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Heiress Page 5

by Fiona Davenport

  He shrugs his broad shoulders before going into his closet, to the right of the bathroom, to grab a pair of boxers and put them on. “I’m not going anywhere. He’ll get used to me eventually.”

  “That’s easy for you to say, he’s not your dad,” I huff. “And you’re not the one who’s going to be late on their first official day on the job. I’m supposed to be in the office by Noon.”

  “I’ll get you there on time,” Tyson promises.

  “It’s impossible. I can’t show up in the dress I wore last night, and walking in wearing your shirt”—I sweep a hand down my body—“would be even worse. It’ll take forever to drive to my dad’s house and then the studio.”

  “There’s no need to go to your dad’s before heading into work.” He flashes me a smug grin and goes over to open the door on the the left side of the bathroom.

  I follow him inside and turn in a full circle, taking everything in. I feel like I might still be asleep, dreaming. “What in the world is all of this?”

  “Your closet.” Tyson leads me around the room, pointing out each of the sections. “Dresses, pants, tops, belts, shoes, bags.” He pulls open a drawer and smiles wickedly as he lifts a barely-there pair of panties and adds, “Lingerie.”

  I yank the lacy material out of his hand, blushing. I drop it back into the drawer and slam it shut. The one underneath it pops open a little, and I see bra straps through the gap. I look up at Tyson with raised brows. “You bought me bras? How would you even know what size to get?” Then I think back to his alarm code and security password. “Never mind. That’s nothing compared to you getting my social security number. You do realize you’ve gone way overboard in gathering information about me, right?”

  “Nope.” He shakes his head as he rifles through the section of dresses. “There’s no such thing as doing too much when it comes to you. I knew you were mine from the moment we met, and all I did was make sure I could provide whatever you needed once I got you home. I only wish I’d paid closer attention to the part about your family, but I was crunched for time when the report finally came in because I was too damn stubborn to get your last name along with your phone number. If I hadn’t waited, then I could’ve saved myself some jealousy.”

  He holds out the perfect dress for my first day at work—a gorgeous swirl of pale purple and grey. Then he grabs a bra and panty set in lavender silk and a pair of grey stilettos. I’m overwhelmed by how much thought he put into everything. “How do you know me so well already?”

  “You’re mine.” His answer is beautiful in its simplicity, and it has me wishing I didn’t need to hurry to make it to the office. I’ll just have to make up for it later.

  Chapter 8


  My eyes are on the clock all afternoon. I hated letting Colette out of my car when I dropped her off at her office. I wanted to take her back home and keep her sequestered in our bedroom where I could spend all of my time making sure she was pregnant. Even though I was positive I’d done the job on the first try.

  But, some of the things I admire most about Colette are her intelligence, independence, and drive. She’s going to run that studio one day and be the most kickass female President in the industry. And, it’s one of the things that makes it sexy as fuck when she submits to me in the bedroom.

  She said she’d be done by six today and I wanted to pick her up but her last appointment was off site. She said she’d take a company car to the meeting and then have it take her home. I only agreed because my schedule ended within a half-hour of hers and with the location, it meant we should arrive home at around the same time.


  Startled, I stop staring at the time on my computer and look up just as Remington Vaughn enters my office. I’m actually relieved when I remember we have an appointment. It will give me something to focus on until I can pick up Colette.

  I wave him in. “Hey, Rem. Have a seat.”

  He walks in with sure footing and sits in a chair in front of my desk, visibly confident, but I know he’s feeling worried and insecure. “So?” he asks as he flexes his fingers nervously. “Any luck with Grier studios?”

  I shake my head as I reach to the right side of my desk and grab a folder. “I think we’re going to have to table that for now. Give them a little more time.”

