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In The Spotlight: A Rockstar Romance

Page 20

by J. L. Ostle

  “I’ve got you to protect me, how could I not be okay?” I smile at him and he looks into my eyes, not saying anything. We’re still staring at one another when someone knocks on my door.

  “Sky, you have a letter!” Leon shouts through, breaking our moment.

  “I better go.” Dominic squeezes my hand and stands and I join him.

  “Thank you, Dominic, for being there for me.” I hug him and kiss his cheek.

  “Always.” He kisses my cheek, surprising me, his lips lingering a little before he walks away. I follow him out and head over to Leon who is on the couch, and grab the letter he passes me.

  I head back to my room and sit back down on my bed, opening the envelope, seeing it holds a small piece of paper. My blood runs cold when I recognize the handwriting. How did they know I was here?

  Your time is almost up.

  Will see you soon.


  No, this can’t be happening. My breathing comes fast and I move to a corner in the room, trying to get myself under control. I feel like I’m having an anxiety attack. I look at the letter that’s now lying on the floor like it will catch fire any second. My time is almost up. I feel tears slide down my cheeks; I know what my fate holds. They are going to come and get me and there is nothing I can do. I will have to leave all this behind.

  Dominic. I don’t want to leave him.

  In just two days we will have finished the tour and I can finally get away from Jensen. He hasn’t tried to talk to me but I can constantly feel his eyes on me. I know he feels bad, but what he did I will never be able to forgive.

  When it comes to the letter, I scrunched it up and threw it away, pretending I never read it. I don’t want to think about it. I know it’s childish but, if it’s not there, it’s like it never happened. I want to enjoy this time and I won’t let them ruin it for me.

  We are on the bus, driving to our last destination, and Dominic has been quiet. He didn’t want to do my guitar lessons right now, which I found odd; he never seemed to mind hanging out with me.

  I’m sitting in the booth, reading the information Robert emailed about what they’re expecting from the music video. It’s going to be set in high school, like the movie, and we will be meeting Alexandra Forman and John Yorke; the people who will be playing Louise and Brad in the movie. I’m going to be meeting actual celebrities. I still can’t get my head around that.

  I look over at Dominic and he’s sitting on the far corner of the couch, just staring into space. He’s been like this for the last couple of days, but today he’s more quiet than normal. I can tell something is wrong but I’m not sure what it is. I head over to Lake, who is in our room on the bus, to ask her if she knows what’s bothering him.

  I knock on the door and she tells me come in. She’s is sitting on the bed, going through letters and random paperwork. I hate to disturb her when she’s working but I need to know. If something is upsetting Dominic I want to be able to help, like how he has helped me over and over.

  “Hi, can I ask you a question?” I kneel on the floor near her so I don’t mess up the papers sprawled everywhere.

  “Sure, what’s up?” Lake stops what she’s doing and focuses on me.

  “Do you know what’s wrong with Dominic? He hasn’t been his usual self and I’m worried,” I tell her.

  “Oh honey, he’ll be fine. It’s just a hard time of year for him. It’s the anniversary of his parent’s death and he always gets like this. He’ll come out of it, just give him some space.” My heart aches for him. It’s the anniversary of when he lost his parents, no wonder he’s in his own head.

  “But shouldn’t we do something?” I shake my head; how can she sit there acting like it’s no big deal?

  “Sky, he doesn’t like making a fuss over it. Me and Leon try and get him out of this funk every year, but it either makes him angry to where he does something stupid or he ends up trying to drink himself to death. It’s easier to just let him deal with it on his own.” I stand up, feeling angry.

  “Lake, if you passed away, I wouldn’t want to be on my own. I would want someone there to show that they’re there for me. I’m going to do something; I don’t know what but I’m going to show him he’s not alone.” I feel determined and walk towards the door.

  “Okay, but if you don’t get the response you’re after, don’t feel bad, it’s just how he is.” With that I walk out and sit back in the booth, watching him sit there with this pain.

