Better to Eat You

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Better to Eat You Page 54

by Savannah Skye

  “That’s it?” I asked, filled with a strange mix of frustration, awe, and affection. I knew my family was something, but this seemed like more than that.

  She opened her eyes, green sparkling, and smiled slowly. “Yup. Let’s go to bed.”

  “Damn it, Rabbit, you scared me,” I laughed, hugging her close. “You’re such a pain in the ass.”

  Snatching up a towel when I let her go, Bella wiped her face quickly. Then she grabbed my hand, pulling me to the bedroom. She glanced back at me as she opened the door. Then she walked into the dimly lit room and stopped short. I stepped up beside her, crossed my arms, and nodded.

  “I couldn’t decide, so I just got ‘em all. Whaddya think?”

  Her lips had parted and her eyes were shining again. Bella put both hands over her heart and let out a soft sound that was a mix between a gasp, a sob, and a laugh.

  I’d filled the room with flowers. At first, I’d meant to just get roses, but that didn’t seem like enough. So I’d tried to track down every last blossom that would be found in Paris come springtime.

  “How did you get these?” she asked, her voice shaking.

  “I know a guy,” I joked, and then picked up a small, floppy white rabbit toy I’d also found. “Don’t even worry about it.”

  Bella accepted the rabbit, her cheeks paling, and then she looked down. “Colt Capestrana, you fucking bastard.” She hugged the rabbit to her chest, looking back up at me. Her face was filled with joy. She was both laughing, and trying not to cry. “Thank you. This… It’s too much. You shouldn’t have.”

  “I wanted to see you smile,” I said with a shrug as I hugged her to my side.

  Bella dropped the rabbit and her arms went around my neck.

  We kissed slowly, tenderly. I pressed my hands into her lower back as our bodies fit together. We were whole together. Made for each other. Challenged each other in the right ways, the ways we both liked. At that exact moment she teased her tongue into my mouth, and I grinned.

  The kiss ramped up, becoming more desperate, and Bella clung to me as though she was afraid I might disappear. I wanted to tell her I wasn’t going anywhere, that she had nothing to worry about, but I couldn’t think straight. Her scent was too potent for things like logic.

  She was fumbling for my belt and suddenly I wished my jacket was hanging on a chair in the other room. Maybe she was ready for the ring after all.

  Then Bella slid my shirt up, breaking away, and trailing her lips across my stomach. Pulling my shirt off completely, I sucked in a sharp breath as she ran her tongue up the center of my chest. At the same time, she pushed her hands inside my pants, grabbing my rock hard length, and stroking her fingers along it.

  Barely coherent, I yanked my phone out of my back pocket and somehow got the music playing. Not that I really cared at the moment, but this was Bella. She loved to have a soundtrack.

  After I tossed my phone somewhere, I ran my hands down her back and tugged her dress up. Bella was trying to get my pants off at the same time. We both let out a laugh as our eyes met.

  Then we were kissing again, Bella raking her fingers up my chest, down my back, and I marveled at her touch.

  Her eyes searched my face. “You’re everything I ever wanted. And more. Things I didn’t know I wanted.” Her lips tightened suddenly and her throat worked. “I love you.” Bella tilted her head and a few tears escaped. “Never forget that, okay?”

  A thrill crashed through me as exhilaration lit up every nerve ending in my body. I tried to think of the perfect response. Clever, witty, meaningful. All I came up with was, “You too, Rabbit. You too.”

  Then I picked her up, and kissed her again.

  Our touches became more frantic. She kept running her fingers through my hair, and I squeezed her ass. But we were both still wearing too much clothing, and I walked towards the bed before throwing her down on it.

  She let out a sigh of satisfaction as I climbed on top of her. I trailed my hands up her legs, dragging her dress up and off. Then, quickly standing up, I kicked off my jeans along with my boxers. Bella undid her bra and slid her thong off. Our eyes never left each other.

  Slowly, Bella sat up, reaching out her hands and taking mine. She pulled me down on her. All I wanted was to spend some time soaking it all in. The feeling of her body. Her thighs pressing against mine, the way her back arched up, breasts rubbing against my naked chest, and how our hands gripped each other.

