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Wolves Page 7

by Girl, Breukelen

  “Not bad.”

  “Sure, now you’re going to show me how it’s done, right?” She muttered dryly back at him. The corner of his mouth quirked up.

  “Look around you. Look how far away the nearest coffee cup and meal is.” Tatum turned around to observe the dinners in the café. Whilst it had sounded noisy to her initially, it turned out there were only three other patron groups in the establishment. And they were all a good five feet away from Wiatt and her. She watched, a guy who looked like a trucker, in grease and good knew what else stained, ratty t-shirt pick up a steaming cup of coffee.

  She turned back to face Wiatt, stunned at her own accomplishment. “But how?”

  “As with everything else little lycan, practice.” Wiatt replied warmly.

  “Still, that was better than the stairs activity, right? I mean I did better at this.” She said excitedly. “Okay hot shot,” She said watching Wiatt’s eyebrow arch up at her name calling. “You do it and tell me what I missed.”

  Wiatt took a deep inhale and his nostrils flared as he continued to stare at Tatum. “Grease, cooking fat, bacon, eggs, coffee, sugar, salt, pepper, detergent, deodorant, body odour, hairspray, shampoo, body wash, fur, metal, leather, arousal.”

  Tatum looked at him. “Those last five, where they me you were referring to?”

  “It was six, but yes.”

  “But I’m not wearing anything metal.” Tatum continued to choose to ignore her hormones winding her up around a highly attractive and all to close, werewolf male. Wiatt dropped his eyes off her and signalled a waitress with a wave of his hand, before pulling out his wallet and placing notes on the table.

  “I know.” Wiatt replied as they stood up and left the table, nodding at the waitress as they left.

  “Oh wow, I just caught a whiff of her hairspray.” Tatum said as they exited the café. “So where does the metal come from, oh you mean the zip on your jacket? You can smell that?” She asked incredibly curious.

  “No, it’s you Tatum. It’s your base scent, you’re wolf’s scent. It’s how I or any other werewolf can tell you’re a lycan and not a werewolf.” Wiatt replied softly. They started walking again.

  “I have a scent?”

  “All wolves do. And all lycans have a metallic element to theirs. It’s got something to do with the lycanthropy in the human host. Just how it comes off I guess, as well as fur.”

  “So I still smell like a wolf, an actual wolf?” She asked walking closer to him her head down as she watched the sidewalk underneath her feet. She was fishing she knew, but talking like this with Wiatt, it made her feel far too weak and open. She needed some sort of confidence boost that all was not lost because she was now some kind of half breed human wolf hybrid.

  He looked over at her and tilted his head to try and capture her attention. Wiatt put a finger under her chin and lifted her head back up. “Yes, you smell like a wolf to me. In fact, it’s even stronger now that we’ve hit lunar week than it was two days ago when we first met.” For some reason, that made her smile dumbly back at him. They walked the rest of the way back to her building in comfortably happy silence.


  As before Wiatt walked Tatum all the way to the door of her apartment. She unlocked the door and turned around to face him. Wiatt seemed to be hesitating, waiting politely outside her apartment threshold. “You coming in?” She asked, expecting him to follow her in anyway without invitation.

  “I’ve got to go.” Wiatt said waving his cell phone at her. “That’s what that call was before. Addison rounding me up.”

  “Who’s Addison?” Tatum asked him.

  “Nobody you need to know.” Wiatt replied as they held each other’s look and stood facing one another in extended silence. Tatum found herself not wanting him to go, if she didn’t know any better she’d put the feeling she was experiencing down to whining, like an animal who didn’t want their own to go, like a wolf who wanted to be with others of her kind.

  Wiatt looked at her and tried to pretend he didn’t feel torn. That for once, he just wanted to shrug off the duty of pack work. Of being a werewolf of hierarchy and importance. Not that he was really off to do pack work exactly, but he knew Tatum lacked the superior ability to detect a lie.

  “Oh right.” Tatum, said loudly as she unzipped the oversized leather jacket quickly. “Of course, I forgot.” She shrugged the jacket off and down her arms quickly. “It was comfortable.” She muttered clearing the jacket off herself completely. Wiatt wanted to tell her to keep it on, because she looked good in it, better than he knew he should think she did. But he remained silent and watched her hand his jacket back over to her.