  Remington’s expression slips, but he nods stoically. “If that’s what you think is best. “

  “Truthfully,” I say sincerely, “I really do. Especially since I have an even better offer for you.” I smile and hold out the folder, pleased to see a little bit of light return to his piercing green eyes. When this project had landed on my desk, I’d felt like luck was on my side. The last thing I need is a wedge standing between me and Colette, especially if her father assumes that I’m only pursuing her to get Remington in the door. Which I’m sure he will. But, I have also worked hard to gain a reputation as an agent with integrity and someone who puts their clients first. This offer will make everyone happy.

  Remington opens the file and as he reads over the first page, a smile grows on his face. “Is this for real?” he asks, looking up at me.

  “They are ready to negotiate the contract as soon as I tell them whether you’re interested.” The film is about a major casino heist in Las Vegas. It’s an action flick with a huge amount of difficult stunt work.

  “How?” he queries, still staring at the papers with absolute wonder.

  I lean back in my chair and cross my ankles, acting relaxed but still trying not to stare at the damn clock. “I represent Griffith Thorne, the rockstar, and he recently signed a deal with the Lennox Hotel in Vegas. Which just happens to be where they are filming. He mentioned it to me, and it reminded me that Jackie Sterling is directing it.”

  Remington lifts his head and his eyes are brimming with excitement. “Jackie Sterling? The one who directed Austin and Nicole’s first film?”

  “The one and only,” I reply. That movie had put Jackie in the spotlight as much as Austin and Nicole. Everyone wants to work with her now, but I’d managed to lock her into two more movies starring the Hayes over the next five years. “When I contacted her, she and the casting director were thrilled and said as long as you can provide proof of insurance and sobriety, they are willing to make an offer.”

  “Damn, Tyson.” Remington shakes his head and closes the folder, almost reverently. “I don’t know how to thank you. Austin said you were good, but fuck, this is a dream come true.”

  I put my hands out to the side and give him a cocky smile. “That’s why you pay me the big bucks.”

  Remington rolls his eyes. “No joke.”

  My smile becomes an unabashed grin. Yeah, I am fucking expensive, but I’m damn good. One of, if not the best in the business.

  We set up a meeting with the film executives to negotiate his contract and shake hands before Remington departs. I glance at the clock and sigh. Fina-fucking-ly. It’s quittin’ time. In fact, my appointment was shorter than I anticipated, so I won’t be late like I’d thought. If I hurry, I can get home just after Colette. I rush to close down my office and, other than a wave, practically ignore everyone on the way to the parking garage. I hop in my black, BMW 850 convertible and roar off.

  As I pull into the garage, the empty spot next to mine reminds me that we should probably retrieve her car from her dad’s house. I’m not in a hurry to do that though. I like the thought of her being stranded here with me, and I enjoy the thought of dropping her off and picking her up every day.

  The entrance from the garage opens into a long back corridor, and I make my way down to a small hall. There are doors to two bedrooms and a half-bathroom, but I hang a right through an archway that leads into a dining area which then opens into a huge open living room and kitchen.

  I halt in surprise because all of the lights are off and everything looks undisturbed. It occurs to me that maybe she’s read my mind and is waiting for me in bed, so I jog across the space and down another hallway that leads to o
ur bedroom.

  Empty. What the fuck?

  Trying not to worry that she’s been in an accident or something equally horrifying, I dig my cell phone from the inner pocket of my suit jacket. My face unlocks it and I click to the finder app. I linked her phone’s GPS this morning while she was in the shower.

  When the map pops up and I see her picture floating, I lift the screen closer to see the address underneath. My brows slam down, and I growl in frustration as I spin around and stomp back to my car while sending her a text. She’d said she was going home. Apparently, she’d meant her dad’s house.

  Fuck that. This is her damn home.

  Me: Where are you, Colette?

  It takes a few minutes for the dots to pop up, minutes where my irritation grows.

  Colette: Home.

  I know she’s being deliberately stubborn and my hand is itching to spank her pretty ass. I couldn’t have made it any clearer that her home is now with me.

