Wicked Nights

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Wicked Nights Page 15

by A. D. Justice

  “There was a fire. Everything is ruined. It was a total loss.”

  “You weren’t there when the fire started?”

  “No,” Turan replied hesitantly. “I had to go out for a while. The house was burned to the ground when I got back.”

  “Your instructions were to remain inside and stay away from others until you were told otherwise,” the man replied. “If you’d been there like you were supposed to be, maybe you could’ve prevented or put the fire out before you lost everything. Do you have any idea what this does to our plans?”

  “I know. I’ve let you down, disappointed you again. I’m very sorry,” Turan rambled.

  “Give me a couple of hours. I’ll be in touch.”

  With that, the line disconnected and Turan stared at his phone for several minutes. “These Americans have cost me too much. I’ve been too lenient, too lax in my approach. I’ve underestimated them for the last time,” he vowed. “They’ve played me for a fool for far too long. I’ll show them. I’ll make them pay. And the only form of payment I’ll accept is their blood.”

  Nearly four hours later, Turan sat on the beach alone and watched the waves crashing into the shore when his cell phone rang. He answered it before the second ring finished.


  “Your apartment is waiting for you,” the man spoke slowly. “Do not screw this one up. It is your last chance.”


  Turan memorized the address and thanked the man for his assistance. “Will I see you before the appointed day?”

  “It is possible,” the man replied. “But you really need to focus on your assigned tasks instead of worrying about that. I expect everything to be completed and ready to implement by tomorrow.”

  “It will be,” Turan promised.

  “We’re counting on you,” the man replied before he hung up.

  Turan drove straight to the address he’d been given and climbed the stairs to his third-floor apartment. It was in even worse condition than the small rental house had been. Somehow, he’d taken yet another step down the ladder rather than up. That solemn thought seemed to accurately sum up his entire life.

  New laptops, multiple display screens, and other peripherals had been placed on the desk in the bedroom. A new, preprogrammed burner cell phone lay on the bed and indicated a new text message waited.

  Don’t screw up again.

  “If only it were that easy,” Turan sighed and began to set up the new equipment.

  Hours later when he had everything up and running again, he clicked on the local news website. A surveillance video on the news site’s home page was on continuous replay. His name was splayed across the top of the page in a large, bold font. The video footage showed a man breaking in to the home of Steve and Sara Steele. When the frame froze, he stared into his own eyes through the security camera recording. His ties to his uncle, Ambassador Bachar, and his diplomatic immunity were being dissected and scrutinized by the public.

  He turned on the television in the furnished apartment and quickly found the national news channel. He immediately knew that the commentary from the aggressive news anchor would seal his fate.

  “Ali Babek Turan has been identified as the terrorist who attempted to murder his neighbor by poisoning. We’ve learned that he was taken in for questioning about that crime, and many others that appear to be related to him, but the authorities were forced to release him because of diplomatic immunity. We have obtained a video of Turan actively breaking in to and entering this home, and sources at the scene tell us that he vandalized it to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars.

  “Knowing all of this, I’m appalled that our government officials haven’t stepped up and insisted upon his deportation back to his country, at the very least, or to press charges and have him arrested under his country’s laws. It’s time for the people of this great nation to stand together and demand that our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness be taken seriously. He is a threat to all of us and does not deserve to have immunity from the consequences of his actions.

  “Ambassador Bachar, it is time for you to step up and do what is right, sir. Using your political advantage to protect a murderer must stop.”

  Turan dropped down into the ugly, lumpy chair and stared at the video in disbelief.



  “I am so relaxed. Nothing can take this feeling away from me,” Steve boasted on the ride home from the private airstrip.

  “We need to do this more often,” Sara agreed. “The crisp mountain air and getting away from everything that’s so stressful in our lives was just what the doctor ordered.”