  Hard. Smooth. Sweet.

  I kissed away the tears still glistening on her cheeks, letting the salt burn on my lips, and then found that sweet spot on her neck. The one that made Bella helpless. She let out a soft moan as I sucked on it, arching even more.

  My cock was stiff, aching with need between my legs, and when Bella let out another moan, I couldn’t take it anymore. Sitting back, I ran my hands down her heaving torso. Bella’s fingers knotted in the blankets, and she writhed under my touch.

  “Colt.” Her eyes, full of lust, fire, and adoration found mine. “I…” She gasped as I stroked her thighs. “I have an idea.”

  Sitting up, she slowly turned, and pressed her back against my chest. Settling her hips onto mine, she reached up behind her, curling her arms around my neck and letting her head fall back onto my shoulder.

  “Clever woman,” I said, kissing along her jaw, and spreading her legs so I could position myself. Bella cried out when I thrust up into her and rubbed a knuckle against her slick clit. With my other hand, I dragged my fingers up to her breast and squeezed as she rode me up and down.

  Her entire body shivered against mine, our skin slick with sweat as we rocked against each other. I felt like flames were licking along my body with every movement. And I took my time, teasing out the climax for as long as possible.

  Pleasure built and built. My cock grew so heavy, I was sure I would explode but it went on and on. Her breath came faster, her back bowed as I drove deeper, finally with nothing between us. Then Bella arched, clenching around me, and crying out my name.

  Her orgasm triggered mine and hot cum snaked up my length, spurting out in hot jets. Her body milked mine, taking it all as I twitched against her, gripping her waist as one thought ran through my mind on a loop.



  Colt murmured my name over and over again as he held me. His hard body was locked against mine. Joy was rippling along every inch of my skin. But when he finally slid out, the pleasure vanished, and guilt, along with abject terror came back, full force.

  I should’ve come clean when we got here.

  No, you should’ve come clean in the car, a little voice inside my head added.

  But then Colt grabbed me around the waist, and we rolled together onto the bed in a heap. My heart pounded in my chest as I looked at him, and he smiled softly, rubbing his thumb along my lower lip.

  “Anything else up that sleeve?” he teased.

  “Maybe.” I felt a shiver of anticipation rush up my spine. Colt was daring me and I couldn’t resist it. When he looked at me like that, my entire body seemed to fill with butterflies. I wanted to dance, to sing, to kiss him, and hold him. Please him. Worship him. And never let go.

  One last night before you burn it all to ashes.

  Sitting up, I straddled his hips, and began gyrating against him. Rolling my body, I let my breasts brush against him, and smoothed my hands across his torso. Colt watched me, with a lazy smile on his face. But his eyes were intense.

  Anthony Hamilton’s smooth jam, I Want You, was playing. Perfect for this handsome, sexy god of mine. Swaying, I moved to the beat, dancing for him. Only him.

  Colt’s eyes trailed along my body, almost feeling like a caress. I gasped when he grabbed my hips. I slid over him, pressing my wet heat along his length until he gritted his teeth. “Bella.”

  Deliberately, determined to feel every last inch, I took his cock into me. His girth stretched me in that hot, fiery pleasure. A pleasure so good, it bordered on torture.

>   My fingers raked down his chest and stomach, leaving scratches, and my head fell back. His hands found my breasts and plucked at them, teasing my nipples until I whimpered.

  “God, you feel so good,” I gasped, completely filled with him.

  He circled his hips until I saw stars. Unable to hold back, I began moving against him, holding on to his thickly muscled arms for leverage.

  “So good, so tight, so perfect, so Bella,” he growled.

  His hands fell to my hips again, moving me faster, and he slammed up into me. Even with the cowgirl position, Colt couldn’t resist finding a way to be in charge. He controlled the speed, the motions, and I was screaming out his name, begging him to go faster.

  “Come for me, Rabbit,” he murmured, flicking my clit with a finger. Thick cock pounding in and out, gentle fingers on that little bundle of nerves, his hips rocking beneath mine. My body seized up instantly and an orgasm shook through me, followed by a stronger one right on its heels that shook me to my core.

