So Wrong It's Good

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So Wrong It's Good Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  “I feel like I’m going to fall right off a cliff, Reese.”

  He pulled back slightly and stared at her. “I’ll break your fall, because I’m right there with you, baby.”

  Chapter Eight

  Reese leaned down again and started running his tongue up the side of her throat. The very thought of being under him in her bed as he thrust in and out of her had this thrill and uneasiness coursing through her. She knew, in the back of her mind, that stopping this was the smart and right thing to do, but she couldn’t, not when she was high from the feelings he brought out in her.

  Reese pulled them away from the wall and started walking toward her bed. He set her down on the mattress, and then took a step back, just staring at her. As she looked up at him she couldn’t help but feel like a lamb before a ravenous wolf. Although this was Ginny’s brother¸ and he may still be going through hard emotions over his divorce, whether he admitted it or not, she didn’t want this to stop. This felt too right and good to ignore.

  Another small, nagging voice inside of her told her he’d had way too much to drink, so wasn’t this her taking advantage of him? If he were sober none of this would be happening … right?

  “I can see what you’re thinking just by your expression,” he said and started undoing the button on his pants. “I don’t want you to think about how wrong this might appear to others.” He slowly brought his zipper down, and damn, did it sound so loud. “Right now, right here, is all that matters,” he slurred out his words, and she wanted to believe him, wanted to believe that this might not hurt anyone.

  The two of them being together could certainly piss off her father and Ginny, not to mention have looks thrown their way that she was doing something that might seem taboo. As Ginny had put it, he was her step-uncle.

  He pushed his pants off, showing his boxer briefs, and the erection pressed hard, demanding, against the material. “You want this?” he asked in a dark, commanding tone.

  She licked her lips, gripped the comforter in her hands, and nodded. “Yes.” She lowered her gaze down his hard, broad shoulders, over the tribal tattoos inked on each of his pecs, and traced that same ink as it made its way down both of his sides. His abdomen was defined, rippling with muscles, and showing this incredibly hard six-pack. The thin trail of dark hair that disappeared beneath his underwear had her inner muscles clenching.

  “You’re drunk,” she said, common sense coming through, making a point to state the obvious, even if everything inside of her wanted to shut up and just accept this.

  He pushed his boxer briefs down, and this small gasp left her as she took in the sight of his cock. “I’m drunk, but not so fucking wasted I don’t know what I’m doing right now.” He moved closer, grabbed his cock, and started stroking himself from root to tip. “I know I have you here, Lake, my step-niece by all accounts.”

  She licked her lips. Watching him. “You’re Ginny’s brother,” she said softly, her gaze on his shaft as he jerked himself off. “Isn’t this wrong on a lot of different levels?” She was trying to push through her arousal, trying to rationalize this, even if she really did want him.

  “I know all of that. Believe me when I say I’ve thought about this many times.” He moved his palm up to his cockhead, squeezed the tip for a second, and let out a gust of breath, as if the pressure felt incredible. “I want you, and you want me. Right now, right here, I’m not thinking about anything but having you.” He moved closer. “And taking you on this bed until you can’t walk straight tomorrow is exactly what’s on my mind, baby.” He looked down the length of her body, and stopped when he got to the area between her thighs. “If you don’t want this, Lake, then tell me now.” He was still staring at her pussy, although her legs were pressed together, so she knew he couldn’t see much of anything aside from the top of her mound.

  Lake stared at him for several long seconds, really thinking about what she was doing and why she was doing it. Was this something she was really willing to do? Ginny could be devastated, and her father would probably be furious. There was a small selfish side of her that said she should be able to have this, to have a man want her like this. Lake should be able to be with whomever she wanted, and right now just happened to be her opportunity.

  “I don’t want things ruined, Reese.”

  He shook his head, stopping her from saying anything else. “Things won’t become ruined unless we make them that way.” The air stilled around them.

  Before she could change her mind, or talk herself out of this, she said the first thing that came to her. “I want this. I want you.”

  He groaned, closed his eyes for a second, and then started stroking himself a little harder, faster. The erection she’d felt when he was pressed up against her was nothing compared to getting an eyeful of the real thing.

  Long and thick, his cock was a little unnerving. She wasn’t a virgin, but it had been years since she’d been with a guy, and Reese wasn’t a boy. He was definitely all man, and would clearly know what he was doing. Her breathing accelerated when he took several steps toward her until he was right in front of her.

  “Take the shirt off, Lake. Let me see all of you.” Dominant and deep, his words had her gripping the hem of her shirt instantly and lifting it from her body. The chilled air teased her nipples, and she felt them extend even further. And here she was, naked, aching, and so wet for this man. She felt like she was starving, dehydrated, and only Reese could help her with those problems.

  Lake couldn’t keep her eyes off of his monstrous cock. The tip was slightly bigger than the shaft and glistening with pre-cum. The idea of giving head had never turned her on, but as she saw that pearl-sized drop of semen at the tip of his dick, her mouth watered, and this need to lean forward and lick the slit, suck away the cum, consumed her.

  “Lean back and spread your thighs for me.”

