Shades of Deception

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Shades of Deception Page 4

by Amanda Meadows

  “Hi, Megan!”

  Amber gave her friend a hug. “I'm so glad you could make it tonight. Come on in.”

  “Wow. This is really nice!” Megan said, looking around in approval.

  “Let me introduce you to Caleb before I show you around.”

  Caleb had added onions and carrots to the oil in the pan and they were now gently sizzling. He turned the pan on low heat and wiped his hands on the chef's apron he had tied around his waist.

  “Megan, this is Caleb. Caleb this is my friend Megan. She's in my art and history classes.”

  Caleb and Megan exchanged pleasant greetings and Caleb returned to his cooking duties.

  Amber took Megan into her room and was surprised when Megan softly pushed the door shut.

  “Is something wrong?”

  Megan giggled. “You didn't tell me your roommate was Caleb Hanson. Oh, my gosh. He's so hot.”

  Oh, no! Surely Megan wasn't going to fall for Caleb's charms.

  “Okay, Megan, I have to tell you. Caleb is a great guy. He really is. But he has a revolving door of girls through here. I wonder if he has a commitment issue.”

  Megan winked. "Maybe he just needs the right woman."

  Amber shook her head. She wasn't sure if this was a good thing.

  Megan opened the door and raised her voice. “Such a cute room, Amber. I can see why you like it so much.”

  As they stepped into the kitchen, Caleb was pounding strips of chicken wrapped in plastic wrap. He pulled the wrap off and added it to the hot pan.

  “This is awfully fancy for a student dinner,” Megan said, watching Caleb work.

  Caleb looked up and grinned. “I bet you were expecting spaghetti.”

  “Either that or macaroni and cheese.” Megan sniffed the air. “Mm . . . This is going to be so much better.”

  “Do you cook at all?” Caleb asked.

  “I love to cook,” Megan said ruefully, pulling a chair to where she could watch Caleb work.

  “But my budget calls for cheap noodles. There are only so many things you can do with those on a daily basis.”

  “There's an extra apron in that drawer behind you,” Caleb said. “I'd love the help.”

  “Hey! I just asked you if you needed help,” Amber said, her voice indignant.

  Caleb leaned close to Megan's head and spoke in an exaggerated whisper.

  “I let her slice the cheese and set the table. You might want to keep that in mind if she ever offers to cook for you.”

  Megan laughed, her blue eyes sparkling.

  Watching them, Amber felt a sinking feeling. There was an electricity between the two that was undeniable. She just hoped that Megan wouldn't get hurt.

  “Um . . . people? I can hear everything you're saying.”

  “Don't worry, Amber,” Megan said, looking over her shoulder as she expertly peeled potatoes.

  “Cooks love having people try out their dishes. You should take advantage of it.”

  Caleb moved closer to Megan. “Mashed? Or do you have a better suggestion?"

  “How about potato cakes?” Megan suggested. “I haven't made them in awhile, but they should pair well with the braised chicken.”

  “Sounds good,” Caleb murmured, staring down at her.

  “How about a nice salad to go with it?” Amber asked, reminding them she was still in the same room.

  “Even I can manage that.”

  “Actually, that would be perfect, Amber,” Megan said, finally looking over. “Nice and light.”

  “A lime vinaigrette dressing with it?” Caleb suggested, waiting for Megan to turn around for approval.

  “With a splash of honey for sweetness?” Megan responded, looking directly in Caleb's eyes.

  Amber pushed between the two. “Okay, salad it is.”

  Once they sat down to eat, Caleb and Megan stared across the table at each other. For Amber's sake, at least the food was amazing.

  “Seriously, you guys. How come I'm just now finding out how talented you two are in the kitchen?”

  She might as well have been talking to herself. Answers to her questions were quick and in monotones. In the meantime, Megan started talking about how she loved graphic art.

  “Really?” Caleb's eyes lit up. “I'm taking a course in that next semester.”

  When dinner was over, Megan excused herself to go to the bathroom.

  Amber took the opportunity to speak to Caleb.

  “Caleb, you promised!”

