Insatiable: A Novel

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Insatiable: A Novel Page 10

by Opal Carew

“That’s right. She’s my fiancée,” Brent proclaimed.

  “Really?” The guy gazed at her hand. “I didn’t see a ring on her finger.”


  Brent’s gaze darted to Crystal’s left hand. Her ring finger was bare—she wasn’t wearing the beautiful marquise-cut solitaire diamond ring they’d chosen together. It felt like a sharp punch in the gut.

  Damn, she’d probably taken it off on their wedding day, after he hadn’t shown. How could he not have noticed before now? Of course, an engagement ring had been the least of his worries over the past few days. But now it felt as though their connection had been severed.

  His heart clenched. God damn it, whatever it took, he had to win her back.

  * * *

  Crystal saw Brent’s stricken look when he noticed her naked ring finger. Damn, she didn’t even know where the ring was now. If Evan hadn’t retrieved it from the floor, hopefully Renee had found it when she came to finish packing up for them.

  Crystal tucked her arm around Brent’s elbow and the other man wandered away. Evan approached with two tall glasses of beer and handed one to Brent.

  “Problem?” Evan asked, his gaze following the man walking away.

  “Nothing I couldn’t handle,” Brent mumbled.

  Evan said nothing, ignoring Brent’s defensiveness. “So how’s the buffet look?” he asked.

  “Great.” Crystal moved to the big stack of plates on one end of the buffet table and picked one up. She hoped things would improve as the evening wore on. Maybe being out with other people, with music and drinks to relax them, they could get into a party mood and forget about the tension between them.

  They filled their plates with chicken and salad and tropical fruits. Evan found an empty table, and they sat and ate in silence.

  “I wonder if Sarah and her boyfriend will be here,” Crystal said. She would love the couple to join them right now and break the tension.

  A couple approached their table.

  “Do you mind if we join you?” the woman asked.

  They were at a table with six chairs, and all the tables around them were taken. Crystal considered telling the woman the empty chairs were reserved for friends, but she didn’t even know if Sarah would be here.

  What the heck … meeting new people was part of the fun of a party.

  The couple sat and they all introduced themselves. Soon another couple joined them and pulled up another chair, and they all chatted about where they were from and what they’d seen of the island so far. All Crystal shared was that they’d been enjoying the lovely private beach and sitting by the pool. The other two couples were interested to learn that she was staying in a villa and had won it in a contest. No one raised an eyebrow at the fact that she was sharing it with two men, but then, why would they? They wouldn’t just assume she was having sex with both of them. Or maybe they did and just didn’t care.

  The conversation drifted to sports, and the other women seemed as interested in the subject as the men. Brent and Evan chatted enthusiastically, and Crystal was glad they had started to enjoy themselves. She didn’t know anything about sports, so she just let the conversation drift around her while she continued to eat, keeping a watchful eye out for Sarah. These new people were nice enough, but she felt no connection with them the way she had with Sarah.

  As the sun set, dramatic colors streaked across the sky. As it became dark, glittering strings of lights coiled around the palm trees turned on, enhancing the festive mood of the party. Couples began to dance to the lively music. The woman sitting next to Crystal glanced at her date and nudged her head toward the dancers, and he obligingly took her hand and led her to the dance area by the band. The other couple soon followed suit.

  “Crystal, do you want to dance?” Brent asked.

  Crystal glanced uncertainly at Evan.

  “I’ll go get you some more punch,” he said.

  She smiled and followed Brent to the dance area. His hand curled around her back and he drew her close to his body. He was warm and hard-muscled, and she loved being this close to him.

  “Brent, I’m sorry this has worked out the way it has. I know it’s hard on you.” She glanced up at him. “And I’m sorry if this afternoon made you uncomfortable.”

  He nodded but didn’t say anything. She felt guilty and awkward, not knowing what else to say.

  They continued to dance, but Brent said nothing more. He seemed almost … preoccupied. He did draw her closer to his body, though, and held her as though he never wanted to let her go.

