May, Lou & Cass
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Cecil Rice, son of EKR, again in India
Montagu Knight made Lieutenant
1864 – Richard Chenevix Trench, future father-in-law of Arthur Hill, consecrated Archbishop of Dublin
Death of William Smith O’Brien, former Young Ireland leader, father of Cassandra Hill’s friend Charlotte Grace O’Brien
MK on extended visit to EKR at Dane Court
Edward Bridges Rice marries Cecilia Harcourt
Anna Austen Lefroy writes Recollections of Aunt Jane
1865 – End of American Civil War
Death of Sir Francis Austen, last remaining sibling of JA
Morland Rice, son of EKR, marries Caroline York
Cecil Rice, son of EKR, marries Frances Napier
1867 – Failure of Fenian Rising; suspension of habeas corpus until March
Death of George Knight, JA’s ‘itty Dordy’, August
Death of CBK at Chawton, 13 October; MK goes to live with John and Margaret Knight at Highway House, Bentley, Hants
Birth of Marcia Rice, daughter of Cecil, granddaughter of EKR
Caroline Austen writes My Aunt Jane: A Memoir –
1868 – Disraeli becomes PM, followed by Gladstone; Gladstone proposes disestablishment of Church of Ireland
Death of 4th Marquess of Downshire, 6 August
1869 – Disestablishment of Church of Ireland (Irish Church Act)
FCK writes letter to MK deploring inferior social standing of JA and CEA
1870 – Gladstone’s first Land Act; beginning of Home Rule Movement under Issaac Butt (Home Government Association)
JEAL publishes Memoir of Jane Austen
1871 – Arthur Hill marries Helen Emily Trench, daughter of Richard Chenevix Trench, Archbishop of Dublin, 16 February
JEAL’s Memoir goes into 2nd edition, with Lady Susan, The Watsons and cancelled chapter of Persuasion
1872 – Anna Austen Lefroy dies, aged seventy-nine, 1 September
JEAL uses proceeds from Memoir to place memorial tablet to JA in Winchester Cathedral
1873 – Home Governement Association conference in Dublin; change of name to Irish Home Rule League
Death of William Knight, rector of Steventon
Montagu Knight made Captain, 26 June
1874 – Disraeli becomes Prime Minister
Edward Knight Jr sells Godmersham to John Cunliffe Lister Kaye
Death of JEAL, aged seventy-five
1875 – Election of Charles Stewart Parnell as MP for Meath; allies himself with members disagreeing with Issac Butt
Auction at Godmersham of furniture and effects
1876 – Death of John Mitchel, aged sixty
Birth of Arthur Fitzgerald Sandys Hill, 6th Baron Sandys, 4 December
Death of Emma, wife of JEAL
1877 – Parnell replaces Isaac Butt as president of Home Rule Confederation of Great Britain
1878 – Assassination at Mulroy Bay, Donegal of William Sydney Clements, 3rd Earl of Leitrim, April
Death of John Knight, youngest son of Edward and Elizabeth Knight, 10 January
Death of Edward Royds Rice
LGH becomes gravely ill: all his children sent for; MK goes to Ireland to be with Louisa
1879 – Wettest year on record; harvest disastrous, worst since Great Famine of 1840s
LGH dies at Ballyare, Co Donegal, 6 April; buried with Cassandra in Conwal Cemetery, Letterkenny; his eldest son, Captain Arthur Hill, inherits
Edward Knight Jr dies, aged eighty-five, 5 November; Montagu Knight inherits Chawton
1880 – MK pays extended visit to EKR at Dane Court
Caroline Austen dies, November
Lord Arthur Hill, 2nd son of 4th Marquess, MP for Co. Down
1881 – Land Law (Ireland) Act, legalising ‘the 3Fs’– fair rent, fixity of tenure and free sale of tenant’s interest – and establishing Land Commission and Land Court, April
Parnell arrested, October; imprisoned Land League leaders issue No-Rent Manifesto
Arthur Hill clashes with tenants in Gweedore over rents; Gweedore Hotel boycotted
1882 – Parnell released on parole, April; withdrawal of No-Rent Manifesto
Phoenix Park murders of Chief Secretary, Lord Frederick Cavendish and Under-secretary Thomas Burke, May
Arrears of Rent (Ireland) Act and Labourers’ Cottages & Allotments Act, August
Death of FCK, Christmas morning, in her ninetieth year. Her son Lord Brabourne finds correspondence with JA and original MS of Lady Susan
