Clean Slate: Diva's Ink

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Clean Slate: Diva's Ink Page 16

by Liberty Parker

  “Fuck you!” I shout out at him as I make my way into the bathroom. Once I’m showered and shaved, I throw on some shorts and a tank top until after I’ve had breakfast and some coffee, extra black. I walk in and see each and every one of them hanging their heads and attempting to get the brew down without it making a reappearance. I’m actually feeling much better after my shower and shake my head at them. “Shower’s open,” I say, and Levi is the first one to jump up and head towards my room. “Any reason none of you are using the guest shower?”

  Dillon answers, “Can’t, Glory has her unmentionables hanging in there. It just isn’t right to remove your mother-in-law’s underwear and bras from the shower curtain rod.” I begin to laugh because I don’t go into the guest bathroom, so I didn’t realize she did that.

  “Well, I’m not removing them, so I guess we’re waiting while one by one everyone uses mine,” I say, and they all nod their heads in agreement. This is going to be two long hours since I still have to get into my bedroom and get dressed at some point.

  “She knew we were coming, I think she does that shit on purpose,” Dillon says.

  “Think she planned it?” Carson asks.

  “You bet your sweet ass she did, that woman is methodical in everything she does,” I say.

  “Isn’t that the truth,”

  Dillon agrees with me.

  After everyone has had their showers, it leaves me with a whopping fifteen minutes to get dressed. Good thing I’m a man, and the longest thing I need to do to finish getting ready is apply my deodorant, and throw my clothes on. Clothes that are already pressed and hanging out in the open for me. My woman spoils me rotten, and I couldn’t be any more pleased than the fact that she thought ahead for this occasion, because if I had to press my things, I’d forego it and show up with wrinkles and all. These men took a lot longer than I would’ve assumed to get themselves showered and dressed. I slip on my jeans and go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on my deodorant, only I stop as I go to add water to my toothbrush. Now, there’s certain things you don’t mess with that is a man’s.

  “Which one of you fuckers used my razor?” I call out. I get no replies and as pissed as I am that someone had the audacity to use it, I’m thankful it’s just a throw away so I toss it in the bathroom trash and make a note to pick up another one before Emory and I leave for our honeymoon. I finish getting ready and within minutes we’re leaving the house. None of these motherfuckers will look me in the face so I have no clue which one of them put their dirty mitts on my fucking razor.

  I pull up to the courthouse and see the women. They part ways and I finally see my girls, and when I do my breath leaves me in a gush. Emory looks stunning, and Shyann resembles a little princess.


  I decide not to give my mother a hard time this morning and go get my hair done and I doll myself up in this dress she got for me. I’m just happy it isn’t poofy and I don’t have to wear a hoop skirt or anything. I imagined the worst-case scenario when she had said she’d gotten a dress for me to wear, but it’s actually comfortable and not too over-the-top. It’s silky and is more of a summer dress than a wedding one. It’s navy blue, with a white little baby’s breath pattern throughout. Not too bad if I do say so myself, she even got me white wedges to wear with it. So at least I don’t have to worry about tripping and breaking my damn neck on the steps today. That would’ve been tragic, I can see the headlines now, bride fell to her death by stilettos on her wedding day.

  When we make it there and are waiting for the guys to show up, I talk to Shyann and tell her what’s happening today. “Mommy and Daddy are getting married today, princess. We’re all going to have the same last name for the rest of our lives. What do you think about that?” She coos at me and I pretend to understand everything she’s attempting to verbalize.

  “They’re here,” Mom says. I look up and see the men walking towards us, but Marcus stops, takes me in from head to toe and a smile brightens his face. I smile back at him and he suddenly picks up the pace and is rushing towards me.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he says when he makes it to me.

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” I respond. He leans down and kisses me then takes Shyann from my arms.

  “You ready to be mine, permanently?”

  “I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life,” I tell him. He holds out his arm and I intertwine mine with his and together, we walk arm and arm into our future. Whatever it holds and brings our way, we’ll face it together.

  Forever and ever.

  I’m finally cancer free and life is looking up.



  With love, comes freedom for all things in life…

  Why won’t these people leave me alone? What have I ever done to them? For the last four months I’ve been receiving some really mean text messages and emails. Some of them are so cruel that they’ve basically told me I should end my life. Why? Because I fell in love with two men, two men that I’m not giving up because some don’t understand how that can be so.

  I’ve been accused of being a slut, a whore—same meaning, right? At least I thought they meant the same, but the different ways they’re using them are proving that theory wrong. I’m sitting at the table at my sister’s wedding reception and am appalled, because the level of these messages has changed. No longer do they wish for me to commit suicide and rid the world of myself, now—now, they’re threatening to complete the job for me.

  After everything my family has been through I don’t want to share this with them. They are finally happy, and don’t deserve to be brought into my drama. I just wish I understood what I did to deserve such treatment from these people. I can’t ask these individuals, because their numbers come across as private, or blocked. I look up at my guys who are on the dance floor goofing off with the other men, and I smile…nope, there’s no way in hell I’m giving them up. I love them, both of them.

