Turn Towards the Sun Book Two: After the Rain

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Turn Towards the Sun Book Two: After the Rain Page 33

by Jennifer Domenico

  I nod. He actually sounds sincere. I don’t know how trustworthy the guy is, but it won’t really matter when my husband finds out.

  “Go back to work, Dax. We’ll have to let Enzo decide how to handle things,” Calvin says.

  “That’s what I’ll do. Again, my apologies ma’am,” he tells me on his way out.

  Oh, so now I’m ma’am? A minute ago I was a rich little cunt. Nice.

  “You’re sure you’re okay?” Calvin asks.

  “Yes, completely,” I reply. “He didn’t hurt me at all, and thank God he was unsuccessful in kissing me. He really thought he had a chance with me? Unbelievable.”

  “Well, unfortunately he’s right. A lot of married women around here are willing to have a little fun. Most of the women who used to hit on me were married. Enzo and I always had a rule, no married women. Too much trouble and really bad karma,” he adds, smiling.

  “I think you should tell him,” I suggest.

  “Yes, I think it will be best coming from me. He’ll be too emotional hearing it from you.”

  “Are you going to call him now or wait until he comes home?” I ask, wanting to be prepared for his wrath.

  “I haven’t decided. If I call him now he will be home tonight, but he really needs to get his business done in California. I think I’ll call Alex. He knows him really well, too.”

  “Okay. I’m going to just call it a day and go home,” I say. “I’m a little tired anyway.”

  Francesca comes into the room with a worried look on her face. “Yes, what is going on up here? Dax came down and told me he screwed up.”

  “Oh, he screwed up, alright,” Calvin tells her. “He made a pass at Ava.”

  “What?” she gasps.

  “Yeah, I walked up here and he had her pinned to the bed, so I clocked him.” Calvin rubs his hand.

  “Oh my goodness, are you alright?” she asks, hugging me.

  “I’m fine. He didn’t hurt me. I’m more worried about Enzo’s reaction at this point.”

  “Yes, as you should be,” Francesca replies.

  “Calvin is going to handle it,” I tell her.

  She rubs my hand. “That is best.”

  “If it’s alright, I would like to go home,” I say. “I’m feeling very tired.”

  Francesca nods. “Of course. The curtains can wait, no?”

  “Thanks, Checca.” I kiss her cheek. “And thanks Calvin for everything.”

  I shudder to think how that scene would have played out without his intervention.

  When I get home, I find Cassie and Chris are not at home. After a few hours, I hear them come in. I tell Cassie what happened and she is outraged.

  “I knew that guy was no good. I’m gonna kick his ass next time I see him,” she says.

  “You may not see him again. When Enzo finds out, he’s out.”

  “For sure, Enzo’s going to have his ass.”

  “I know.”

  “You seem sad. What ya thinking?” Cassie asks me.

  “We’re so close to the hotel being finished. It is more than five months ahead of schedule. Enzo is so excited about it, and even though he’s an asshole, Dax is really good at what he does. I just wish this hadn’t happened.”

  “It’s not your fault. I mean, except for being hot and wearing tight jeans.” She laughs, and I know this is her attempt to lighten the mood. “Seriously though, Dax fucked up, not you. So he will have to deal with the fallout,” she adds.

  “Yeah, not so much,” I argue. “You haven’t had to deal with Mr. Overprotective yet. It’s not fun. I’ll be a prisoner in my own home. As it is, when he finds out about the baby, he may keep me locked up just the same.”

  “Okay, yeah, so he’s a little excessive there, but he has a right to be. You were stalked by a woman who tried to hurt you on more than one occasion. Then, let’s see, you were chased by blood-hungry paparazzi for several months, and now you’ve had the king of all losers jump you as soon as he could get you alone.”

  “Well, gee, when you put it like that.” I smile.

  “You’re at a point now where I think you can stick up for yourself if Enzo gets overbearing,” Cassie says.

  “I guess.”

  My phone rings, startling both of us. It’s Enzo.

