King's Reign (Sydney Storm MC Book 6)

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King's Reign (Sydney Storm MC Book 6) Page 11

by Nina Levine

  The club had been celebrating since Friday—since they’d been told they could move their families home. Devil had organised a get together for tonight to bring everyone together, and members had started rolling in an hour ago. It was getting rowdy in here.

  He nodded. “Evie’s mum is having Elizabeth for the night so she can come.”

  Hyde cut in as he joined us. “Just got word from Winter. He’s checking out a lead on Brant. Will let us know what he finds. And he’s found some premises to operate out of down there.”

  Sending Winter had been a good decision. He was an attention-to-details guy and would get shit done efficiently. His military background made sure of that. “You got any ideas of who we should send down there to work with him?”

  “I’ve got a few names on my list.”

  “We’ll go over it tomorrow.”

  His gaze turned serious in the way it did when he had shit to tell me that he knew I wouldn’t like. “Also, Ghost’s release is scheduled for this week. We gonna find him a place to stay?”

  That was the last fucking thing I wanted to do for that cunt. “No.”

  “You might wanna reconsider, brother. We’ve got a lot riding on Ghost keeping his mouth shut.”

  I motioned for Kree to get me another beer before turning back to Hyde. “We think we need to keep him happy to keep him from talking to the feds, we may as well put a bullet in his head and call it a fucking day. If Ghost has forgotten the meaning of loyalty, he can learn the fucking meaning of dead.” Fucking hell, just thinking about the motherfucker caused my head to stir with the beginning of a headache.

  “Yeah, I get that, King, but Ghost disappears right after he gets out, the feds are gonna be looking in our direction.”

  Kree placed a beer in front of me, a blank expression on her face. She’d made it pretty fucking clear all day what she thought of our new arrangement, and I was fucking over her attitude. I made a mental note to bring that shit up with her before she went home.

  I took a long swig of my drink before looking back at Hyde. “I couldn’t fucking care less, Hyde. We start running on fear, we may as well surrender to those assholes now.”

  “Fuck,” he muttered. “I hope you fucking know what you’re doing.”

  I was back running on gut instinct after allowing outside forces to interfere with decisions, and my gut was telling me to trust very few and eliminate all threats I couldn’t control.

  Kree placed a Coke in front of Hyde, eyes on me as she did so. “King’s flying by the seat of his fucking pants, Hyde.” Without waiting for a response from either of us, she stalked to the other end of the counter to serve Mace.

  “What the fuck’s going on there?” Hyde asked.

  I moved off my stool, shoulders rock hard with tension, gaze pinned to Kree. “She’s pissed I’ve put eyes on her and added some security to her place.”

  He frowned. “The cameras?”

  “Yeah. She gave me some bullshit about an intrusion of her privacy.”

  “Jesus, she gets the threat her ex is, right?”

  I stretched my neck trying to loosen my muscles and shake the headache building. “I don’t fucking know. She says she does, but I think she’s under some illusion he won’t ever hurt her.” She looked up and I caught her eye. Jerking my chin at her, I barked, “Kree. A word.”

  “Go easy on her, brother. She’s probably confused as fuck,” Hyde said.

  She glared at me but walked my way. I turned and headed toward the office so we could have this chat in private.

  When I had her in there, door closed, I said, “Wanna tell me what the fuck is running through your head?”

  Her brows lifted. “You know, I don’t really care at this point that you’re my boss or that you think you’re helping me, King. I really don’t like the way you’ve taken over my life and have started controlling everything I do.”

  “I don’t give a fuck if you don’t like it, I’m doing it for a good reason.” I narrowed my eyes at her. “Do you have any idea what men like your ex do to the women they can’t have? Because I can fucking tell you some stories if you don’t.”

  “Of course I know what men like Don are capable of, but Zane has told me he’s got a handle on the situation, and I’m choosing to put my faith in my cousin. Having said that, I told you I’m okay with the men you’ve got watching me. Thankful, too. But those cameras in my home? No fucking way. I want them gone.”

