For His Eyes Only

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For His Eyes Only Page 9

by Avery Beck

  She took a breath. “I don’t want to be anything like her. So you see why I couldn’t take your offer for the modeling job, and I can’t take financial aid to go to college. I need to do this on my own.”

  Alex expected she might cry, but she looked at him with conviction. He was so proud of her. She could have easily ended up like her mother.

  He took her hand, but his growing feelings for her disturbed him. How would he let her go, especially now that he knew what a hellish life she’d been forced to live? How could he send her back to that when all he wanted to do was protect her, keep her safe in his condo, and have the opportunity to talk to her and touch her every night instead of once a year?

  On second thought, she didn’t work for Insomnia anymore. They wouldn’t even have the annual parties to look forward to. Suddenly, the future he was risking his reputation to make happen looked lonely and bleak.

  When she’d agreed to move in with Alex, Jacey had told him to screw himself if he expected her to clean house and do his laundry. She had every intention of paying him two weeks’ worth of expenses once she had the money, but acting as his personal assistant when she was sleeping with him every night would feel eerily similar to trading sex for help with his errands.

  Yet the urge to get a closer look at his personal items had grown irresistible, and playing housemaid gave her a good excuse. Despite her initial refusal to do his chores, she now sat on the living room sofa with her hands in a basket full of clean, soft, masculine clothes. They were still warm from the dryer, and she held one of his T-shirts to her cheek, inhaling the scent of the detergent.

  It was Monday, so Alex had gone to work and she had his castle to herself. Across the room, sun glinted off the pure blue ocean and streamed through the wall of glass. She eyed the shiny floors and the spacious kitchen stocked with goodies. After staying in a place like this, the notion of calling her piece of crap apartment home made her sick to her stomach.

  And why? It had been fine before. It had been more than fine until she’d made the idiotic decision of being with Alex for more than a one-night stand, and now his swank lifestyle had poisoned her thoughts, made her materialistic and wishy-washy, someone who dreamed of living the good life instead of working hard toward supporting herself.

  She’d gone and done the one thing she had sworn never to do. She had let herself depend on a man to give her things she couldn’t afford on her own—and she was sleeping with him in return.

  She had become her mother.

  With a noise of disgust, she tossed Alex’s shirt back into the basket. Instead of folding and putting them away like she’d planned, she dumped the pile of rumpled clothes onto his bed.

  She grabbed a couple of twenties off the stack of bills he had left on the kitchen counter, realizing she couldn’t go anywhere without a cab because on top of everything else, her car had stopped running and was currently lifeless outside her apartment building. Once again, she tried to ignore how much she loathed depending on his money. Whether he liked it or not, she’d pay him back. Soon.

  When she walked into Monica’s shop, she spotted her friend in a corner of the store, adjusting a slinky ivory slip she’d draped over a mannequin.

  “Wow, that’s gorgeous. Is it new?”

  Monica looked over and smiled. “Yup. I plan on putting it up front in a month or so, when people start their holiday shopping. What do you think?”

  Jacey circled the plastic torso, admiring the slip’s waist-hugging pleats and the two ruffled strips of material at the very short hem. “Incredibly sexy. Beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like it, not even at—”

  A light bulb clicked on in her head. “Insomnia,” she finished. “Do you think I could use that for the contest?”

  “You don’t have to wear their stuff?”

  “Not necessarily.”

  To be honest, she wasn’t sure about the rules on that, but she figured it wouldn’t hurt to run her idea by Alex. He had a lot of pull in that company.

  “They would announce your name and everything. It could be great publicity for you.”

  Monica left the mannequin and patted Jacey’s hand. “Of course, honey. You’re welcome to it. I’ve got one in the back that should be just your size.”

  “Great. Thank you so much.”

