Soulmates Dissipate

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Soulmates Dissipate Page 11

by Mary B. Morrison

  Wellington froze. The tip of his tongue stiffened. He flicked it back and forth across Jada’s nipples. Jada’s breasts were sandwiched between his hands. Jada looked at Melanie, then at Wellington, then at Melanie again. She couldn’t believe Melanie was bold enough to just walk into Wellington’s bedroom without knocking or anything.

  “What the hell are you doing?” asked Jada.

  “I bought the two of you going-away presents,” responded Melanie. She handed Jada the neatly gold wrapped package tied with black lace. “You might want to put this on.”

  Wellington’s erection throbbed uncontrollably between Jada’s thighs. With his legs straddled on each side of Jada’s hips, his dick began to penetrate the opening between her thighs. The head of his penis grazed her clit.

  “Wellington, this one is for you.” Melanie laid Wellington’s package by the side of the bed.” Carry on.” Melanie walked toward the bedroom door.

  “Wait!” Wellington paused.” You don’t have to leave. Please, stay.” Wellington looked at Melanie out of the corner of his eyes. His caramel lips swung from nipple to nipple like a pendulum. Then he bit each tip. Jada’s nipples hardened. The sensation spread throughout her body and traveled down to her vagina. It pulsated faster than the throbs from Wellington’s penis.

  Jada felt rather adventurous from all the champagne. And it was obvious Wellington wanted both of them.” You don’t have to leave, if you don’t want to.” Jada couldn’t believe she said that. She had never been involved in a ménage à trois. But she had fantasized about it on many occasions, especially while she made love. Plus, after tomorrow, Melanie wouldn’t be around.

  “Are you sure? The two of you don’t mind?” Melanie asked.

  “Oh, we’re sure,” Wellington answered.

  Jada eased from between Wellington’s legs. She went into the bathroom. When she opened the package, she was pleasantly surprised. Melanie had bought the leopard outfit and all of the accessories. When Jada walked into the bedroom, Melanie had already handcuffed and blindfolded Wellington. Melanie’s red robe dangled off the foot of the bed. Wellington’s two hundred and twenty pounds of tasty caramel candy was spread across the bed six feet and four inches long. His little head stood at Melanie’s attention, and sporadically danced back and forth as if it were doing the jerk.” Girl, that was quick.” Jada posed by the bathroom door.

  “You look yummy. Come on over. We’re getting ready to play two games. The first one is the guessing game. Wellington has to guess which one of us is doing him.”

  “Let the games begin!” Wellington said. His dick whipped in the wind like a flag starting the Indy 500.

  “Not so fast, trigger.” Melanie tightened her fingers around Wellington’s shaft.” I haven’t finished explaining the rules.”

  “Women have rules for everything,” Wellington responded. His penis budged short distances as if it were grumbling, “Let me go!”

  “Wellington, when you guess wrong three times, the first game is over and we take off the blindfold and the handcuffs,” explained Melanie.” Then we’re going to play the wishing game. Everyone gets to make one wish, and whatever the wish may be, we all must agree to fulfill our obligation.”

  Melanie seemed so experienced.” I’m game,” Jada said. She didn’t want to come across like an amateur.

  “Wellington, what about you, darling?” Melanie asked.

  “Oh, yes indeed!” His dick broke away from Melanie’s grip.” Can we play now?”

  Melanie gestured forjada to go first. Jada poured champagne over Wellington’s private area. The bubbles flowed over his erection, down his balls, to the tip of Jada’s tongue.

  Jada paced herself. Wellington knew her so well she was certain the game would go on forever. While she kissed and fondled his dick, Melanie glided her wet juicy tongue back and forth over Wellington’s erect nipples, and then she pinched them real hard. Melanie never allowed her 38D’s to come in contact with Wellington’s body.

  “That’s not fair,” said Wellington.” How am I supposed to guess who’s doing what, if both of you are doing me at the same time?”

  Melanie firmly held her hand in front of Jada signaling Jada to stop. Then Melanie pressed her index finger over her lips indicating forjada to be silent.

  “Hey! Why did you guys stop?”

  “You have to guess who’s doing what, even when we’re both doing you,” Melanie explained.

  “More rules. You can’t keep changing the rules in the middle of the game.”

