Family Doctor’s Baby

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Family Doctor’s Baby Page 11

by Krista Lakes

  His bike sat under my garage awning and he had his helmet in his hands. His hair was the only dry thing on him from being under his helmet. I tried not to stare at the way the water ran off his leather jacket or the fact that his jeans were totally soaked and sticking to his skin.

  “Come in,” I said, throwing the door open. “What are you doing out here in the rain?”

  He stepped inside and carefully set his helmet on the entryway floor. I took his jacket and hung it on my coat tree. His light blue t-shirt was splattered with water, highlighting the curves of his muscular chest. It was hard not to stare and lick my lips at the same time.

  He ran a hand through his hair, making it stand up. “I didn't like the way we left things at the office today,” he explained.

  I frowned. We'd both said a polite goodbye and left. He went on his bike, I'd gotten in my car, and Donna had waved to both of us.

  “Okay.” I nodded like that made sense. “Let me grab you a towel.”

  It was as good an excuse as any to give me a moment to compose myself. Jacob Matthews, the sexiest man alive, was soaking wet and at my house. This was a temptation that I wasn't sure I could handle. I hoped he was a stronger person than I was.

  I came back with a towel to find that he'd stripped off his wet shirt. Instead of just standing wet in my house, he was now wet and half-naked in my house.

  I handed him the towel, trying not to stare at his skin. “You said you wanted to talk?”

  He nodded. “I went home and I realized that we didn't go over everything.”

  I nodded. I couldn't help it, but I was turned on. It was taking all my will power not to reach out and touch him. My fingers knew how good his skin would feel.

  “Right. You're here to talk.”

  I quivered with desire as he took a step toward me. Our eyes met and we both knew that he wasn't here to have a conversation.

  Our bodies flew into a kiss as if we were magnets. Our lips collided, his arms tangling into my hair as he pressed himself to me. All the energy spent trying to stay apart changed into trying to get closer together.

  My fingers reached for his pant buttons as he pulled my shirt up and over my head.

  “I wanted to talk to you about work,” he said, stepping out of his pants once I'd released the button. He shimmied out of his briefs, leaving him gloriously naked other than his wet socks.

  He tossed my shirt to the side and tugged at my shorts. I moved my hands to take over, doing quick work of taking everything off.

  “We really should be more professional,” I gasped as he bent his head and took my nipple into his mouth.

  “Professional is a good word,” he murmured against my breast before flicking his tongue against me. I moaned, taking his head into my hands. His hair was warm between my fingers.

  “We should probably sit down to discuss this,” I gasped, arching my back into him. His mouth was magic against me.

  “You're absolutely right,” he agreed. He stood up and glanced around before seeing my couch. He reached down and grabbed a condom out of his jeans pocket and then met me by the couch.

  “Have a seat,” I told him, pushing gently on his shoulder. He sat, and I straddled his lap. He was already hard and ready to go against me. I rocked against him, not taking him in yet. The heat in my core shot up two levels knowing that he wanted me.

  “We should discuss proper workplace decorum,” he thrust upward, seeking the source.

  “You're absolutely right,” I whimpered, taking the condom from him. “I think we can keep things professional in the office. It's very doable.”

  “I'm so glad you agree,” he groaned as I slid the condom down over him. He felt so good in my hands, I couldn't wait to feel how good he would feel in other places.

  “I'm glad we had this chat,” I told him, raising myself up and over him. Our eyes met. His eyes were dark and heated. His hair was messy from my fingers. Lightning flashed but I couldn't hear the thunder over the sound of my pounding heart.

  “I think we've come to an excellent agreement,” he agreed before thrusting into me.

  Bliss washed through me as I threw my head back and savored the feeling of him.

  He rocked his hips in time with mine, the lighting flashing and thunder masking all the sounds of our bodies joining.

  His mouth kissed along my shoulder and throat, up to my mouth. I kissed him. I'd wanted to kiss him since the moment I knew him. I'd wanted to kiss him every moment we'd spent together today. It had nearly killed me to know I would never know his taste again.