  Me: Bullshit. You’re at your Dad’s house.

  I slip into my car and turn the ignition while her dots jump around. I’m pulling out of the garage before another message pings. I push a button on my steering wheel and the car speaks the text to me.

  Colette: How do you know where I am?

  If I wasn’t so pissed, I would smile because I can hear her adorably indignant tone in my head. But, my amusement is fleeting. I press another button and speak a text back, ignoring her question and answering with one of my own.

  Me: Why aren’t you at home?

  Colette: I AM home. As you apparently already knew.

  I’m done with this conversation until we can have it in person. And when we get home, she’s going to get that spanking she deserves until her ass is cherry red.

  Me: We’ll talk about this when I get there.

  When I reach the gates to the Grier estate, I almost expect whoever answers the intercom to turn me away. In which case, I would have run the fucking thing over. But, the gates begin to open before I even have a chance to push the button.

  I pull to a stop right at the front door and turn off the car, then get out and jog up the porch steps. My fist pounds hard on the thick, wooden door and I pace until I hear the lock click. It swings open and I inwardly sigh, almost immediately calmed at the sight of my girl. Almost.

  Crowding her, I force my way inside, not that she puts up a fight. Then I slam it closed and back her up against the nearest wall before slamming my mouth down on hers. She moans and her arms go around my neck, her hands diving into my hair.

  “Damn, I missed you today, baby,” I groan, then lick her lips and deepen the kiss.

  “Me too,” she breathes.

  I finally pull back and glare down at her. “Then tell me why you weren’t waiting for me at home when I got there?”

  Her eyes shift nervously, and she shuffles her feet, trying to get out of my embrace, but I don’t let her. “Colette?”

  “My dad doesn’t know, and I still haven’t explained about last night,” she mumbles. “I didn’t know what to do besides come ho—” I growl, and she blinks up at me for a second, then corrects herself. “To my dad’s house.”

  “You were supposed to tell him, baby,” I say sternly.

  “Tell me what?”

  Colette jumps at the sound of Carson’s voice, but I just turn slightly to face him, keeping her locked firmly in my arms.

  “That she’s mine.”

  Chapter 9


  My dad’s gaze drops to where Tyson’s arms are wrapped around me. His brows climb high on his forehead, and his eyes narrow. “How can my daughter be yours when the two of you didn’t even know each other before your meeting the other day? Seems a little sudden to be talking like that.”

  Tyson drops a kiss to the top of my head, making my dad’s cheeks redden, before he answers, “She’s always been mine; it just took me until last week to find her.”

  I should focus on calming my dad down so that he’ll listen to what we have to say. But even knowing it’ll rile him up more, I snuggle into Tyson’s embrace. His response is just so darn sweet; I can’t help but melt against him. My dad doesn’t miss my reaction. A muscle in his jaw jumps, and he runs a hand through his hair. “You two—I can’t—”

  He breaks off and starts to pace back and forth in front of us. I wait a couple of minutes until he stops muttering under his breath before I add to Tyson’s explanation. “I know this is a surprise for you, Dad. I was planning to talk with you about it tonight over dinner—”

  “That would’ve been good to know since I was expecting you to have dinner with me at home,” Tyson grumbles, his arms tightening around me.

  “Home?” my dad echoes, his loud voice booming around the room.

  “Yes, home,” Tyson repeats in a firm tone. “I get that she’s your daughter. I’m sure you’re happy to have her back in town and under your roof. But her place is with me now.”

  I elbow Tyson in the side and tilt my head back to glare at him. “Cut it out. You’re not exactly helping things here,” I hiss.