  “Every game has rules. And if you don’t play by them, then we don’t play at all,” said Melanie in a sweet seductive voice.

  Wellington’s erection was so hard, if it could have detached from his body, it would have blasted off like a rocket.

  “All right,” he reluctantly agreed.” Let’s play.”

  Melanie signaled for them to continue. Jada poured a splash of bubbly over Wellington’s private area and started to lick it off again. Melanie picked up where she left off. She caressed Wellington’s nipples.

  “Oh, my gosh,” he said, “that’s Jada licks.” Jada smiled. She was pleased her man had guessed right the first time. “Jada is licking and pinching my nipples.” Jada frowned.

  “Strike one,” Melanie said.

  Wellington was wound up.” Who said that?” It was definitely the champagne talking. Jada felt a little light-headed herself.

  Melanie straddled Wellington. She squatted above his penis. Melanie shifted her opening in synch with the movements of Wellington’s head until it was in the right spot. Then he disappeared inside her. She worked Wellington out like he was in an advanced aerobics class. Wellington moaned, groaned, and grunted. His body appeared completely relaxed.

  Melanie flipped to sixty-nine. Jada watched in disbelief as Melanie’s cherry-red lips plunged south nine times. Each time she suctioned a little harder. Each time she went an inch deeper. Ultimately she completely devoured him.

  Damn! Jada’s focus was redirected when Wellington pressed his thick and luscious lips against Melanie’s. Melanie wrapped her hand around the base of Wellington’s head. It became enlarged. Melanie licked the drops of fluid and gently sucked his head. Jada was turned on. She didn’t interrupt them, but Wellington’s ass had better not guess wrong this time. Jada repositioned to the side of the bed for a better view. She watched Wellington probe his tongue into the depths of Melanie’s vagina. Jada wanted to cover Wellington’s mouth.

  It was like watching a live sex video. By the way Melanie’s body stiffened, Jada presumed Wellington had captured the little man. His lips sucked softly. Jada stood motionless and watched. Melanie’s body vibrated like she was overly accustomed to using the mechanical ones.

  Wellington suddenly stopped as if he was trying not to climax. He blurted out, “I know that’s my baby.” There was a moment of silence. Then Melanie softly said, “Strike two.”

  “Got damn!” Wellington shouted.” I guessed wrong again?”

  Melanie motioned for Jada to join them.” One more strike, and the game will be over.” Melanie stroked Wellington’s thighs with her cherry-red fingernails. Then she oiled her hands and slowly eased her finger into his rectum a little at a time.

  Jada felt she had invested too much to quit at this point. Jada stroked Wellington’s erection with rhythmic motions. She twisted with both hands roving in opposite directions while roaming up and down. Jada knew how to make her man’s dick expand to its maximum length. Melanie continued to stimulate Wellington with her finger. She closely watched Jada.

  Jada couldn’t resist any longer. Melanie wasn’t the only one who could handle a full-course meal. Jada took all of Wellington into her mouth. Jada showed Melanie how a professional handled business.

  Jada gave it to Wellington the way he loved it. Melanie continued to slide her finger in and out of Wellington’s rectum. Jada pressed against her G-spot. Her body went into convulsions. Melanie took her other hand and caressed Jada’s breasts. First she mass
aged the left, then the right, and back again. Melanie’s nails meandered down Jada’s spine and between her cheeks. She slid her fingers in and out of Jada’s creamy vagina.

  Part of Jada refused to admit she was enjoying the moment, so she diverted her attention toward pleasing Wellington. Suddenly she felt a fast squirt of cum shoot into her mouth. Jada sucked like she was trying to get an oyster through a straw. She experienced back-to-back orgasms. One came from Wellington, the other from her vagina as Melanie continued to penetrate. Melanie’s finger was still inside Wellington. His cum seeped from his limp muscle into Jada’s mouth.

  Finally Melanie said, “It’s time to guess again.”

  “This one is easy. Jada is the only woman who has ever stuck her finger up my ass.”

  “What! How could you have guessed wrong three times in a row?” Jada sat back on her knees and waited for a response.