  Caleb beamed at her. “Amber, this is it. She's the one!”

  “Caleb, I know that she is very pretty. But I need you to remember our conversation about revolving girls.”

  Caleb shook his head. “You don't get it, Amber. My days of random dating are over.”

  Amber shook her head warningly. “I meant what I said about hurting her."

  “Don't worry, ninja girl,” Caleb said. “That's not going to happen.”

  “Ninja girl?” Megan asked curiously, coming up on Caleb and Amber so quietly that they both jumped.

  Amber flushed, hoping Megan hadn't heard the conversation.

  “Why don't you explain how you got the nickname?” Caleb asked wickedly. “I bet she would get a kick out of it.”

  “Do you really want me to explain?” Amber stared at Caleb defiantly.

  Caleb stared back. “I suddenly don't care anymore.”

  Megan folded her arms and sat back down at the table.

  “Well, this should be interesting! I'm not going anywhere until I hear all the juicy details.”

  “You can tell her or I can,” Caleb said smugly. He took Megan's elbow.

  “Why don't we go sit on the sofa? Amber and I'll get these dishes later.”

  Amber followed them over, hoping to sit between them. But Caleb blocked her with his legs and Megan was sitting on the end.

  “Fine. I'll tell her.” Amber turned to her friend.

  “Last night I was upset with Hunter because he was showing some of his control freak tendencies.”

  Caleb watched expectantly, apparently enjoying seeing her squirm.

  “I lost my temper and . . . um . . . kicked Caleb in the shin.”

  To her surprise, Megan laughed.

  “Really, she kicked you? But she's so frail!”

  She and Caleb shared giggles.

  “I am not frail!” Amber shouted. “I'm as big as you are!”

  Then she remembered the mark she left on his leg.

  “Actually, I feel terrible about it,” she said. “He's got a horrible bruise on his leg.”

  Megan looked from muscular Caleb to Amber as though in disbelief.

  “It's really not that big of deal,” Caleb said suddenly. “Honestly, I should have moved out of the way.”

  He laughed. “I just didn't realize that she had martial arts training. My error.”

  “No. Show her, Caleb,” Amber insisted. “I was really a monster last night.”

  Caleb sighed. “Amber, seriously, that's not necessary.”

  “I still don't believe it,” Megan said, crossing her arms. “You guys are playing games with me.”

  Caleb rolled up his pants. The bruise was turning a bluish-black color.

  Megan put a hand to her lips. “You really did that?”

  Amber sighed and nodded, feeling humiliated. She was stunned when Megan started to grin.

  “Remind me to keep you around if I'm ever walking down a dark street by myself,” she said.

  “Hey, where's the sympathy for me? I'm the one that nearly got crippled!” Caleb complained.

  Megan laughed. “Oh, come on! A big, strapping fellow like you? You look like you'll survive.”

  Amber started to laugh. Megan's reaction was so totally different from what she had expected.

  “Well, it's nice to know whose side you're on,” Caleb teased, maneuvering even closer to Megan.

  Amber narrowed her eyes at him.

  “You know, I've told Caleb that anyone who hurts my friends wi
ll get bodily injured.”

  She smiled sweetly. “Of course, I'd have to inflict a little more damage than a simple bruise.”

  Megan surprised her by raising a hand. “Thanks, Amber, but I've got this one for now.”

  She turned to Caleb and put a hand on his knee.

  “I like you, Caleb. But you should know that I'm very aware of your reputation with the ladies.”

  She shook her head gently when Caleb shot Amber an angry look.

  “Don't be upset with her,” she said. “She isn't the only one talking.”

  At that, Caleb actually looked shocked.

  “I have a reputation on campus?”, he asked incredulously.

  Amber gaped at her friend. Megan seemed so much shyer in class.

  “Some people think I'm a little too forthright,” Megan said with a laugh. “The truth is that I just don't like games.”

  “Megan, I . . .” Caleb started to say.

  Megan put up her hand again with a smile.

  “Do you want to date me?” she asked Caleb outright.

  Amber felt her mouth drop open.