  Roman couldn’t bring himself to tell them about his conference call with Noah while they were still on the plane. Their relaxing week at the mountain lodge, hidden away from the rest of the world, was about to come to a screeching halt. The damage done to their home was substantial and would take a small army of contractors and workers to renovate it. Noah was already up and hard at work, calling construction crews in and having new plans drawn up to try to make it into a positive experience for his parents. But he knew better than to count on that.

  When Roman pulled into their driveway, Steve took one look at his home and froze midsentence. Sara looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to finish his thought, before her eyes followed the path of his stare. She gasped loudly before she grabbed the door handle and jumped out of the truck.

  “What the hell?” she asked aloud. “What happened here?”

  “Mom, calm down,” Noah spoke in low tones. “He’s mad at me; he’s trying to get to me however he can. If that’s through you and Dad, then he’ll do that. We talked about this.”

  “I know,” she stammered. “I know we did. I guess I just didn’t expect…that he’d really do it.”

  “On a positive note, you can remodel now.” Noah smiled. “It’s not a total loss. Just a really big mess.”

  “Did he do this?” Steve demanded, suddenly standing next to Noah. “Was this that little bastard who tried to kill Liz?”

  “Yes, Dad,” Noah confirmed. “It’s a bit more complicated than we realized. He has diplomatic immunity, so it makes it harder for us to touch him.”

  “Bottom line, son. Cut to the chase,” Steve ordered.

  Noah looked his father square in the eye. “Okay. It’d be in your best interest to move to Texas now, do your treatments out there, and let us finish up business here. He’s a slippery bastard, and he has the law on his side. His uncle is an ambassador to our country, and he’s on his uncle’s payroll. His house burned to the ground last night, so we lost our connection to him. It’s not safe for you or Mom to be here.”

  Steve was shocked at Noah’s candor at first, but he turned his softened gaze on Sara. “There was a time I would’ve been hardheaded and insisted we stay here. Guard the fort. Never be backed down by another man,” Steve said softly. “But right now, all I can think about is getting you as far away from here as I can. If anything happened to you, that would be it for me.”

  “What if he does something worse to our home while we’re away?” Sara asked as she glanced at their house.

  “This building—” Steve gestured toward the house “—isn’t home. It’s just a structure full of furniture, clothes, and trinkets. Home is wherever you are, babe. That’s all I need. I don’t care about all the extra stuff anymore.”

  “You’re right, Steve.” Sara smiled warmly. “As long as I’m with you, I don’t care about the house or anything else in it.”

  “We’ll go to Texas, Noah,” Steve replied. “If that’s what you think we should do, I’m willing to follow your lead this time.”

  “Good. You’re making the right decision,” Noah replied. “I talked to Evan, Brianna’s dad, this morning, and he insists that you stay at his hotel in Houston. His staff will help take care of you, and it’s an ultra-swanky hotel. You’ll love it, Mom.”

  “We can’t impose on
him like that,” Sara replied.

  “You can and you will,” Brianna replied as she walked up behind her. “You’re family. We’ll accept nothing less.”

  “But we’ll be there for months, what with Steve’s treatment and then the clinical trials,” Sara protested.

  “That doesn’t change anything.” Brianna smiled. “Let Dad and Mom do this for you. They honestly want to help, and it’s not an imposition at all.”

  “You’re sure?” Steve asked.

  “Positive,” Brianna replied. “Just pick out which renovation plan you like best, and Noah and I will oversee the construction while you’re away.”

  Steve and Sara took turns hugging Brianna and Noah. “You’ve both been such a big help to us. I don’t know how we’ll live in Texas for the next several months without you.”

  “We’ll be there to see you after the baby’s born,” Noah promised. “You have to spoil her like good grandparents would.”

  “Her?” Steve asked.

  “Her.” Noah beamed. “We just found out while you were in the mountains. We’re having a baby girl.”

  “I’m going to be a grandfather,” Steve announced, as if he’d just realized it for the first time. “I’m going to get better. I’m going to kick cancer’s ass. I’m going to spoil my granddaughter!”