  “Baby, don’t get upset. It’s just a game. I knew all along each and every time when it was you. But I also knew if I wanted to live to see thirty-six, I had to guess wrong. Well, at least take the blindfold and the handcuffs off.” Jada took off the blindfold while Melanie unlocked the handcuffs.

  Wellington’s eyes popped out of his head.” Okay. Who gets to make the first wish?” he asked anxiously.

  “Ladies first,” said Melanie.” Jada, would you like to go first?”

  “Sure. I like being first,” Jada responded. Jada was adamant about not quitting.” I want—”

  “You are to say, I wish,” Melanie corrected her.

  This bitch was truly a control freak.” Okay. I wish,” said Jada, “Wellington would fuck you while I sit back and watch.”

  Wellington’s eyebrows met at the center of Iiis forehead.” Are you sure?” he questioned.

  “Yes. I’m sure,” responded Jada as she lounged back on the bedroom chaise with her hands behind her head. She always wondered what it would be like to watch her man fuck another woman.

  Wellington began to have intercourse with Melanie. Shortly afterward, Melanie dominated the situation. Jada watched Melanie ride Wellington like it was opening day at the Black Rodeo. Then Melanie changed positions.” Get on top.” She gripped his ass in the palms of her hands and yanked him in closer and harder with each stroke. Jada sprang from her semihorizontal position. She considered intervening.

  “Give! It! To! Me!” shouted Melanie. She slapped Wellington’s ass.” Give it all to me and don’t you dare hold back.” She spanked him again.

  “Damn, girl. What course have you been teaching? Pussy Whipped 101?” Wellington asked.

  “Oh, so you want to go to school? Is that it? Well, get up and fuck me in the ass,” Melanie demanded.

  “It’s on,” challenged Wellington.

  “What in the hell is this? Opening day at the zoo?” Jada frowned and shook her head. Maybe they should be on exhibit in Oakland. At least that would increase the number of animals from two to four.

  Smack! “What’s my name? Say my name, damn it.” Smack! Jada had never witnessed this side of Wellington.

  “Wake me when you’re done.” Melanie covered her mouth and yawned.

  Wellington pulled Melanie’s hair. He slapped her so hard, Melanie’s cheeks turned red.

  “Big Daddy!” Melanie cried. “Take all of me. Big Daddy.”

  Wellington showered her with white chocolate cream. Melanie smoothed it on like it was lotion. Jada sat back on the chaise and folded her arms. Melanie looked at Jada and smiled.” I get to make my wish next.”

  Jada didn’t move. Jada questioned how she had allowed herself to get caught up in the game. She was definitely in too deep. If Melanie’s wish had anything to do with Jada pleasing her, the game was definitely over.

  Melanie said, “I wish Wellington would perform oral copulation on you, while I kick back and watch.”

  Jada perked up. She could handle this one. Maybe she could hang in there until Wellington made the last wish.

  “Give me a few minutes to freshen up first.” Jada smiled. If he hadn’t volunteered, she was going to have to recommend it after watching him fuck Melanie in the ass. Jada was surprised. Wellington’s penis looked clean when he pulled it out.

  “Okay. I’m ready,” said Wellington.

  “You have great stamina,” commented Melanie.

  Wellington smiled. He began performing oral copulation on Jada. She loved the fact that he knew all of her hot spots. Wellington had gained complete dominance over her when she reached her climatic peak.

  One moment Jada moaned with great intensity, and the next thing she knew her ultimate orgasm had arrived.

  “Damn, that was quick,” Melanie commented.” It’s a good thing I didn’t pay to watch. Hell, Mike Tyson took longer than that to knock out Bruce Seldon.”

  “Damn, I’m tired,” said Wellington.” But I’m not too tired to watch. I wish the two of you would make love to one another and each make the other have an orgasm.”

  “Oh hell no! Wellington, have you lost your mind? And besides, that’s two wishes,” said Jada.

  “It’s only a game,” he explained.

  “Well, playtime is over,” said Jada. “Just the thought of me having to make her have an orgasm is repulsive.”

  “It’s okay, Jada. I do understand,” said Melanie.” But it’s only fair that Wellington gets to watch something. So why don’t I do you and Wellington can watch.”

  “In that case, bon appétit!” said Jada. She agreed just to see what Melanie would do. This was her opportunity to learn how one woman could possibly please another. Wellington sat up as if he had a front-row seat on the fifty-yard line at the Super Bowl.