  “Now what brings you here? You don’t have a job yet? You know, my door is always—”

  “No, absolutely not.” Jacey waved off the suggestion as they made their way to the front of the store. “You’ve done enough for me. Actually, I’m staying with Alex—only until the contest is over and I can find another job,” she added when her friend’s eyebrows lifted in surprise.

  “Wow. That’s pretty generous of him.”

  “Yeah. He’s not such a bad guy.”

  Monica laughed. “Do I need to say I told you so?”

  “Please don’t.” Jacey fingered a beaded purse on display at the end of the sales desk. “I just came to talk because I need a break from being a helpless moocher. What’s been going on around here?”

  “Nothing much with me. Oh, but Danielle got an interview at Insomnia! I can’t believe I forgot to tell you.”

  “Really? That’s fantastic.”

  “Yeah, she didn’t make the competition but apparently somebody liked her audition, because she’s got an appointment with William Vaughn himself.”

  “You’re kidding. That’s great news. Wish her luck for me.”

  Pride and happiness filled Jacey’s chest. It thrilled her to see these two women, who’d started out not much better off than Jacey and her own mother, had risen to the challenge and now enjoyed the kind of success most people only dreamed about. Though it hurt that her mother hadn’t bothered to work toward securing their future, she was incredibly grateful to be a part of Monica and Danielle’s life. Where would she be without the kindness they had shown her ten years ago?

  Probably streetwalking and trying to take care of her fatherless children. She shivered.

  Her gaze fell on the slip again. After all this time, she had a chance to do something special for Monica. Her business would double if people heard the shop’s name announced during the competition.

  She couldn’t let Alex coddle her any longer. Not when her friends were solid proof that a rough start didn’t have to mean forever depending on someone else. She had plans for her future, and it was time to put them into action.

  She tried on the size Monica had in stock, and upon discovering that it fit, put it in a bag along with some gorgeous matching sandals and hopped back into her waiting cab.

  Her mood soured the instant she walked into Alex’s office. The rude brown-haired woman sat at the desk outside his door, and Jacey cursed herself for failing to pay her phone bill. If she had her cell, she could have called and asked him to meet her outside. But it had been a choice between phone and water, and she didn’t want to give up showers if she could help it.

  She cleared her throat, and Kim looked up in surprise.

  “I need to see Alex, please,” Jacey said with false brightness.

  Kim didn’t look convinced. She dropped the papers she had been studying. “I’m sorry, he’s busy.”

  “With what?”

  “Work!” she shouted, then quickly lowered her voice. “What are you doing here? This is a place of business. You can have your playtime somewhere else.”

  Jacey held up the bag, gritting her teeth. “This is business. I need to see him.”

  She crossed to Alex’s door and knocked hard.

  Kim jumped up from her chair. “I don’t know who you think you are, but—”

  The door opened. Alex’s eyes bounced back and forth like he was watching a Wimbledon match. “Ladies, is there a problem out here? Why are we yelling in the middle of the office?” His irritated gaze landed on Kim.

  Jacey bit back a smile. Alex was this woman’s supervisor, and he sounded sexy when he got bossy.

  “Hi, honey,” she said sweetly. “I need to have a
quick meeting with you, if that’s okay.”

  Kim’s eyes bulged.

  Alex coughed and took Jacey’s arm. “All right, but make it quick.”

  He hustled her into his office but dropped his professional demeanor when the door closed. “Are you trying to get me in trouble?”

  He slipped his arms around her waist and drew her close to him. She smiled, adoring how handsome and successful he looked in his crisp white shirt and dark tie.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “You just called me honey in front of my assistant.”

  “I was just trying to piss her off. We don’t get along very well.”

  “So I’ve noticed.”

  She put her hands in his hair and drew his mouth close to hers. “You look hot.”

  “I could say the same about you.”

  “Then kiss me.”

  He did, and the bag dropped from her grip, the clothing forgotten as she lost herself in the heat of their kiss and the feel of his hands on her jeans.

  “Damn, I’d like to get these off you.”

  “I’d like you to do me right on top of your desk.”