  “Actually, he’s the one I want to hear from right now. I can tell how much you care for him already. Your eyes light up when you look at Tyson, even when you’re irritated. Just like your mom’s did with me.” My dad flashes me a bittersweet smile before turning his attention to Tyson. His expression hardens, and I grow even more nervous about how this conversation is going to end. My dad has a reputation for being tough and uncompromising at work, but that’s nothing compared to how he can be when it comes to me. “My daughter doesn’t let many people into her heart. She has a few close friends from school, but she’s never been interested in men. I think it’s in large part because of the sudden way we lost her mother. I feel partially responsible for that because I didn’t hide how devastated I was from Colette when I should’ve protected her better. So, what I want to know from you is why I should trust you with my baby girl’s heart.”

  “Daddy,” I whisper, my eyes filling with tears. I hate the pain I hear in my dad’s voice. Tyson gives me a comforting squeeze before letting me go so I can give my dad a hug.

  “Don’t cry because of me, Colette,” he soothes, patting me on my back. “You know I can’t stand the sight of your tears.”

  “Neither can I,” Tyson agrees, his hands fisting at his sides. He’s obviously fighting the urge to pull me back and it just makes me love him more for giving me this moment with my dad.

  My dad drops his arms and steps to the side. I move closer to Tyson as my dad gives him a considering look and nods. “I guess that’s something we have in common then.”

  Tyson wraps his arm around me, pressing me against his side. “I don’t know you that well outside of the business world, Mr. Grier. But based on what I’ve heard about your relationship with your wife, I think you’re a man who understands what it feels like to know you’ve met the woman you’re meant to be with.”

  My dad crosses his arms in front of his chest. “Is that what you’re trying to tell me? You took one look at my Colette and knew?”

  “Yes, sir.” Tyson quickly replies.

  “So, it was love at first sight?” Tyson nods, but my dad looks skeptical. “And if I were to offer to lift the blackball on Remington Vaughn, that wouldn’t make any difference, right? Because you’re only interested in my daughter for her and not what she can do for you?”

  Tyson’s whole body tenses, and his hand clenches at my waist. “That’s fucking insulting. To her and me. Colette is the most amazing—”

  My dad raises his hand, palm out in a gesture for Tyson to stop talking. “I don’t need you to tell me how incredible my daughter is. I already know. What I need is for you to convince me that you do too.”

  “He definitely knows.” Thinking about all of the ways Tyson has proven exactly how into me he is, I blush to the roots of my hair. “If he didn’t, I wouldn’t be with him.”

  “Good.” My dad nods in approval. “One of the reasons I kept you ou
t of the Hollywood scene for so long is because of how fake some of the people in this town can be. There are too many people in my world who wouldn’t hesitate to use you to get to me. And now that you’re in a position of power, you’ll have to be even more careful.”

  The implication that Tyson is one of those people my dad thinks I need to be wary of is obvious. “Tyson’s not like that, Daddy. We might’ve met because of Grier Studios, but our personal relationship has nothing to do with business.”

  “I would never try to use Colette. She comes first for me. Period. I’d burn TAG Management to the ground before I’d ever do anything that might hurt her.”

  Tyson’s voice rings with sincerity, and his over-the-top vow—which I have a feeling he truly means—seems to strike a chord with my dad. His arms drop to his sides, and his stance relaxes a bit. “You have a reputation for never giving up on your clients, putting in one hundred and ten percent regardless of where they are in their careers. That bodes well for how loyal you’ll be to the woman in your life. But I’ve still got to ask; can you live with the fact that being with my daughter means Grier Studios will never lift the blackball on Remington Vaughn? Because I’m never going to run the risk that even a small part of you is influenced by your desire to help your client.”

  “I don’t need your help for Remington. I already got him a sweet gig on a blockbuster action flick that’ll let him show he’s got what it takes to nail some of the most difficult stunts in the business. It’ll get him in the door with all of the other studios. Once he’s built his reputation back up, I’m willing to bet you’ll come knocking on my door asking me to let you sign him.” Tyson grins and shrugs his broad shoulders. "And if that doesn’t work, there’s always the hope that maybe you'll lighten your stance on Remington after Colette and I give you a couple of grandbabies.”


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