  The End

  About the Author

  Liberty has been an avid reader for most of her life. When she was younger she used to sit and fill spiral notebooks full of stories for her grandmother. As she got older, she took the jobs needed for raising her boys as a single mom until she met her amazing husband. She has stopped working in the last few years and started off by promoting authors, then she took up blogging and reviewing for authors. This has led her down the path of writing and creating characters and telling their stories. She loves getting creative and working behind the scenes with her characters and bringing her imagination to life.

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  Liberty’s Luscious Ladies:


  Rebel Guardians MC Novels

  Copyright © Liberty Parker

  & Darlene Tallman 2018

  Published by Liberty Parker

  & Darlene Tallman

  Cover by: Dark Water Covers

  Edited by: Joanne Dearman, Kat Beecham, Melanie Grey, Jenni Belanger, Darlene Tallman

  Formatting by: Liberty Parker

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person or use proper retail channels to lend a copy. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. To obtain permission to excerpt portions of the text please contact

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  All characters in this book are fiction and figments of the authors’ imaginations. No part of this story is based on any true events or anyone’s life. If any MC names are used by any real or true person it is coincidental and in no way based on them or any real-life human being living or not.



  The challenges of setting up a new MC were huge, but Braxton Callahan knew the rewards would be worth the hard work that he and his brothers were putting in. Relocating to Corinth, Texas had been interesting to say the least, but they wanted to live in a town where the businesses they were starting would help revitalize the area. A single father to Lily, a precocious six-year old, he longed to find the woman who would complete his family.

  When Caraleigh Jensen moves in next door with her little boy Luca, who is the same age as Lily, he finds himself drawn to the widowed single mother.

  Change isn’t always bad and it isn’t always good. Follow along as Braxton and his brothers continue to rebuild the town while he works to woo the woman his heart says is his.



  Jayden “Hatchet” Hatcher is the Enforcer for the Rebel Guardians MC. He hides his past behind jokes, and will do anything for the brothers he has now. Life is good with easy women and plenty of fun. Until she walks into the barbeque that fateful summer weekend.

  Donna Jo “DJ” Feldman is a single mom to Ralynn. On her own since she found out she was pregnant, she has a handful of people she trusts implicitly, including her best friend, Caraleigh Jensen. When she goes to visit Cara and meets the man they call Hatch, she realizes that life is too short not to reach for the brass ring.

  What started out as a bit of fun soon turns into so much more for the two of them. But Hatch has unknown skeletons and when they come calling, will what DJ feels for him be enough? Can they survive with the love they have for one another and with their Rebel Guardians family at their back?



  Turk “Chief” Dennison is the first Native American to hold the position of Chief of Police in the small town of Corinth. He’s a by-the-book kind of man, quiet and a bit taciturn. He’s also a patched member of the Rebel Guardians MC. Single, he vowed off women after his long-time girlfriend broke up with him and basically robbed him blind.

  When he comes face to face with Trinity Adams the day she shows up at the clubhouse, he realizes that perhaps he was premature in his thinking. There’s something intriguing about her and the fact that she works with children means that the likelihood he’ll see her in an official capacity is good. Very good. He finds himself gravitating toward her at the events the RGMC has and while she’s polite, she doesn’t overstep the professional boundaries she’s got in place.

  Trinity Adams grew up in foster care and knew that she wanted to become a social worker and help other children, like she was, get into a better situation. She’s noticed the good-looking officer, but her professional ethics keep her at a distance, which is a shame because she’s a beautiful, caring woman who longs to have someone to love.

  With Trinity making monthly visits to Hatch’s house, she sees Chief frequently and laments the fact that she can’t cross the line. Everything is going well, until she gets the Cunningham case.

  As Chief and Trinity work this heinous neglect case together, their feelings grow. Will she ever let go of her self-made rules and give into what he seems to be offering her? Will the ghosts of his past hold him hostage or will he bury them and make Trinity his?

  Smokey and Bandit coming soon

  Here’s a sneak peek into RGMC Book 4

  Smokey and Bandit

  Unedited and subject to change

  Hannah Nelson has been running for a long, long time. Getting out of the dysfunctional household she was raised in, she knows if she doesn’t get out of the small-town she was living in, she’ll always be branded with the same brush her parents and siblings are...white trash, no-account, good-for-nothing pieces of filth. But Hannah has dreams of being an artist. Whatever she touches, she makes beautiful. Determined to make a new life for herself, she takes her kitten, Duckie, packs up her four-door SUV and leaves. When she arrives in Corinth, low on money and out of options, she takes to parking in the back lot of the RGMC Truck Stop. It’s close to the interstate and she has hopes of getting a job, maybe in town somewhere.

  Harley “Smokey” Richards and Davidson “Bandit” Richards are twin brothers who are bound by blood, and their oath, to the Rebel Guardians MC. Smokey is a Texas Ranger for the state’s national park in the next town while Bandit handles the IT work for the RGMC as well as on a contract basis for several local firms. They grew up with two dads and one mom so that lifestyle has always appealed to them, but they’ve never found the right woman to claim as theirs.

  When Hannah winds up in Corinth, she draws the attention of the two men in an unexpected way. Can they break through her fear of the past? Will she allow herself to love both of them?

  **This is an MFM and may be unsuitable for readers under 18**




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