  She really hoped that after she made her choice, the three of them could find a way to continue their friendship. Brent and Evan had been as close as brothers for years. They relied on each other. They cared about each other. She would hate to see their relationship end.

  * * *

  Evan returned to the table with Crystal’s punch, then sat and watched her dancing with Brent. This afternoon had been a strange and exciting turn of events. He and Brent had often talked about sharing a woman, though they’d kept it at a level that seemed more like kidding around, even though Evan was sure Brent found the idea as much a turn-on as he did. If Brent hadn’t started dating Crystal, it might actually have happened, but Evan would never have suggested they do so with Crystal. Though if Brent had ever suggested it, he would have jumped at the chance.

  Now it was actually happening.

  He’d found it exciting to watch her be so uninhibited. She’d become wild and sexy. Watching her sweet mouth wrap around Brent’s cock, knowing Evan was watching, was a major turn-on. Then watching Brent’s cock glide into her … God, Evan’s cock was swelling now just thinking about it.

  But seeing her in Brent’s arms now, snuggling close to him while they danced, seemed more intimate than what the three of them had done this afternoon. In each other’s arms like that, they seemed to share an intimacy that made him feel like an outsider.

  He wanted to hold her close like that. To be the man she loved. Wholeheartedly and forever. Out on the dance floor, it was just the two of them, in their own world.

  Ever since Brent and Crystal had become engaged, Evan had felt a growing anxiety. He and Brent had been very close for a long time. Even when Crystal and Brent had started dating, they had included Evan in a three-way friendship. When they got engaged, however, Evan realized that their relationship would change forever.

  At first, he just forced himself to come to terms with the fact that Brent would be married and although that would change things, they’d still be friends. Over time, however, Evan began to realize he loved Crystal, too. And now that it was all in the open, there was even a chance he could wind up with Crystal as his wife. And he hoped Brent would still be his friend.

  But Brent had the edge, so Evan had to keep trying to convince her he was the man she should marry. He grabbed his beer and took a gulp, then stood up, ready to stride over to Crystal and cut in.

  Just then Crystal glanced around, grabbed Brent’s hand, and led him back to the table.

  “Evan, I just saw Sarah,” she said. “We’re going to go find her.”

  He handed her the glass of punch and followed behind her, sorry he’d missed his opportunity to hold her in his arms. To establish the kind of intimacy with her Brent had just enjoyed.

  She sipped her punch as they wound their way through the crowd, heading to the other side of the large pool.

  A flash of blonde hair caught Evan’s eye. “Is that her over there?” he asked, pointing toward the woman he’d seen sitting by the pool.

  “No, that’s not her.”

  “I’m pretty sure I saw her go this way,” Brent said, heading to the right toward an exit. “She was wearing bright blue, right?”

  Crystal nodded, put down her glass on a serving table, then followed behind him. Evan trailed behind, jealous that Brent still held her hand. They went out the gate and wandered a little ways until they found themselves in a parking lot.

  “Maybe they drove over here.”

  “You’re sure it was her?” Evan asked.

  “Yes, it was definitely her. And she was with her boyfriend—or I assume that’s who he was—but we lost sight of them when we left the dance floor.”

  “I think if we walk over that way, we’ll find the path back to the villas,” Brent said.

  “I guess,” she said. “We wouldn’t catch up with them now.”

  “Do you want to go back to the party and hope we spot them again?” Evan asked. “Maybe do some dancing?”

  “Or call it a night?” Brent suggested.

  Crystal sighed. “I guess we should just go now.”

  Although Evan was disappointed he couldn’t hold her close on the dance floor, he was anxious to find out what she had in mind for sleeping arrangements tonight. Would she suggest all three of them share a bed? And if she did, how would Brent react?

  * * *

  Evan walked alongside Crystal as they strolled along the well-lit stone path lined with thick, well-trimmed bushes, Brent on her other side. The music and laughter from the party behind them merged with the sound of the ocean waves rolling along the beach.

  Then he heard a noise. It sounded like a woman giggling.

  “That sounds like Sarah.” Crystal turned onto a side path.

  It seemed to lead to a garden, lit only by the glow of the full moon.