  “The cameras are staying.”

  She stared at me for a long few moments, her anger growing. “I’ll pull them out.”

  “You fucking won’t.”

  She straightened, pulling her shoulders back defiantly. “I fucking will.”

  “Fuck, Kree.” I rubbed my temple. “I’ve got enough other shit to deal with—”

  “So deal with it, and I’ll deal with mine.” She exited the office after that, leaving me angrier than I was before we talked.

  Yanking my phone from my pocket, I called Griff. “You dug up anything on Don yet?”

  “Only that he’s a fucking asshole when it comes to his kids and ex. I’m still going through everything trying to connect dots. I’m getting the sense, though, that he’s tied up with the Vinzani family somehow, and if that’s the case, shit ain’t good for anyone.”

  “Let me know when you have something,” I said and disconnected the call.

  Stalking out of the office, I found Kree and pulled her aside. “There’s shit going on that you don’t know about, so the cameras stay,” I said with force. “Am I clear?”

  Her silence roared between us, and I figured I’d have to be harder on her to get what I wanted, but in the end, she said, “You fucking exhaust me,” before walking away.

  “Kree, answer the fucking question.”

  She stopped and faced me again. “Yes, we’re clear.”

  Thank fuck.

  I reached for my phone again and called Zane. The call went to messages. “Zane, where the fuck are you? I haven’t seen you for days. We need to talk.”

  If Kree’s ex was tied up with the Vinzanis, and if he fucked shit up with them, it wouldn’t matter what Don had planned for her, because what they’d do would be far worse, and they’d get to her first. The time had come for me to take charge of this situation, because Zane’s refusal to use whatever force necessary wasn’t going to cut it anymore.



  “Lily! I’m so glad you came,” Skylar said when I arrived at her place after work Monday afternoon. She’d texted me during the day to ask if I could drop by and check on her progress. I’d said yes, because Linc had the kids at his place tonight, and after I’d checked in on Brynn, I drove to Skylar’s.

  I followed her inside, taking note of how well she used her crutches. “You’re doing great with those.” She was clearly doing her exercises, which made me happy. Some patients became a little complacent with their recovery, which slowed it down, but if Skylar kept this up, she’d go from strength to strength fast.

  She led me into her lounge room and we settled on her long couch. I instantly felt at home here. That probably had more to do with the fact I genuinely liked her, but her home was so cosy and inviting with the colour she had splashed here and there, and the plants scattered around. Not to mention, the framed prints on the wall that held a mixture of positive quotes and gorgeous artwork.

  “I knew I liked you,” I said with a smile as I read one of the framed quotes. “I need to get some of these for my place.”

  “They’re from a market. When I’m walking better, I’ll take you.”

  “Thanks, babe.” I nodded at her hip. “How’s it all going?”

  She rattled off the work she’d been doing on her rehab and the challenges she’d faced. She also detailed for me the concerns she had now she was back home and living alone. Her list wasn’t too long, though, and it contained challenges I could easily help her address.

  We spent about twenty minutes going over everything, and when w
e were done, she exhaled a long breath and smiled. “I’m so glad I called you. I was kinda worked up over all this, but you’ve put my mind at ease that I can manage this on my own with just a little help. Thank you.”

  I reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze. “I’m just a call away, okay? Don’t hesitate to reach out.”

  “I know, but I don’t want to intrude on your time when your sister is in hospital. And I know you’re busy with the kids and work.”

  “Skye, it’s all good. Brynn is doing really well. I just visited her before I came here. They’ve moved her to a ward, and the doctors think she’ll likely be home by the end of the week. And even though my ex is being a dick because of King, he’s being more hands-on with the kids, so I have some free time. Also, besides all that, and besides the fact King paid me a lot of money to manage your rehab, I want you to know I’m here for you because I feel like we’re friends now.”

