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Insatiable: A Novel

Page 2

by Opal Carew

  She knew what he was going to say. God help her, once the words were out, nothing could be the same again. If she could only stop him. Leave things the way they were between them. As long as he didn’t say the words … but her throat clenched so tight, she couldn’t make a protest.

  “Crystal, I’m in love with you.”

  * * *

  Evan watched her eyes shimmer, as if about to shed tears. His chest compressed painfully. All his hopes shattered in that moment.

  But he wasn’t ready to give up. He’d come this far.

  “Why are you telling me this?” Her voice trembled.

  “I’m sorry, Crystal. I know this isn’t fair. I’d never meant to tell you, but I realized that you deserve to know. You deserve the opportunity to make a choice. If you choose Brent—”

  “I already did.”

  “I know, but you didn’t know I love you, too. If you still choose Brent, I’ll understand. But at least I’ll have taken a chance on happiness. If I never said anything … if you never knew how I felt about you…” He squeezed her arm gently. “I’m sorry, Crystal, but I was gambling on a lifetime of happiness and I couldn’t let that just slip away. Not without finding out how you feel.”

  * * *

  The pain in his green eyes tore at Crystal’s heart.

  “Oh, God, Evan. I’m so sorry.” She reached out and stroked his cheek. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  The second her fingers brushed against his skin, she knew she was lost. Emotions buried deep inside spiraled through her and erupted in a painful swirling confusion.

  His hand slid around her back and he drew her forward. His face lowered to hers and the moment their lips brushed, she was spellbound. His mouth moved on hers, gently at first, in a sweet, blissful caress, then his tongue slipped inside and seduced her with a sweet, passionate, tumultuous kiss.

  Her heart rate accelerated, and she melted against him. Her arms wrapped around him, and the feel of his big, muscular body against hers, his arms around her making her feel soft and protected, sent her hormones into a spin.

  There was a reason she shouldn’t be doing this. A very important reason. But right now, she couldn’t think what it was.

  His tongue swirled inside her and her tongue coiled around his. They undulated together. She stroked his smooth, freshly shaven cheek and breathed in his musky aftershave. A need built within her. For this man. Not sexual. Something deep and indefinable. She wanted to be with him. To have him be a part of her life forever.

  With a start, she drew away.

  But what about Brent?

  * * *

  Evan’s heart soared. A woman didn’t kiss a man like that if she didn’t have feelings for him. He could feel sweet love in her touch. In the way her lips caressed his. In the delicate touch of her hand on his cheek.

  But when her lips drew away, she stared at him with panic in her eyes.

  Then they shimmered … and tears swelled.



  She gulped in a breath, but before she could speak, he rushed ahead, intent on preventing her from uttering the words he knew would come.

  “Crystal, you obviously share my feelings. Call off the wedding. It’s not too late.”

  Her head started to shake back and forth. It felt like a kick in the gut. But the doubt in her eyes spurred him on. If he could be more persuasive, he could convince her. He had to. Their happiness—his and hers—hung in the balance.

  “Don’t get married just because the plans are in place. You and I are in love. We deserve to be happy.”

  The sadness in her eyes told him everything. She rested her hand on his shoulder, then leaned forward and kissed him again, their lips meeting in a sweet, tender caress. He wrapped his arms around her and deepened the kiss, determined to convince her. Her arms glided around his neck and she melted against him. Passion flared and his heart soared.

  Then he felt her withdraw before their lips even parted. As soon as she drew away, he saw the sadness in her eyes and knew he had lost.

  He sucked in a breath.

  “I’m sorry, Evan. I’m marrying Brent.”

  At that, she turned around and stepped off the wooden deck, then rushed past the opening in the trees and toward the house.

  His heart sank at the knowledge that he had lost. The woman he loved was going to marry another man.


  Evan followed Crystal as she rushed back to the house, holding the sides of her robe so she wouldn’t trip. Renee, who was talking to one of the bridesmaids, broke away and hurried over to intercept Crystal.

