In The Spotlight: A Rockstar Romance

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In The Spotlight: A Rockstar Romance Page 2

by J. L. Ostle

  “I love you. Thank you for being there. For Sky.”

  “I love you, too. I will always be there, for both of you. You are my world; I won’t let anyone upset my girl.” With that I walk away, wiping the tears away.

  I walk back to my room and lay down. I’m new to being independent. Well more independent than what I was before. I will find my way. I don’t feel up to reading anymore, so I stare at the ceiling till sleep finally takes over.

  I wake up from a peaceful sleep, stretching my arms and looking around my new room. I still can’t believe I’m here. Looking at the alarm on the side table, I see it’s just before ten. I can’t remember the last time I stayed in bed this late. I stand up to play some music when I see a note near my door.

  Didn’t want to wake you.

  Going to get some bacon and eggs.

  Remember, help yourself to anything.

  Love you.

  Lake x x

  I smile and lay the note on my desk, taking notice that I drank all of my water last night. I poke my head out the door and, sure enough, the place is silent. I’ll just go grab a bottle of water and get ready for the day. I wonder what Lake has planned. But bacon and eggs right now sounds so good. Mom never allowed fried foods in the house so I’m looking forward to breakfast.

  I head down to the kitchen and grab a water. Uncapping it, I drop the stupid lid under the counter. Typical. I get on my hands and knees, trying to reach it, and can see it’s pretty far back. I finally get my fingers around it when I hear a cough behind me. I freeze, dropping the lid back on the floor.

  Oh no.

  I don’t make a move. I think maybe, if I don’t move, the floor could open up and swallow me whole. Why can’t I have the magical ability to be invisible? Or why can’t it be my sister that’s behind me right now? But, from the masculine sound of the cough, I know it’s a man. I look down at my tank and shorts and feel my entire body heat up.

  Why didn’t I get ready? Oh yeah, cause I’m an idiot.

  “You going to stay down there all day? Not that I’m complaining, I do have a good view from where I’m standing.” The voice sends shivers down my spine even though the comment was quite crude. Is he staring at my ass?

  I know I need to stand up. I know the longer I stay here, the more it will look like I’m insane. I gather all my strength and stand, my back to him. I don’t want to turn. I’m too embarrassed. Footsteps come towards me and he leans in so close that I can feel his heat radiate off him. He softly strokes a hand down my arm, causing goose bumps in its wake. He opens up my palm and places my cap in it. He picked up the lid.

  No man has ever touched me. I haven’t even seen who this guy is, what he looks like, but my body is screaming for him. I feel him stand in close so that my back is to his front. My breathing is coming in fast and I gasp when I feel his erection press against me. Oh my God.

  He is turned on by me.

  His erection is touching me.

  “You smell so good,” he whispers in my ear. I am sure I just whimpered. All common sense has left me. I’m letting a complete stranger, whose face I haven’t seen, touch me, make my body feel things it never has before. “Tell me your name.” I feel his stubble stroke against my cheek.

  Oh God.

  “Sky,” I whisper and his body tenses up.

  “Sky? As in...”

  “My baby sister, you ass. Get your filthy paws away from her,” Lake interrupts. I feel like someone threw cold water over us.

  “Sorry, how was I supposed to know?” I hear him ask behind me as he moves away. For some reason, I hate that he is no longer near me. That I can no longer feel his heat.

  “Why else would there be a girl in her pjs in our kitchen at this time of day?” Lake scolds him.

  “Wishful thinking? I’m sorry okay? Sorry, Sky.” With that I finally turn around to see my sister giving evil looks to the most beautiful man I have ever seen.

  This guy was just behind me? This God? This perfect specimen of mankind? He is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. His massive arms. With how tight his gray shirt is, the rest of his body looks toned and muscular. His jeans hang perfectly on his hips. When I finally look up, even his face is perfect. Bright green eyes; long, thick brown hair. The kind you want to push your fingers through. I can’t help but stare at his lips; hating that I wonder what it would be like for them to touch mine.

