, 229, 231
Rakhmanin, Oleg, 15, 121
Rangoon, 272
aftermath of bombing, 113–114, 117, 151, 184
bombing of, 110–112, 146, 273
Rason, 450–451
Reagan, Ronald, 15, 60, 130
Chun and, 106–108, 112, 127, 131–132
DPRK and, 184–185
Gorbachev and, 125, 155
Iran-Contra, 130
Korea policies of, 113–114, 145
relations with China, 121
Roh Tae Woo and, 152
Red Cross, 311, 426
diplomatic and policy role of, 12, 115–116, 119
Kyongbok Palace meeting of 1972, 22–25, 110, 117, 173
Panmunjom meeting of 1971, 11
Reid, Tom, 181, 183
Remittances, 249–250
Republic of Korea
anti-Americanism in, 102, 124, 129, 380, 385–386
Christianity in, 40, 41
contrasted with DPRK, 78, 183–184, 316
and December (1991) Accords, 203–206
economic assistance to DPRK, 332, 334
economic condition of, 78, 289, 316–317
economic relations with Soviet Union, 175–177
floods in 1984, 115
food aid to DPRK, 266, 291, 311, 318, 454
Grand National Party, 340
growth of democracy in, 126–139, 387
human rights abuses in, 41, 70, 73, 85, 91, 347
military preparedness of, 49–50, 54–55, 310, 391
nuclear weapons research, 40, 55–59
Olympics in, 128, 149–150, 340
parliamentary elections of 2000, 335
political scandal in, 295–299
presidential elections, 212, 380, 385, 438–439, 444
relations with China, 146–148, 161–165, 186–193
relations with Eastern bloc countries, 169–170
relations with Hungary, 117, 147–149, 169
relations with Soviet Union, 123–124, 154–177
relations with Ta
iwan, 179, 191–192
relations with US, 55–59, 107–108, 381–418
student activism in, 41, 78–79
against Chun Doo Hwan, 98–103, 129–132
against Park Chung Hee, 41–42, 87, 385
against Syngman Rhee, 8, 31, 40–41, 78, 130
US nuclear umbrella and, 57, 201, 202, 390
Reunification. See Unification 7, 244
Reykjavik summit, 125
Rhee, Syngman, 6–7, 26, 31, 107
opposition to armistice, 285
protests against, 8, 31, 40–41, 78, 130
Ri Chan Bok, 416
Ri Chol, 425
Ri Gun, 305, 395–396
Ri Jong Hyok, 302
Rice, Condoleezza, 350, 359, 405, 406, 414
on New York Philharmonic
performance in Pyongyang, 420, 423
on North Korea policy, 352, 395, 417, 418, 428
Rich, John, 21
Rich, Robert, 74
Richardson, Bill, 281, 305
Ridgway, Matthew, 196
RisCassi, Robert, 201, 213, 244
Ro Jae Hyun, 93
Rogachev, Igor, 166, 176
Rogers, William, 11, 32
Roh Jae Won, 189
Roh Moo-hyun, 381, 382, 385, 387
death of, 437
election of, 380, 385–386
George W. Bush and, 387–388, 410
impeachment of, 400
inter-Korean summit, 420, 424, 428, 439–441
Lee Myung-bak and, 438
life and character of, 385, 387
North Korea policy under, 386–387, 448
North-South relations under, 400, 403, 410
US-ROK relations under, 388–392
Roh Tae Woo, 95, 147, 189
George Bush and, 202
Chun and, 94–95, 117, 136
Gorbachev and, 159–165, 175–177, 301
Kim Il Sung and, 203, 212, 262
Kim Young Sam and, 162
life and character of, 95, 103, 135–136
Nordpolitik of, 146–150, 163, 165
nuclear policy of, 205–206
peacemaking by, 134, 150–153
presidency of, 139, 188–189, 191
presidential candidacy of, 130, 134, 135, 138
relations with China, 188–193
scandal around, 295–299
ROK. See Republic of Korea
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 4