  I clear my head and try to think of something I could do to help, and my head starts to hurt after a while. Every thought that enters my head sounds stupid. I keep trying to think of something when it hits me. I don’t know how he will react but I want to show him that I care. I call out to Leon and Chris and tell them my plan. Chris is on board right away but Leon isn’t certain. After a little persuasion though, I get him to agree.

  We talk about how we’re going to pull it off without Dominic knowing and I quickly get on my laptop and start searching for my idea until I find the perfect thing. I go back to my room and tell Lake what we’re doing and she smiles, knowing I’m doing it because I care. She helps me put my plan into action.

  I just hope he likes it and isn’t angry at me for what I’m about to do.

  We rehearse as normal and I leave before AA gets on stage to do theirs. I’m too busy thinking about tonight to even let any other thoughts enter my mind. I’m almost out the door, heading back to the bus, when I hear my name being called and I freeze, recognizing the voice. I turn to see Jensen walking towards me.

  Why didn’t I leave with Chris or Leon? I stand there gathering all the strength I have to not shake. He looks so put together, so different from the last time I saw him. He stands a few paces away from me and we just stare at one another. I arch my eyebrow to tell him to say whatever it is he has come to say.

  “You’re looking good,” he says and I shake my head. The bruising on my face has gone to a light brown color but Lake always makes sure it’s fully covered up.

  “It’s amazing what makeup can do these days,” I say sarcastically. I don’t know why I said it; it just fell from my lips.

  “Look, I know you don’t want anything to do with me, and I completely understand that, but I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am. I have never laid a hand on a woman before; I don’t even know what possessed me. I didn’t mean to hurt you, emotionally or physically. I know I ruined it, ruined any chance I had with you.” He takes in a deep breath. “I regret everything since that day those girls attacked you. I wish I could go back and tell Trigger not to come, to have stayed with you, but I know you can’t change time. It’s just that I know I will regret what I lost, what I did. You do still mean a lot to me and I hope in time that you can forgive me.” I look into his eyes and see how sincere he is. I take in a deep breath and nod my head, deciding to be the bigger person.

  “Thank you for saying all that. You did hurt me; emotionally and physically, but like you said, you can’t turn back time. Maybe one day we can be friends again.” He nods his head.

  “You were happy though? At the beginning?” I give him a warm smile.

  “I was. I enjoyed being with you, I enjoyed talking and hanging out but, please, when you let another girl in, don’t be a dick. That rock star attitude stinks and is not appealing. Just be you. Enjoy the rest of the tour.” I say sincerely before turning to walk away.

  “Enjoy rising up the ladder, I expect great things from you!” he yells out. I smile and give him a wave as I leave. After that brief talk, I do feel lighter.

  I head back to the bus and start getting things ready for tonight. My stomach is full of butterflies. Leon and Chris keep Dominic away so I can get everything done and prepared. By the time I think I have everything sorted, it’s time to do our last concert on this tour. I look at myself in the mirror and nod my head, knowing in my heart I’m doing the right thing.

  Dominic and the guys are on stage waiting for the spotlight to come on. I see Dominic standi
ng in the darkness and I want him to be back in the light. I put the head piece on and step on the stage, the spotlight finding me. The crowd screams and I feel like I’m going to pass out.

  I’m doing this for Dominic, I repeat over and over.

  I can do this.

  “Hello Washington!” I yell in my mic. The crowd goes crazy and I giggle, turning to look at Dominic who is staring at me in confusion. I never talk to the crowd, ever. “I want to thank you for being here, for supporting us, and well tonight, we are going to do something different.” The crowd goes quieter, listening to every word I say. “I know this is our last concert for this tour but, one of my dearest friends, a guy who has been there for me every step of the way into this crazy world, this guy who has been like my hero, my savior. He lost something so precious and I could never imagine what he has to deal with, how he has to live with it every day. My heart hurts just seeing him in pain. I want to help him like he has helped me. So this person, my best friend, my guardian angel; this song is for you.”