  “Wait, go back. What do you mean your ex is being a dick because of King? Have I missed something there?”

  “Oh,” I said, my mouth forming an O.

  “Oh what?”

  I suddenly felt a little nervous about having this conversation. I wasn’t sure if King would be down with me discussing our relationship with his sister.

  She nudged me with her hand. “Spill, Lily, and don’t leave anything out.”

  I made myself comfy, and as I crossed my legs, I said, “King and I are seeing each other.”

  Her eyes widened as a huge smile landed on her face. “Oh my God! This is the best news! Tell me everything.”

  I laughed. “Ah no. That would just be weird. He’s your brother. And honestly, I’m not sure he’d be happy to know we’re having this conversation.”

  She frowned. “Why wouldn’t he be?”

  “He might have preferred to tell you himself.”

  “Look, I think we both know my brother isn’t a big talker. He wouldn’t give a shit that we’re having this conversation, because it saves him having it with me. But on top of that, let me just tell you one thing—King hasn’t dated for years. I think it’s probably been like seven years since he was in a relationship. You must mean something to him if he’s, umm, how do I put this without sounding crude… If he’s been back for more.” She cringed. “Sorry, that sounds awful, but that’s King.”

  “Don’t be sorry. We are who we are, right?”

  What she told me caused a rush of fluttery goodness in my belly. King and I hadn’t discussed past histories except for him laying down the law about me never mentioning another man to him again. I figured it wasn’t something he wanted to get into, and honestly, I wasn’t the type of woman who wanted to think about his past either. But I couldn’t deny that this new information Skylar had shared made me feel all kinds of happy.

  I stayed chatting with her for another half hour before she said, “You should go. It’s not often you get a night to yourself. You need to make the most of it.”

  “Yeah, I’m looking forward to a long bath with a couple of glasses of wine and no kids harassing me.”

  Her brow lifted. “Are you shitting me? Wouldn’t this be the perfect night to spend with King?”

  I tried not to laugh. “Is this weird for you? I mean, discussing your brother’s sex life has to be weird.”

  She shook her head. “No.” Shrugging, she added, “Sex isn’t something we’ve kept secret or never talked about. Hell, King was the one who had to give me the birds and bees talk when I was twelve. Annika was too busy with her boyfriends to do it. I remember him sitting me down and shoving me that What’s Happening To Me book before giving me the rundown on penises and vaginas and periods. He also took me shopping for my first bra, but Nik did come for that, too. He drew the line at talking me through my first period, though. He made Annika handle that. And let’s just say that he wanted nothing to do with discussing the loss of my virginity. I think he was ready to take a gun to the guy I was dating in year twelve.”

  It was both funny and touching hearing how King had manoeuvred his way through that time in Skylar’s life. Funny because I knew the difficulties a parent faced when explaining puberty to their child, and from what she’d said, I imagined King had felt a little out of his depth, and that wasn’t something you often saw with him. But I was far more touched than entertained by her story. It peeled back more layers to the man I couldn’t stop thinking about. Layers I really, really liked.

  By the time I made it to my car, I’d decided to call him. We hadn’t made plans for tonight because he’d said he had club stuff on, but I just wanted to hear his voice.

  “Lily,” he answered the call in the way he always did when I rang. God, how I loved the sound of my name from his lips.

  “Hey you,” I said, feeling all fluttery again. “I just wanted to call and say hi. See how your day has been.” It struck me that he never called me during the day to check in with me, but it didn’t bother me. I knew he was busy. And I was busy, too. King definitely wasn’t a man who was about needless interruptions.

  He blew out a long breath. “It’s been long. Busy. Yours?”

  I frowned at the exhaustion I heard in his voice. “Are you okay? You sound tired. And stressed.”

  “I’m good. Tell me how you are.”

