Bound for Glory

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Bound for Glory Page 12

by Sean O'Kane

  “We’ll keep an eye on Anna and when we find out what the stunning model has been up to, we’ll be sure to tell you. Remember, you read it here first!” the article concluded.

  The man reading the article made a non-committal grunt and picked up a mobile phone that had begun to vibrate next to the plate he was eating his breakfast from. He held it to his ear as he got up and walked, limping slightly and leaning on a walking stick, out onto the terrace which looked out over his estate. Already his squad of arena slaves was out on the practice ground, which was still in the shade of the arena itself. In these latitudes, you had to work them early and late, then rest them in the full heat of the day. The thuds and smacks of the whips drifted up on the morning air, together with the shouts from the guards as they drilled the girls relentlessly.

  “You’ve done well,” the man said into the phone. “It’s all up to her from now on. Send your invoice to my London office will you? Enjoy the villa!” Anyone overhearing him would have noted the Irish burr in his deep voice as he finished the call, then leaned against one of the stone pillars that supported the roof of the terrace. He propped his stick up and ran a hand through the close cropped, grizzled hair on his head and seemed to think for a while. Then he dialled another number.

  “Mary, is that you? It’s me, Conor. Listen, sell my shares in Utilities Inc. will you and resign me from the board, but leave me on at the bank. I’ll still want to keep an eye on things there. Thank you.”

  He ended the call and allowed himself a slight smile as he went back to his breakfast. So far so good.

  Chapter Eight

  Anna had cause to thank the hours she had usually put in at the gym when she woke the next morning. It took her a few circuits of the cell, walking gingerly and stiffly but pretty soon she was moving alright. She still stung terribly inside from the battering she had taken the night before but she had been at a few orgies before – although nothing on the scale of what she had been put through the previous night – and she knew it would die down eventually. She was surprised at how little had survived of the welts from her beatings. The single tail had left the most obvious marks and they were little more than dusky pink traces which she could just about glimpse if she twisted herself around as best she could.

  She had been woken by a guard placing a steaming bowl of porridge by her bed and she had wolfed it down, then used the primitive washing and hygiene facilities to clean herself up as best she could – something she was becoming accustomed to. Getting all the crusted sperm off her groin took most time but was worth it.

  When they came for her, she was reasonably ready for them.

  Two policemen came in and one kept his goad aimed at her stomach as the other buckled leather cuffs on her wrists and clipped them together in front of her. She made a move to protest when it became clear that she was to be taken out nude, but just a nudge from the goad made her subside. Then they walked her out, along the passage outside her cell, through a canteen and into a yard where a van was waiting. It wasn’t all that big but the cargo bay was tall and had been adapted very neatly for its current purpose. Two simple wooden boards were mounted in the roof and ran from front to back. Short chains hung from them at regular intervals on both sides and some girls had already been mounted. Their hands were raised and the cuffs had been clipped to the chains and Anna could see that eventually the back of the van would have four rows of girls standing and facing each other in pairs. Their arms would be stretched up but they would just about be able to stand on tip toe. When Anna was mounted she realised that with her height, she would be more comfortable than some of the shorter ones. But the idea was that by making them stand, maximum use was made of space. By also making them stand on tip toe, the girls would be concentrating on staying upright as the truck drove, thus reducing the likelihood of any trouble.

  By the time the last girl was in, Anna could feel the buttocks of the girl behind her just lightly touching her own. In front of her was a chubby blonde who was a bit shorter than Anna. Although she kept silent while the men were around, Anna could see that the blonde recognised her and was dying to find out what on earth she was doing there as a slave.

  The doors slammed shut and the girls looked about anxiously in the gloom, waiting for the jolt as the van moved off. There were shouts from the men and then the engine started. The jolt came as expected and the girls were thrown against one another as it moved off. There were grunts of effort and swearing as they fought to keep their feet. The van jerked down over a kerb and there was a further bout of struggling as naked girls swung into one another and fought to get their feet under them. But at last the journey smoothed out enough for them all to look around and risk speech as the only men were in the cab in front.

  “So what the bloody hell are you doin’ here?” called a black girl from behind Anna.

  “Same as you! What’s it look like?” the blonde opposite Anna retorted for her with a cheeky grin.

  “Anyone makes any gags about hanging around, I’ll bloody hammer them when we get out of here!” another girl put in from over by the front of the van.

  “Where we going?” a nervous voice asked.

  “Auction, where do you think?”

  The questions and the banter went on around Anna and she was content to let it wash over her.

  “Seriously, how come a posh bit like you with money coming out her ears ends up here?” the blonde asked eventually.

  “I don’t really know, to be honest. I was on holiday and then things just seemed to come unglued, big time. The local law ran me in, did me for everything they could, beat me and sent me back here. And bloody Mostyn’s Law did the rest.”

  “Ooo! Ay was on holiday was Ay?” a mocking voice in a cod-posh voice called out. “How terribly frightful!”

  “Shut up!” the blonde replied hotly. “We’re all in this together. And she took every bloody cock in the station last night and saved all of us a couple of shags!”