  “Honey, your lipstick is smeared.” Renee opened her small purse and handed Crystal a tissue, lipstick, and a small compact mirror, then turned to Evan and wiped his mouth with a tissue. It came away with dark pink smudges. “Okay, so what’s happening? Do you want me to get Brent over here so you can talk?”

  “What do you mean?” Crystal asked.

  “Look, I’ve known all along that you have feelings for Evan.” Renee ignored Crystal as she shook her head back and forth in denial. “I know you’re very good at hiding your emotions, even from yourself, but surely you can’t deny how you feel about Evan now. Not after kissing the man less than an hour before your wedding.”

  “I’ve kissed lots of people today. It’s my wedding day.”

  Renee snorted. “Yeah, but not lipstick-smearing, leaving-a-guilty-expression-on-your-face passionate kisses.”

  Crystal’s cheeks stained crimson, and she didn’t deny her sister’s comments. Hope danced through Evan. Could it be that she did have feelings for him?

  “Renee, I’m in love with Brent. I have been for years. I’m marrying Brent.”

  The optimism filling him quickly deflated, as though she’d punched him in the gut.

  “Honey, look, are you sure? If you’ve found out you made a mistake, it’s better to do something about it now than—”

  “Renee, I need to talk to you.”

  * * *

  Crystal glanced toward Brent’s sister’s voice. Lily stood a few feet away, obviously reluctant to intrude.

  “Lily, now’s not a good time,” Renee said.

  “I know, but … it’s important.”

  Renee gave Crystal a quick squeeze. “I’ll be right back.” She walked toward Lily, and they began talking in low voices.

  Crystal glanced at Evan, then gazed down at her hands.

  “What do you mean he’s gone?” Renee glanced toward Crystal, then lowered her voice again.

  Crystal’s heart clenched at the words, and she watched Renee and Lily confer while she wrung her hands together.

  “You’re sure?” Renee stared hard at Lily. “Maybe he just took a walk.”

  Lily shook her head. “His car’s gone.”

  “Well, maybe he—”

  Crystal’s heart thundered in her chest as she concentrated so she could hear the two women’s words, even though they spoke in low murmurs.

  “No. I know my brother. He hates to be late. Ever. And with something as important as his own wedding, there’s no way he’d leave less than a half hour before the ceremony. It just wouldn’t happen.”

  “So you think he’s … gone? He’s standing up my sister?”

  Lily shook her head. “I don’t understand it, but … He won’t answer his cell, he’s gone, and so is his car.” She shrugged. “I don’t know what to say.”

  Renee patted Lily’s shoulder, then both women glanced toward Crystal, their faces somber.

  Crystal’s mind blanked as Renee approached. She couldn’t think. She felt numb.

  “Honey…” Renee took her hand. It felt hot compared with her own, and … hers trembled. “Sweetie, we’re not sure where Brent is.”

  “He probably lent his car to someone,” Crystal said. “And right now, he’s probably just out for a walk. I’m sure he’ll be right back.”

  Renee glanced at Lily, then back to Crystal. “Okay, look. You go back to the
house and get ready. I’ll call Bill and see if he knows what’s up. I’ll send Rachel up to help you get ready.”

  Crystal nodded and started toward the house. Bill was one of Brent’s groomsmen. He would probably know where Brent was. Renee waved at Rachel, who stood near the house. Rachel nodded as Renee pointed to Crystal and lifted her bridesmaid’s skirt as she hurried to intercept her.

  * * *

  Crystal gazed at her tense face in the mirror as Rachel finished pinning the headpiece in place, then fussed with the veil. Thirty minutes had passed and she tried to quell the growing sense of dread that things were going to go terribly wrong. Didn’t every bride think that on her wedding day?

  Surely Renee had tracked down Brent by now. He’d only been out for a walk. That’s all. Nothing to be alarmed about. Sure, he was late, but there was a reasonable explanation. She knew there was.

  A knock sounded at the door. Crystal jerked around, the motion causing the veil to tug from Rachel’s fingers.

  “Come in,” Crystal called.