Roosevelt, Theodore, 4
Roth, Stanley, 260
Roux, François-Xavier, 425–426
Rumsfeld, Donald, 58, 321, 354, 392, 414–415
on North Korea policy, 354, 364, 384,
Rusk, Dean, 5
early relations with Korea, 3–4, 164
multilateral talks, 301, 383
North-South détente, 339
relations with DPRK, 186, 207, 250, 361, 363
UN sanctions, 250, 415
Russo-Japanese War, 4, 328
Ryu Kwang, 360
Ryzhkov, Nikolai, 155
Saar, John, 72
Salisbury, Harrison, 18, 48
Samaranch, Juan Antonio, 128, 142–143
Samore, Gary, 229
Sanger, David, 322–323
Satellite, DPRK launch of, 320, 343, 431–432, 455
Schlesinger, James, 50, 54, 57–58, 61, 200
Schmidt, Helmut, 162
Scowcroft, Brent, 58, 63, 201, 254
Security Consultative Meeting, 390
September 11, 2001 (9/11) attacks, impact of, 356–359, 409
Shalikashvili, John, 246–247, 259, 287, 289
Shanghai, 334, 346, 365
Sherman, Wendy, 327, 342, 346
Shevardnadze, Eduard, 142, 145–146, 166
relations with North Korea, 142, 155–156, 165–169
relations with South Korea, 158–159
Shin Dong Won, 150
Shin Sang Ok, 273
Shultz, George, 109, 114, 134, 152
North Korea threat, 145–146
South Korea policy, 127, 130
Sigal, Leon, 368, 369
Sigur, Gaston, 129–130, 134, 151, 283
Sihanouk, Norodom, 10, 244
Singapore, talks in, 334, 359, 360, 443, 444
Singlaub, John, 72
Six-party talks, 395–398, 403–410
accomplishments of, 420, 427–428, 429
collapse of, 430, 431, 432, 435
North Korea withdrawal from, 403, 432
obligations to North Korea as a result of, 429, 430, 431
September 19 joint statement, 405–406
three-party precursor to, 395, 396
Smith, R. Jeffrey, 231
Sneider, Richard, 70
on nuclear issue, 57–59,
policy recommendations of, 52–53, 66
Sohn Jang Nae, 103, 106, 116, 118
Solarz, Stephen, 17, 206, 229
Solidarity, Polish trade union, 159
Solomon, Richard, 164, 202
Son U Ryun, 59
Song Ho Gyong, 335
Song Min-soon, 405
Song Young Dae, 238, 309
South Korea. See Republic of Korea
Soviet Union, 4, 5
downing of KAL 007, 109–110
economic aid to DPRK, 122–123, 157, 325
economic relations with ROK, 175–177
Korean War, 6–7
military aid to DPRK, 9, 49, 125
nuclear aid to DPRK, 198, 227
Olympics of 1988, 142, 156–157
relations with DPRK, 29, 119–125, 203, 327
relations with ROK, 123–124, 154–177
relations with US, 120, 420
relations with West Germany, 162
Sino-Soviet conflict, 79, 120, 123, 161, 179, 313
Spain, 340
Stalin, Joseph, 13, 119, 283
Kim Il Sung and, 7, 14, 16
Stilwell, Richard, 62–65
Stock markets, 253, 316, 340, 346
Submarine incident, 302–307, 317, 351, 412
Suh Dae-Sook, 17
Suh Dong Kwon, 173, 291
Sullivan, Kevin, 304
Supreme Council for National Reconstruction, 95
Taeduk, 56
Taft, William Howard, 4
Taiwan, relations with South Korea, 179, 191–192
Tanaka, Hitoshi, 360, 361
Taylor, William, 267
Team Spirit, 118
DPRK reaction to, 118–119, 213–214
Team Spirit (1976), 61, 200
Team Spirit (1972), 206, 213
Team Spirit (1993), 213–214
Textiles, 115
Thatcher, Margaret, 189
Theis, Willi, 211
Thirty-eighth parallel, historical importance of, 4–5, 7–8
Tilelli, John, 306, 310, 328
Tito, Josef, 113
Tkachenko, Vadim, 120, 124, 162
Tourism, 274, 334, 340
Toyotomi, Hideyoshi, 3, 190