  * * *

  “Thanksgiving wasn’t the same without Mom and Dad here,” Chaise commented. “It was the first one that Noah and I could’ve been together with them again. It’s so wrong that our first Thanksgiving as one big family has been ruined by a cyberstalking, pansy-ass terrorist.”

  “I agree. Them not being here didn’t feel right to me, either,” Brianna agreed. “It wasn’t the same without my parents and sisters here, either.”

  “I can’t believe your parents went on a cruise for Thanksgiving,” Chaise laughed.

  “I know!” Brianna exclaimed. “They said they have to get their vacations in now because they won’t leave once the baby gets here.”

  “Any word on Turan?” Chaise asked. “Where is he? What’s he doing? Why has he been so quiet for the last couple of weeks?”

  “I don’t know, but it’s definitely not like him. He was so smug when the guys caught him, like he knew he was untouchable. Then when that security tape was leaked to the press—” Brianna furrowed her brow, deep in thought “—everything changed.”

  “Joe and Bill had to be behind that,” Chaise replied. “Colton said they denied it, but it’s not like they’d tell the truth anyway.”

  “That is definitely a good possibility,” Brianna agreed.

  “What? What are you thinking? I know that look.”

  “It’s not all adding up for me,” Brianna began. “Something’s off…something’s not right.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The security tape—how would they have gotten it? It’s on Noah’s servers at the office,” Brianna replied. “Noah said he didn’t give it to them.”

  Chaise shrugged. “The CIA has their own computer guys who know how to get to whatever they want. They probably hacked in to the servers and stole it.”

  “You’re probably right,” Brianna agreed. “Still, there’s something on it I want to watch again.”

  She opened her laptop and pulled up the video. When it reached the frame that clearly showed Turan’s face, she paused it and moved it a single frame at a time. “Right there,” she exclaimed. “Did you see that?”

  “What? See what?” Chaise asked as she leaned toward the screen.

  “Watch when the frame changes,” Brianna said. Slowly moving the video frame by frame, she stopped when she reached the exact microsecond she needed. “Right here, there’s a different image. It looks like this one of Turan has been placed on top of the original.”

  “I don’t see it.”

  “Watch again.”

  “I still don’t see it. I see Turan with his back to the camera. Then he turns around, like something caught his attention, and he keeps walking into the house,” Chaise replied.

  Brianna played it again and again, unsure of what she thought she originally watched. “Maybe I’m looking for something that’s not there to be found,” she sighed. “Now I’m doubting it myself.”

  “We all need a break. This case has been going on for way too long. The guys have been working nonstop and they’re becoming crabby,” Chaise laughed.

  “It would be nice if Noah and I could get away one last time before the baby gets here,” Brianna replied. “But I know they won’t stop until they get their man. And he’d never leave them at a time like this.”

  Chaise sat back and thought about Brianna’s comments. The bond between these men was unshakable. Knowing that any one of them would help her and protect her regardless of the situation had given Chaise a real sense of family. She wanted that same bond and closeness to carry over into the family she and Bull would have one day. “The way it’s been going, Colton and I will never get married. Turan has gone out of his way to destroy my plans.”

  “Maybe you should just do a destination wedding and let them handle all the details. Just pick out what you want and let the consultant do all the work for you,” Brianna suggested.

  “That’s a great idea. I think I’ll steal that from you.” Chaise smiled.

  “Woman,” Bull called. “It’s time to go home.”

  “Whatever you say, caveman,” Chaise laughed.

  “You love it when I’m a caveman,” Bull retorted.

  “Can’t deny that,” she replied.

  In his truck on the way home, she turned to Bull and told him about her conversation with Brianna. “What do you think about a destination wedding?”

  “Sounds good to me. Can we do it tomorrow?” he asked.

  “No, we cannot do it tomorrow,” she chastised him playfully. “Or the next day, before you even ask.”

