Better to Eat You

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Better to Eat You Page 45

by Savannah Skye

  I wanted her to know who was boss, and that the boss didn’t like what he’d just seen. Not one fucking bit.

  Moving across the floor now, I kept Bella plastered against me, even as she struggled to get some space between us.

  “It’s not that kinda dance, Ms. Lesaude,” I breathed into her hair. “Give the people what they paid for.”

  In my head, I silently thanked Mama Ange for forcing us into dance lessons as kids. We’d all hated it, and had been rowdy as hell in those classes, but she knew better than us. Excitable Sicilian boys needed music and movement to blow off steam or shit got broken.

  I’d had a chance to revisit this particular dance on my impromptu trip to Argentina last year, brushing up on my own skills with a busty singer at a blowsy nightclub.

  She was nothing more than a shadow now that I had Bella in my arms, though.

  Yeah, she was killing me. I couldn’t sleep. I could barely eat and she haunted my dreams. In a word? She was trouble.

  But she was my fucking trouble. And before the night was over, she would know it.


  What the fuck was he about right now?

  I glared at him as he spun me, but he just smirked back.

  One second, he was moving his feet so quickly, I struggled to keep up. Then he stopped, pulling me in close, dragging a hand up my arm, inching his way to the nape of my neck. My heart was pounding as our faces came within inches of each other. Keeping us like that, his eyes burned as he initiated the caminar, and slowly stepped me backwards across the floor.

  Suddenly it was like we were the only two people in the room.

  A strange, magical one, far away from the world. Filled only with candlelight and music.

  And us.


  I had to admit, I was blown away.

  Of all the dances in the world, why did he have to know this one?

  It was pure sex, and I still wasn’t over the actual near sex we’d had a few days ago. My breath still caught whenever I thought about those big, strong hands on my body, and I hadn’t used the elevator since.

  Not to mention I hadn’t even seen or heard from Colt since it had happened. It had felt like a cruel but fitting punishment for these feelings I was having.

  And now he was dragging me away from paying clients and leading me around the room like I needed to be taught a lesson?

  Squeezing his hands, I quickly turned my body back and forth, pulling away a little, and then hooking my leg between his, the gancho. But Colt outsmarted me, pulling me in, and I landed on his bended knee. A gancho sentanda, which brought us so close, I could smell his light, masculine cologne.

  “Nice try,” whispered Colt.

  He crushed my side against his chest, digging his fingers into my hip, and blew a warm breath against my neck. A deep shiver shot through me, making my stomach go tight and heavy.

  Back in a standing position, he twisted me, and pulled my back against his chest, spreading his fingers low across my belly. I was panting now, his hard body rubbing against me, my abs tingling under his touch. As he walked us backwards in figure-8’s, my heels were slipping a little as I executed the ochos step. My brain was getting a little foggy and I was struggling with all my might to hang on to at least some of my outrage and anger.

  Anything to protect me from feeling all of this.

  Gripping my hip for another moment, Colt then let go and spun me out. Eyes flashing, he slowly stepped towards me to grab my thigh and my lower back, leaning me over.

  “I hated seeing his hands on you,” he muttered, pressing his forehead to mine, staring straight into my eyes.

  A thrill shot through me as I realized what this was all about now. The blonde guy. Colt had been trying to stay away from me, but he couldn’t stand the thought of someone else having me.

  I tried to tell myself that my glee was just because of my plan. That setting the hook deep was the best way to get the job done, but I couldn’t deny the adrenaline pulsing through me at the thought of his jealousy.

  Back upright, he pulled my leg around his waist, fingers caressing my bare thigh. Before I could stop myself, I remembered the feeling of him between my legs, bringing me to earth-shattering ecstasy, and how I cried out his name.

  I looked away as we moved across the floor. We could dance, but that didn’t mean I had to look at him. This time I tried to speed up to force him to follow my lead, but Colt won out again. I had no idea how a muscle-head this big could keep up with me. I couldn’t believe his skills, either. His dancing was just as quick, smooth and sharp as his tongue.

  Smooth and gorgeous as the day is long, but brilliant and lethal. I recalled my cousin’s words, and bit my lip.