  The door opened and Renee stepped inside. Lily and Evan followed her in, and Evan closed the door behind them.

  “Honey,” Renee said softly, “we can’t find Brent. He’s not answering his cell.”

  “He’s probably just not getting a signal. But he’ll be right back.” Her head nodded up and down like a bobble-head doll.

  Renee squeezed her hand. “Look, honey, we’ve got to face the fact that he might not be showing up.” She glanced at her watch. “He’s already twenty minutes late.”

  Crystal found it hard to breathe. She clung to Renee. “No. He wouldn’t do that to me.” She gazed at Renee imploringly. “He loves me.”

  Renee’s eyes glimmered and she pulled Crystal against her, hugging her tightly. “I know, sweetie, I know. I don’t know why this is happening, but we’ll figure it out.” She drew away and gazed at her. “But we have to deal with right now. If he doesn’t show up, there’ll be no wedding. At least, not today.”

  Crystal sucked in air, feeling faint.

  “Honey, breathe. Everything will be okay.”

  * * *

  Evan’s chest tightened as he watched Crystal struggling with the news. God damn it, how could Brent abandon her like this? Leaving a woman like Crystal at the altar … the guy had to be crazy.

  Renee glanced toward him. “Evan, I parked my car over at Georgia’s in case anyone needed to run any last minute errands. All the cars here will be blocked in by guests.” She handed him her car keys. “Take Crystal over to the Windsor Hotel. Everyone thinks they’ll be staying at the Tudor Inn, but I wanted to surprise them with the bridal suite. I’ve had all her things moved there, so she’ll have a change of clothes. Stay there with her until we figure this out.”

  “No, Renee, I need to stay here,” Crystal said.

  Renee turned back to Crystal. “No, honey, you go with Evan. If Brent shows up, I promise I’ll call and we’ll get everything back on track. Okay?”

  Evan put a comforting arm around Crystal’s shoulder. “Crystal, we won’t be very far. We can get back in no time. I promise.”

  She gazed up at him, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. Finally, she nodded.

  “Evan, I’ll give you my cell phone and I’ll take Crystal’s. The last thing she needs is to get a bunch of phone calls from well-meaning friends. I have the ring tone set to the ‘Wedding March’ if it’s Crystal’s number, so you’ll know it’s me calling.”

  Evan nodded as he took the tiny pink phone.

  “Give me your phone, honey,” Renee said to Crystal.

  Crystal opened the small white satin bag hanging from her wrist and handed her red phone to her sister.

  Renee took her shoulders. “I’m going to wait a half hour. If Brent doesn’t show up by then, I’m going to tell the guests that the two of you talked it over and decided to call off the wedding.”

  Crystal stared at her with wide eyes.

  “Good plan, Renee,” Evan said.

  “I’m not going to have my little sister embarrassed like that,” she said through gritted teeth. “All I can say is, when I see that son of a bitch, I’m going to—” She bit back whatever she was going to say and glanced at Crystal. She turned to Evan. “You two should just go.”

  Ten minutes later, Evan helped fold the rest of Crystal’s full skirt into the compact car and closed the door. He hopped in and drove down the dirt driveway that meandered through the woods to the main road. Another ten minutes later, they sped along the highway.

  He glanced at Crystal, who simply stared out the side window.

  “How are you doing?” he asked.

  She simply shook her head and remained silent. He took the ramp to Braker Road, then after a few turns pulled into the parking lot of the sumptuous Windsor Hotel. He drove to the front entrance and a doorman opened Crystal’s door and offered his hand. Evan jumped out and hurried to Crystal’s side. She looked so lost.

  He gave the keys to the doorman. “Can you arrange to have the car parked?”

  “Of course, sir.” He smiled. “And congratulations.”

  Crystal wore a wedding dress. Evan was in a tuxedo. Of course the man assumed Evan was the groom. Everyone would assume that.

  He took Crystal’s elbow and led her into the hotel, then to the reception desk. There was a short lineup, but another staff member, a young woman in a navy suit, approached them.