  So I relished this. I took my time and kissed him. I felt every inch of his skin, my hands ran along his shoulders and back as I rode him. Thunder rumbled outside, but it was nothing compared to the electricity flowing between the two of us as we fucked.

  We panted with need, each of us pushing the other to go faster and harder. Need drove us. This wasn't slow and sensual. This was instinctual and hard. We needed to feel one another. We needed to find our release so that we could then go slow and steady.

  I melted into him as he moved inside of me, rubbing up against him, making him groan. His skin stuck to mine with the humidity and our sweat. I wanted more of him. I wanted all of him. His hand went to my front, fingers splayed on my hip and his thumb strumming my clit like a guitar.

  I could feel the controlled strength in his every movement. He was stronger than me, but using his strength only to make my world pleasurable. His thumb swirled a delicious pattern, ratcheting up the intensity of pleasure with every circle.

  “Jacob...” I whispered, finding myself cresting a wave of his making. Everything about him caused sensations in my body that I didn't even know what to do with. My legs squeezed around his waist, my arms around his shoulders.

  “Come for me,” he commanded, his voice firm. I lost myself to him, doing exactly as he asked. There was no fear or shame, just desire and a willingness to please. My body tensed and relaxed at the same time, finding a blinding bliss.

  “You are so hot when you let go,” he growled, his core shaking against mine. With a groan, he dropped his head to the curve of my shoulder and gently bit down. He tensed, a whimper leaving his body as he too found release and lost himself to me.

  The idea that I could do that to him, that my orgasm could cause his was enough to send me over the edge again with him. Together, we cried out, losing control in the best possible way. We were tangled and sweaty, but together.

  Panting, slowly we came back to our senses. Other than our breathing, the rain was the only sound.

  I slid to the side and he cuddled me into him, our bodies hot and sticky next to one another. I didn't want to move away from him. I could still feel the after effects of the pleasure he'd just given me. It was like being drunk but without the hangover. I felt amazing.

  “We suck at not having sex,” I said once I could breathe normally.

  “And we did so well for so long,” Jacob commented. “We went years without having sex. Now we can barely go twenty-four hours.”

  I giggled, nestling my head onto his shoulder. He smoothed my hair and sighed with contentment.

  “What are we going to do?” I asked softly, half afraid he would tell me yet again that this was a mistake.

  “I don't want to give you up,” he replied, his hand still smoothing my hair. “I don't think I can now.”

  I couldn't help the smile that filled my face. I sat up so I could see him. “Then don't.”

  He grinned at me. “Okay.”

  I smiled and snuggled back into him, his arms wrapping around me and keeping me close. For this moment in time, we could pretend it was that simple.

  Chapter 16

  “Thank you, Hannah,” Dr. Matthews said, handing me a patient chart as I passed his office.

  “Of course, Dr. Matthews,” I replied sweetly. I smiled at him, but it was a professional smile. One I would give any coworker.

  We'd managed to go the entire rest of the week without having sex in the

  But that was only because we were having lots of sex in other places. My bed. His bed. My kitchen. His living room.

  So far, no one suspected a thing. Not even Donna. We were the models of professionalism and good behavior at work. Other than a couple of winks here and there. It took a lot for me not to smack his perfect ass when he walked past, but I was capable of controlling myself

  Especially because I knew that it meant I got to have him all to myself later.

  “What are you up to tonight?” he asked, swiveling in his chair.

  “Just a quiet night in,” I told him. “My place. All alone.”

  Which meant that I wanted him to come to my place.

  He grinned. “Sounds like a nice relaxing night. I was thinking of cooking tonight, myself. I have some salmon I need to eat.”

  Which meant that he wanted me to come over to his house for more than just salmon.

  “Sounds delicious,” I told him with a smile. “Enjoy your dinner.”

  Which meant I would be at his house after work.

  I flashed him one more smile before taking the file to Donna's front desk. I tucked it into the pile of to-be filed charts. Despite having a paperless system in place, we still used a lot of paper.