  There was a general muttering at this but Anna was glad to see some friendly looks as the girls realised that Anna’s fame had saved them from taking any more usage the previous night. She smiled at her blonde champion who grinned back.

  “I’m Tracey,” she said. “I know your name of course. Won’t matter for much longer though. Once we’re sold off to an arena, we won’t be chatting much.”

  “You reckon that’s what’ll happen?” another nervous voice asked.

  “’Course!” the black girl who’d started the exchange off, chipped in. “They buy up nearly all the stock.”

  “I’ve seen some working in hotels,” Anna put in and then wished she hadn’t as there was an immediate chorus of mockery about rich bitches and hotels. It was true though, female slaves were in quite high demand in the hotel trade where a girl who had no choice but to submit to others’ wills was a useful asset.

  “Still at least they’ve got that chip now so whatever they do to you, you enjoy it,” one girl said when the uproar had died down. They all gave that serious thought. Of course everyone had heard about the new wonder-chip that had come out in the past few months. Anna considered the needles through Miss Thorpe’s nipples. She wondered if any chip could make that pleasant. But Miss Thorpe had obviously enjoyed everything the judge had done to her – and that led her onto uncomfortable thoughts about how hard and how often she herself had come the previous night.

  “Does that include those fucking tongue rings?” someone asked eventually.

  There was silence. No one knew whether the chip would make the heavy tongue rings which arena slaves wore more bearable.

  “Everyone’s only interested in what goes into a slave’s mouth. Not what comes out,” said an Asian girl, repeating what was common knowledge. But now it could be a part of their immediate futures, it wasn’t comforting knowledge. The rings made speech very difficult. Speech was not required from an arena slave. Her mouth was for screaming and caressing only.

  The journey lasted for an age and by the end of it
some of the girls were sobbing at the ache in their arms. Even Tracey was wilting, what seemed to be her normal cheerfulness deserting her. With her height, Anna didn’t fare too badly. She tried to distract Tracey by getting her to tell her how she came to be arrested. She had just got to the bit where a drugs bust had disrupted her nineteenth birthday party, when the van slowed and jerked as it went over another kerb, then rolled as it went over rough ground. Agonised squeals filled the back of the van as the girls helplessly bumped and swung against each other, wrenching their arms as they lost their footing. But at last it stopped and the doors were flung open.

  Squinting against the light, Anna could make out that the van was in a yard and was backing towards a loading bay that was set at the height of the van’s platform. Waiting for them was a group of men, some in white medical coats, some in uniform. There was a steel trolley in the midst of the group and Anna’s stomach lurched in apprehension. Suddenly she didn’t want to be taken out of the truck. At least here she had female company and nothing worse could happen to them in there. But the minute their journey ended, a whole host of new and probably unpleasant possibilities opened up. She was naked and she was helpless to prevent anything being done to her.

  The van backed in slowly and came to rest with no more than a slight bump. And as soon as it was parked, the men stepped in, wheeling the trolley with them. One of the men swept a white cloth off it and Anna saw rows of syringe-like objects and swabs.

  “Now then, ladies,” he said. “You’ve arrived at Ordley’s, the finest auction house in the South East. We’re going to do you the biggest favour anyone could do you. We’re going to make sure that you enjoy the next years of your lives more than you can imagine! We’re going to chip you, and although you might not like it now, you’ll thank us for it soon enough. If any of you are thinking that it might be fun to kick up a fuss, my colleague here will demonstrate why it’s really not.”

  He stood aside and one of the uniformed men came up to Tracey and touched her flank with his goad. She screamed and jerked sideways against her bonds.

  Anna swallowed. The policemen had merely threatened. These men had no compunction in actually using the weapons with no warning. Another of the medical men immediately went behind Tracey and swept her hair up then swabbed the nape of her neck. A third man took up a syringe and carefully punctured her neck. She winced but made no more than a soft groan as the quite thick needle went in, was held, the plunger pushed, then it was removed, her neck was swabbed again and they moved on.

  It was a practised procedure and done in almost complete silence, apart from the occasional whimper from a girl as she was injected. Anna appreciated how slick the organisation was, the way the girls were tied meant that it was hard for them to kick and they had been deliberately tired out. Added to that there were the goads of course and after the demonstration on Tracey, no one was in the mood to take them on.

  When it was Anna’s turn, her hair was swept forwards and as her head was pushed down, she glanced across at Tracey, who was staring vacantly into space with an odd expression on her face. But as Anna watched while her syringe was prepared, she smiled at Anna, then shifted her gaze to the men and gave one of them an air kiss and waggled her big boobs at him. Then Anna was distracted by a pronounced stinging at her neck and the strange intrusive feeling of being injected, which was made worse by it being with something bigger than a normal needle, then there was a second’s further pressure which made her wince and then it was done.

  She wasn’t really clear in her own mind what she had been expecting. But absolutely nothing at all certainly came as a surprise. There were only a few more girls after Anna and already some of the ones who had been dealt with first were being taken down. There was no struggling now. The black girl who had shouted over to her at the start of the journey, was busily trying to rub her hand up and down the front of one of the uniformed men’s trousers. He looked at her dispassionately and then pressed the goad to her buttocks. She jumped and screamed, but her expression was one of shock rather than agony and she merely gave him an overtly flirtatious smile, shrugged and walked into the building rubbing her spectacular bottom as she went.

