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Logan Page 9

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  “Late night dinner?”

  “Yes, Mr. Johnson. This is my boyfriend, Logan. He brought me dinner since I was working on that campaign for the meeting tomorrow.”

  “Sorry about that. I didn’t think you would be here that late.”

  “Well, there were a few changes I wanted to make and I wanted it to be perfect. I should be done soon.”

  “Okay. Well, don’t let me keep you. I just came to grab some paperwork I left behind. See you tomorrow. It was nice to meet you, Logan.”

  “You too.”

  Mr. Johnson walked off to his office and I blew out a breath. That could have ended very badly. Having sex in my office hadn’t been part of the plan with Logan and whatever just happened with us was definitely not something I wanted to repeat. That brought on feelings that I was trying to avoid.

  “You’d better go. I have work to finish and then I need to get home to get some sleep before tomorrow.”

  “Alright.” He came towards me and tried to kiss me, but I pulled away. “Don’t do this. Not when we’re finally taking this somewhere.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Logan. We’re just having fun and I have to work, so you need to leave.”

  He huffed out a laugh, but gathered up the leftovers and headed for the door. “See you around, Cece.”

  He was gone and I could finally breathe again. I finished up my work and was out the door an hour later. Office visits could not be repeated in the future.


  Logan and Cecelia


  Cece was a hard nut to crack. It seemed that every time I got close, she pulled back from me and left me cold. For some reason, she didn’t want to take a chance on me. That was usually my way of thinking. I never wanted to make something with anyone until Cece came along. When I made love to her last night, I saw in her eyes how much she wanted me, but I also saw her hesitancy. She was scared to allow herself to be with me. I was going to have to change that and show her that I could be someone she could have something with.

  I had an idea that we needed to get out and have some fun that wouldn’t just revolve around sexy clothes and dancing. We needed to do something during daytime hours. If she wouldn’t let me take her out for lunch, then we were going to have to do something that she couldn’t run away from. We were going paintballing.

  Sunday, I gathered up a group of people to go with and we headed over to Cece and Vira’s apartment. I had already planned things with Vira, she was the one that was going to ensure Cece came with. I walked up to her door dressed in head to toe camo with paint all over my face. She was about to get a makeover. Knocking on the door, I startled her with my appearance.

  “Get Vira. We’re going to have some fun.”

  “Um, excuse me, but I am not a dog. I don’t just go wherever you tell me to.”

  “You have a choice. You can either get in the gear I got for you or you can get fucked on your kitchen floor with Vira watching and then we’ll leave. Which is it going to be?”

  She glared at me and grabbed the outfit I had in my hand. “What is this anyway?”

  “We’re going paintballing.”

  “No. I’m not doing that.”

  “Why not? Are you scared you’ll lose?”

  “No, but I don’t want to do it. I’ll break a nail and get all dirty.”

  “Sweetheart, there is nothing more that I’d like to do than get dirty with you. Now get your ass moving. Vira! Get out here.”


  Vira emerged from her room looking better than I did for the early hour and I wondered why that was. Usually, I was up well before her and she didn’t look presentable until well past noon. Sean strode out behind her and walked right up to Logan.

  “Did you bring my stuff also?”

  “I brought it all. Everyone go get ready so we can get this show on the road.”

  Vira squealed in delight and I narrowed my eyes at the traitorous bitch. This was not what I had in mind for today. Logan stood with his massive arms crossed in front of me, willing me to argue with him. Huffing, I turned and went to my room to get ready.

  Fifteen minutes later, we all piled into several trucks and headed out for an hour long drive.

  “So, who all is coming with us?” I asked Logan after we were in the truck for a few minutes.

  “Sean and Vira, Jack, Luke and Anna, Ryan, Drew, and Sebastian.”

  “Okay, well I don’t know most of them.”

  “You probably won’t get to know most of them since we’ll be covered in paint, except for those on our team.”

  “Are the teams already divided?”

  “No, we’ll do it when we get there.”