  Evan had a good guess what the couple was doing, but he was pretty sure Crystal had no idea.

  “Shouldn’t we just head home?” he asked. “They might want to be alone.”

  “Oh, I don’t think they’ll mind if—” Crystal stopped in her tracks.

  Evan peered beyond the bush beside them and caught sight of Sarah and a man ahead.

  Crystal ducked behind the bush again, but she couldn’t seem to tear her gaze from them.

  Sarah was crouched in front of the man, holding his cock in her hand. And it was the biggest cock, bar none, Evan had ever seen. Probably Crystal, too, judging from her widened eyes.

  Sarah stroked the huge member, then pressed her lips to it. Evan could feel his groin tighten at the sight. She swallowed the huge cockhead in her mouth, then eased down the long shaft.

  The sight was extremely erotic, but what turned Evan on even more was the sight of Crystal practically salivating. He was sure it was having the same effect on Brent, given the way he gazed at the couple, then back to Crystal, then at the couple again.

  * * *

  Crystal knew she should look away, but she couldn’t. Sarah’s boyfriend had the biggest cock she’d ever seen. It was huge, and she longed to be Sarah right now. Holding that big cock in her hand. Stroking it. Feeling it fill her mouth. Just as it did Sarah’s right now.

  God, what would it feel like to have that cock drive into her? To fill her. Stretching her. Gliding in and out of her.

  Suddenly, she became aware that Brent and Evan were standing beside her.

  “We … uh … shouldn’t be watching this,” she whispered.

  “As long as we’re discreet, it shouldn’t be a problem,” Evan responded quietly. “If they’re doing this here, then part of the attraction is that someone might see them.”

  She tore her gaze from the man’s huge erection to glance at Evan. “You think they want us to watch?”

  “I’m not saying we should waltz out there and announce ourselves. I just mean that knowing someone might see them enhances their enjoyment.”

  * * *

  Brent was extremely turned on. Watching the attractive Sarah crouched in front of the man, sucking his big cock, was arousing to say the least, but seeing how much it excited Crystal was an intense turn-on. He could see the outline of her hard nipples pushing against the soft fabric of her halter dress.

  God, he wanted to get her home and fuck her silly. But would he have to share her with Evan?

  At that thought, his cock tightened even more, which sent him into a spin. He didn’t understand why he felt this way. He knew he wanted Crystal to himself, so why did the thought of sharing her with Evan seem to turn him on?

  The memory of Crystal’s uninhibited behavior this afternoon sent his hormones swirling. Evan had taken to the situation with ease, and that could only work in his favor, putting Brent at a disadvantage. As much as he hated the thought, he and his best friend were in competition for the same woman.

  Evan’s words triggered an idea. Why not show Crystal he could be a little wild and crazy, too?

  He clamped his hand around her shoulder and tugged her into his arms for an explosive kiss.

  “I think watching this has gotten us all a little hot,” he murmured against her lips, then captured them again. “It’s given me an idea.”

  He took her hand and tugged her back to the path, then hurried along it. Evan followed them.

  “Where are we going?” Crystal asked as they raced along.

  “To the beach.”

  The private beach behind their villa would be perfect.

  Ten minutes later, they reached the gate. Brent pushed his key card into the slot and the latch on the wrought-iron gate gave way with a click. He pushed it open, then towed Crystal across the sand until they’d put a little distance between them and the gate. Then he turned and tugged her to him again, kissing her passionately. His hand traveled down her back, and he cupped her curvy ass, pulling her tight against his groin.

  “Right here?” she murmured. “But … Sarah will be coming back this way soon. They’ll see us.”

  “Over there.” Evan pointed toward the rising cliff a little ways ahead.

  Brent knew that the cliff face curved inland, providing a sheltered space that wasn’t visible from the rest of the beach. “Right. That’s past Sarah’s gate.”

  Crystal smiled, then curled her hand in his and started to run, towing him along behind her. Evan kept up with them easily.