  But the warning melted away as Colt’s chest pressed against mine in the molinete as he steered me in a tight, deliberate circle. My breasts seemed extra sensitive, nipples hard, and desperate for his touch. I tried to pull back, feeling so exposed, so vulnerable, but he just locked me in closer.

  Then his thigh slid between my legs during the final spin, and he held me there, pressing it upwards. A small gasp escaped my lips. In spite of myself, my back arched, exposing my neck, and Colt laid a ghost of a kiss on it.

  By the time he yanked me back upright, I was gasping, but Colt was cool as could be. His face serious, he pulled me in close as the music drifted away, our lips mere inches apart. Our breath mingled and my lips tingled in anticipation. His hands were holding on to me so tightly, it bordered on pain. A pain I never wanted to end.

  Applause shattered over us, and I blinked as the room came back into focus. Whistles split the air and Colt stepped back.

  A broad, cocky smile on his face, he gestured toward me, and bowed.

  “If you liked what you saw, ladies and gentlemen, you know where to find us. And I personally promise you that Club Magari will be just as entertaining, if not more so, every night!”

  More applause as people surged forward, eager to talk to Colt. Buffeted by the crowd, I managed to fight my way off the dance floor and escape backstage. It was deserted, thank God, and I flew into my dressing room.

  A dry sob escaped me as I shut the door behind me and leaned against it. My entire body was shaking. Colt had frustrated me at every turn. Turning me emotionally inside out and mentally upside down. Just when I thought I had things on lock, he somehow turned the tables.

  He’d even managed to turn dancing against me.

  I felt exposed in a way I’d never been before. Honestly, I had no idea what to do next. This was too much. I’d spent years dancing, I’d done the Argentine tango a hundred times. Never had it been so delicious. So darkly intense.

  Like everything with Colt Capestrana. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. He was my enemy.

  I was supposed to be taking him down, destroying his world. Not letting him shatter mine.

  Stumbling to my vanity, I sank down onto the stool, and buried my face in my arms.

  Ruffinos don’t cry, princess, came my father’s cold voice.

  I knew that. I also knew I needed to go back out there and face the music, but I couldn’t move. Even though this was exactly what I’d wanted, Colt’s eyes only on me, I realized more each day that I was woefully ill equipped to handle him.

  Taking a deep breath, I sat up and unpinned my hair. It was killing my head and I couldn’t think straight. Then I knotted my hands into it and tried not to weep.

  Pacing around, I stayed hidden in the dressing room, planning on leaving as soon as possible. I was so unnerved, though, all I did was take off my heels, and nothing else. I was too distracted to listen to the logical voice telling me to get my boots, my coat, and haul ass.

  What am I doing? Why did I think I could do this alone?

  More of Lisa’s words resounded in my head, like the voice of reason.

  You’re a ballerina, not a gangster.

  Maybe she was right. Maybe this was all a big mistake. Maybe I was outclassed by this opponent.

  I’d n
o idea how much time had passed since I’d hidden away in my dressing room, but, pressing my ear to the door, I couldn’t hear anything from the outside. Hurrying across the room, I picked up my coat, and then saw myself in the mirror. I was still flushed, my eyes sparkling, and sweat had smudged my makeup. I looked like I’d just had sex.

  The hickey fading on my neck stuck out like a brand and I laid a hand over it.

  Colt, what are you doing to me?

  As though to answer my question, my door swung open. Colt stormed in and kicked the door shut behind him. I watched him in the mirror as my heart pounded in my throat.

  Taking deep breaths, I told myself to make nice. Keeping him close was the plan.

  But my emotions were rampaging, my blood was boiling, and my eyes were filled with unshed tears. Slowly I turned around, rubbing my arms.

  His gaze drilled into me as he turned the lock on the door.

  “What’re you—? No, I’m going home, Colt,” I said, my pulse skittering wildly.

  “Like hell you are.”

  We glared at each other for a long moment.