  “Liar,” I murmured before answering him, “I’m really good. My first day back at work went well. Brynn’s doing great, and I just stopped by to see Skylar, and she’s doing well, too. And the best part of my day is that I now get to go home and enjoy the peace and quiet of no freaking children. Just me, a bath, and some wine. The only thing that would make it better was if you were in that bath with me.”

  “Fucking hell,” he muttered. He didn’t say anything else, but he didn’t need to. I may not have known a great deal about King yet, but I’d worked out the inflections in his tone and his body language. And while I couldn’t see him, I could hear the desire in his voice.

  “You busy right now? I could stop by for a few minutes if you aren’t. I won’t stay long.” My tummy knotted a little as the words fell out of my mouth. I didn’t want him to think I was trying to force my way in and steal his time when he was busy with the club. And I certainly didn’t want to come across as a needy woman who always had to be with her man, but damn, I really wanted to see him.

  “I’m never too busy for you. Get your ass over here.”

  And holy shit just like that, he caused an almighty whoosh of lust deep in me. He might have said a lot of filthy stuff to me, but he also had a way of saying exactly what I needed to hear sometimes.

  “Okay,” I agreed softly and hung up.

  He’s never too busy for me.

  Oh God.

  This man.



  The club was partying tonight. It was unlike anything I’d ever seen. There had to be at least twenty guys and just as many women here, drinking and laughing as they celebrated something. I wondered if it was someone’s birthday, and then my mind jumped to the fact I didn’t know when King’s birthday was. There were a lot of things I didn’t know about him yet, and suddenly I wanted to know every last one of them.

  A couple stumbled out the front door as I entered. His hands were all over her; they barely noticed me there. That was the kind of passion I’d always wanted in my life, and I smiled as I thought about King and how he’d given me that.


  I glanced up to find Devil standing in front of me, watching me with a smile that lit his face. “Hey, Devil, is King around?”

  “You mean you don’t wanna hang out with me?” He winked as he said that. I also didn’t miss the slur in his words.

  I grinned, liking this fun side to him. “I’m sure you’ve got someone willing to do that.”

  His smile grew and his eyes flashed with happiness. “I do,” he said, turning to point towards a group of women. “She’s right over there.” I struggled to hear him over the beat of the music, but I didn’t miss the happiness in his voice that m
atched what I’d seen in his eyes.

  I also didn’t miss seeing King who sat at the table next to the one the women were at. He was with two other guys, leaning back in his chair, beer in hand, legs stretched out in front of him, causal in a way that wasn’t normal for King. His eyes were firmly on me, watching with an intensity that was anything but casual.

  Without another word to Devil, I drifted across to King, my mind and body completely focused on him and him alone. Being here in his clubhouse with all his people around him, and none of mine, nerves fluttered in my chest. Or maybe that was simply because of the way he watched me. I wasn’t sure. But I needn’t have been, because he put me at ease the moment he snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. The kiss he claimed eased any remaining nerves.

  I shifted a little in his embrace to make myself more comfortable before grasping his face and saying a little breathlessly, “I like it when you do that.”

  His hold on me tightened and he took a swig of his beer as his eyes dropped to my chest. “You wore that to work?”

  I looked down at the V-neck blouse I’d worn today and then frowned at him. “What’s wrong with it?”

  “It’s fucking see-through for one. And for two, it’s hanging so fucking low every asshole can get eyes on your tits.”

  I arched a brow as I pulled away from him a little. “Whoa there, it’s not hanging low. And no one has had their eyes on my tits, thank you very much.”

  It was his turn to lift a brow. “Of course they fucking have.” He ran the bottom of his beer bottle over the swell of one of my breasts, pushing the blouse to the side. The cool, wet glass left drops of water on my skin. It did little to cool the heat between us, though. “Your top falls to the side like a fucking hooker’s legs fall open. You bend over with a patient like you did with Skylar, and he cops a fucking eyeful.”

  “I can assure you that does not happen.”

  “Bullshit, Lily. Only a fucking gay man wouldn’t take an opportunity like that.”


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