  Alex grunted, kissing her and trying to tug her pants down at the same time. Jacey laughed and kicked her shoes off, then pulled off her jeans and panties while Alex opened his belt and yanked down his zipper.

  Her exposed flesh tingled with need. He crushed her to his chest and thrust his tongue between her lips. She perched on the surface of his desk with her legs wide. When she caught sight of his thick erection she pushed her hips forward, begging him to enter her.

  He stood between her knees and feverishly kissed her neck while he pushed inside her. She braced her hands on the desk and looked to the ceiling, forcing back her cries so his colleagues wouldn’t hear her and figure out what was going on in his office. His movements were hard and rough, giving both of them the intense satisfaction they craved.

  Despite her efforts to stay silent, a moan escaped when she came. Alex followed with his own climax, then dropped his head to her shoulder and released a slow breath.

  She slid down from the desk and they both dressed, exchanging mischievous glances as they did so.

  “So,” Alex said, somewhat breathlessly, “is that why you needed to see me?”

  She spotted the bag on the floor and snatched it up, her face warm. She’d come here to do Monica a favor, not to get laid. Could she be any more selfish?

  “Actually, no. I came to talk to you about a design for the contest. My friend Monica is a fantastic designer. I was thinking I could wear this for Saturday’s show, and if it’s a hit, you guys could do some business together. She’s amazing.”

  She took the garment from the bag and presented it to him with gusto. He just blinked.

  “So?” she prodded when he didn’t answer. What was the matter with him? Was he blind? “What do you think?”

  “Um, I…it’s beautiful. Honestly. But Insomnia doesn’t really need another designer right now.”

  So he wasn’t blind, but he was lying to her. Insomnia had advertised its designer search right along with the Sleepless Siren contest. Supposedly the two events would culminate in the unveiling of the company’s most amazing collection ever, or something to that effect.

  “Well, okay,” she said, deciding not to push the issue. “But I could still wear this in the contest, right? I mean, that would be enough publicity for her.”

  He rubbed his chin. “I don’t know, Jacey. The contestants are supposed to wear items that are sold at Insomnia. Isn’t there anything that interests you in the current collection? We’ve got some gorgeous—”

  “No, no, I totally agree. Everything Insomnia sells is gorgeous. I was just thinking that if you were willing to work with her, this would be a good way to give the audience a preview of something new. I’m going last this time, and it would end the show with a bang, you know?”

  “I…yeah.” Alex sighed and shook his head. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think that’s possible. I’d have to pull a ton of strings, and there just isn’t enough time.”

  Her heart sank. The detached tone of his voice made it clear he wasn’t being straight with her. Since when couldn’t he tell her the truth? And after the way she’d made love with him last night, and a few minutes ago.

  A knot lodged in her throat. For the first time, she questioned her trust in him, and her doubts ripped a chasm in the closeness they had so recently shared. What was with the business talk about pulling strings? Why couldn’t he do her this one favor simply because it meant so much to her, and he cared for her?

  He did care for her, didn’t he?

  “I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal.” Unreasonable anger welled inside her. “Considering the benefits you’re getting at home every night. And in your office.”

  His mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. “Is that why you’re sleeping with me? So I’ll do you a favor?”

  Jacey froze, her worst nightmare coming true right before her eyes. Was she exchanging sex for a chance at success? For the opportunity to give something back to Monica? Hadn’t she just said as much to him?

  The idea was so horrifying, she couldn’t even answer. She turned and left the office, closing the door quietly behind her so Kim wouldn’t suspect there was a problem. She hoped against hope that Alex was wrong.

  She stared at the floor, so engrossed in her fears she almost crashed into a young woman coming out of Alex’s father’s corner office.

  “Oh, excuse me.”

  The girl flashed her a big grin. “No problem.”

  She approached Kim’s desk, and for a moment, Jacey watched with interest. Since Alex’s parents were divorced, she supposed William Vaughn’s personal life was his own business, but that woman looked even younger than her. Much younger.

