Beast Mode Todd

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Beast Mode Todd Page 11

by Jordan Silver

  “I don’t know man, I guess I was high at the time or something.”

  “And why didn’t you come forward after, when everything went to hell?”

  “I don’t know, everything happened so fast I thought they might get me too you know. I was there when they busted you with the weed.”

  “Speaking of that, I had a little talk with Clarence.”

  “Oh shit.” Now he was really giving his throat a workout with that swallowing shit.

  “Yeah, funny thing. He remembers you being kinda flush that weekend. Said he’d never seen you buy that much weed at once and even joked with you about cutting in on his turf.”

  “Look, I didn’t know the cops were gonna come by, I swear.”

  “Why did you bring that much weed to my place?”

  “Listen I have a very good explanation for that. We were just about to open the business, we needed all the money we could find. I just thought it would be a good idea if I could off load some weed, get us some extra cash…”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I didn’t have a chance.” Lying ass. He’d been in my house a good hour before the cops showed up.

  “I never even saw you bring that shit into my place. Again, why did you stand back and watch me take the rap for something you did?” Now here’s where I almost popped my leash. I guess I didn’t have my anger as under control as I’d thought.

  “I can’t go to jail, look at me. I wouldn’t last a week.” Yeah, he’s more like the kid in Shawshank Redemption who lost his shit his first night in and ended up in the morgue. “I should break your fucking neck.” He held his hands up in surrender and scooted back on the bed in fear.

  “You got all that?” I looked towards the bathroom where Cal was coming through the door. “Yep, loud and clear.”

  “Who’s that?” Doug had finally lost the last bit of color in his face and damn if his knees weren’t knocking together.

  “That, is a marine buddy of mine. His specialty is intelligence.”

  “What does this mean?”

  “It means that you’re fucked.”

  “Yeah but your case wasn’t tried in the corps. He can’t touch me.”

  “Wrong again. You framed and defamed a decorated marine sonny. What makes it worst is that he’s already done the time, which means you’re in a world of hurt. It’s either us, or the civilians, one way or another you’re going down. You want me to take him in?”

  “It’s up to you Doug, you want to stand before the tribunal or you wanna take your chances in a civilian court of law?” I had no idea if what Cal had said is true, hadn’t even thought along those lines. My only interest was in getting our names cleared, hers and mine.

  I didn’t bring up her weed smoking, but figured it would get lost in the shuffle once the story came out. No one was gonna look at this shit too closely except maybe the D.A. and he can keep that shit under wraps once it’s been disclosed as her reason for going along with his shit.

  “I…what do you mean?” Doug looked back and forth between us two, real fear showing in his eyes now. Cal held up the little recording device before tossing me what looked like a chip.

  “It means you can come back home with me, or he’s gonna take you in. Before you make your choice understand that time in prison is way different than what you’ll face if the marines get their hands on you.” He started crying. Not even Mallory hadn’t been this damn pitiful when she faced me down.

  He sulked and whined like a little boy as he moved around the room gathering his stuff and actually asked me why I couldn’t leave it alone since I’d already done the time. Good question.

  “It’s either this or death, choose.”

  Needless to say we ended up on a plane together heading back home. I had my attorney meet us at the airport. He’d known what I was up to and was only too happy to have shit in order for the D.A’s office to take my cousin into custody.

  I spent the better part of the day into the evening dealing with the shit. Florida has some dicey laws when it comes to recording without consent, but here in our home state no permission was needed. He’d never make it stick that I didn’t record him here if he ever even thought of that angle.

  I didn’t get a chance to call her and by the time I was done it was too late to hit the road being as I was tired as fuck. I spent the night at my folks after filling them in on what was going on. Again, mom was the one out for blood and I had to calm her ass down.


  In the morning I headed out before the folks were up. I wanted to see her in the worst way. Of course I was too late and had to suffice myself with watching the recordings from the day before to get a look at her face.

  They’d spent another night going around and around about their relationship and I was over it already. I sent her a text telling her exactly how I felt and she tried putting me off again. Good luck with that shit.

  I bided my time until she came home that evening. Saw her smile when she saw my car and knew I was about to wipe that shit off her face. I guess I should’ve known that she wouldn’t be able to do it, that I would have to take the reins.

  Now that things had been set in motion to clear my name and put the past behind us, I was ready to get started on the next phase of my life. Bryan’s a big boy he’d figure his shit out or he won’t. I wasn’t about to put my life on hold until he got his head outta his ass. Fuck that!

  I know she thinks I was fucking around but she’d soon see. I hopped over the adjoining stone fence and walked up to her backdoor. I knew we had a very small window before he came home, I didn’t care.

  She opened the door and looked at me a bit warily. I guess the look on my face gave my thoughts away. I pushed past her into the house not giving a fuck. It was obvious that she needed me to take charge or we’d be here for fucking ever at the whim of this asshole.

  “Get your shit Mallory, we’re leaving.”

  She turned and opened her mouth but I wasn’t in the mood. “It’s day two I told you two days, if you had a problem understanding the English language you shoulda said so before now. Now go.”