  She shivered at his dark comment, but did what he said. The comforter beneath her was soft, but right now it felt like gravel because of her oversensitive skin. When she leaned back, her legs spread, her chest thrust out, she kept propped on her elbows, watching him, waiting to see what his next move would be. He didn’t move for several long moments.

  “Wider,” he said deeply, low, almost frightening in intensity.

  She did as he asked until she felt her pussy lips pull apart. Could he see how swollen her clit was in the darkness, or how wet she was? Did he know the effect he had on her? He moved closer to her and dropped to his knees between her legs. She felt his warm breath teasing her cunt. The air came out of him in hard, short pants along her pussy. All she could do was watch and wait for him to make his next move.

  He placed his hands on her inner thighs and started running them up and down, causing her skin to become even more sensitive. Each time his fingers came close to her pussy he would slip the digits away, torturing her. Over and over he did this until she could no longer hold herself up, couldn’t even think straight. It was when she was flat on her back with her eyes closed and her thighs spread so wide the muscles ached, that she felt his hot, moist mouth latch onto her clit. She bit her lip to hold in the cry of ecstasy that threatened to come out.

  “Just let it out, baby,” he murmured against her cleft, sending vibrations to her clit.

  When he thrust his tongue into her pussy opening her inner muscles clenched, drawing it farther into her body and pushing her closer to the climax she desperately needed. He used his fingers to spread her open wider, to pull her lips apart so she was completely bared to him.

  The sound of wet suctioning filled the room and mixed with her moans and his grunts of pleasure. It was after several pleasure-pain filled moments that she found she was thrusting her pussy into his face, seeking more from him. The vibrations from his grunts went straight to her clit, and she felt it become even more engorged, teetering right on the edge.

  “I’m so close, Reese,” she said on a whisper. She needed this. Damn, did she need to feel Reese bring her to completion.

  Her words seemed to fuel him on. He sucked, licked, nipped, and fucked her with his mouth like it was the last thing he would ever do. When she felt her orgasm nearing, her whole body tensed, preparing to go over the edge. As her back arched with impending pleasure, he cupped her breasts with his big, masculine hands, and suctioned his mouth around her clit harder. With his thumb and forefinger, Reese pinched her nipples until she felt them elongate further. That was all she needed to explode around his mouth.

  Never once did he remove his mouth from between her legs, as her climax seemed to go on and on. It seemed the harder and longer he sucked, the more intense her climax peaked. When she couldn’t take any more of the pleasure, she tried to close her legs.

  “No more, Reese. I can’t take anymore.”

  “Oh, you’ll take everything I give you, Lake.”

  Sweat coated her body, and her heart thundered like a freight train. When she was finally able to peel her eyelids open, she saw Reese hovered over her. Air left her in a gush when she felt his steel-like erection slip against her still clenching pussy.

  They stared at each other for several long seconds, and then he dipped his head and kissed her softly. She could taste the whiskey and herself on his lips, a combination that, although she had just had an orgasm, brought her arousal to a fever pitch once again.

  His cock felt hot against her flesh, big, thick. How she ached to feel him penetrate her, thrust deep inside of her until she didn’t know where he began and she ended. His hands were everywhere, stroking her breasts, caressing her inner thighs, squeezing her flesh. All she wanted to do was reach between their bodies, grab hold of his dick, and place it at the entrance of her pussy. As if he read her mind, he took hold of her hand and moved it between their bodies. He never stopped kissing her. In fact, he seemed more ferocious and urgent.

  With her hand so close to her pussy, she felt her wetness coat the back of her fingers. It was hot and creamy, so saturating that she knew once he was inside of her he would have no resistance.

  “Touch me, Lake. Take my cock and put it in your pussy, where you ache, baby.” He murmured against her lips and thrust gently against her hand as if to emphasize his point.

  She was nervous, so scared and aroused her head felt foggy. If she hadn’t been lying down she knew she would’ve passed out. Lake grabbed his cock, and her pulse skyrocketed when she couldn’t wrap her fingers fully around the girth. He seemed to pulse in her grip, and when she placed him at the entrance of her pussy her eyes widened and his breathing stopped.

  “Are you ready for me, Lake?”

  No. Yes.

  When she removed her hand and gripped his biceps, she prepared herself for the penetration, for the stretching and burning that would surely encompass all of her. Their breath mingled together as she anticipated what it would finally feel like to have him inside of her.

  Ever so slowly he started to push into her. The wide head of his cock stretched the opening of her pussy, and a delicious burn traveled through her whole body. He was slow and gentle, but he was also dominating. He had his hand on the bed beside her head, his jaw clenched tightly, and his expression fierce. Lake curled her nails into his flesh and brought him closer. It hurt, but the pain morphed into pleasure the deeper he tunneled inside of her. Inch after inch he pushed into her … owning her.

  “God, baby. You’re so tight, so hot and wet.” She could see beads of perspiration dot his forehead as a look of pure ecstasy covered his face. “This feels so good, so fucking good.”

  It did feel so good, and although she still couldn’t wipe away the guilt that lingered in the back of her mind that she could be hurting people by being with him, she knew that she would have never been able to stop wanting him. Her need would have only grown in intensity. She knew that.