  Oh, well. The man was rich and powerful, and she’d seen the covers of enough Hollywood tabloids to know May-December romances were trendy. She headed for the exit. She’d left Monica’s dress in Alex’s office, but she wasn’t about to go back and get it. He would see it and bring it home that evening.

  “Thank you, Ms. Starr.” Behind her, the girl chattered excitedly. “I can’t wait to see my photos on Insomnia’s website. I have to go home and tell my mom.”

  Jacey heard the rustling of paper, then Kim’s voice. “Please sign this release form. Congratulations.”

  No way.

  The girl had scored a modeling gig? She lived with her parents?

  And she’d just come out of William’s office with flushed cheeks and rumpled hair?

  Jacey waited one more second, then shook her head, pushed open the double doors, and headed for the elevator.


  Kim scanned the office for potential eavesdroppers before she snatched up her buzzing phone. “Thank you for calling Insomnia. This is Kim, how may I help you?”

  “It’s Robert.”

  She released an exasperated sigh at the sound of her private investigator’s voice. This afternoon had brought several minutes of listening to Alex screw Blondie in his office, and she’d been this close to calling Robert herself and demanding answers.

  “I thought it might be you. And it’s about time. So what do you know?”

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Starr, but they show no signs of breaking up. In fact, she appears to be living with him now.”

  “You’re joking.”

  “I followed them to his residence several days ago, and since then, you can’t find one without the other. They hardly come out at all as it is.”

  “Damn it!” Kim pounded the arm of her chair and lowered her voice. “What about the photos you took? Did he get them?”

  “He got them, but they didn’t have the desired effect. On the contrary, the whole thing seems to have drawn them closer together.”

  Fabulous. William still hadn’t told her exactly why he wanted her to sabotage Jacey, but how in the world was she going to get the girl out of the contest when Alex pla
yed her bodyguard during every waking moment?

  And possibly every night too. Kim shivered at the disgusting image of Alex in bed with that bimbo, but she was quickly consoled by thoughts of the nights she’d spent with William.

  “Okay,” she resigned. “Thanks, Robert. Just keep an eye on them and tell me if anything changes. I can see I’ll have to step up my efforts.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  She hung up, licked the tip of her finger, and sifted through the files of the twenty remaining contestants. In a matter of seconds she found her—the beautiful brown-haired girl who looked like Katelyn. Amber Lynn Harris had come in second after the first round. Only Jacey had received more votes.

  That was about to change, Kim would see to that. She grabbed the phone again and dialed Amber’s number, and soon the young woman answered.

  “Amber, this is Kim Starr, coordinator of Insomnia’s Sleepless Siren contest. I noticed that you placed extremely high after the first round.”

  The girl squealed. “Really?”

  “Really. Unfortunately, there’s one contestant standing in your way and I’d like to offer you a deal. Do you want to win?”

  There was a silence, and then Amber spoke in a cool, cunning voice. “Of course I want to win. What do you want?”

  Kim almost laughed. A fellow schemer. At last, she had found someone who would help her make this happen.

  “I want you to help me bring down Jacey Cass. With her out of the way, I can guarantee you the win. Are you willing to do that?”

  “The blonde? Hell, yeah, what’s the plan?”

  They spoke for a few more minutes before Kim hung up with satisfaction. For Jacey to make the finals would take nothing less than a miracle.

  Chapter Nine

  Alex shut down his computer and gathered his things to leave, a difficult process with his fingers clenched the entire time.

  Jacey would drive him mad, and not just because of his intense physical need for her. She was a fiery woman, and a scheming one at that. He didn’t honestly believe she’d had sex with him in his office to butter him up before she presented her friend’s design. Yet she did seem to expect that because they shared a bed, he should agree with her all the time. Why else would she have turned on him over something as simple as an outfit for the contest?


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