  I answer the phone with “Hey, babe,” trying to keep my tone light. I have no idea what he knows yet.

  “Ciao amore. Come stai?” he asks, sounding normal.

  “I’m fine. Just tired,” I tell him. “How are you?”

  “I’m tired too. I just spent ten hours dealing with zoning issues. I think it’s worked out now. I just ordered dinner and plan to go to sleep soon. What are you doing tonight?”

  “No plans. I’m just going to hang out here with Cassie and Chris.”

  “Okay, bella. I’ll call you in the morning. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you, and I love you.”

  “I love you too, and I think of you every moment of my day,” I say.

  “That pleases me to hear. See you soon.”


  When I hang up, Cassie sits down next to me on the couch. “I take it he doesn’t know anything yet?”

  “Nope, it doesn’t seem like it. Calvin wasn’t sure when he would tell him.”

  “How do you feel physically?”

  “I’m good. Just tired.”

  “Yeah, you should probably get used to that,” Cassie says. “When my friend, Susan, was pregnant, she said she could never get enough sleep.”


  “Are you hungry?”

  “Yes. What do we have?” I ask.

  “Chris bought some sandwiches from this really good deli he found. I’ll make you a plate if you like,” she offers.

  “Thanks, girly.”

  My phone rings again. This time it’s Alex.

  “Hi Ava,” he says. “You need to know that I advised Calvin to call Enzo and tell him what happened today with Dax. It’s the best way. Even though we all have his best interests in mind, we both know his reaction will be far worse if he finds out we kept this from him.”

  “Yeah, I know. Is he calling right now?”

  “Yes. If I know Enzo like I think I do, you can expect a phone call or his presence very soon.”

  “Do you know if what he was doing in San Diego was important?” I ask.

  “Yes, but it’s nothing I couldn’t do for him if I had to. He likes to do these things in person, but you are more important to him than any hotel property, as I’m sure you know by now.”

  “I do. I’ll brace myself.”

  “He isn’t going to be upset with you, Ava.”

  “I know, but he is going to be upset. It’s going to derail the progress of the hotel.”

  “Hey, that doesn’t matter,” Alex insists. “What Dax did to you was unacceptable. That matters far more than a hotel. He’s not the only contractor in the city.”

  My other line rings. Oh shit.

  “I have to go, Alex. Enzo is calling.”

  “It will be okay,” he tells me.


  I click over to the other call.


  “Ava, my God. Are you okay?” Enzo asks, sounding frantic.

  “Yes, of course. You just talked to me.”

  “How could you not tell me?”

  I’m surprised he is not as angry as I expected.

  “Calvin thought it was better if he did,” I say softly.

  Enzo is quiet for a minute. “I would agree. Jesus, Ava, I’m so angry that I can’t even think. I’m going to kick his fucking ass.” His voice is quiet, intense, and ominous.

  “He’s really not worth it, babe. And I’m fine, really.”

  “What if Calvin hadn’t been there? Then what? Would he have tried to–”

  “Calvin was there,” I emphasize. “And I don’t think he would have gone too far. I think he honestly thought he would just give it a try and see if it worked. I was never afraid that he
was going to hurt me. I just wanted to make it clear I wasn’t interested.”

  “The minute I leave town, he makes a move on my wife…”

  “Yeah, he’s an ass, but we already knew that. He probably tries it on with every woman he meets. This doesn’t have to ruin everything we’ve worked so hard for.”

  “What does that mean?” he asks. “This doesn’t affect our relationship at all.”

  “Not us, the hotel.”

  “The hotel means nothing in comparison to you.”

  “I know, but I know it’s important to you, too. You’ve worked so hard–”

  “Ava, stop it. Nothing is more important than you. Do you really think I’m going to put the completion of a hotel over the safety and honor of my wife? Give me more credit than that.”

  “It’s just that we are so close to completion. It was a minor incident.”

  “It was not minor. It was major. He’s going to be very sorry he did what he did. He picked the wrong woman to mess with.”

  “I know.”