  I have never had a chance to kiss a boy, have never felt like I wanted to, but now I needed to. He looks too good to be true. What would have happened if my sister didn’t come back? Would he have kissed me? Why am I even thinking about this? This isn’t me. I don’t care about boys.

  But he isn’t a boy. He is a man.

  “It’s okay. I’m sorry for looking,” I sweep my hand up and down my body, “indecent.” I notice that his eyes follow my hand movement, stopping at my legs. It feels like he is undressing me with his eyes alone. Now I do feel uncomfortable. No one has really seen my body this close to naked.

  I wrap my arms around myself.

  “Sky?” I turn to Lake and I know she can tell I feel uncomfortable. “Go get dressed and come down in twenty, breakfast will be ready then.” I give her a quick hug, whispering a thank you in her ear before running up the stairs. All the way to the top I can still feel his eyes on me.

  Fuck me sideways.

  That’s Lake’s sister?


  I thought maybe she was a groupie that snuck in last night. Seeing her on all fours, her perfect, tight ass in the air; I felt my dick harden in seconds. Feeling her body tremble against mine, how responsive she was. Touching her flawless, white skin. I didn’t have to see her face, from what I could see, her body was perfect. Her strawberry scent surrounded me.

  Hearing her say her name caused my once hard erection to quickly disappear; especially when Lake walked in. Walked in on me hitting on her baby sister. Lake is hot. Her body is smoking. Perfect ass and tits. I would have tried to bang that if it wasn’t for Leon. They were head over heels and shit. I wouldn’t do that to the guy. He has been there for me since we were kids. Plus, Lake does see through my bullshit.

  Once Sky turned around, I was a goner. She reminded me of a hotter version of Snow White. Raven black hair flowing down her back. Dark blue eyes that I’m sure I saw a hint of purple in. Pale, white, soft skin.


  Why couldn’t she be a groupie?

  She’s going to be living under the same roof as me? Living across the hall from me? I need to control my dick and not touch her. Yeah, easier said than done.

  Fuck my life.

  I wouldn’t do that to Lake. I wouldn’t spoil our friendship. Even though she gives me crap, we are a family. She’s helped our band get out there; working on our social media, booking gigs. She bought the house that we live in using an inheritance she received from her grandparents. I was also given more than enough to live comfortably for a while when my parent’s passed away so, for now, none of us have to work. We get to do the thing we love. Music will always be my number one priority. I don’t need a girl I don’t even know messing up the life we have gotten comfortable in.

  There are plenty of chicks out there, plenty who are willing to open their legs for the lead guitarist of an upcoming band. Sky is family. I need to make myself believe that.

  Then stop looking at her ass while she walks up the stairs, dick.

  I walk to the living room and lay down on the couch. I’m exhausted from partying all night. I need to get the dark haired girl out of my mind. I hang around gorgeous women all the time. I think the reason I find her appealing is maybe because I was told not to go near her. Maybe I see her as a challenge. Just thinking that makes me sound shallow and, worse of all, a huge ass.

  “I need words with you.” Lake stands in front of me with her hand on her hip. Great. She’s going to go all mother hen on me.

  “I won’t touch her okay?” Well, I hope I don’t.

  “I know you. I’ve known
you for years. I know what you’re like and I love you; you are a great friend, we are family, but when it comes to women...” she pauses, “you’re a dog.” Wait, what?

  “Hey, hold on just a minute.” I sit up. How dare she say that?

  “Come on. You don’t see a girl more than once, they come walking in and out of here like it’s a hotel. You’re a womanizer. I love you, but it’s true. You are a great person but you think with your dick.” What the hell?

  “It’s true man. Not saying it’s a bad thing. You tell them where they stand but you don’t hang around one girl longer than a night. I get it, we’re young, but you go through women like toilet paper.” Leon steps up, wrapping his arms around Lake’s stomach. I watch her snuggle into him. I want to vomit.

  “Thanks man, thanks for having my back.” He shrugs.

  “I just want to explain to you that Sky is different. She is sweet and innocent; I don’t want her hurt. She believes in love and happily ever after’s. I don’t want you tarnishing that. She’s a good girl, not one of your girls.”