  “Damn. You’re too quick.” He winked. “Whatever you want, babe. As long as you’re the bride and I’m the groom, I don’t care if I’m in shorts and a T-shirt or a monkey suit.”

  “Monkey suit?”

  “Yes, an actual monkey suit, complete with a tail. Not a tuxedo. I have to draw the line there.”

  “I’m genuinely concerned about the amount of time you’re spending with Liz,” Chaise quipped.

  “I can’t disagree with that,” Bull replied thoughtfully. “I’m afraid she is starting to rub off on me. Want to play strip poker tonight?”

  “No, I don’t,” Chaise said adamantly. “I’ve already planned a night of Twister.”

  “If you insist,” Bull replied, and they both had a good laugh.

  “It feels so good to laugh again. Everything has been so serious lately, thanks to Turan,” Chaise said. “Any new developments with him?”

  “He’s apparently in hiding now. Joe said his uncle has disowned him because he publicly shamed him. It doesn’t look good for an ambassador, the one person who represents the country internationally, to have a thug on his staff,” Bull shrugged. “He’ll have to show his face sooner or later. I’m betting on sooner.”

  “Do you think he’ll try something else?”

  “I do. I’m positive of it. He was shamed and apparently disowned, so he’ll be looking for retribution.”

  “Is it wrong that I wish he’d just hurry up so we can get this over with?” Chaise asked.

  “If you’re wrong, then I’m wrong, too,” Bull chuckled. “I’m ready to put this case to bed myself.”

  “Did you say you’re ready to take Chaise to bed?”

  “Yes. Yes, I did. That’s exactly what I said.”

  “I thought that’s what I heard.” She grinned. “Colton, what if this case isn’t finished before we get married? Will we have to postpone the wedding?”

  “Not a chance,” he replied. “We can still get married. I won’t be able to go on a honeymoon outside the country, but that’s about the only limitation I’d have.”

  “So I can go ahead and plan the destination we

  “Yep—for as soon as possible.” Bull grinned. “Before you change your mind and hightail it out of here.”

  “You can’t get rid of me that easily, Colton Lanier. You’re stuck with me.”

  “Stuck like crazy glue.” He winked.

  “I’m excited.” She smiled broadly. “I feel like we’re finally moving forward, and I haven’t even called them yet.”


  “Our destination wedding place,” Chaise said cryptically. “I want it to be a surprise.”

  “That means you’ll have to take me there.” Bull cut his eyes at her.

  “That’s right. That means I’ll be in charge of Bull,” Chaise giggled.

  “I’m under no illusions about being the one in charge in this relationship,” Bull laughed. “But if you want our wedding location to be a surprise, I’ll go along with it. Just inside this country.”

  “It is.” Chaise grinned mischievously. “Now I have to look at moving the date up because I’m too excited to wait. And I won’t be able to keep it a secret long enough.”

  “Good. My plan is working then.”

  “Yes, you evil mastermind. Your dastardly plan of ensnaring me and forcing me to marry you in the destination wedding of my choosing has worked out perfectly. I never suspected a thing.”

  “I’ll have to use this tactic on you again in the near future,” Bull quipped. “I’ll have you eating out of my hand before long.”

  “Yeah. Eating wedding cake out of your hand.”

  The following day, Chaise made several phone calls to begin the plans for her dream wedding. She had never felt so excited about planning for the wedding and couldn’t wait to enlist Brianna’s help. Even though she wanted to keep the location a secret, she knew she’d have to tell Brianna where it would be held and Brianna would, in turn, enlist Noah’s help to get Bull there.

  Noah was Colton’s best man and Brianna was her matron of honor, so naturally they both had to be in attendance. Rebel and Shadow were equally as important to both Chaise and Bull, so there was no question that the whole Steele Security family had to agree to the travel. Since they’d added Liz to the group, she couldn’t imagine the ceremony being complete without her there, too.


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