  A piano starts to play and I begin to sing the words. I’m singing If You Could See Me Now by The Script. Travis and Lloyd walk onto the stage, starting to strum as Chris joins in with Leon. I sing to Dominic who stays still, watching me. I walk over and hold his hand and can feel his body shaking; not from anger, but pain. I see a tear slide down his cheek.

  I entwine his fingers with mine and continue singing. Looking around, I notice the crowd isn’t screaming, just listening, showing their respect. I’m about to sing the next part but Dominic starts to sing instead. I watch him, his eyes staying on mine like I’m giving him strength to do this. During the chorus I sing with him, alongside him.

  The song ends and Dominic looks at me, breathing in fast, his eyes intensely on mine. I’m about to pull my hand away when he squeezes it tighter, not wanting to let go. He pulls me towards him into a tight hug, his face in my neck, breathing me in.

  “Thank you,” he whispers into my ear. “Thank you for being you.” A tear slides down my cheek and I nod.

  “Always,” I say the word he always uses with me and feel his smile on my neck. He pulls back and he gives me a smile. “Alright, Washington! Who wants some sweat on lace and chains?” I enthusiastically say in the mic and the crowd goes wild again.

  We continue the rest of the concert as normal but, during some songs, I walk to Dominic and wrap my arm over his shoulder, my head tucked into him as I sing. Tonight was different from the other concerts; it was a beginning, but a voice in my head screamed maybe it’s an end.

  After the concert, I thanked Travis and Lloyd for joining us and they said that after the things they had said to me without getting all the information, they felt like they needed to do something to apologize. Jensen walked by me as I left the stage and I gave him a nod in acknowledgment. Kym followed behind him but stopped and hugged me; telling me she didn’t want to be the only non-skank on the tour and we laughed together. She gave me a piece of paper with her number on it, telling me I need to get a phone so I can keep in touch.

  Dominic holds my hand while we walk onto the bus and we stay by each other’s side all night to the early hours of the morning, watching movies on my laptop, not thinking about anything. I’m lying on Dominic’s chest and a voice in my head keeps echoing that my time is running out. I want to keep having moments like this. I love hanging out with Dominic and I want so much more of it.

  I finally drift off into a deep sleep and dream of a life where Dominic wants me to be his. I dream of being on his arm as he shows me off, to our future dates, to cuddling on the couch in our home watching movies, to him proposing, to a wedding, children. I see children with thick messy brown hair, my dark blue eyes. I know it will never happen, but that’s what dreams are though; a dream.

  I can’t believe she did that. For me. I know she feels overwhelmed when put on the spot, but she did it for me. She sang a song to me from one of my favorite bands and hearing her do the rap parts was so cute, but she did it without any mistakes. I miss my parents so much and that song, wishing they could see me now, I really wish they could. I wish they could have met Sky; they would have loved her.

  Now, I think they sent her to me. I’ve become a better person in the short time I’ve known her. I want to be better, knowing how much of a dick I was, how much I used women to just fill a void I didn’t realize was there, even though I’m sure they used me just as much. Sky is different though, and seeing her do what she did, my head can’t get around it. I hear her deep breathing and know she’s falling asleep. I move her hair away from her face and see even in her sleep, she is smiling. I’m almost asleep when my eyes snap open.

  “I love you, Dominic,” Sky whispers and I look down at her. She’s still sleeping away. Is she dreaming about me? She loves me? This should scare me, make me want to run away, but hearing her say those words gives me some peace. She’s in love with me, but what do I do now?

  We are at Washington High School and ready to film the music video. Cameras and people are everywhere. I’ve read over what they expect from us but, in my head, all I can think about is that I’m going to meet real live celebrities. Robert is waiting at the entrance and he comes to me first, hugging me and kissing my cheek. It feels so awkward that I instantly look at Dominic and he looks just as dumfounded as I am.