  Wiatt looked at the jacket and slid it back on himself. “Thanks.”

  “Do you have a scent? Earlier on, you said all wolves had a scent.” Tatum blurted out quickly. Wiatt stilled in putting his jacket on and straightened up to look at her.

  “You can’t smell my scent?" he asked frowning back at her, delaying what should be his departure. He didn’t like that she couldn’t scent him. Even though the rational part of his brain told him that she was knew to the whole concept of using her wolf senses at all. After all she’d proved that just that day.

  “No.” She replied ducking her head.

  Wiatt stepped closer to her. Invading her personal space, which caused her to look up at him. “Well maybe you’re not trying hard enough.” He said in a soft, warm voice at her. Tatum watched him close in even closer to her. “Can you smell it now?” He asked watching her closely as she too, moved in close to him. Tatum felt her breasts brush up against his chest again.

  “Not yet.” She whispered raising to her toes and pushing up. Wiatt leant down in the doorway, so she could place her hands on his shoulders to help balance herself.

  “Wolves scent one another using their noses. We run it along the skin of another’s neck.” Wiatt continued before turning his head to expose his neck to her. He heard her heartbeat pick up, thumping away excitedly as she moved closer to his skin.

  “Like this?” She asked running the tip of her nose along the length of his neck softly. Wiatt closed his eyes and revelled in the fairy soft motion against his skin. His body tensing against her touch. She smelt good, her shampoo was as intoxicating as any perfume. But it was more than that, it was the wolf and warmth combined that was making his cock twitch to life all too easily.

  “And now?” Wiatt husked looking down at her.

  “Musk with spice.” Tatum replied softly, gazing up at him.

  “That’s aftershave, inhale deeper, take me deeper into you,” he said as she repeated the action again against him. Tatum wobbled on her toe tops and Wiatt’s hands shot out to her hips to steady her. Tatum let out a soft sigh.

  “I smell something like, I don’t know how to describe it.” She said her words dancing against his skin.

  “Think of the smells you know, reference it against that.”

  Tatum inhaled him again, her mouth dropping open as her bottom lip touched his neck. Wiatt’s hands tightened on her hips. “It’s like I should be able to taste it. Right here, on your skin.” Tatum moved her mouth over the pulse in his neck. Her lips soft and supple, her tongue trailing out to lick at his skin slowly. Wiatt stayed exactly where he was. Rock hard and pressed into the softness of the female wolf before him.

  “I want to taste it.” Tatum replied in a distant voice. “You smell like coffee and honey comb.” She said kissing his neck lightly. Wiatt let out a breath as Tatum began eagerly kissing her way up his exposed neck. He could feel the urgency in her kiss growing and he liked it. At the last possible moment, when she got to what should have been under his jawline, he turned his head to meet her again. He consumed her open mouth.

  Wiatt’s tongue demanded entranced as he took her mouth and held her tighter still against his body. Crushing her breasts into his chest, relishing the feel of her nipples digging through her cotton singlet top, through his open jacket into his chest. She felt so damn feminine and
supple against him. Like she could mould herself to him.

  He was strong and consumed her focus in an instant. Any other thoughts she might have had about the sweet smell of him, went out the winder with the strength of his lips and his grip on her body making Tatum want to climb all over him and keep taking him all night long. He deepened the intent and she followed him, allowed his tongue to stake its claim and take and taste what he wanted from her. It was the sound of Wiatt’s phone buzzing that made them break for air and stare at each other wildly. Wiatt pulled out his phone but kept looking at Tatum.

  “It’s only our second date and I don’t even know you’re last name.” He smirked straightening up as Tatum dropped her hands off him and Wiatt dropped his hand off her hip. She felt his body leave hers free again, and the warmth of him, depart her also. Their moment gone.

  “It’s Lee.” She said smiling back at him. “And I didn’t know it was a date, thought it was a school lesson for the lycan. And as usual, you started it.”

  “Did I?” Wiatt chuckled back at her and moved away. “Tatum Lee, be good while I’m gone.” He said heading over to the stairs and glancing at his cell phone screen for the first time. “If you can.”

