Falling into the Dragon's Mouth

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Falling into the Dragon's Mouth Page 7

by Holly Thompson

  who killed it and skinned it

  and set off for Canada

  which was the way to get to France

  in those days

  Cora whimpers he killed it? he killed the white deer?

  yes, sweetie, I’m sorry Dad says

  what about the fawn?

  just listen Dad says

  after the white deer

  was killed and taken away

  all good fortune ended

  there was famine

  and illness in the valley

  there were battles

  and crop blights

  but they say that the fawn

  just may have survived

  and that years later a hunter

  near the lake saw a white deer

  and took aim with his gun

  but the birds cried out

  and squirrels chattered

  and his dog barked

  alerting the deer to run

  and they say that even today

  if you go hiking there

  in the valley near the lake

  you might catch sight

  of not a white-tailed deer

  but an all-white deer

  and they say that, to this day

  all the animals in that valley

  will do anything

  to protect their deer

  and that hunters

  near that lake

  never succeed

  in bagging deer

  that’s a sad story Cora says

  and Mom rubs her back

  then Dad goes on

  telling us the story

  of some white deer

  that came to listen

  when Mugaku Sogen

  a Buddhist priest from China

  gave his first sermon

  in the late 1200s

  at the temple Engakuji

  right here in Kamakura …

  and the four of us, lined up

  not very comfortably

  on the too-narrow sofa bed

  all thinking of white deer

  start to doze

  waking up whenever

  something cracks

  or the house shakes

  or branches rake across

  the rain shutters

  Chapter 24


  when the phone rings too early

  to tell us school will be delayed

  the wind is still roaring

  but morning light squeezes in

  between rain shutter gaps

  Dad opens a window

  slides back a shutter

  so we can see the road

  full of

  branches, garden pots

  roofing and debris

  and into the house

  blows hot salty air

  the power comes on again

  the TV startles us

  and the satellite image shows

  the knot of typhoon

  just northeast of us

  so we all go back to sleep

  but in our own

  beds and futons

  because of the delay

  the school day is short

  and afterward

  Yōhei, Shō, and I

  walk down to the beach

  to survey the damage

  the typhoon has wrecked the coast—

  fishing sheds

  and seaweed shacks

  are in ruins

  and people are busy

  making piles of debris

  I ask a woman if she needs help

  and she hands me some cotton gloves

  gestures at all the mess

  and at the destroyed sheds

  sort it into piles

  she says

  pointing to mounds of

  usable stuff

  bits of wood



  other garbage

  so we go at the mess

  of logs and plastic junk

  shoes, seaweed, plants

  dead fish, pottery, and bottles

  it’s salty humid

  the air is clearing

  the sun’s beating down

  and everything’s starting to stink

  and way off in the distance

  apart from everyone

  picking through debris

  I see Daiki

  I work my way down the beach

  away from Yōhei and Shō

  making it seem like I hadn’t

  known Daiki was there

  hi I say thanks for the tea the other day

  I was going to call you …

  he nods, tosses a bloated fish

  what a mess I add, and he nods again

  I go back to picking up junk

  throwing it on piles

  but Daiki’s looking at me—

  you speak English, right? he says

  yeah I say, and he’s about to say more

  but then his face clouds

  seeing someone approaching

  from somewhere behind me

  Wednesday, my house

  okay? he mutters

  then ducks and moves away

  as Yōhei approaches

  were you talking to him? Yōhei says

  yeah I say

  well, don’t, he’s a jerk

  I stare at Yōhei

  what do you mean?