  It slowly began to dawn on Anna that her nudity wasn’t just making her vulnerable, it was also very sexy, so why weren’t the men taking advantage of that fact? Any one of them could push her up against the side of the van and fuck her. That’s what was supposed to happen to naked women with virile men around, wasn’t it? It had been a long day and she could do with some cock. True her vagina still stung, but, God it had been good last night! Perhaps a good rogering would help it recover?

  She looked over at a guard and gave him a smile as he was untying a girl – who immediately sank to her knees and tried to open his flies. He shooed her away.

  “This lot’s ready! Let’s get ‘em in and mounted!” he called.

  Anna felt her arm taken by one of the medics. He was close beside her and she could almost feel his body beside hers, his coat rasped against her skin. She knew he would enjoy sex with her, he just needed the right invitation. She reached out and cupped his balls gently, licking her lips as she did so. She needed a good seeing to, surely he couldn’t reject her! Could he?

  He looked up from his work at the trolley where he had paused and was packing things away.

  “Hey! Someone get this slut into the house please!” he called out, letting her go.

  Anna gave him a moue of disappointment and pressed against him more firmly. A man’s hand dragged her away, something cold pressed against her bottom and then a hammer hit her inside. The scream was instinctive and the leap sideways a helpless reaction but it cleared her head and she realised that she had been shocked with the goad.

  But even that hadn’t dampened her need for sex, there was always later on, she realised. They could have her whenever they wanted. And the guy with the goad looked as though he was packing! She gave him her best bedroom smile and sauntered out into the building. There were more men there.

  The next stop on the girls’ journey was the examination room. There were giant steel rings hanging from loops in the ceiling of the long, echoing room, and as Anna entered, she could see that some of them were already occupied. The girls were held spreadeagled to the fullest extent of their limbs within the rings. Each ring could be turned full circle so that anyone could examine her front, back and all ways in between just by the gentlest push at the side of the ring holding her. The girls were only a matter of inches off the floor, so there was no part of her that couldn’t be reached by anyone standing beside them.

  Anna was appalled. Once in one of those things there would be no chance of any sex at all! None! She balked and turned to the guard who had taken her over once she had come off the truck.

  “Hey, look! How about a quickie over by that wall? Or I could suck you off if you like!” She smiled and touched the bulge at the front of his trousers – she had been pressing against him all along the corridor. “Mmm. Wouldn’t take long, honey!” she purred. For a second the man was clearly tempted but he regained his self-control and gave her a belt from his goad to the underside of her right breast. She screamed and whirled away helplessly as the hammer hit her across the chest this time. But she didn’t feel deterred. Her body was available. Sooner or later the men would want it, and it would be there for the taking. Absentmindedly rubbing her breast she walked towards the ring the man indicated, thinking that the goads really were quite a good thing. They calmed a girl down, made her get a perspective on things and reminded her cunt that it could wait until the men were ready. That chip was very good too. She was really looking forward to finding out what her first orgasm was like with it implanted. Since she had had it, she had been much calmer, and feeling horny was a lot better than all that silly anxiety and tension she had experienced before.

  One of the medics lifted her the few inches it took to have her wrists buckled into soft leather suspension cuffs. Then her legs were pulled apart – with no resis
tance from her. To open herself to anyone was what she really wanted in any case.

  Then as more and more girls were mounted, many more than had arrived in her van, she was given a brief examination by a brisk woman who inserted latex-gloved fingers into her vagina and rectum, then who palpated her breasts, looked at her teeth and took her blood pressure.

  “You sluts are always a bit high, nowadays. Must be that chip making you want to rut.”

  When she had finished another of the white coated medics came and pushed a steel gadget between her teeth which he then opened until Anna was gaping like a landed fish then he slotted a lever into a ratchet mechanism at one side and left her with her mouth held wide open. And at no point had she struggled, it was nice just being touched by a man and if she was good, it might take less time for her to find out how mind blowing an orgasm would be with this wonderful chip implanted. Very soon after that people began to arrive.

  Anna looked at them curiously; she was aware that they were there to buy her body for their own purposes and vaguely she was aware that that thought should have shocked and angered her, but all she could really feel was curiosity about them and what use they would put her to – and how much sex would be involved.

  For what felt like a tedious eternity she was poked and prodded and discussed. She was very much the centre of attention and couples, pairs of men and a few parties of obviously wealthy people queued up to have a feel of her vagina and rectum. Her breasts were hefted, squeezed and twisted, her nipples were pinched spitefully – especially by the females. Her buttocks were likewise hefted and squeezed and her thigh and calf muscles were felt and discussed. Some reached into her wrenched open mouth and yanked at her teeth. Others commented on the softness of her lips. But despite it all Anna could only feel pride – and increasingly – a desperate need to come. Her vagina had stopped stinging and was awash in juice. The fingers that plunged up into her were immediately able to penetrate as far as they needed to and were able to slip in and out of her with no problem at all. That also made their anal penetration easier and the lube that was hung on the side of the hoop that she was hung in was not needed at all.


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