  “Hey, Hannah,” Karina greeted me, worry in her voice. She stood on the opposite side of Donna's desk. Leigh Ann held her hand and looked pale.

  “Hey!” I smiled at her and then frowned at Leigh Ann. “Why are you guys here?”

  “I don't feel good,” Leigh Ann announced.

  And then promptly vomited all over the floor.

  Karina stared at her daughter in shock. “I didn't think she had any more left in her,” she said softly.

  I hurried around the desk to get to Leigh Ann. She sniffled and wiped at her face, looking utterly dejected.

  “Let's get you in a room and cleaned up,” I told her, gently taking her arm.

  “I'll clean this up,” Karina announced, but didn't move an inch. She looked like she might throw up too. Karina wasn't good with bodily fluids.

  “I've got it,” Donna told her. “You wouldn't believe how often this happens. That's why Dr. Taggert had the tile installed a few years ago. I broke the carpet cleaner and tile was the cheaper option.”

  Donna reached into her magic desk and pulled out a roll of paper towels and a bottle of spray bleach. I had no idea where she kept most of the supplies under there. She snagged a pair of gloves from a box of them on the counter and quickly went to work cleaning everything up. There was less on the floor than it had originally sounded like.

  “You come with me,” I told Leigh Ann with a smile, and I carefully took her to one of the exam rooms.

  “She's been feeling unwell all day,” Karina explained, still looking a little pale herself. “I thought she just had a stomach bug, but she's got a fever and she says her stomach hurts.”

  “You were good to bring her in,” I told her. I carefully took Leigh Ann's temperature and found that it was well over one-hundred. “Have you given her any medicine?”

  “Some Tylenol about two hours ago,” Karina replied. She chewed on her bottom lip, worry for her child painting her face. “You know I don't do the sick thing. I brought her in when she still said it hurt.”

  “Okay.” I motioned to Leigh Ann to get up on the exam table. I noticed that she grimaced a little bit with the motion and I started to worry. “Leigh Ann, can you show me where it hurts?”

  Leigh Ann pointed to the right side of her stomach.

  “I'm going to feel around on your belly,” I told her. “If it hurts, I want you to let me know.” I gently pushed on her upper belly and Leigh Ann shook her head. I could feel the heat of her skin through my gloves.

  “Ouch,” she whimpered when I touched her lower stomach.

  “Does it hurt more when I push in, or let out?” I asked, doing the motion as gently as possible.

  “Out.” Leigh Ann's lower lip trembled.

  “You're very brave, Leigh Ann.” I knew what this was. Appendicitis. “I'm going to go get Dr. Matthews. You're both doing great.”

  Karina went and held her daughters hand. Leigh Ann leaned into her mother and I could see her relax at her mother's touch. Even though I was her friend, I wasn't her mother. A part of me ached to feel that bond.

  I hurried out of the room and found Dr. Matthews at his desk. I knocked on his door and was greeted with a megawatt smile when he saw who it was.

  “Hi,” he greeted me. “Just thinking about my salmon later.”

  I smiled and then quickly shook my head. This wasn't the time for secret fish meeting discussions.

  “Leigh Ann has appendicitis,” I told him. “I'll call St. Joe's and tell them to expect her.”

  “You're sure?” he asked, his face suddenly serious.

  “Rebound tenderness in the lower right quadrant, fever, and vomiting.”

  He nodded. “I'll go talk to her mom.”

  He stood up as I went to my office and called the hospital. They would have a surgical consult ready for Leigh Ann when she arrived.

  “Hannah, we need your help. Leigh Ann's mom is freaking out,” Donna said, coming into my office.

  I frowned, unsure of what Donna was talking about until I got to the hallway. Karina was sitting in one of the patients chairs and crying. Leigh Ann sat in her lap looking confused.

  “What do I do? I don't know what to do,” she mumbled, rocking back and forth. She wasn't moving to get in the car and Donna looked frustrated.

  “I don't think she's safe to drive,” Donna said to no one in particular.