  “Can I have a word with you Sky?” Robert asks me and I nod my head. He presses his hand on my lower back and guides me to an empty classroom. I wait to see what he has to say. “I’m sorry to hear about you and Jensen, you made a cute couple, I hope things haven’t been that awkward.”

  “It was at first but I’m moving on. At least I have this today to focus on.” I shrug my shoulders. He walks towards me and starts rubbing my shoulders.

  “I know this may be a bit soon, but I do like you, Sky. I’ve liked you since I first saw you on that stage. I was wondering if you would ever want to have dinner with me?” I look at him with shock; I know he can be a little touchy with me but I thought that’s just what he’s like.

  “Robert, I’m very flattered, I am, but I kind of like someone else and well, you’re kind of my boss. I’m sorry and hope we can still continue working with each other, I don’t want things to start being uncomfortable.” I hold his hand so he knows I’m being sincere.

  “A beautiful girl like you, you will never be alone for long. Thank you for letting me down gently, and yes we will continue working together with no weirdness, I promise. I do think you will be huge; you are already getting there as we speak.” He smiles at me and I can tell he’s upset, but he squeezes my hand and let’s go before walking out of the room. I wait a minute then follow.

  “Everything okay? Dominic asks me. I smile at him and nod.

  “Yeah, everything is fine.”

  Robert shows us around the school, what’s going to happen where. I haven’t set foot in a high school since I left mine. I left with 4.0 GPA and had scholarships to a future of my choosing, but my parents told me I will marry and won’t have time to work, only time to look after the home and husband. They set my future in stone and nothing would have budged them until nine months ago, which I don’t want to think about.

  When the tour of the school is over, we are taken to a classroom that is completely empty except for John and Alexandra and I have to keep myself from shrieking like a fan girl. I try and keep my composure but I am sure the huge smile on my face is giving me away. As soon as Alexandra sees me, she comes straight to me and gives me a huge hug. I look at Lake whose mouth is hanging open in shock, most likely mirroring my own.

  “I am such a huge fan! I love your voice; would you mind signing my album?” I look at her in shock, trying to tell if she’s joking, but she goes back to where she was sitting and returns with the album and a pen. I actually haven’t seen the album so I look at it and see the picture is one from the photoshoot where I am looking into Dominic’s eyes and he is looking down at me. We look like we want to devour each other. I sign the album and pass it
around so the rest of the guys can sign as well. “Thank you so much.” She beams at me and I can’t believe what just happened. Alexandra just asked me for an autograph. I look at her with her long, light brown hair and light brown eyes; she really does look like the girl next door. She’s wearing tight jeans with a pale pink blouse, showing her perfect figure. She looks flawless.

  “Right, ladies go get changed; guys, you do the same. Patricia and Stuart will show you where to go.” Robert claps his hands to get our attention.

  “I can’t believe you are doing the music video for the movie! I asked for you personally but never thought they could get you. You seem to be hot property at the moment,” Alexandra says.

  “What do you mean hot property?” I ask, confused.

  “You know; you’re like, super famous now. You’re all over magazines; I turn on the radio and your song is playing; you’re constantly being Facebooked or tweeted. Everyone loves you.” Magazines?

  “What magazines?” We walk into another classroom and the windows are covered. We sit down and continue to talk as we get our hair and makeup done.

  “Well first, it was pictures of you walking on and off the tour bus, then with you and Jensen, Jensen singing to you at the club.” God that feels like a lifetime ago now since he did that, so much has happened since then. “Then ones with those girls attacking you, which was awful by the way; some people are so deluded that they forget we are normal people too. Oh and there’s the interview with a picture of you all on the sofa and you and Dominic were smiling at each other. God, I’m so sorry, I can’t stop talking; I do that when I’m nervous.” She laughs.


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