Birth of Andrew Edward Somerset Mulholland, son of Norah Ward, later killed at Ypres; MK present at his birth
1883 – Execution of ‘Invincibles’ convicted of Phoenix Park Murders, May–June
Labourers (Ireland) Act, August
1884 – MK goes to Donegal to live with Louisa and Cassandra Hill; begins correspondence with Montagu and Florence Knight
Birth of Eva Norah Mulholland, daughter of Norah Ward
Death of EKR; her unmarried daughters have to move from Dane Court when their brother inherits
Publication of Lord Brabourne’s edition of Jane Austen’s letters, in two volumes, December –
1885 – Gladstone’s government defeated on budget, June; Lord Salisbury, grandson of LGH’s aunt Lady Salisbury (née Lady Emily Hill), forms caretaker government
Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act provides loans required for tenant purchase
1886 – Salisbury rejects Gladstone’s proposal for bipartisan approach to Home Rule
Irish Unionist Party formed under E.J. Saunderson, future father-in-law of Fanny Ward’s daughter, Eva Mulholland
Death of Richard Chenevix Trench, father-in-law of Arthur Hill
1887 – Arthur Hill obliged to reinstate evicted tenants at Gweedore, and to offer reduced rents
MK writing from Ballyare expresses view that ‘rebels’ should be punished ‘severely and immediately’
FCK’s son, Cecil Knatchbull Hugessen, visiting Donegal, writes to his sister, describing tenant unrest
1888 – MK visiting Norah in Strangford, Co. Down, on her way to England via Scotland for annual family visit
Louisa Hill’s health causing increasing concern
1889 – Murder in Gweedore of Inspector William Martin (cousin of Violet Martin, ‘Ross’ of writing partnership Somerville and Ross), February
Cassandra Hill at Isle O’Valla, Strangford with Norah Ward; Somerset Ward concussed following incident when he was dragged by a runaway horse
Louisa Hill’s illness worsens; MK postpones annual trip to England until July
Louisa dies in MK’s absence, 29 July; buried at Tully, close to Ballyare
1890 – Captain O’Shea’s divorce action against his wife Katharine, November; Parnell named as correspondent
Parnell re-elected as Chair of Irish Parliamentary Party, but party splits; Catholic hierarchy call on faithful to reject Parnell; Gladstone declines to continue support for Home Rule with Parnell as leader
Arthur Hill examines his accounts, September, to determine whether MK and his sister Cassandra Hill may continue to live at Ballyare
Montagu Knight offers home to MK, if Arthur asks her to leave Donegal; invitation not extended to his cousin, Cassandra Hill
1891 – Parnell marries Katherine O’Shea, June
Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, August
Death of Parnell, October
Brabourne sells ten of JA’s letters
1892 – General Election: Gladstone forms last administration, July
MK with George and Cassandra Hill at Moville, Donegal; Ballyare redecorated in spring
Death of Walter Rice, son of EKR
1893 – Anti-Home Rule marches in Belfast, April
Gaelic League founded
Cassandra Hill ill; stays with her brother Arthur outside Dublin
Death of Cecil Rice, son of EKR
Death of Lord Brabourne; his heirs sell sixty-four letters by JA and by CEA
1894 – Gladstone retires, Mar
ch; succeeded as PM by Lord Roseberry
Sharp decline in health of MK
1895 – Roseberry resigns as PM, June; succeeded by Salisbury
MK receives from Montagu Knight Jane Austen’s Charade Book, July; no longer remembers her as author
Death of MK, 4 December, at Ballyare; buried beside Louisa, at Tully, near Ballyare House
1896 – Land Law (Ireland) Act, empowering Land Court to sell bankrupt estates to tenants, August
Poor potato harvest; severe shortages over winter 1896 into following spring
Death of Edward Bridges Rice, eldest son of EKR
1897 – The Nation ceases publication, June, to be succeeded by The Weekly Nation.
Death of Morland Rice, son of EKR
1899 – Outbreak of Boer War (1899–1902)
1900 – Ballyare House sold
1901 – Visit to Ireland by Queen Victoria
Death of Cassandra Hill at Fáilte, Foxrock, Co. Dublin, former home of Charlotte Grace O’Brien
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