  he’s just weird

  he was in my brother’s grade

  but he doesn’t go to school now

  people think he’s crazy

  well, people talk that way about me I say

  no, they don’t

  they just make fun of you

  because you’re different

  that’s all

  I drop my armload

  of typhoon trash

  right at Yōhei’s feet

  and walk away

  from him

  from the beach

  across the coast road

  up to the streetcar tracks

  and into the lanes

  that lead up our hill

  I’m halfway home

  when I realize

  I’m still wearing

  the fisherwoman’s cotton gloves

  I throw them in some bushes

  after aikido on Saturday

  I stay in—

  I don’t go out for soccer

  I don’t ride around on my bike

  I just hang out at home

  help Dad clean up the

  typhoon-messed garden

  and do English homework

  I message Daiki

  to tell him

  I’ll definitely be there

  on Wednesday

  just different, that’s all

  Yōhei said

  like that makes it okay

  to hammer me down

  Chapter 25


  Sunday is a Gray day

  taking pictures with Cora

  all over Kamakura

  posing that stupid

  stuffed squirrel


  riding the streetcar

  in front of the Great Buddha

  at a shop with a cone of

  green and purple ice cream

  in English group on Monday

  the parents are all excited

  about the pictures I took

  and about Cora’s business plan

  which I’m suddenly

  somehow a big

  important part of

  other kids have simpler business ideas

  dog walking services

  calendars with recipes

  English lessons

  muffin sales

  Cora’s idea

  is Shōnan Gray, and the plan

  is to take photographs

  of Gray and our Shōnan Coast

  then add English

  and put pictures and text

  on T-shirts

  dog-poop bag


  clear folders

  Shōnan Gray sees the Great Buddha

  Shōnan Gray eats an ice cream

  Shōnan Gray wants to surf

  Shōnan Gray rides the streetcar

  to me it’s stupid

  but she’s the CEO

  and I’m the CFO

  and chief of photography

  at least I like the spreadsheet job

  setting up the functions

  so we can track income

  and expenses

  at school I make extra effort

  to keep my mouth shut

  trying not to be different

  trying not to be hammered

  but then on Tuesday

  something goes missing

  and at first, because of the way

  Ōshima-sensei’s talking

  I can’t figure out

  what it is exactly

  and I open my big mouth

  to ask

  Ōshima-sensei holds up

  a plain bronze paperweight—bunchin—

  and I realize that what’s missing

  is the dragon paperweight

  but the way Ōshima-sensei

  said bunchin is hilarious to Naho

  who imitates with

  a pen

  an eraser

  a protractor

  then gets the brilliant idea

  to draw a heap of unchi—poop

  and hold up the drawing in one hand

  her calligraphy paperweight in the other

  and looks from one to the other

  and in an Ōshima-sensei voice says



  I laugh

  because I have to

  but I hate

  that I have to laugh

  and then


  hollers at han six

  and we all

  have to write


  in our notebooks

  fifty times

  and ryū—dragon

  old style 龍

  and ryū—dragon

  new style 竜

  fifty times each

  which I don’t mind

  because for a change

  everyone in han six is

  actually working

  Chapter 26


  on Wednesday Cora has made

  Shōnan Gray plans

  to ring the big bronze bell

  at the Dragon’s Mouth Temple

  for Shōnan Gray rings the bell

  but I tell her that our plans

  have been revised:

  we’re going to Daiki’s

  so we’ll take pictures

  somewhere near his house

  Cora has a fit about this

  and says she’s the CEO and

  screams you’re not the boss of me!

  as we get on our bikes

  when we stop for a car to pass

  I tell her that maybe I’m not the boss of her

  but as director of photography

  I control the photo shoots

  and she huffs

  and rides off

  pedaling like a lunatic

  ahead of me

  I shout at her to stop

  and try to overtake her

  but then I slow down and just follow

  when I realize she’s actually

  riding the route to Daiki’s

  Daiki is waiting by the tracks

  and he carries Cora’s bike across

  leads us into the garden

  and closes the gate

  why’s it always so quiet here?

  do you live alone? Cora asks

  looking around the yard and entry

  don’t you have a family?

  Cora! I warn, but Daiki answers

  my grandfather and father are working

  my sister’s married, my mother’s dead

  and my brother’s sick—

  he’s at a hospital

  Cora stands still, mouth gaping

  sick? I ask

  like cancer or something?

  and now Cora warns—Jason!

  but Daiki says

  no, mentally sick

  and I think of what Yōhei said

  in the kitchen Daiki makes us tea

  and gives us each

  a big hard rice cracker

  the thick noisy kind that

  take time to crunch on

  finally when we are all

  cracker quiet he says so …

  why I called you here—

  I need to learn English

  since my grandfather

  wants to send me to Hawaii

  to go to a school there

  and stay with some relative

  Hawaii! Cora says

  I’m studying online he says

  but I have to reach the test level

  for that school, so I need a tutor

  but now there’s no money

  so anyway, do you have time?

