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Heiress Page 3

by Fiona Davenport

  Nicole laughs and saunters to the door before stopping to look at me once more. “You are so much like Austin and Theo sometimes; I would’ve expected you to turn into a complete caveman over the right woman.” She turns and walks out, without waiting for me to respond.

  The truth is, I’ve been fighting my baser instincts when it comes to Colette. But maybe I should take a page from my friends’ books and let the motherfucking Neanderthal loose.

  I don’t care if she’s got a date, boyfriend, whatever. She’s mine.

  I’m still pissed the fuck off about Colette having a date when I arrive at the Oscars the next day. However, I put on my best fake-genuine smile and get ready to do a little schmoozing. I have a few of my own clients up for awards, as well as many others who are repped by my company with other agents. Still, we are always on the hunt for new stars to manage, so I attend these events to support my clients as much as to charm potential new ones.

  Normally, I’m in my element on a night like this, but tonight, I can’t get my mind in the game. My eyes are constantly darting around, looking for midnight black hair and dark brown eyes.

  Finally, I spot her walking in and my breath gets caught in my lungs. She looks magnificent in a deep purple gown made of a silky material that clings to her in all the right places. When she walks, a slit down the front makes the skirt billow behind her, showing off her gorgeous legs and killer stilettos that have matching purple ties that wrap around her ankle and calf. Like a present just waiting to be opened.

  Her midnight black hair is twisted up into a beautiful mess of curls, with a few strands framing her face and that sexy as sin mouth once again painted blood red.

  My tongue is basically glued to the roof of my mouth, which I’m grateful for or I’d probably be drooling. Until she stops, turns, and loops her arm through that of the man standing next to her. Carson Grier.

  Holy shit. Her date is Carson Grier? Pissed becomes boiling with rage in 0.2 seconds. She looks up at him with an adoring expression and jealousy twists my stomach. Thankfully, I’m standing near a wall and I lean back against it so that I won’t fall down. I can’t help staring as they step into the crowd and begin to mingle.

  Every time my eyes drift towards the dirty old bastard, I feel daggers shoot out. However, he’s introducing her to just about everyone they meet, and I briefly wonder if maybe it’s a business thing. If she’s new, she won’t have made the connections yet. This is what I try to tell myself and then she laughs at something he says, and he bends down to whisper something to her.

  “Still won’t give you the time of day, huh?”

  I jump at the sound of Nicole’s voice and frown down at her. “I have no clue what you’re talking about.” She grins and I mouth the word “tattletale.”

  She opens her mouth, no doubt to say something sassy, but her face leaches of all color and she takes off with Austin following a step behind.

  I glace at Theo with raised brows. He looks at his wife, Shelby, and smiles secretively. She rolls her eyes and laughs.

  “You two want to let me in on the silent conversation you’re having?” I drawl. But, they are quickly losing my attention as I spot Colette talking to an older actor who has a well-earned reputation of being a manwhore.

  “I’m pregnant,” Shelby giggles. I whip my head around and grin at the happy couple.

  “Congratulations!” I say warmly and pound Theo’s back as I give him a hug, then move to put my arms around Shelby. Except, there’s suddenly nothing but air in front of me. I laugh because I’m familiar with Theo’s aversion to having his wife touched by anyone with a Y chromosome. “Austin and Nicole too?” I ask.

  Theo nods and pulls Shelby in a little closer. “They’re always one step behind us,” he comments smugly, earning him an elbow in the ribs from his wife.

  Once again, I’m distracted by the sight of Colette, but this time, I see that she’s alone. Perfect. “Excuse me. Tell Austin and Nicole I said congrats.” I’m already walking away, and I say the last of it over my shoulder.

  Making a bee-line for my girl, the rest of the bodies in the theater disappear. An idea starts forming in my head, and all I can think is, “It worked for Theo and Austin.” Of course, I believe the rest of the world would call it kidnapping, but I’m quickly realizing that I don’t fucking care. She’s standing at the bar, sipping a glass of red wine and I’m still contemplating my options when I sidle up behind her. I make sure I’m close enough for her to feel my breath on her ear when I whisper, “You look incredible, baby.”