  Caleb's eyes widened, but he simply nodded.

  “And I want to date you,” she said calmly. “So this is what I need to happen.”

  Amber stared at Megan as though meeting her classmate for the first time.

  “Number one,” Megan said, lifting a finger.

  “You and I will approach each other with pure friendship until you have proven yourself.”

  She lifted a second finger.

  “Number two. You will immediately cease dating all other girls.”

  She lifted a third finger.

  Amber noticed that Caleb was studying Megan with rapt attention. His eyes were shining as though he had just gotten a Christmas present.

  “Number three. If you can commit to keeping yourself pure for me for one month, then I will consider moving our relationship forward.”

  “Number four. If you fail in any of these steps, we may continue our friendship, at my sole discretion.”

  She placed her hand on her lap.

  “Any questions?”

  Caleb slowly shook his head.

  “Are we in agreement?”

  Caleb nodded as though in a trance.

  “Excellent!” Megan stood suddenly. “Well, it has been a lovely evening, but I need my rest. I have a long shift tomorrow."

  She turned and hugged Amber. “Thanks again for inviting me. I had so much fun. You're bringing Caleb to the party at Professor Collins' house, correct?”

  Amber found her voice. “Yes. We'll definitely be there. Caleb's driving.”

  “Excellent!” Megan turned and shook Caleb's hand solemnly.

  “Caleb, it has been a pleasure meeting you. I hope for both our sakes that you are able to meet my demands.”

  She leaned up and gently kissed his cheek.

  “Also, you are a marvelous cook. I definitely want to do that again, whether we are dating or just friends.”

  With that, she collected her purse and jacket and let herself out the door.

  Amber stood gaping after her.

  “I'm not sure what just happened,” she said. “She's such a shy little thing in class!”

  Caleb shook his head. He headed to the table and cleared the dishes as though in a daze.

  “Amber, you are the most incredible person in the world for bringing Megan over tonight. I think I'm in love!”

  Amber simply smiled and shook her head. They cleaned the kitchen quickly and then she headed to her room. In spite of her best intentions, she found herself drawn to the laptop. She had a feeling that Kayla was planning on sending another photograph. Did she have any way of telling if and when Amber opened the others? Or was she simply counting on Amber to be curious? What did Kayla have to lose, she thought?

  If Amber told Caleb about the photographs, Kayla could honestly say that they were innocent pictures. The photographs themselves were not provocative. In some ways, Amber had to admit it was rather ingenious. Kayla could torment her freely while looking like a nice fellow student sharing holiday memories. Bitch!

  Scrolling through her e-mail, she found another one from Kayla, just as she had expected. She didn't even pause this time before she opened it. At first glance, this photograph made her flinch. There was Kayla, standing in front of Hunter's art gallery! Amber felt her pulse quickening, but then looked closer.

  Why stand outside the gallery if she was visiting Hunter? She zoomed in on the photograph and started to smile. There on the door was a sign. Fermé. She had to look it up to be sure but . . . Yes! The gallery was closed. Whatever game Kayla was playing, she was trying to keep it from Hunter.

  Amber closed her laptop and stared off into space. Should this be something she should tell Hunter about? Nothing had actually happened. She sighed. Telling him would just stress him out. Even if he said something to Kayla directly, she could deny it. Also, how would she explain having heard Kayla and her mother's conversation?

  She couldn't picture explaining to Hunter, or anyone else for that matter, how she ended up overhearing a private conversation while wedged behind a candy vending machine. No, she thought firmly. She would have to deal with Kayla and her mother on her own.

  Chapter 7

  Amber was up before six o'clock the morning of New Year's Eve. She took a quick shower to wake herself up. She had agreed to take the earliest shift at work today so that another student employee could travel home to be with her family. Amber's art project was complete and she could always use the extra cash. She was in the kitchen making breakfast when Caleb stumbled into the kitchen.

  “I'm sorry. Did I wake you?” Amber asked. “I was trying to be quiet.”

  Caleb shook his head and yawned. His hair was sticking up all over his head and he wiped sleepy seeds from his eyes.