  I’m surprised

  thinking this over

  and Cora’s kicking me

  under the table

  glaring at me

  meaning say yes!

  but I’m thinking of the business model

  and how you shouldn’t give away

  services for free so I say

  maybe we could trade

  maybe you could help us

  with our business

  so Cora explains Shōnan Gray

  and I say that I think it’s dumb

  but we need to think of places to take Gray

  scenic places

  historic sites

  and local specialties for Gray to try

  Daiki thinks that dumb or not

  Gray stuff really could sell

  and he reminds us that behind his house

  is the famous ancient temple

  where, in 1185, warrior Minamoto no Yoshitsune

  wrote his really famous letter

  to his brother the ruler, Minamoto no Yoritomo

  begging him to allow him back into

  Kamakura City, or so the legend goes

  hey! we could put a pencil

  in the squirrel’s paw I say

  and pose it with some paper for

  Shōnan Gray writes a letter

  and I can’t believe

  I’m saying this

  Daiki gets a pencil and paper

  and we head for that temple

  famous for that letter

  that didn’t work because the ruler Yoritomo

  never did let his brother back into the capital

  but instead sent him away

  turned against him, and sent retainers

  to bring back his head

  and Daiki is telling us this story

  and how the head was identified

  right in this neighborhood

  and Cora is all grossed out

  especially when Daiki’s saying

  the head was so decomposed

  that in fact they still don’t know for sure

  if it was Yoshitsune’s or not and who knows

  maybe he escaped to Mongolia

  and became Genghis Khan

  but as we’re talking and walking

  along the short bit of road

  between the turn in the streetcar tracks

  and the entrance to the temple

  we run into Shunta and Gō

  Shunta’s on his racing bike

  which is really amazing

  with all the painted lightning bolts

  and thin stripes and details

  some of which I think are new—

  tongues of flame

  running up and wrapping around

  the forks

  Gō is on a rusted mountain bike

  and I’m thinking how maybe I could

  turn the energy, avert a sc
ene here

  by complimenting Shunta

  suggesting he paint Gō’s bike

  but they’re laughing

  exaggerated and loud

  just from seeing Daiki

  with us

  there are comments

  I don’t quite get

  but get well enough

  about crazies and hospitals

  Daiki’s hands

  turn to fists

  we keep walking

  and I decide this isn’t the time

  to talk of painting bikes

  because when we turn

  uphill to the temple approach

  Shunta and Gō still follow

  we wander near the bronze bell

  the one we ring at New Year’s

  and we linger by the cave mouth

  then stand near the main hall

  but Shunta and Gō shadow us

  whichever way we turn

  Cora keeps Gray in her backpack

  I keep Mom’s camera in my pocket

  Daiki hides the pencil and paper

  and none of us says a word

  they follow us even when we leave the temple

  without having taken a single picture of Gray

  by Daiki’s house Cora and I get our bikes

  and with no more words between us

  not even confirming the day

  for studying English

  Daiki goes into his garden

  and locks the gate behind him

  Cora and I ride off

  and when we lose Shunta and Gō

  we ride to the futon shop

  pool our allowance

  and buy a heap

  of dagashi candies

  that we eat at home—

  tiny squares of colored mochi

  morocco yogurt

  coated chocolates in a circle

  and mini colas

  I try to distract Cora between bites

  make her say her times table

  in English and Japanese

  but she keeps saying I hate those boys!

  I hate them—why do they get to be

  the bosses of everyone?

  Chapter 27


  in school there are long lectures

  about stealing and honesty

  and pleas for whoever

  took the dragon paperweight

  that has been at the school

  used in that classroom for twenty years

  and which forms a pair with the dragon

  in the other sixth-grade classroom

  which is not missing

  to speak up and come clean

  but no one does

  some say the dragons keep away

  the ghosts of soldiers who died

  in the school when it was used

  as a hospital during the war

  the ghosts that the principal

  always tells us we might meet

  if we stay too late at school

  after everyone’s gone home

  and I’m not saying I believe him


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