  “Wiatt!” She called out as his foot paused on the first step.

  “Yeah?” He looked over at her, his eyes again dropping to the outline of her breasts in her nowhere near adequate enough to cover up her extended nipples pointing at him constantly.

  “And fur.”

  His eyes widened at her words and he smiled shaking his head as he started off down the stairs. Tatum walked out onto the landing and watched him jog down the stairs fast, until he disappeared from sight, before walking back into her place, smiling widely to herself.


  Addison looked at Wiatt suspiciously “What took you so long?”

  Wiatt stared back at Addison. He was late, there was no denying that. After all, he’d missed the usual dinner with the boys and Bg. After coming back from Tatum’s place, he’d taken a very long shower. It wasn’t cold, and probably should have been. The more he thought about her and that kiss, the harder he got.

  Wiatt blamed it on the usual lunar week hormonal mess up they all experienced. After all, he was an alpha werewolf who had far more control over himself than a randy teenager experiencing a kiss for the first time. Not that it was his first time, except that it was with Tatum, with a lycan. He wasn’t likely to forget that kiss any time soon either. The feel of Tatum’s body softening into his as he kissed her hungrily, had been more than nice. Wiatt didn’t want to be nice around her, he wanted to be hard, and hungry and fast and sensual.

  He’d been forced to jerk off to calm his rapidly rising hormones back down again. Trying not to think about her smell, the feel of her, the kiss or anything about Tatum at all, just didn’t work. Wiatt had to work up to his release and when he found it, it was hard and draining. He hadn’t come so hard before, ever. It made him sleepy because it drained him of so much energy. But he knew he had to put in an appearance with his associates for the usual lunar week rituals and so he’d gotten changed and hot footed it down to Blue Moon, where everyone was meeting up.

  Addison leaned in to him “You alright?” he asked in a low voice. “Something different about you.” He growled back at Addison, he knew the older male could probably smell Tatum’s scent lingering on the inside of his leather jacket.

  “You know how it is.” Wiatt replied trying to play it cool.

  Addison suddenly switched off him and looked across at the couple before them. Bg was straddling Paris’s lap and they were kissing and necking heavily. Addison picked up his beer and watched them intently. Wiatt watched him watching them. He’d never picked up on it before, how much of a voyeur Addison was. It shouldn’t surprise him he supposed silently.

  Wiatt looked around the club, it was early and it was packed out with werewolves looking to start the good times rolling. The purpose of the clubs was a simple and beautiful one. Find a mate to help you get through the effects of the lunar week so you remained in control of your werewolf self. The clubs ran all day and night for all the Manhattan Maen werewolves. During Lunar week, were just for the werewolves of New York, no humans allowed. It helped werewolves to stay or feel sane and shape shift easily without incident. To the outside world who didn’t know about them, it was also safe and discreet.

  Sexual energy pressed into the air and Wiatt began to feel hot. He should take the jacket off, but he didn’t want to since it made him feel close to Tatum still. “Oh Jesus.” He muttered out loud to himself. How was he being so easily affected on lunar week on night one? He usually had far more restraint and control than this.

  “What’s that?” Addison asked distractedly as his eyes stayed on Bg who was raising her skirt for Paris who was sliding his hands up her legs and under it.

  Addison looked over at Wiatt. “I need to get laid.” Wiatt muttered as an offhand answer to avert suspicion. Addison was a cluey motherfucker. He hadn’t caught any of Tatum’s scent from the jacket yet, but he probably would if Wiatt took it off.

  Addison laughed at him. “You came to the right place on the right night, take your pick.” He said expanding his arms wide apart. Wiatt looked around them. He didn’t normally sit around while Paris and Bg made out like maniacs before the rest of them. That was Addison’s scene, not his.

  “Yeah, I think I will.” He muttered quickly and got up.

  Addison stayed where he was watching the other two amorous werewolves make out, like it was his favourite TV show to watch. Wiatt glanced over at them, it looked like Bg was mounting her brother discreetly while they both still had all their clothes on. Bg glanced back over her shoulder at Addison giving him a flirtatious look as she moved on Paris’s lap. Yep, it was definitely time to go for a walk.

  “You trying to hurt me?” Addison said with a bright smile back at the female werewolf as Wiatt’s brother Paris’s hands rested on her skirt covered hips and watched her.