  “Come over here and I’ll help you,” she said with a smile. “We can’t have a new bride and groom standing in line.”

  She checked her computer and handed them a small folder with a key card, then Evan led Crystal to the elevator. Within moments, they were walking down the eighteenth-floor hallway toward the suite Renee had arranged for Crystal … and Brent.

  He opened the door and waited while Crystal entered the suite.

  “Oh, it’s beautiful,” she said.

  * * *

  Crystal glanced around as she stepped inside. The place was huge and the furnishings elegant. A large sitting area with a couch and two chairs faced the large window overlooking the river beyond. There were several large fresh flower arrangements around the room that filled the air with a lovely scent. She noticed a door across the room and realized that would be the bedroom. That’s where she and Brent would have consummated their marriage tonight if … if … Her throat constricted.

  Like a woman in a trance, she continued across the room, heading for the door. She turned the crystal knob and pushed open the door. Inside, a huge canopied bed dominated the room. And there were more flowers. The bed was turned down, revealing pristine white sheets strewn with red rose petals. She stepped into the room, staring at the bed, her heart twisting. She glanced around and saw her suitcase on a stand against the wall and Brent’s on another stand beside hers.

  Then she noticed a framed picture on the dresser. An eight-by-ten of the engagement picture taken of her and Brent. It had been used for their wedding announcement. In it, Brent looked so handsome in his gray suit. It made his already broad shoulders look even broader, and his wide smile softened the square line of his jaw. His dark brown hair was so wavy and appealing, and warmth emanated from his brown eyes. Beside him, she looked so happy, beaming at the camera like a new bride.

  Like a happy bride.

  She gazed at her reflection in the mirror. Not like the morose face she saw staring back at her now. And Brent … Oh, God, he was so handsome … and the look on his face. So loving. But … he didn’t really love her. He couldn’t. Not after what he had done to her today.

  Her heart thundered in her chest, and her dress felt too tight around her. She could barely breathe. She reached behind her and clawed at the zipper until she found the tag, then she ripped it down.


  She ignored Evan as she raked at the sleeves until she managed to pull them off, then she shoved the dress down past her hips and climbed out of the voluminous skirt. As she skittered away from it, her headpiece tugged
on her head since the veil was caught under the skirt of the dress, so she pulled it off, scattering hairpins everywhere.

  She scurried to the love seat by the fireplace and perched on the edge. The beautiful marquise-cut diamond on her ring finger caught the sunlight from the window. She held up her hand and stared at the engagement ring she and Brent had picked out together. The symbol of their undying love for each other.

  She slid it off her finger and let it drop to the floor.

  Then she hugged herself and began to shiver.

  * * *

  Evan watched Crystal, his chest constricting at her obvious distress. Still, the sight of her in the skintight white satin basque, which held her breasts up and forward as if offering them, made his body tighten in need. And her long, slender legs in stockings held up by garters, the tops of her creamy white thighs left bare …

  His heart pounded.

  He wanted to hold her and comfort her, but if he got close to her … touched her … he didn’t know how he’d hold himself in check.

  Then her tears started to flow, and he sucked in a breath. He sat beside her and tucked his arm around her, his hand curling around her silky smooth arm. He drew her close and she rested her face against his chest. For a long time, he held her gently as she sobbed softly. After a while, when her sobs turned to slow breathing, he scooped her up and carried her to the bed, then laid her down. He pulled off her shoes, then drew the covers over her.

  “Don’t go.” She gazed up at him with puffy eyes.

  “I’ll stay as long as you like.”

  “Hold me?”

  He nodded and kicked off his shoes, then tossed aside his tuxedo jacket. His white shirt was stained with black mascara, but that didn’t matter. He climbed in the bed beside her and wrapped his arms around her. She snuggled against him.

  He held her close, reveling in the softness of her body pressed to his. After a while, he could tell by her even breathing that she’d fallen asleep. He hated to see her so unhappy, but he couldn’t help thinking that this meant maybe he had a chance with her. And he hated himself for thinking about that right now.


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