  Colette starts and her wine sloshes over the goblet, narrowly missing the tux of the man standing next to her. She turns and gazes at me with wide, wary eyes. “Thank you,” she says, and a little bit of pink tinges her round cheeks. She glances around, and I wonder if she’s looking for her date.

  This bullshit ends now. She’s mine.

  Civilized behavior deserts me and a growl rumbles in my chest as I wrap my arm around her waist and start to guide her towards a dark hallway. A waiter walks by, and I grab Colette’s glass and set it on his tray. In another two steps, we are out of sight of ninety percent of the crowd, so I bend my knees and sweep her up into my arms before striding towards the light at the end of the hallway; an exit sign. Taking out my phone, I shoot off a quick text then pocket it again and focus on my task.

  “Tyson! What are you doing?” Colette yelps. I ignore her and keep walking until we reach the door. A security guard is standing in front of it, and he lifts his chin in greeting.

  “We need to make a discreet exit,” I tell him quietly.

  “I can’t leave!” Colette protests with a hiss.

  The guard looks hesitant until I flash my card at him and recognition flashes across his face. “We don’t want a scandal.” I give him a meaningful look. “It’s for her own good.”

  Colette is sputtering and objecting, trying to push herself out of my arms. It only helps with my farce because the guard glances at her, then gives me a sympathetic grimace.

  He nods and presses a button on his ear piece, saying something low enough that I can’t hear the words. Then he looks at me. “Car service?”

  I shake my head. “Personal driver. He should be pulling up any minute.” I hug Colette closer and mutter, “Be still.” She stills and stares at me in shock, but I only smile because I’m getting my way.

  The guard says something into his ear piece again, then steps aside, disengages the alarm, and opens the door.

  Colette starts struggling again, but I just hold tighter until the black Limousine glides to a stop in front of us. My driver hops out and jogs around to open the door, not even blinking when I slide in with my reluctant hostage.

  A smile spreads across my face because no matter how much she argued and tried to wiggle out of my arms; it was obvious her heart wasn’t in it. The door slams shut, and we’re alone in the quiet darkness. I can hear Colette’s rapid breathing and feel her racing pulse where my hand rests just below her breast. She has a tight grip on my shoulders, and I don’t think she realizes that her whole body is actually leaning into me.

  Not such an unwilling captive after all.

  Chapter 5


  Tyson’s car lurches forward, and I realize I’m not even trying to pull away from him anymore when I’m pressed even closer to his broad chest. I shift away from him, sliding across the seat to glare. “You kidnapped me!”

  “Damn straight, I did.” His full lips tilt up in a satisfied smirk, and he doesn’t look the slightest bit apologetic. Or worried. Instead, he leans his head back and stretches his legs out, crossing them at the ankles like he doesn’t have a care in the world.

  “Kidnapping is a federal offense. One with serious jail time in a real prison, not some cushy minimum security jail,” I point out with a huff, eyeing his tuxedo clad body up and down. “You’re too pretty for prison. You should probably let me go before you get into trouble.”

  “I’m not letting you go.”
His blue eyes burn into mine. “Especially now that I know you think I’m sexy.” He ends with a wink.

  “Sexy?” I sputter. “You must’ve heard me wrong. I didn’t say you’re sexy. I called you a pretty boy. Most guys would be offended by that.”

  “Yeah, but I’m not most guys.” His gaze drops to where my pebbled nipples press against the material of my dress. “And your lips might be saying pretty, but your body is most definitely screaming sexy.”

  I’m wearing a strapless bra under my lined gown, but the double protection is no match for my body’s reaction to Tyson. I can protest it all I want, but it doesn’t change the fact that my attraction to him is intense. I sit up as straight as I can and cross my arms over my chest. “It doesn’t matter how sexy you are; you can’t just go around kidnapping women whenever you want.”