  I wasn’t overly thrilled at being dragged out of my house at eight o’clock this morning, but if Vira was going, it wouldn’t be so bad. We pulled up to a wooded area after a nice, scenic drive and Logan got me loaded up with face paint. I looked over to see all the others doing the same. My hair was pulled up in a tight bun and the rest of me was fully covered. I had to admit, I looked hot in camo. Even the boots were pretty kick ass. Vira, always going for fashion first, had tied her camo tee in a knot at her waist, showing off a good section of her toned tummy. She was a little irked when Sean made her put the coat back on.

  We headed over to the entrance and were broken up into teams. Jack, Sean and Vira were on our team and Luke, Anna, Ryan, Drew, and Sebastian were on the other. We did quick introductions before breaking off and heading out into the woods. The first hour was a little boring. The guys were giving off hand signals and telling us to stay low and follow them.

  Vira and I ended up falling behind because we were so bored.

  “The shoes are cute at least. I think I look pretty bad ass,” I said to Vira as we wandered around the woods.

  “You definitely look hot. I was pissed when Sean made me put this coat on. It does nothing for my figure.”

  “Why are we out here anyway, and why did you so readily agree to come along?”

  She shrugged. “It sounded like fun at the time. Now, we’re just walking around while they play G.I. Joe.”

  I bent over to tie my shoelace when I felt something whiz past my head. I shrieked and dropped to the ground, covering my head. “What the fuck! Someone shot at me.”

  “Well, we are playing paintball,” Vira said as she laid down beside me. We looked all around for anyone that could be aiming at us. That’s when I saw it. Logan was standing next to Jack and Sean laughing at us. Those bastards.

  “They’re laughing at us. Come on. It’s time for payback. We crawled over to a fallen log and hid behind it as we stripped our clothes off. Very slowly, we stood from our positions in only our bra and panties. I was wearing a cute pair of red, lacy bikinis with a matching bra and Vira was wearing a black, lacy thong and matching bra. Both of us had our hair down and still had on our boots. We stepped out from our position and walked towards what we assumed was the center of the action with our guns slung over our shoulders.

  “What the fuck?” It came off to our right, but I had no idea who said it. I heard a girly giggle, which could only be Anna, so that must be where the rest of that team was.

  “Oh, shit. I didn’t see this. Harper would kick my ass.”

  That must have been Jack and he just gave away where Sean and Logan were standing. I pretended to see something interesting on the forest floor and bent over, giving one group a great view of my boobs and the other, my ass. I picked up a clump of squishy mud and spread from my throat down to my belly.

  Vira, never one to be outdone, undid her bra and let it slide to the ground before picking up some mud and rubbing it over her breasts. As we continued to put on a show for the guys, I couldn’t help but wish that it was a little warmer outside. My nipples were painfully erect and not because I was turned on.

  As if being snapped out of a daydream, Sean and Logan finally ran forward, yelling at us.

  “Goddamn, woman. Put your clothes on right
fucking now,” Logan roared at me.

  “Vira, what the fuck do you think you’re doing? You’re showing your tits to everyone here. Put your clothes back on!” Sean yelled.

  When they were a few steps from us, we swung our guns around and nailed each of them with several paintballs, eliciting more than a few swear words from them. Laughter from our right erupted and we swung our guns on them firing off several rounds, seeing that Anna was also on our side, taking out her husband, Luke.

  All of the guys were taken out by three little women. Not one of them stood a chance against us with their cocky attitudes. I hadn’t initially wanted to come out here, but I had to say, this ended up being a very cathartic experience.

  Logan stormed over me and threw me over his shoulder, my ass swinging in the air for all to see. It didn’t bother me. After all, I had just stripped down to my bra and panties and stood in front of all his friends. His friends hooted and hollered and I heard similar sounds coming from Vira. I peaked back to see Vira getting much the same treatment as I was. He hauled me over into the dense growth of the trees and branches pulled at my skin. I would have more than a few scratches by the time this day was done.