  ‘Todd, I told you, I need time. He’s not ready. Every time we talk I’m more sure of that. If I do this I’ll only be destroying another life. Where’s the sense in that?”

  “So what’s your alternative? That we continue this sneaking around bullshit like two kids? Not gonna happen. I don’t know if you noticed but I’m a grown man. I’ve already lost more time than any sane man should be asked to and I’m sorry if his fee fees are hurt, but I gotta say I don’t really give a fuck.”

  “That’s easy for you to say, you’re not the one who has to live with the guilt.”

  “No, I’m just the one who lost his fucking freedom, remember that? Remember five finger fucking me for nothing more than doing the right thing by shooting down your underage ass?” Low blow bro, but in a war you can’t afford to go soft.

  She looked hurt, crushed, but she knew I was right. Once she regrouped, she had a million arguments but I was pretty sure that she’d feel a hundred times better once we got this shit over and done with.

  “Are you somehow holding onto this guy because you think you and I aren’t going to work?” I never thought of it from that angle but hey.

  “Of course not. I just don’t want to make another mistake. I can’t have something else on my conscience.” Okay then, it was zero hour and I still wasn’t getting through to her.

  “Look we’re not doing this. The sooner you realize that I always mean what I say, the easier your life will be.” She folded her arms and tapped her foot against the floor while staring me down. True, we haven’t been together long enough for her to know all the different sides to me, so that’s why she’d mistaken me for another weak nut asshole. Time she learned who she was dealing with.

  I grabbed her arm and pulled her farther into the kitchen, which was the closest room. Without uttering a word I tore the soft tee she wore down the middle exposing her mag
nificent breasts.

  Lowering my head I took a nipple between my teeth and sucked hard. “Todd what’re doing? We can’t do this here, Bryan will be home any minute.” Her mouth was saying one thing but her hand holding the back of my head in place told a different story.

  “I warned you.” I turned her roughly around to face the table. She could hold on if she wanted to or not I didn’t care.

  I pulled her shorts down her legs bent her over and drove my cock into her, hard and fast.

  I took a moment to enjoy the feeling of her wrapped around me again. Yesterday and last night had been harder than one would expect, being away from her. How the fuck could she really expect me to go even one more day like this?

  She was scared and turned on because her pussy had a death grip on my dick and it never stopped juicing. I fucked her with none of the usual finesse or care I usually showed her as she gripped the edge of the table that rocked back and forth with my forceful pounding thrusts.


  “Shut up.” I didn’t know if she was about to say something about the time or if she was just calling out my name in pleasure, either way I was in no mood to listen.

  I pulled her chest up off the table so I could take her tits in my hands as I pummeled her pussy from behind.

  I purposely marked her in places I was sure he would see. Not sure how he’d missed all the others unless she’d found a way to hide them. Her head fell back against my chest and she canted her ass to take my cock deeper.

  With my teeth buried in her neck, I planted my feet and pulled her back hard on my spitting cock. I nutted in her hard and deep before pushing her off my dick. I was still pissed.

  I took pity on her and let her get dressed when I heard his car pulling up outside. “Please Todd, let me do this myself.”

  “No, you had your chance.” I zipped up my shorts and leaned back against the counter with my arms folded and waited.

  He came through the door and smiled when he saw me. “Hey buddy what’s up?”

  I didn’t return his greeting, just stared at him and then her. “Mallory go get your shit.” He looked confused at my words and looked from me to her and back.

  “What’s going on?” He finally got a look at her and noticed the torn shirt she was trying to hold together.

  “What the fuck; you filthy slut.” He made a move toward her with blood in his eyes but I blocked him. “Not today asshole. You touch her I’ll beat the dog piss out your ass. Mal, I said move.” She scurried out of the kitchen and I held him back from going after her.

  “You’re not taking her anywhere, she’s my fiancé.”

  “Was asshole.”

  “I invited you into my home and this is how you repay me?”

  “You might as well know. Mallory and I have history. It’s up to her whether or not she wants to tell you about that. But no matter what, she’s leaving here today.”

  “History, what history? She never met you before you moved in next door.” Poor guy, he looked confused and I almost felt sorry for him. If I hadn’t peeped his game and knew that he was using her, that feeling might’ve lingered but it didn’t.

  “Mallory, Mallory.” He moved down the hallway towards her but I pushed him back. She was back in ten minutes in which time he’d called me every name in the book and made threats we both knew he couldn’t keep.

  I had his prissy ass by the neck holding him in place up against the wall and he couldn’t even break my hold. She looked scared as fuck and kept her head down to the floor. I released him and stepped back, but kept my body between him and her.

  I wasn’t in the mood for this drama bullshit. The previous day was catching up to me and all I wanted was to take my woman home and have a quiet fucking night. Was that too much to ask?

  “Mallory what are you doing?” I didn’t stop him from talking to her. I wanted her to answer him, but knew my shy timid girl didn’t have it in her. I walked over and wrapped my arm around her. “Come on let’s go.”