  Shaking, I fell onto Colt’s chest as he climaxed, a deep, masculine growl tearing from his chest. He gave my ass a slap and I raised my head and forced the tears back. I wanted to memorize his face, remember this. Oh, he was so handsome. That hard jaw, olive skin, and strong features. But it was his heart and soul that made Colt Capestrana irresistible. I knew that now. And, good man that he was, he valued his place in his family because he loved them, not for the spotlight.

  We were meant for each other, Cosimo Capestrana, and I fucked it up.

  As Colt moved against me, the pressure in my throat became unbearable. Then he kissed me with such sweetness, and smiled. Then he yanked the covers down, climbed in, and fell back on his pillows. Suddenly his arm shot out, and he scooped me against him, covering me with blankets. Then he pulled me onto his chest. His heart pounded under my ear and I let out a shaky gasp.

  Unspoken words hung in the air between us. Except for the most important ones.

  “Love you, Colt,” I whispered.

  “You too, Rabbit.”

  Tilting my head, I watched his eyes flutter closed, a satisfied smile on his face. I nestled closer, pressing my trembling fingers onto the hard muscles of his stomach, and biting my lip.

  I was so warm lying here. His body and the blankets were cocooning me. But they couldn’t do anything for the chunk of ice lodged in my chest. Squeezing my eyes shut, I swallowed hard.

  First thing in the morning, I was going to tell Colt who I was. No matter what happened. The fallout be damned. If I lost him, so be it. That meant I’d never deserved him in the first place. All that mattered now was Colt’s happiness, and he could never truly be happy with a liar.

  It would be like jumping off the hangman’s platform. I could almost feel the stiff fibers of the rope chafing against my neck, and that void of space, impatiently waiting for my fall.

  I nestled closer and closed my eyes, relishing every last second in his arms.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Morning light streamed through the window and I blinked hard, wiping the sleep from my eyes.

  The night before had been awesome with Bella. I only hoped today would go as well. We had a lot to discuss and I just had to cross my fingers we were on the same page. About her dancing at the club, about our future, about all of it. Because now that I had her, I couldn’t imagine a future without her in it.

  Leaving her fast asleep in my bed, I quietly got up, and got dressed. After taking care of Toro, I glanced around the kitchen, and sighed. I really wished I’d thought to grab some groceries. Then, glancing at my phone, I saw it was just after seven, and grabbed my coat.

  Parziale’s was just a block away. They didn’t open till eight, but I knew that Paulie Parziale, the owner, would be there, and he’d let me in. Grinning, glad to be a Capestrana, I jogged down the stairs and out to my truck. Usually, I’d walk, but I didn’t want to waste time bringing back Bella her breakfast in bed. Besides, it was so goddamn freezing out, it hurt just to breathe. With the coldest part of winter right around the corner, it was a good thing I had Bella to keep me warm.

  When I got to the bakery, Paulie saw me outside the door, and he grinned as he opened it. He was a big guy, with a fuzz of white hair, and a perpetual smile.

  “Tell me why you’re up so early, Cosimo?” Paulie called out.

  I just shrugged, but couldn’t repress a little grin, and he grabbed me around the shoulders as I walked in.

  “Ah, certo. Who is she?”

  “I landed a good one, Paulie. Feisty, smart, beautiful. Redhead. Perfetto,” I said as he went behind the counter. “But I forgot to get breakfast. So, thanks. I owe ya.”

  “Damn, Colt. You settlin’ down?” Paulie whistled. “Geez, can’t wait to meet this Wonder Woman. What’ll you have?”

  I looked around, suddenly at a loss. I had no clue what she ate for breakfast. More shit to learn, I guessed.

  Shaking his head, Paulie laughed. “You really trying to impress your woman, huh? You came to the right place. I’ll make you a box.”

  “Thanks.” Bella had me in a state of distraction from last night. How she’d looked at me. The intensity between us. Never in my life had I had sex without a condom, but with Bella, it felt right. If she was pregnant, so much the better. In fact, now that the thought was in my head, I couldn’t think about anything else.

  A red-haired little girl looking just like her mama. Shit, my throat was getting a little scratchy just thinking about it.

  Sliding my hand into my pocket, I wrapped my fingers around the jewelry box, and grinned.