  When we could no longer see any of his friends, he set me down on the ground and stepped back, his gaze roaming over my body. The mud had already started to dry and was now forming a hardened coat on my skin. His lips crashed down on mine while I was looking at my body and soon I felt his erection pressing against my stomach. He pushed me down to the ground and twigs scraped against my back.

  I grabbed his erection through his jeans and started stroking as I chased the orgasm that I could feel building inside. It didn’t take much for Logan to get me where I needed to be. His mouth latched on to my nipples through the thin scrap of fabric and pulled and teased me. I ripped his pants open and pushed them down, then spun him to his back and climbed on top of him. Sinking down hard, I took him all in me and rode him hard, coming just moments later. Logan lifted my hips and bucked up into me until he came a few thrusts later. We were both panting from the workout and Logan was trailing kisses across my skin. I looked down to see he was kissing all the scratches that I had gotten from the branches. It was only then that I realized how truly cold it was outside. My body started to shake and Logan grabbed his coat and wrapped it around me. My underwear was nowhere to be seen and I didn’t even recall when they left my body.

  As I stood, I almost fell back down. My body hurt everywhere and it suddenly occurred to me that having sex on branches was not necessarily the smartest idea.

  “Easy there, Tiger. Let’s get back and get the rest of your clothes before you freeze to death.”

  Luckily, I still had my shoes, so at least I didn’t have to hitch a ride from Logan. That would have been embarrassing with my pussy hanging out. When we got back to the group, Sean and Vira were still missing, but the rest of them were all sitting around talking.

  “Damn, girl. That must have been some wild sex. You blend into the forest with all those leaves and sticks in your hair,” Sebastian said as his eyes roamed over my body appreciatively. Logan shot him a glare as my hands went to my hair and sure enough, there were knots with so many things from the forest floor that it would take a week to get untangled.


  My woman was sexy as fuck no matter what she was wearing, but coming out of the woods dressed in only my jacket and a pair of boots was sexy as hell. Even though I had just had her not ten minutes before, I needed to stick my dick in her again. We found her clothes and I helped block her so that she could get dressed.

  “Seriously, Logan? I just stood out here in front of all of them in nothing but my bra and panties. I think the mystery is gone.”

  “I don’t give a shit. They don’t need a second showing.”

  Ahead of us, leaves and twigs started to crunch where Sean and Vira were making their way out. Apparently, Sean had much the same idea as I had. Vira looked no better than Cece did, but she had a big grin on her face. Sean looked like he would murder any of us if we even thought about making a comment.

  “Vira, you’re looking mighty…dirty,” I said with a smirk. Sean glared at me, but I just laughed.

  “My wayward woman is just as bad so don’t think you can give me crap over this.”

  “Wayward woman?” Cece turned a glare on me. “First of all, I am not ‘wayward’ and second, I am not your woman. You’re someone good to fuck. Let’s just leave it at that.”

  “Cece, you can keep telling yourself whatever you want, but you were mine from the moment you walked into that club.”

  “I was never yours and I never will..”

  I shut her up with a long, deep kiss. I didn’t need to hear this shit over and over again. It was the same thing I’d heard since the moment we met, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t break her down. And I would.

  “Now that you got your rocks off, can we head out?” Sebastian asked.

  “Yeah, since the women kicked our asses, looks like we might as well head out,” Ryan said.

  We all grabbed our gear after the girls were finished dressing and headed for the trucks. I was starving by the time we were headed home. We had left this morning without getting any breakfast. Everyone else decided to head home, but Vira, Sean, Cece, and I stopped at a bar for some food. There were no restaurants for another thirty miles and I didn’t think I could wait that long. I needed food or I would pass out.

  We walked in the bar and I immediately changed my mind. Bikers were everywhere in the bar. It was dark and smoky. Apparently you could still smoke in this establishment.

  “Sean, I think maybe we should head out. Doesn’t look like someplace we’d be welcome.”

  “Copy that. Girls, let’s find someplace else to eat.”