  “Right, okay. I won’t touch her. I promise.” She looks me straight in the eye to make sure I’m telling the truth before nodding in acceptance.

  I watch her and Leon walk back towards the kitchen but she stops in the doorway. “By the way, she’s a virgin. She’s innocent.” She walks away.


  She’s a virgin? How can that be? She’s gorgeous. What guy wouldn’t take one look and want to sleep with her? Maybe she’s waiting for that special someone. Waiting for the perfect guy and the perfect time. It is my number one rule. I don’t do virgins.


  Virgins get attached. Girls always remember the first person they sleep with. I will not let any girl go through that. I don’t want their first time to be a one-night stand. I may be an insensitive jerk when it comes to the opposite sex, but I do have morals. Knowing that Sky is one hundred percent a virgin, I know I can’t touch her.

  I grab my phone from my pocket and flip through my contacts. I got a few options from last night and now I’m taking my pick. I need a good fuck. My dick is still semi hard and I need a release. I send a text and lay back down, waiting. I know she will come- in more ways than one.

  They always do.

  I smell something good when I finally take my lazy ass off the couch and follow the aroma. Lake is plating up some bacon and eggs and my stomach automatically rumbles. I go to the fridge and grab a carton of OJ and pour out four glasses and Lake gives me a warm smile in thanks. I knew she wouldn’t stay mad at me for long.

  I’m looking through my Facebook when Lake yells out to Sky to come down. Has she stayed up there all this time? I look through my newsfeed to stop myself from looking at her when I feel her close by. It doesn’t help.

  I glance over at her and I’m shocked at what I see.

  The girl that was wearing tight shorts and a tank is now wearing a white blouse with a long black skirt. I mean the skirt literally goes to her feet. She looks like an old school teacher; her hair is even up in a tight bun on top of her head. If I saw her looking like this first, I wouldn’t believe what’s hiding underneath. It’s like meeting two completely different people.

  She sits opposite me and I try to look distracted, but I keep thinking that I had to have been dreaming this morning. I know I didn’t since I keep feeling Lake’s eyes on me. She has nothing to worry about. I don’t do virgins and I don’t do girls who hide behind themselves. I like the girl next door types but this girl, she is hiding. I know that if you’re hiding, you don’t want to be found.

  I went for a more casual look since I still feel embarrassed that Dominic saw me the way he did. I kept to my room since I didn’t want to let them see me so worked up. Acting like a child. Being pathetic over something they don’t think twice about. But I let a complete stranger, a stranger who my sister thinks is a player, touch me. I didn’t even stop him. I still can’t describe the feelings that I felt. My body heated up. I had butterflies swarming around in my stomach. The weird thing is, I liked it. I know I shouldn’t.

  But I did.

  We are sitting around the table eating our breakfast and I have to stifle a moan. I’ve never tasted anything like this, ever. Growing up, we ate salads because Mom always said that girls like us can’t afford to get fat. Men want desirable women. If she ever thought we gained a single pound, we would starve. Now as I take each bite, I wouldn’t care if I blew up like a balloon. How can people not just eat this three times a day? It’s amazing.

  “You like it?” Lake asks as she gives me a knowing smile. All I can do is nod my head vigorously and she chuckles as we continue eating. She knows what it’s like growing up on mainly lettuce.

  I feel eyes on me every now and then but I don’t dare look up. I’m almost finished when there is a knock on the door and Leon stands to answer. I hear voices coming from the other room and one that stands out is a woman’s. I turn my head towards the door and see a very beautiful blonde wearing a dress that looks more like lingerie. I can’t help but eye her up and down. Long legs, gorgeous figure. My eyes land on her huge chest that looks like it’s about to pop out of the top.

  How can she walk around like that in public?

  “Dom, you ready?” she purrs, and that’s when it sinks in.

  She’s here for him.