  He started thrusting into her, pulling out and pushing back in. He was slow and gentle at first, but with each passing second his speed and the pounding of his cock into her pussy became harder. Their breathing became hard pants, and she moaned aloud. He stared right at her, his face hard, strained, as if he were holding back. She didn’t want that.

  “Don’t hold back. Take me how you want.” She couldn’t believe she was being so wanton right now.

  Every time he pulled out of her, her pussy would tighten around his shaft, as if trying to draw him in. The stretch and burn of his cock filling her only increased her need to have him pounding all that heavy flesh into her body.

  “God, baby. Don’t say shit like that to me because I won’t be able to hold off.”

  “Then don’t.”

  He groaned and leaned his face toward the crook of her neck. “Wrap your legs around my waist,” Reese said against her cheek, his words muffled and out of breath.

  She did as he asked and loved the feel of her sweat-slicked skin rubbing against his. The act seemed to make what they were doing more intimate. He moved his hands to her waist, lifted up slightly so there were inches between them now, and stared down at her.

  With his hands on her hips, holding her down, she felt his domination. Just when she felt another orgasm rise, he pulled out of her and went onto his back, pulling her up and over him. Lake now straddled his waist, his cock hard and slicked with her juices, and her hands on his pecs. A little voice in her head said they should have used a condom, but she was too far gone in her lust to give it more than a passing thought.

  He stared up at her, his look drugged, yet his cock pulsing inside of her. “Ride me, Lake.”

  She swallowed and curled her hands in his pectoral muscles. She could feel his heart pound right beneath her palms. Reaching between them she took his cock, rose up on her knees, and placed the tip at her entrance. And then she pushed down, engulfing him with her body. Her muscles tightened, a moan left her, and he grunted as if in pleasure/pain.

  Her pussy was so juicy that when she rose above his cock again it slipped almost all the way out with no effort. When she pushed back down he closed his eyes and sighed. Up and down she moved, curling her nails into his chest as the pleasure morphed into something so much more intense. Despite her lack of knowledge of how to properly please a man, given the sounds he made she knew she was doing something right.

  “Faster. Harder.” He gripped her waist tight, demanding she obey him. When Lake slid down his shaft once more, she ground her pussy on the root of his cock, not able to help herself. They both groaned.

  The exquisite pleasure of it all was too much. Her orgasm crept up on her, threatening to rock her very existence. Reese held onto her tighter and started lifting his hips to thrust even harder into her. He also used his strength to help her rise and fall on his dick, lifting her and thrusting her back down on him. It was like she was just along for the ride now as he took control. God, did she love him taking control.

  Her breasts shook from the force, and finally her climax peaked and she exploded on top of him. Head thrown back, hands braced behind her on his thighs and chest thrust forward, she didn’t care how she looked or sounded. The pleasure was too much, so intense that it sucked the breath out of her.

  Animal-like groans came from Reese as he thrust once, twice, and a third time into her before stilling and coming. Her pussy convulsed around his cock, and she felt him thrust once. She felt his cum, felt the hotness and thick quantity of it as he emptied himself in her body. It was such a turn-on. She couldn’t help but press her cunt on him, trying to get as much of his dick into her as possible.

  When her orgasm finally descended and she could breathe once more, she collapsed on his chest. They both panted heavily as their sweat-soaked bodies rubbed against each other. Nothing was said for several long moments, and neither moved, but it was a comfortable silence. Lake felt herself starting to drift off to sleep, but before she let darkness take over she tried to push herself up, tried to look at his face.

  Reese had a steel-like hold around her, and if she was being honest, it felt so good lying naked in his arms, having him hold her tightly. His heart had been
pounding something fierce, but the longer they lay together in the silent darkness, the slower the rhythm became, matching her own.

  “Go to sleep, baby,” he said softly.

  “Did we really just do this?” she asked, ignoring his gently spoken command.

  He smoothed a hand over her hair, his eyes still glossy from his intoxication, but his expression clear as he stared at her. “Yeah, we really did. You regret it?”

  She shook her head. “Do you?” She waited for him to respond, and it seemed like forever before he spoke again.

  “No,” he said and smiled.

  She rested back on his chest, and closed her eyes.

  He didn’t let her move for several moments, but finally he released his hold on her. When they lay side-by-side he wrapped his arms around her again, and they stayed like that for a few more minutes.

  “I should probably go to my room.”

  His words were like cold water on her body. She nodded, not about to ask him to stay, but of course she did want that.

  “Not that I want to, mind you, but I should, knowing how this would play out if Ginny and your dad would end up coming home far earlier than they should and catch us.”

  Her throat dried. Did he want to tell them, or was this something that would be kept in the dark?

  He got off the bed, and she watched the muscles play on his body as he picked up his clothes. She could see the scars that lined his side where the ink didn’t cover and knew he’d been wounded in battle when he was in the military. He was still so powerful and strong, still so intense that she could easily see herself falling for this man.

  When he was fully clothed they stared at each other in silence. What could she say? Lake stood, grabbed a sheet and wrapped it around herself. She stood a few feet from him, not wanting to feel weird about this, but also not able to help the sudden weirdness in the room.


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