  “I thought I'd go out and take some photographs in the park this morning.”

  “Wow. I figured you'd be sleeping in. Does that mean you want to drive me to work so you can have the car?”

  Caleb flushed. “Um . . . Actually, Megan is picking me up after breakfast.”

  Amber grinned. “Is that so? Was it your idea or hers to get up so early?”

  Caleb groaned. “Hers. Apparently, she likes to get a fresh start on the day.”

  Amber giggled. “Huh! Well, maybe you really are in love. I can't remember the last time you were up this early without having a morning class or work.”

  “Mind if I throw a couple more eggs in if you're making scrambled eggs?” Caleb asked.

  “I don't know,” Amber teased. “Remember I'm a really horrible cook.”

  Caleb yawned again.

  “Hard to mess up scrambled eggs,” he said “But on second thought, why don't I do that for you.”

  Amber laughed. If being a bad cook meant that somebody always offered to take over for her, she could live with that.

  “I'll be wanting toast and bacon too,” she said. “I'll set the table and pour us some orange juice.”

  Amber had just finished her last bit of eggs when she realized that Caleb was watching her.


  “I don't want you to get pissed,” he started out, rubbing his neck. “But I just wondered if you had any more crazy texts from Hannah.”

  Amber dropped her fork on her plate with a clatter and stood up abruptly.

  “I said I had things under control. But, no. There have been no new texts.”

  Caleb stood as well and cleared his dishes.

  “Aw, come off it, Amber. You can't blame me for being a little worried. Your friend sounds like she's in some deep shit. You don't know what somebody that desperate would do if they felt their back was against the wall.”

  “I think I know Hannah better than that,” Amber said, dumping her dishes in the sink.

  “I hope you do,” Caleb muttered, heading off to his room.

  Amber bit her lip. Hannah was saying some crazy stuff, but she wouldn't actual
ly do anything dangerous. She wasn't that messed up. Was she?

  Before she left for work, Amber double checked that her paintings were safely propped against the wall in Hunter's room. She had carefully wrapped canvas in brown paper to prevent damage on the way to the party. She had placed her written notes in a clear binder. After checking to make sure she hadn't missed anything, she sent Hunter a quick text.

  Amber: Off to work. Have a great day! Text me tonight when you get a chance.

  She grabbed the keys for the Range Rover and opened the closet for a warm jacket. She sighed as she saw her lovely new boots there. Too bad they were impractical for being on her feet all day. Hmm . . . That didn't mean that she couldn't at least enjoy them on the way. Smiling, she kicked off her sneakers. The plush liner was soft and warm on her chilly toes. She threw the sneakers in a canvas bag and hurried out to the car.

  Damn! There was a thin sheet of ice on the windshield. She dropped her canvas bag on the ground and jammed her freezing fingers under her armpits. Did she have time to go and search for gloves? She sighed. Probably not. She opened the driver's door, tossed her purse inside, turned on the engine and clicked on the seat warmer. She fished under the passenger seat for the ice scraper. Then, reluctantly, she slid out and attacked the window with the scraper. She worked as quickly as she could and then scrambled back into the car, shivering. Her fingers were so cold that they stung.

  The seat warmer was a lifesaver. She sat on her fingers and sighed as the warm seat quickly heated her hands. Checking the car clock, she found that she was making good time. The freezing temperatures had only made it seem like she had been scraping the windshield for longer than five minutes. Backing out of the driveway, she turned down the street. The streets were nearly empty this early in the morning.

  As she drove, she thought about Hunter. It really sucked that they were spending New Year's Eve apart. Working today was going to help keep her from dwelling on his absence. The party at Professor Collins' house would help fill part of the void. But that didn't start until seven. She hadn't spoken to Hunter since the night of the bed knob adventure. She savored every tiny text he managed between working multiple holiday functions at the gallery.

  She couldn't believe that she still had another full month to go without him. Even with the extra shifts at the store, she ached for him. Worse, every day apart made her doubt the future of their relationship. What would happen if Kayla or her parents tried to influence Hunter's parents against her?


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