  “I’ll be home tomorrow morning. Alex will come and take care of things here. I’m getting an early flight and I’ll be home before you wake up.”

  I know that it isn’t worth trying to reason with Enzo. By now he has probably changed his plane ticket and booked one for Alex.

  “Okay,” I reply.

  “Get some sleep. I love you, Ava, more than anything. Do you understand? Do you understand what we have? Nobody has what we do.”

  “I know, babe. I do understand.”

  “I would sell everything, give up everything. Your happiness is all that matters.”

  “Enzo, it isn’t just my happiness that matters. It’s our happiness together that matters. It’s the only reason I didn’t want to tell you about this situation with Dax. I want your happiness just as much as you want mine.”

  “I know. It’s another thing I love about you. I’ll see you in the morning,” he says.

  “I’ll be here.”

  “Buona notte.”

  “Buona notte.”

  I hang up and Cassie comes into the room carrying my plate of food.

  “That was Enzo,” I tell her. “He knows now.”

  “Did he blow a gasket?” Cassie asks.

  “He was actually calmer than I thought, which I think is worse. He’s holding it in and Dax is going to get it.”

  “Well, he deserves to get it. It’s not like Enzo will shoot the guy. He’ll just fire him, right?”

  “I have no idea what Enzo will do, but I’m sure firearms are not part of the equation.”

  We eat quietly and watch one of Cassie’s favorite reality shows, while Chris sets up camp in their room, working away. After that, I’m feeling quite tired.

  “I’m going to bed now, Cass. See you in the morning.”

  “Okay girl. Sleep well.”

  “You too,” I tell her.

  In my bedroom, I climb into the bed and settle in. It’s the first time since we moved into this big house that Enzo isn’t here with me. Maximus bounds onto the bed, licking me, before settling into his spot at the foot of the bed. I close my eyes and try to sleep. At least my prince will be home in the morning.


  His hands are on me, exploring; strong, sensuous strokes over my aroused skin. Kisses – sweet, fluttering kisses – cover my tummy and breasts. I stir, relishing the sexy dream that is playing with my morning thoughts. Instinctively, I open my legs and then I realize that it isn’t a dream. He’s here! Opening my eyes, a pair of gorgeous blues stare back at me.

  “Buon giorno,” my husband says, smiling that breathtaking smile of his. He always gets me with that.

  Enzo hovers over me, naked and aroused. He disappears from sight and nestles between my legs, his tongue darting around and teasing me.

  “I missed you. I don’t think I can sleep without you anymore,” he whispers, between licks. He spreads my legs wider and dives in once more, his tongue hot and delicious.

  “I missed you too, baby. I’m glad you’re home.”

  “So am I,” he replies. “You. Are. So. Delicious.” His words vibrate against me, staccato and so sexy.

  My hips undulate, pushing my sex against his mouth.

  “That’s right, signora, come and get it.”

  I say nothing and just lay back, enjoying the pleasure that spreads throughout my body.

  “Shall I make you come?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “How?” he asks.

  “Come inside me.”

  “I would love to.”

  Enzo slides up my body and enters me. I wrap my legs around his back and rock in time with his motions. This is gentle, sweet lovemaking. I love this closeness that I feel right now. I’m glad he didn’t come home angry. Lying on top of me, he holds me tight, kissing my neck and face.

  “I love you, Ava, tanto, tanto. You are everything.”

  As he pulls me closer, I feel his body tightening above me. Suddenly, he pulls out and returns to his position between my legs, sucking furiously on my clit. I twist and writhe across the bed. Oh, oh, yes, here we go... This is the best feeling in the world.

  My orgasm hits like a grenade, exploding deep within me, sending ripples of ecstasy throughout my body, causing me to cry out, “Enzo, oh, oh, yes!” I slap my hands against the mattress.

  He enters me and pumps madly until he reaches his own climax, which drives me even wilder. We rock together, allowing our mutual pleasure to wash over us. Finally, he kisses my cheek.

  “Thank you,” he says.

  I grin. “No, thank you. What a nice way to wake up.”