  “Lie down and relax,” said Melanie.” Take a deep breath. Hold it. Release. Now completely relax your body. You don’t want to be tense.”

  Melanie stroked Jada’s breasts with a feather. Soft. Slow. Melanie teased. She glided it over Jada’s abdomen. She outlined Jada’s hairs and grazed it between her legs. She laid it aside. Melanie kissed and caressed Jada’s tasty mounds of chocolate. Deliberately, she alternated from one to the other.

  Jada released all of her tension and allowed her body to enjoy the experience. She noticed The Ruler had awakened. She watched Wellington masturbate. It turned her on more. She squeezed her breasts.

  Melanie’s tongue traveled toward Jada’s navel and then to the innermost part of her thighs. It stopped at the tip of her clit. The sensation was the same as if it were a man. Jada tried to control her body’s reaction, but couldn’t. She realized a woman’s head was between her legs. In the background, she heard Wellington stroking his penis. Jada reached an ultimate climax—which was her fifth or sixth—since Melanie’s tongue had teased her. Wellington had his own sideline entertainment going.

  Jada began to shout with delight because she could no longer suppress her fluids. She placed her hands on Melanie’s head and pressed it firmly against her lips and continued to cum in her mouth. Melanie started to moan. Jada felt Melanie’s body tremble like she was having an orgasm. How could that be? No one was stimulating her.

  Wellington walked over to the bed and rained cum all over Jada and Melanie’s lips at the same time. Melanie licked Wellington’s cum right off his head, and then off Jada’s clit. “You could definitely market this. It’s lip-smacking good.”

  Melanie slapped Jada on the ass. She stood up, looked at Wellington, then at Jada. Smiled.” Thanks for the invite. I’m going to retire for the night and leave you two lovebirds alone.” Just like that, she was gone.

  Jada lay in the bed and stared at what seemed like millions of stars—through the huge skylight directly over Wellington’s bed. Wellington was sound asleep. His heads rested against her breast and thigh. Jada’s arm wrapped around his shoulders and rested on his chest. She closed her eyes.” What the fuck have I done?” she whispered.

  Chapter 10

  The morning after came too soon forjada, but she was grateful it was Sunday. Wellington was still asleep. She kissed his lip
s and eased out of bed. Jada gathered Melanie’s gifts and trashed them. She brushed her teeth, swallowed two Excedrin with a swig of leftover champagne, and headed out. Melanie’s door was still closed.

  The sunrise was blinding. Jada frantically searched for her sunglasses, put them on, and started the car. Her migraine was intensified by the nausea. She prayed to make it home without having to make a temporary stop.

  Her head spun. The elevator ride took an eternity. As soon as the doors opened to her penthouse, Jada ran to the bathroom. She heaved. Only air would come up. She splashed cold water on her face and undressed. Wherever her clothes fell, they remained. She stretched across her bed. Jada grabbed the towel next to her bed and threw up. The digital clock said eight-thirty. Great. This would give her almost two hours to recuperate before her church service. As soon as her head hit the pillow, the phone rang.

  “Hello.” Jada’s voice was faint.

  “Hi. Are you okay?” asked Candice.

  “I just walked in. I’ve got to get some rest before church. What’s up?”

  “Everything’s great,” Candice responded happily.

  Jada spiced up her voice to conceal her pain.” Sounds like love is in the air.”

  “I guess you could say that. Terrell and I have set the date. I’m moving to Los Angeles February fourteenth.”

  “February fourteenth? But Candice, that’s my wedding day and you’re my maid of honor!”

  “Don’t go getting all upset. I’ll be here to support you through the entire event. You know that. So don’t worry your pretty little head. You have enough to be concerned about.

  “Look, I called to say my prison pen pal and I have really developed a good relationship.” Jada wished her relationship with her pen pal were as strong.” She gets out in nine months. I promised her I’d visit this weekend and bring the things she requested.” Jada got a fresh towel and laid it next to her.

  “Jazzmyne asked me to speak at the church today about the success in our relationship. So I’m going to read two of our letters. Leslie gave me the green light to read hers.” Jada really admired how Candice followed through on her commitments.


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