  Suddenly it was like a dam burst inside of me as all my emotions flared up at once. I couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Oh, okay. Let me get this straight. On the elevator, you want me, but then you don’t call me. I don’t even see you for days, but then you see a guy likes me, so you want me again. All over me in front of everyone like I’m yours. Well, I’m not, and I can’t deal with your games, tonight, Colt.” A soft, sad sound escaped me, and I struggled for a second, then snapped, “Go. Just go.”

  His face went bone white like I’d struck a nerve, and hard. Taking a step back, my eyes went wide as Colt strode across the room. He slammed me against the wall, pinning my shoulder with one hand, and grabbing my chin with the other.

  Forcing me to meet his gaze, he snarled, “Make no mistake, Rabbit. I always want you. Every minute, waking or asleep. You’re all I think about.” His fingers dug in a little tighter, as his voice shook. “The way you taste. The way you smell. I can’t focus. I can’t think.”

  Dragging his hand down my neck, Colt gently slid his fingers around it, and then trailed them down lower, to my heart.

  “I’m a fucking wreck. You’re destroying me, Rabbit. And if I’m going down, you sure as fuck are going with me.”

  Chapter Nine


  “W-what do you mean?” Bella asked, a gasp fluttering from her chest.

  “You heard me,” I growled, not letting her move an inch. A pang tore through me as I took in her flushed cheeks and shining eyes. Had she been crying?

  Never mind she actually looked stunned that she had this effect on me. Her entire body was trembling. And it just made me want her all the fucking more because that meant she’d been just as affected by what was happening between us.

  Leaning down, unable to hold back another second, I gently bit her lower lip. Immediately, her sweet little mouth opened and I stroked my tongue inside. Cupping the back of her head, I deepened the kiss. Our tongues battled, but just like on the dance floor, I wrestled the lead away from her.

  She had to know I meant every last word. That, yeah, she had me on lock, but goddamn it, she was mine now.

  Finally, we broke apart, and I tangled my fingers in her soft hair. Trying to hide how overwhelmed I felt from just that kiss, I grinned.

  Tilting her head, something flickered in her eyes. She pulled in a deep breath. “Colt, maybe this isn’t—”

  “No. Let’s get a coupla things straight.” I held on to her even tighter. “First, I never say shit I don’t mean. Second, this is the farthest thing from a game.” My voice scraped against my throat.

  Then I whirled her around and dipped her. She clutched tightly to my suspenders, gazing at me, and something passed between us. Bending her over more, I kissed her deeply, completely supporting her body in my arms. As I worked her mouth, I slid my leg between her thighs, and she groaned. My pants went painfully tight.

  Pulling her back to her feet, I picked her up without breaking our kiss. Bella’s legs went around my waist and she rocked against me. Breaking our kiss for a moment, I spotted a gold chaise lounge in the corner of her room. I’d forgotten we’d put those in for the dancers. Walking over and dropping her onto the lounge, I hovered over Bella, and dragged my hands over her breasts. She arched up, a moan spilling from her lips. I circled my thumbs on her pebbled nipples. I couldn’t deal with this dress anymore, though. I wanted to see her in all her goddamned glory.

  Reaching down, I grabbed the dress in two hands and ripped it apart.

  “Colt!” Bella gasped. She propped herself up on her elbows and her eyes flashed. “Well, I guess it is your property.”

  Gazing down at her breasts swelling over the top of her black bra and her see-through, lacy panties, I nodded. Slowly I met her gaze again. “Yeah. My property.”

  Biting her lip, Bella suddenly looked shy, and my cock surged in my pants. While I knew there would be no way in hell, barring the apocalypse, that I was getting blue-balled again, I wanted to savor this. I wanted to savor her.

  Pulling Bella upright a little more, I tugged the dress off her, and then unsnapped her bra in the same motion. She groaned as my mouth met her breast, a hand squeezing the other. Sucking hard, I bit my teeth around that hard nub.

  Bella’s fingers raked through my hair and a leg wrapped up around my waist. Gripping her thigh, I bucked my cock against her center, and she mewled.

  Lifting my head, I kissed my way up to her neck, and then covered her mouth with mine. Kneading both of her plump breasts, rolling the perfect mounds between my fingers, I all but fucked her mouth with my tongue, as I circled my hips against hers.