  “No. I’m hungry and after the morning we’ve had, I need food now.” Vira sashayed over to the bar and asked for a menu. The biker on the stool next to her grabbed her around the hips and pulled her in-between his legs.

  “Hey, darling. What’s a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this? You lookin’ for someone to show you a good time?”

  Vira, being the mouthy woman she was, didn’t hold back at all. “Sugar, I got all the man I need right over there. I don’t think trading in for a smaller model would be very smart, do you?”

  The biker bristled and his cheeks flushed red. “You better watch that mouth darlin’ or you’re gonna trip and fall with that pretty little mouth landing on my cock.”

  “If only someone could find it,” she shot back.

  The biker grabbed tightly to her arm, but Sean stepped forward with the most menacing look I’d ever seen. I pulled Cece in close to me, protecting her from any other assholes who thought she was fair game.

  “Get your hands off her. Now.”

  His eyes were black as night and there were only a few times I had seen so much rage emanating off this man.

  “I don’t think so Ranger Rick. I think I’ll keep her right where she is.”

  “He’s not a ranger. He’s a cop.” It was out of Cece’s mouth before I could stop her. I rolled my eyes to the heavens and prayed we’d get out alive. Sean, to his credit, didn’t even flinch at the menacing glare he received from every biker in the bar.

  “A copper, huh? I don’t believe your kind are allowed in here. This is a biker bar, so why don’t you leave me here with this sweet piece of ass and be on your way.”

  “Take your hands off her now.”

  “Or what?”

  In a flash, Sean grabbed Vira and yanked her down, while shoving his elbow into the loud mouth’s face. He fell backwards off his stool into the next guy, who caught him before they both fell to the ground. Sean grabbed Vira’s hand and headed for the exit, but a line of bikers blocked the door.

  “You just fucked with the wrong bikers, asshole.”

  “Get out of my way. We’re leaving.”

  “Oh, you’re leaving alright, but it’ll be in a body bag.”

  I ha
d no problem fighting these guys, but we were sorely outnumbered and we had the girls with us. There was no way I could allow them to get hurt. I stepped forward, trying to be the voice of reason.

  “Look, we’ll be on our way and you won’t ever see us again. Just move away from the door.”

  “Right.” The biker laughed a maniacal laugh that had the hairs standing up on the back of my neck. Shit was about to get ugly. The guy’s fist flew forward just as Sean pushed Vira out of the way. He landed one shot to Sean’s face before Sean fought back, beating the crap out of the biker. I shoved Cece towards Vira and got a few punches in at the wall of bikers standing before us. They kept coming at us, harder and faster. The next guy I turned to had Cece in front of him, one arm wrapped around her throat. Anger bubbled up inside me, but Cece just smirked at me.

  She swung her elbow back and nailed the guy in the solar plexus, then stomped down on his foot. He bent over and she swung her elbow back into the guy’s nose, then slammed her fist down into his nuts.

  “As my girl, Sandi, always says, ‘Just remember to SING’.” She said it as if she hadn’t just had some guy’s arm around her throat. The guy stood up behind her and I pushed her aside, knocking him out in one punch. I noticed that a lot of the bikers were happily sitting watching the fight with amusement. They’d probably already had a few which would only work to our advantage.

  Some guy was going after Vira and I was about to step forward when she reached behind the bar and grabbed a bottle of vodka, swinging out and smashing it against his head. Sean was still fighting off several bikers, so I stepped up and took care of a few that were ganging up on him. I took several shots to the face and kidneys before we broke free from that group. Most were now down on the floor moaning or knocked out.

  Heaving from the exertion, I looked up to see Vira and Cece surrounded by bikers, but they didn’t look scared at all. Cece picked up a chair and swung it through the air, smashing one biker in the face, his teeth flying from his mouth. Then she ducked down and slammed her fist into another guys junk. Damn, these women fought dirty. Vira swung her chair at another guy, hitting him in the back and sending him into a crowd of guys sitting down.


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