  Wiatt shook his head and moved off into the throbbing crowd of the club. He didn’t know if the three of them were together or not. He’d never thought about it before, and he really didn’t care he decided looking at the moving bodies in the club. He just wanted to enjoy lunar week the best way he could, he thought his eyes landing on the familiar body of a very blonde curvy female wolf called Gabby Colton.

  “You’ll do for an hour or two.” He muttered to himself and stalked towards her quickly. Watching as surprise lit up her face as she realised he was walking towards her. Being so public around one another and in his brother’s hierarchy’s presence whilst Bg was around, was not something Wiatt had done before, but he was beginning to feel twitchy and needy and Gabby could help a great deal with that. He walked over to Gabby and watched her smile wide back at him. “And here I was thinking you didn’t like me anymore.” Wiatt said to Gabby. “Since you never seem to return my calls.”

  Gabby kept dancing and smiling at Wiatt. “Girl’s got to have a life.” Wiatt nodded his head silently at her. “What can I do for you Wiatt?” She asked smugly, no doubt sensing his horny desperation.

  Wiatt stood still and watched her body move rhythmically from side to side in a sensual motion. Gabby had the perfect classic hour glass figure in a hard body. She was a fucking vixen and she knew it. “You can fuck me, royally hard. Just the way you like.”

  Gabby laughed at him. “Are you asking me to break you’re balls baby?” She cooed at him seductively.

  “Yes.” Wiatt answered. “Please.” He ground out.

  Gabby was the most sexually aggressive female he’d ever encountered. And whilst he didn’t mind hard sex, he didn’t want it all the time, just sometimes and most of the time with Gabby it was him, telling her to tone it down a fraction. Occasionally, like now, he asked her to go full pelt at him. Because every now and then, he needed to be ridden and worn out like there was no tomorrow. Tonight was one of those nights, even if he wasn’t being subtle about it.
/>   “My place, in twenty minutes.” Wiatt said as Gabby glanced over to where Addison and Paris and Bg were situated. Wiatt looked over none of them were paying attention to him and Gabby, which he was grateful for. But he still had to be discreet.

  “I’ll bring the champagne.” Gabby replied with a smile.


  It was around nine o’clock when Wiatt first heard the knock on the door. Gabby had been an hour and half late to their rendezvous, which wasn’t surprising. It was just Gabby teasing the hell out of him because she could. Gabby liked power and she liked to play. Especially with males when she knew she could rule them. But she hadn’t wasted any time at all in stripping down to her Victoria’s secrets lingerie. Which Wiatt had to admit, looked damn fine on her. Gabby was beautiful, in a rather predictable, manufactured kind of way.

  “What the hell?” Wiatt muttered as Gabby attacked his neck and ground herself into him. She pushed him back down on the couch.

  “Forget about it.” She said sitting astride Wiatt’s topless chest and dragging her bra straps down her arms. Wiatt turned his head back to the body of Gabby above him. They were playing a little game of he wasn’t allowed to unclothe her. It was frustrating the hell out of him, because he wanted to see her breasts, Wiatt liked breasts.

  Gabby continued to drag the top edge of her bra down, pushing it down, so her nipple popped out over the edging. Finally! Wiatt dived at the rose bud coloured nipple, just as Gabby pushed him back down and away from it. And the second set of knocks at the door came again. Wiatt twisted to look towards the doorway.

  “Focus!” Gabby snapped at him, turning his face with her hand rather forcefully back onto her. More knocking and Wiatt pushed Gabby off to the side of the couch and got out from underneath her. Even as she grumbled back at him.

  “Let me just deal with this.” He muttered walking barefoot in black jeans to the front door impatiently. There was one more set of knocks as Wiatt got to the hallway and jogged to the front door. He wasn’t expecting visitors and if it was Addison he was going to punch him in the fucking face. He’d said his goodbyes to Jules, Addison, Bg and his brother back at the club, making some excuse up about going club hopping elsewhere. Nobody had thought twice about his excuse for leaving. Gabby and he had left separately at different times, so he doubted anyone had clued in to what they were doing. Wiatt unlocked the door and pulled it open hastily and damn.


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