  “You’re the only woman I’m interested in kidnapping,” he growls. “And you didn’t leave me any other choice.” His blue orbs darken a shade, and a muscle in his jaw flexes. As he leans forward, I notice that his hands are clenched so tight that his knuckles are white. “My gifts didn’t get me anywhere. You ignored most of my texts. Didn’t accept my invite to the Oscars. And then you show up on the arm of Carson Grier of all people. He’s your boss for fuck’s sake, Colette. You should know better than to get romantically involved with him. And, he’s old enough to be your father! What did you expect me to do?”

  Wait. Did he just say what I think he did? “You really think that?”

  Tyson is too pissed off to even hear me. “Not that I wouldn’t have reacted the same if your date had been some other asshole. You don’t belong with anyone else but me dammit!”

  The combination of Tyson mistaking my dad for my date and his declaration that I belong with him is too much for my brain to handle all at once. A hysterical burst of laughter bubbles up my chest. Tyson leans around me and flips open a compartment to pull out a chilled bottle of water. After cracking it open, he hands the bottle to me. “Take a sip.”

  There’s a thread of command in his voice, and I comply without thinking. I drink about half the bottle before handing it back. Taking a deep breath, I study Tyson while he places his mouth on the same exact spot mine had just been and polishes off the rest of the water. He licks his lips, like he’s tasting me on them, and I almost lose track of what I want to say. Forcing myself to focus, I blurt out, “He’s my dad.”

  Tyson cocks his head to the side and his brow wrinkles. “What the fuck does your dad have to do with us?”

  As hard as it is for me to believe, I can tell he really has no clue. It makes his reaction tonight a little more understandable. Without knowing our relationship, I could see how someone might put the wrong spin on how my dad and I act around each other since we’re openly affectionate. “With all of your connections, I thought you would’ve already found out. My full name is Colette Anne Moore, but I’m a Grier by blood.” I pause to let that sink in for a minute before adding, “Carson Grier isn’t my date. He’s my dad.”

  Tyson’s eyes go wide and he jerks back in surprise. “Holy fuck! You’re Carson’s daughter?”

  “Yup, ever since I was born. And apparently going by my mom’s maiden name has worked even better than I imagined if you weren’t aware of our connection. My dad’s always been super careful about keeping me out of the Hollywood limelight.”

  My quip earns me a brief smile, even while he mutters something under his breath about skimming over an important part of the report. I don’t know what he’s talking about, but he doesn’t give me the chance to wonder about it much before he asks, “Is that why you’ve been trying to avoid me?”

  “Yeah.” Or at least it’s a big part of my reasoning. But it’s also because I’ve been running a little scared from how intense my reaction is to Tyson. We only spent maybe ten minutes talking to each other, but that’s all it took for him to knock me for a loop.

  “I don’t care what your dad thinks about us. The only person’s opinion that matters to me is yours.” He leans close and takes my hands in his. “And I’m willing to bet my freedom that you want to explore this thing between us, just like I do, little heiress.” I toss out the nickname with a small, cheeky grin.

  “You’re not just willing. You actually did gamble your freedom,” I grumble. I’m impressed with his willingness to put himself out there for me. He hasn’t hesitated to go after he what he wants—me—from the moment we met, and it only makes him more attractive. It also inspires me to do the same. To let go of my fears and admit my feelings for him. After squeezing his hands, I do just that—in a roundabout way. “But it’s not like I’m actually going to call the police since I’m perfectly safe with you…right?”

  “The safest you can possibly be, baby. Anyone who wants to get to you would have to go through me.” He glances out the window. “And in about ten minutes when we get to my place, they’d have to scale the walls surrounding my property and get through my security system before they’d even get that chance.”

  With the level of conviction in his voice, I have no doubt he means it. But after what he pulled, there’s a snag in his plan. “You’d better hope my dad doesn’t catch wind of this, or else you really will have people trying to crash through your gate to get me back.”

  “Then I guess I’d better convince you to let him know you’re okay so he doesn’t need to go looking for you.” Tyson slides closer to me and sweeps a lock of my hair off of my cheek. Then he kisses the spot where it had been and works his way down to my lips. The brush of his mouth over mine is gentle before he whispers, “All it’d take is a quick text.”