  “Yo, Paulie.” The door banged open and the bells jangled loudly. “You openin’ early for this joker? Must be nice to be a Capestrana.”

  Turning around, I grinned at a lanky, eager-eyed guy coming in. He had a wild head of black curls and a lopsided smile. “Fenni, tell me you’re not just heading home? Christ. What, you trying to get Louisa to throw you out again?”

  He laughed, as we clasped fists and he pounded my shoulder in greeting.

  Giulio Fenni was a bookie for the family, a local guy after my own heart. There was a saying in our town that what a Fenni didn’t know wasn’t worth knowing. Always had the latest gossip, was friends with everyone, and everywhere he turned up, he was the life of the party.

  Invited or not.

  “Ha! Yeah, right. Had a long-ass night busting my ass for the fam.” He grinned wider. “Paulie, since you’re open anyways, can I get a cup of joe for the road? You mind?”

  “Not at all, you want a muffin, too, kid? Soak up the booze?” Paulie raised his eyebrows.

  “Wasn’t drinking, man. Geez. Didn’t you hear me? I was up all night working! Amazing sunrise. But yeah, I’ll take a muffin.” Giulio looked back at me. “Phenomenal to see you, kid. How you doing?”

  “I’m good. Man, it’s great to see you, too, it’s been ages. How is Louisa?”

  “She’s great! You know Lou, can’t keep her down. Bad coupla months after her mom passed, but she’s hanging tough. Mama Ange’s birthday yesterday, right? Man, I hated missing that.”

  “Yeah, everyone missed you. I’ll tell Ange you send your love. And tell Lou I said hi,” I said.

  “No worries, got a present in the mail for her.” Then Giulio’s face lit up. “Hey, heard that club of yours is mighty swanky, a real old-school joint. Doing well, huh?”

  “Oh yeah, Magari, she’s takin’ off. When will I see you down there?” I asked.

  “When Louisa follows her mother to the grave, I imagine,” he said with a laugh, crossing himself. “But business is booming lately so I’m busy anyway. Can’t tell you how glad I am that you got rid of the rotten Ruffinos.” His voice lowered. “I’m making double what we were pulling in before.”

  Paulie handed us two coffees and nodded in agreement. “Yeah, Colt, I gotta agree with this chooch for once. Streets are cleaner, people feel safer, more money rolling in.”

  I let out a breath of satisfaction and t
ook a gulp of coffee.

  As Paulie rang me out, Giulio leaned in closer to me.

  “Hey. Speaking of dropping devils, I’m glad I ran into you. I was actually gonna give the boss a call in a little while about this. Lou’s sister’s boyfriend’s cousin, he was over the other day. You know Russell Sorrentino, right? Staten Island kid?” Giulio paused. “He claims Emilio Ruffino had a daughter, but no one knew about her because she was sent outta town to live with the Tarillos. You know anything about that?”

  “No way.” Paulie’s eyebrows shot up. “I know the Tarillos. They had all boys at the house.” Then he blinked, and paused, ruminating. “You know what, now that I think about it, I think a little girl did live with them for a few years there. I completely forgot about that. But I never met her, so I can’t say if she was a Ruffino.”

  A cold chill danced across my skin. Another Ruffino we didn’t know about? That could make things sticky, and definitely explained Justin’s cocky shit-talk behind bars.

  Giulio frowned. “What else did Russ say? Oh, yeah, so apparently this girl went to St. Mary’s with his sister until the second grade, but then she just up and vanished. Rumor was that she was sent off to school overseas. Never came back.”

  He paused, taking another drink of coffee, and I digested this. Thank God for nosy Fennis, I thought as I paid Paulie. This could be the lead we were looking for.

  Giulio sighed in contentment. “Great coffee, Paulie. So yeah, Colt. I’ll let your pop know. Since my source is a Sorrentino, though, I’ma look into it more. Anyways, it’ll probably be all right, but you never know with Sicilians.” He gave me a significant look.

  I let out a bark of laughter. “Yeah, trust me. I get it.” Picking up the box, I nodded at Paulie, and said, “Thanks again.”

  I walked out with Giulio, still mulling over what he’d told me. Just as he was about to walk away, I stopped him.


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