  Bella was making sounds deep in her chest now. Oh, just wait, Rabbit.

  Breaking the kiss, I pressed against her harshly, squeezing her breasts. “See what you fucking do to me, Bella? Feel how hard I am? You’re going to satisfy me, over, and over again.”

  Looking around, I spotted a loose scarf on the floor, and snatched it up. Grabbing her hands, and forcing them above her head, I wound the scarf around her wrists, and knotted it. Bella was gazing at me, her entire body now flushed, and skin becoming slick with sweat.

  Starting at the corner of her jaw, I traced my lips down across her neck, to her collarbones, and then lower. I spent some time on her stomach, then nipped the bone jutting from her hip. Bella bucked against me and I gripped each of her thighs to hold her in place.

  Then I spread her apart, rubbing one of my hands across her pussy. She was wet and ready. Taking her panties in my teeth, I dragged them down, and then pulled them slowly off.

  For a moment I just stared down at her. Bella’s eyes were a deep, sparkling green, making her red hair seem brighter as it fanned around her head. Her naked body begged for my touch. Constellations of golden freckles sprinkled down her skin. I wanted to kiss every last one.

  It was far and away better than any dream.

  Bella squirmed, raising her head slightly, and I held her gaze, loving how she was watching me. Locking my hand easily around her thighs, I lowered my head, and winked.

  Then I slid my tongue across her heat.

  “Ah, Colt!” she cried out, lifting her hips high.

  “You’re my new favorite dessert, Bella,” I said, shoving her back down.

  Tracing my tongue across her again, she jerked, and moaned. Slowly I began to trace out her name, doing the B a couple of extra times. Now Bella began writhing under me. By the time I got to L, she was panting, arching up, and pushing her hips towards me.

  “Yes, oh yes, Colt. Mmm,” she murmured, twisting her torso back and forth.

  Now I wrote out my name. Over and over again. Then I ate my dessert without restraint, laving that creamy center. It drove her wild. She was so fucking responsive.

  Why had I waited to do this?

  Finally, Bella clenched hard, letting out a scream of bliss. Leaning back, I watched her entire b
ody shudder on the chaise, chest heaving, and muscles rippling with pleasure.

  “Oh my God,” she murmured, eyes closed. “It’s never been like that.”

  Getting to my feet, I reached up, and untied Bella. She rotated her wrists and then grabbed me. Slowly she pulled one suspender down, then the other. When her fingers flew to the waist of my pants, I didn’t stop her.

  She slid to her knees without hesitation and looked up at me. Fuck if this wasn’t the hottest thing in the world, a gorgeous, naked redhead about to suck you off. Her green eyes gleamed. She knew it too.

  Undoing my belt, I slowly slid it off, and dropped it.

  Bella reached for my pants and yanked them down before I could even blink. Her eyes went wide as she saw my hard cock.

  With a lick of her lips, Bella wrapped two hands around my shaft, and then gently nipped at my tip. I jumped as a sizzle of heat shot through me. She circled her tongue and then took me in her mouth deep. Stars exploded behind my eyelids as she sucked, drawing hard, her tongue working me over and over.

  No wonder I couldn’t get this woman out of my head. She was magic.

  I watched as Bella bobbed up and down, slowly at first, and then faster. Unable to help myself, I reached down and fisted a hand in her hair, picking up the pace.

  The sight of Bella with her red lips wrapped around my cock was almost enough to make me come right then and there. I had to grit my teeth to hold myself back.

  “Yes. Like that, yes,” I growled. “You like being on your knees, Rabbit? I like it too.”

  She scraped her teeth across me, and I quivered. Bella met my gaze as she swallowed me whole, sucking until my eyes crossed.

  Jesus, I didn’t want to come.

  I wasn’t going to come.

  And then I was coming, so hard, my legs buckled. With a roar, I spurted into her hot mouth as adrenaline shot through me. Decadent satisfaction pounded through my veins and, suddenly, I felt invincible.

  Panting, I let go of her hair, and Bella gazed up at me, swallowing.


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