  “Mmmhmm,” I sigh in agreement, already feeling drugged by his kiss. My purse is lying on the seat next to us, and I reach out to grab my phone. Tapping the screen, I send my dad a message letting him know that everything is fine and I’ve hitched a ride with friends to an after party so I can network with the younger Hollywood crowd. It’s the only excuse I can come up with at the moment, but his reply back reminding me that his car service can pick me up whenever I’m ready seems to imply that he’s bought it. I’m not sure how I’m going to explain why they picked me up at Tyson’s house when I get home, but that’s a problem I decide to worry about another day. “Done. I earned myself another kiss for that, don’t you think?”

  “Oh, you deserve a whole lot more than one tiny kiss, baby.” His mouth crashes down on mine, and he coaxes my lips open. When his tongue slides inside to tangle with mine, the kiss quickly spirals out of control.

  He lifts me onto his lap, and I twine my arms around his neck to pull him closer. Slanting his head, Tyson deepens the kiss, taking complete control and dominating my mouth. One hand is tangled in my hair and the other is on my butt. My knees are pressed into the seat on either side of his waist, and my pussy is flush against his hard length. I grind against him, making him groan. “If you don’t stop that, this’ll be over before it starts.”

  He pulls back and his eyes devour my face. “You’re so fucking beautiful, baby,” he breathes.

  My chest heaves, drawing his attention back down to my breasts. My nipples are harder than before, clearly poking against the bodice of my gown. Tyson’s blue eyes burn with intensity as he runs a finger along my neckline. He keeps his gaze on me as he lowers the material to expose my matching purple bra. He traces the edge before pushing it down and lowering his head to take possession of one of my puckered nipples.

  My hips buck upwards. His hold on my butt tightens to keep me in place while he licks and sucks at my tit, baring the other as he shifts his attention to it. The skirt of my gown is hiked up almost to my waist, and each tug of his lips makes my panties wetter. When the limo pulls through the gates to Tyson’s house, I’m writhing with need on his lap.

  When he sets me to the side and straightens my gown, I whimper in protest. “It’ll only be a minute, baby. I can’t have the driver seeing you like this, but we’ll be inside soon.”

  Chapter 6


>   I take a couple of deep breaths as the limo slows to a stop. My dick is so big and hard that I’m afraid I’ll tear my pants if I try and slide out too soon. But I’m impatient to get my girl inside the house and…that thought process won’t help. I start running through a list of my male clients in ridiculous costumes and after a minute, I feel like I can at least get out of the car without damaging my clothes.

  Taking Colette’s hand in mine, I scoot over and climb out, then gently pull her up beside me. I nod at the driver before quickly ascending the two steps up to my front door. As I punch the combo into the keypad, I glance at Colette. “0420,” I tell her and turn the knob after the mechanism unlocks.

  I gesture for her to walk in before me and as she passes by my body, she gives me a strange look. “Your passcode is my birthday. That’s a weird coincidence.”

  Chuckling, I slam the door shut and yank on her hand so that she spins into my embrace. “No,” I tell her as I bury my face in the hollow between her neck and shoulder. Her hands rest on my biceps and practically burn right through my tux jacket and shirt. “I changed it yesterday so that it would be easy for you to remember. And if the security company calls, the password is the last four digits of your social security number.” My lips glide over her soft skin, placing small kisses and leaving little love bites.

  She stiffens for half a second and huffs, “We’ll come back to how the hell you know my social security number but somehow missed who my father was later.” But when one of my hands palms an ass cheek and squeezes, while my mouth moves down to her collar bone, she melts with a moan. “But first tell me why you would do that for one night?” she asks breathlessly.

  I growl and bite a little harder, making her shiver which sends my blood pumping straight to my cock. “I don’t think you understand what’s happening here, Colette.” Keeping a firm hold on her, with both hands on her ass, I raise my head and look her straight in the eye. “When you agreed to come home with me, you became mine.”


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