  “How many more patients do we have today?” Dr. Matthews asked Donna.

  “Just two,” Donna replied without even having to check the schedule.

  “Okay. I think we can handle that on our own.” Dr. Matthews put his hand on my shoulder and it took all my willpower not to show how much I enjoyed it. “Will you drive them to St. Joe's? She's not going to be able to do it.”

  I didn't have to think twice about that. I was Leigh Ann’s godmother. If I had to carry her there on my back I would do it.

  “Of course.” I nodded and then realized that it would be a while at the hospital tonight. “I guess my quiet night in isn't happening.”

  He nodded, understanding my code. I wouldn't make dinner tonight. “I'm sure you might be able to have one later.”

  He would wait up for me.

  I flashed him a small smile before going to Karina and Leigh Ann. “Come on, Karina. Let's go get in the car. I'll drive.”

  She sputtered a thank you as she clung to her daughter. It took a moment for her to realize that we were leaving. She grabbed her things and then handed me her keys.

  “You drive. I'm not good,” she told me. I smiled and nodded. Karina was an awesome friend, but she tended to freak out in emergencies.

  We got Leigh Ann in the car and Karina sat in the backseat so she could hold her daughter's hand for the drive. It took me a moment to figure out all the controls for the minivan, but we were off in no time.

  The drive to the hospital was uneventful. Karina sat in the backseat looking like she was headed to a funeral and Leigh Ann slept. I tried to tell her that this was a common thing, but Karina was too wrapped up in her worry to really listen. I put on some of her favorite music and and just drove.

  At the hospital, things went to plan. The surgical consult agreed that it was appendicitis and Leigh Ann was whisked off to surgery. I sat with Karina and kept her calm while they operated on her daughter.

  Karina's husband, Tom, showed up, looking far calmer than Karina.

  “Is she okay?” he asked me, giving his wife a hug.

  “She's in surgery,” I told him. “They should be done soon.”

  “Thanks for being here.” Tom squeezed his wife. “I knew she'd be okay with you, Hannah.”

  I smiled at the compliment. We all stood when a surgeon came out a few minutes later. Karina clung to Tom.

he did great,” the doctor announced. “We caught it with plenty of time. She'll be in recovery for a little while, and then you guys can head home.”

  “Oh thank god,” Karina gasped, collapsing into a chair. Relief rippled out of her in waves. I couldn't blame her. I had been worried about Leigh Ann, too, but I knew what was going on. Still, it was a relief to know my favorite kid was okay.

  “Can we go back and see her?” Tom asked the doctor.

  “Sure. I can bring two of you back,” he replied.

  “I'm going,” Karina said, getting to her feet. “She needs me.”

  Tom glanced over at me.

  “I'll head home,” I told him. “She's safe and in good hands. If you need anything tonight, you have my number.”

  Gratitude washed over his face. “You should take my truck,” he said, handing me the keys. “We'll drive the van home.”

  I took the keys from him and gave them both hugs. “Give Leigh Ann all my love, and tell her I'll see her right away,” I told them. They both promised to give her hugs and kisses just for me.

  I watched as they held one another and headed back to the post-surgery area. My heart ached. As much as I loved Leigh Ann, she wasn't my daughter. I wasn't going to go back to her and make her smile. I wouldn't be the person she wanted to see.

  I sighed and pocketed the keys. Just then my phone buzzed. It was Jacob with a picture of salmon on the grill.

  All yours if you're hungry, said the message.

  I smiled, feeling my spirits lift. Leigh Ann was safe and I was going to see a handsome man and get dinner. Life wasn't so bad.

  I headed out to the parking lot only to realize I hadn't asked Tom where he parked. I pulled out the keys and started hitting buttons. I was going to have to play the “where's my truck” game in the parking lot. I just hoped that Tom parked close.

  Chapter 17

  It took me ten minutes to find Tom's truck. Luckily, security didn't bother me since it was still mostly daylight out and I was obviously looking for a car. I imagined that this happened fairly frequently.


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