  Once they were past the bend, Crystal stopped running and turned, smiling. This was a good sign. Brent had suggested coming here, and he hadn’t tried to ditch Evan. Maybe he was warming up to the idea of the three of them, at least for now.

  Evan grabbed her and tugged her into his arms, then captured her lips. The hard bulge in his pants pressed against her belly, just as Brent’s had. Watching Sarah and her boyfriend had gotten them all a little horny.

  Actually, a lot horny.

  As Evan kissed her, Brent ran his hand over her behind, sending heat thrumming through her. Then he stepped closer, pressing his body against hers, his cock pushing against her ass. His hands glided along her thighs, pulling her skirt upward. He stroked over her bare buttock, then his fingers ran along the elastic waist of her thong.

  Evan stroked her breast, sending pleasure careening through her, then his hand glided inside her halter top and his warm palm cupped her bare breast. Brent drew her zipper down and unfastened the ties behind her neck. Her dress slipped away and pooled on the sand at her feet.

  Evan glanced down at her naked breasts, caressed by the moonlight.

  “Beautiful.” His eyes glimmered with passion.

  Brent, now shirtless, stepped beside Evan. “Hey, buddy. My turn.”

  Brent drew her to his body, then held her against him as he kissed her. At the feel of her naked breasts pressed against his hot, hard chest, tingles danced through her. Evan shed his shirt and pants and stood beside them in only his boxers.

  She could feel Brent’s bulge hard against her. She drew her lips from his and glanced at Evan. His erection pushed at his boxers. She wanted to feel those hard cocks in her hands. In her mouth.

  She stepped back and gazed at them both, then glanced behind her. Several large clumps of rocks lined the cliff. She spotted one nearby that was the perfect height for sitting, and she headed for it.

  “Follow me,” she said.

  “Anywhere,” Evan answered.

  She sat on the rock and stared at them expectantly.

  “I want to see those beautiful cocks of yours,” she said.

p; They both grinned, then pushed down their boxers, revealing their impressive erections. Evan’s was thick, with purple veins curling along the shaft. It pointed straight up, while Brent’s longer, more streamlined cock curved a bit to the right. The men stepped toward her.

  She wrapped her hands around them and squeezed lightly, then stroked the hot, hard flesh. She leaned forward and licked Brent’s tip, then Evan’s. She urged the men closer and pressed their cocks together, then licked them both. God, it was so exciting feeling both their cocks under her tongue. Brent’s body had tensed when their cocks touched, but when she kissed his shaft, then swallowed the cockhead into her mouth, he seemed to relax. She squeezed him and sucked, loving his deep murmurs of approval. His hand glided over her head, then stroked back her hair. She took him deeper, then moved up and down a few times, her lips gliding along his hard, hot flesh.

  She released him and smiled, then licked Evan and took him in her mouth. She sucked him, then glided deep. After a couple of strokes, she released him. Both their cocks were so hard, she thought they’d burst.

  Brent crouched in front of her and stroked along her inner thigh, sending goose bumps dancing across her skin. When he glided along her slit, the satin of her thong a thin barrier to his penetration, she moaned softly.

  “Your panties are wet.” Brent slid his fingers under the satin crotch and slipped inside her. He stroked her inside passage a couple of times, sending electric thrills humming through her, then he drew his fingers free.

  He stood her up and glided her panties down, then stepped behind her. Evan cupped her breasts and stroked, then tweaked her hard nipples as Brent eased her legs apart. He leaned her forward and licked her wet slit. She gasped, then moaned as Brent found her clit and pressed against it with his tongue. Evan nuzzled her neck, then slid under her and took her nipple in his hot, wet mouth. He began to suck as Brent continued to lap at her clit. Pleasure rippled through her, sending her head spinning.

  “Oh, God, I’m so close.”

  Brent pulled her to her shaking feet and then dropped back onto the ground, his awesome cock towering upward. She desperately wanted that monster inside her. She crouched over him and grabbed his big cock, then pressed it against her slick opening. She lowered herself slowly, his hard flesh stretching her as it glided inside. Behind her, Evan cupped her ass, then stroked round and round. Brent’s cock pushed deeper into her.


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