  “Shower?” he asks.

  “Yes, please.”

  He helps me out of bed and walks to the bathroom to start the shower. I’m shocked to see that it is seven in the morning. What time did he get on the dang plane?

  “How long have you been home?” I ask and start to brush my teeth.

  “As long as it took me to ravish you,” he answers. “You looked so beautiful that I couldn’t control myself.”

  “I’m glad.” Giggling, I step into the shower.

  As the hot water washes over me, I wonder how to tell my husband my news. I cannot decide. I think I should see how he handles the Dax situation and go from there. Enzo pours some shampoo into his hands and starts washing my hair for me.

  “Mmm, baby, that feels good.”

  “I live for your pleasure, amore.”

  “I feel the same about you, you know?”

  “Yes, I know this. That’s why you tried to protect me. It’s why I always try to protect you too.”

  I laugh. “We’re the same, you and me.”

  “My heart beats when yours does. Don’t ever forget that.”

  “How could I?” I ask. “And why would I want to? It’s the most amazing feeling on the planet being loved by you.”

  “I’m so happy you feel that way, and that I am worthy of you.”

  “More than worthy. We deserve each other.”

  Enzo pulls me into his arms and kisses me. I feel absorbed by his love and passion for me. It’s incredible.

  We step out and dry off, and I get dressed while Enzo shaves his face.

  “Amore, I’m going to the hotel today to handle Dax. I would like you to stay home, please. I think it would just be better if you aren’t there.”

  “I’ll stay here. I’m still feeling pretty tired.”

  “Are you coming down with something?” he asks.

  Um yeah, a baby…

  I smile. “No, I don’t think so. I’m just tired.”

  “Well, you have been doing a lot lately,” he remarks.

  I watch my husband while he dresses. I wanted to plan some creative way of telling him about the baby, but I didn’t have enough time. An idea pops into my head. Jumping up, I go to the closet where we’ve kept the baby outfits I gave him at Christmas.

  This moment now is good between us, so romantic. Who knows what kind of mood Enzo w
ill be in when he gets back from the hotel, so maybe now is the best time. I decide that I need to tell him right this minute.

  I walk out holding up the two little outfits. “Which one of these do you hope we get to use first, the blue or the pink?” I ask.

  “It doesn’t matter to me. I want lots of babies with you, so I hope we get to use both eventually. All I want are healthy babies,” he replies.

  “I hope it’s a boy.”

  “When I get home, we can work on that again, no?” He grins.

  “I don’t think that will be necessary,” I say with a smile.

  He looks hurt. “You don’t want to make love?”

  “I always want to make love to you. I just mean that it won’t be necessary to work on the baby part.”

  He drops a cufflink. “You don’t want to try for a baby?”

  “I don’t need to try anymore.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  I walk closer to him. “I’m already pregnant.”

  Enzo’s eyes open wide and well up with tears. “What? You mean it? You’re pregnant?” he gasps.

  “Yes, my prince. I took the test yesterday. It was positive.”

  He grabs me around the waist and swings me around until I’m dizzy.

  “Ava, oh my God, Ava, this is amazing. I’m going to be a dad? We’re having a baby?” He laughs and swings me once more before putting me down.

  Now that’s the reaction I was hoping for.

  “Why didn’t you tell me when I called?” he asks.

  “I wanted to tell you in person. It was Cassie who noticed. She said my boobs were swollen.”

  “I noticed that.”

  “Cassie questioned me and I realized my period was late. So we did the test and it came out positive. Can you believe it?”

  “I’m so happy, beyond happy,” he says. “Thank you so much.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “How do you feel?”

  “Really good actually, but tired, like I said,” I add.

  “No sickness?” he asks.

  “Not at all, and I made an appointment with Dr. Warner for tomorrow afternoon. I wanted you to be with me. She said she can help us figure out how far along I am.”

  “Perfetto.” He shakes his head. “I am… stunned.”

  “In the best way?”

  “In the most amazing way, but you should rest now,” he tells me. “I need to go take care of business.”


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