  Ready for what? I look at Dominic and see him giving her a once over and his eyes have gotten darker. Is that lust? Looking again at the goddess and down at myself, I feel stupid that I thought he could ever see me as attractive. I could never compare to a girl like that. Is this the type he goes for? I’ve read in books where men go for confident, sexy women; I guess it’s true in real life. Why am I even comparing myself to her?

  “Yeah. Let’s go,” he responds while standing.

  I must be a glutton for punishment as I watch as he saunters towards her, fisting her hair before placing his lips on hers, her body arching towards him. Embarrassed that I’m watching something so intimate, I turn away. Why do I keep landing myself in other people’s intimate moments? I hear them walk off with her giggling.

  “It’s not even lunch time and he’s having a booty call?” my sister asks in disdain. I watch her grab the empty plates and head towards the kitchen. The food that I just enjoyed moments ago starts to rumble unpleasantly around my stomach.

  “You okay? You look a little pale. Well paler than normal.” Leon brings me out of my thoughts. I look up at him and he is giving me a warm smile that I return I can see why Lake likes him. He’s nice.

  “Yeah, I’m sorry. I’ve never seen girls dressed like that. Mom always said intimacy is for behind closed doors, yet the two of them looked like they were about to devour each other.” I look down, playing with the hem of the table cloth.

  “Your sister has talked a little about how she grew up. How you both grew up. I’m sorry your life was like that. All those rules. I can’t imagine growing up like that,” he says as he leans back in his chair.

  “It was the only thing I knew. As long as I had my sister by my side I was happy. She protected me. I remember when I was twelve and she got me a disc-man. She found some CD’s and we would listen to different kinds of music. We’ve both loved music ever since. I love how each song, each melody, can be different. Mean different things. I wanted so many different options of music growing up, I wanted rock, pop, jazz, anything but I knew I couldn’t,” I sigh. “After she left, I felt like my parents knew I was it. They had to force me to do better. Be better. Be the person they wanted me to be. But all they did was make me feel more trapped. When I got the chance to leave, I did. I want to experience life before I can’t anymore.” I feel tears prickle behind my eyes.

  “What do you mean before you can’t?” he asks.

  “Sky? You want to take a tour to the mall? We can get some new clothes?” Lake interrupts us. With the sadness I see in her eyes, I know she heard me.

  “Sounds great. Let me go get my shoes.” I smile at Leon
before I head up the stairs.

  I am in my own world, thinking of my past, when I hear grunting down the hall. My defences go on alert. I know Dominic came up here with that girl, but is she hurting him? What if he’s hurt? I hear the noises again. Should I yell for help? Should I get my sister? I open his door a little to make sure he’s okay, but what I see will haunt me forever.

  Dominic is standing near the edge of the bed and the woman he left with is on her knees. His jeans are around his ankles; his shirt is off. I look at his broad chest and shoulders; his toned stomach. My eyes trail down even more to the fine hairs that lead further down. It’s what she is doing that makes my whole body heat up. Her mouth is around his erection, her hands on his sack, and his head is thrown back in passion.

  Oh my God.

  She is giving him a blow job.

  I need to leave. I take a step back to do so but, like he can sense that I’m there, his eyes open and land directly on mine. I feel like I’m in a trance as our gazes stay locked together. The girl groans and Dominic squeezes his eyes shut as he growls. It’s a very animalistic sound. With the connection finally broken, I run away, going to my room and grabbing my shoes before running back down the stairs.

  My heart is beating a million times a second and I am sure I look like a tomato. I go to the fridge and grab a bottle of water, chugging down most of it. Why did I have to be so nosey? Why couldn’t I have just gone straight to my room? They do say ignorance is bliss.

  You thought he was hurt. You were trying to be there for him, my head tries to console me.

  I lean against the counter, trying to get my head on straight. What if he tells Lake that I perved in on them? I groan into my hands as I feel the embarrassment come back. Hopefully he’s just as embarrassed as I am.

  He didn’t look embarrassed. He kept his eyes on yours.

  “You ready?” I jump at hearing Lake’s voice.

  “Sorry, you scared me. Yeah I’m ready,” I respond quickly, bending down to put on my shoes.


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