  “Get your hands off her asshole, she’s not going anywhere with you.”

  “You wanna bet.” I turned and pushed her ahead of me out the front door. Once outside on the steps I took her bag in one hand and her hand in the other and walked next door to my place.

  She was damn near hyperventilating by the time we made it through the door. It took me a solid ten minutes to calm her down. I did my best to convince her that this was for the best, and even told her about the day before and the steps I’d taken to clear shit up so she could come back home with her head held high.

  That seemed to ease her a bit and I walked over to the couch and sat with her straddling my lap. There were no sounds coming from next door so I had no idea what he was up to, but wasn’t interested enough to get up and check the monitors. I’ll have to remember to remove that shit before we left out, but that could wait for the next day when he wasn’t there.

  “Feel better?” She nodded and I wiped her face dry before catching her lips in a kiss. My cock was still hungry for her now that the anger had burnt out. The kiss was long, soft and sweet and she melted into me before long.

  She’d changed her top but I wanted this one gone. I figured she might not appreciate my caveman shit a second time around so decided to spare this one. “Take this off.” I tugged at the bottom of it and she pulled it over her head without question.

  Her little tits that held so much fascination for me were red from before, so I licked them to ease the sting. She hummed and wrapped her arms around my head. Knowing that that’s her way of hurrying me along, I removed them and she grumbled at me.

  I held her hands in one of mine behind her back and sucked on her nipple. When it became a hard little nub I took it between my teeth knowing that that would set her off.

  Her pussy smashed down on my cock through our clothes and she dry humped my dick until my shorts were soaked clean through. I wanted in her, but I wanted to play. It was just now hitting me that she was mine. That no matter what came next, we’d removed all obstacles.

  I reached down between us and released my cock, shoving my cargo shorts down off my legs to lay in a puddle around my ankles. She lifted for me to take her underwear off. Her way of telling me not to tear her shit I suppose.

  She was left in her skirt and I wore just a tee shirt when I pulled her back to me.

  “Sit on my cock. Don’t let it slip inside you.” She did as I asked, watching me questioningly.

  “Now rock your pussy back and forth, wet my cock. She hissed the first time my cock rim hit her clit. Her pussy juice coated my shaft and my boy bobbed and weaved when he caught her scent.

  On one of her forwards slides I used my hand to hold my cock in place and helped her to sit on my length. With one hand on her ass and the other holding her nape, my mouth devouring hers, I pulled her down all the way on my cock.

  We fucked like that, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, but always with my cock buried deep in her belly and my balls pulled tight against her ass. Her pussy made those squelching noises because of all the juice she was making and it just heated my blood even more.

  We never came up for air as I rocked into her letting my cock do the beating inside instead of my usual pounding frenzy. “Could you have given this up?” I released her lips long enough to ask and awaited her answer, already knowing what it was.

  “No.” She swooped down on my lips again and this time we went at each other like beasts.

  “I’m gonna cum baby, give it up.” I brought my hand between us and found her clit. We came together, moaning into each other’s mouths as my cock jumped and danced inside her until we were both drained.


  The next day we woke up late and when I checked the tapes he was already gone. I walked her over to finish packing her stuff only to find that he’d torn most of it to shreds. She looked close to tears and I was fit to kill. “We’ll get you new clothes baby don’t worry.” Besides maybe now she’d stop dressing like somebody’s aunt since she
no longer had to wear that shroud of guilt.

  I left her to salvage what she could as I moved around the small house removing the surveillance shit I had planted. Now that I think of it, that was a sick fucking thing to do, but I guess anger don’t leave much room for rationality.

  Since I had this place for another few days and things hadn’t quite turned out the way I’d expected, I played around with hanging around here until I found us a place in our town to lease while our place was being built. In the end I decided against it. Whether he left town or not, the close proximity to the home she’d shared with him might be too much, so I made some calls.

  We were gone before he returned that evening. Mom had offered us a place to stay until we got our shit together but that wasn’t gonna work. There was some shit I wanted to do to my girl that needed no witnesses and having my parents around would just cramp my style.

  I had an old friend who knew of a place for rent, which sounded perfect, so that’s where we were headed. The lady at the rental office hung around a little late to fill out the paperwork and give us the keys. That’s the thing about small towns. Word of mouth is just as good as good as anything.

  The place was a neat little cottage with a neighbor about a half a mile away. Perfect!

  We walked around checking the place out before she decided that we had to go the all night store to get cleaning supplies and new sheets.

  I was dragging ass but of course I agreed.

  We went for a coupla things and ended up with a truckload of shit.

  I didn’t complain though. I was still trying to process the fact that my life had taken such a drastic turn in such a short time. I hadn’t even thought of my time inside though I’d thought that that shit would haunt me for the rest of my life.

  We ate the fast food we picked up at a drive through on the way home and I was reminded of how much I hated this shit. She was in an all fired hurry to clean and I just wanted to crash. Tomorrow was Saturday, no reason in the world why we couldn’t do that shit then, but she seemed determined.


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