Trading with the Enemy Act, 428, 429
Trilateral Coordination and Oversight Groups (TCOG), 327, 378, 385
Tuchman, Barbara, 240
Tunnels under DMZ, 45–47
Umashev, Vitaly, 156
Unification, 337
United Nations
aid to DPRK, 290–291, 293, 302, 311, 323
antiterrorism convention, 356
DPRK mission in New York, 353, 355, 394, 396, 420, 430
North and South Korea admission to, 180, 189, 299
Security Council resolutions, 415, 432–435, 443, 455, 459
troops, 7–8, 63, 65, 366
World Food Program of, 290, 302
United States
aid to DPRK, 284, 311, 323, 455, 456
anticipation of DPRK regime change, 384, 410–411, 412
bombing of Yugoslavia, 329
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA),
analysis of DPRK, 236, 240–241, 276, 322
, 363
Defense Department, 227, 236, 357, 358
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), 82, 322
diplomacy with DPRK, 151–153, 207–208, 340–346
early treaty with Korea, 3
election of 2000, 346, 351
election of 2004, 402, 403
election of 2008, 431
influence on Park regime, 91
joint communiqué with DPRK (1993), 345, 347, 351, 354–355
journalists detained in North, 436–437
military presence in Korea, 10–11, 108, 369, 382
plans to withdraw, 68–75, 80–86
South Korean opposition to, 380, 385–386
war plan of, 244–248
National Missile Defense plan (NMD), 321, 344, 351, 354, 414
Nixon Doctrine, 10–11
nuclear negotiations with DPRK, 323, 376–377
first negotiations, 221–224, 226–227
Framework Agreement, 274–280
Leap Day Agreement, 455, 456
nuclear weapons in ROK, 71, 72, 86, 200–202
relations with DPRK, 340–346, 366–380, 392–395, 413–416
relations with ROK, 55–59, 107–108, 381–418
Treasury Department, 408–411, 413, 417, 418, 424
US-ROK Status of Forces Agreement, 386
Vance, Cyrus, 83, 90
on withdrawal policy, 68–71, 74, 75, 84–85
Vessey, John, 70, 74, 81
Vietnam War, 29, 52, 225, 244
Walker, Richard, 112, 127, 188
Wan Yongxiang, 332–333
Warnberg, Tim, 100
Wartime Operational Control (OPCON), transfer to ROK, 391–392
Washington, George, 127
Washington Post, 254, 280, 298, 352, 375, 423
interview in Pyongyang, 37
classified leaks to, 82, 231, 237
correspondents of, 146, 181, 230, 252, 304, 423
Oberdorfer articles for, 68, 185, 199, 378
interviews with South Korean leaders, 304, 350,
Washington Special Actions Group (WASAG), 60
Watergate scandal, 44, 73
Weapons of mass destruction, 356, 360
Webster, William, 127
Weinberger, Caspar, 113
Wen Jiabao, 446–447, 448, 449
West Germany, 141
West Sea
2007 inter-Korean joint statement provisions on, 440–441
clashes in, 363, 443, 444–446, 451–452
Whelan, Richard, 4
Wickham, John, 93–94, 97, 99, 102, 104
Won currency, 295, 296, 297
Woolsey, James, 259
Y. H. Industrial Company, 89
Yakovlev, Alexander, 154
Yalta conference, 4
Yalu River, 2, 179, 365, 447, 448
Yang Baibing, 192
Yang Bin, 366
Yang Shangkun, 192
Yeltsin, Boris, 202–203
Yi Sun Sin, 3
Yim Sung Joon, 362
Yongbyon nuclear reactor, 195, 199, 220, 349
crisis (1994), 240–244
crisis (2003), 370–371, 394, 396, 400
disabling of (2007), 427–428
freeze of (1994–2002), 374, 368, 383, 385
history of, 196–197
The Two Koreas: A Contemporary History Page 79