The Wells Brothers: Blue

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The Wells Brothers: Blue Page 28

by Angela Verdenius

  Mr Wells surveyed him calmly and patiently.

  “Dad, I know this has been quick with Charley.” Blue turned the helmet around in his hands but looked his father right in the eye. “But I love her.”

  “I know.”

  “I’ve had girlfriends before, but none of them has been like Charley. She’s special.”

  “I know.”

  “I just… I just wanted you to know. Because it’s been so fast.” Blue took a deep breath. “I really love her, Dad. She’s the one.”

  “I know.” Mr Wells’s eyes were warm, his big hand when it landed on Blue’s shoulder reassuring. “Your Mum and I only knew each other for a short time. From the time I met her to when we got married was only three months. People said it was too soon, we were mad because we were so young, she was nineteen and I was twenty. But I knew from the moment I spoke to her, the moment she smiled at me, that your Mum was the one and only woman for me.” His hazel eyes took on a far away light, tinged with a longing his sons had seen only rarely. “We had the most wonderful fourteen years together. She left me too soon, but she’s always here.” He patted his chest over his heart. “There’s no other woman for me. Your Mum was my one.”

  Blue glanced at Aaron to find his brother gazing into the garden with a longing look, and remembered that though he’d been so young he barely remembered Mum, Aaron had been thirteen. He’d known their mother.

  As though sensing Blue’s sympathy, Aaron glanced at him, smiled slightly, nodded briefly.


  Blue looked back at Mr Wells.

  “Life is short. Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks. You tell your woman how you feel so that she’ll always know. Don’t wait until it’s too late.”

  It didn’t take a genius to figure out what he meant. “Because of my line of work.”

  “Yes. But also because we never know what’s around the corner. It might not be your work that stops things. Your Mum got sick, there was no cure. I held her hand until she passed away. I counted myself lucky even then because I had time to tell her she was my one and only.” Mr Wells smiled, a definite glimmer of a tear in his eyes. “She left me with three beautiful boys, our gifts from God. I was blessed to have you three to keep me going. I’ll see your Mum again one day, we’ll be together, just not yet. Meanwhile.” He gave Blue a crushing hug. “Meanwhile I’m seeing our family growing, and I’m proud of you all, and that includes Jason. I love you, Blue, just like I love your brothers. You go home to your woman, you say what needs to be said. Then you go do what you have to do, and we’ll all be here when you get back.”

  “Shit.” Blue wiped his eyes. “Dad.” It was all he could say for a few seconds. Inhaling deeply, he rubbed his eyes, ran a hand through his hair, gave a crooked smile. “Thanks, Dad. I needed that.”

  “Then go do what you need to do, son.”

  Minutes later Blue roared down the street on the motorcycle, the familiar powerful surge of the engine beneath him comforting. The streets passed, the highway, and then finally he was pulling into the driveway of his home.

  Their home. His and Charley’s. The sun was just starting to touch the horizon. No cars were in the driveway so the girls must have left already.

  Opening the garage, he was a little disappointed to find Charley’s car also gone. She’d taken time off work to be with him for his final week home. She hadn’t mentioned having to go somewhere.

  Entering the house, he scooped Kitty up from where she sat on the hall sideboard, snuggling her as she purred and rubbed her head against his chin while he picked up the sheet of paper she’d been sitting on.

  I’ve gone to pick up your favourite pizza. Won’t be long. Love, Charley.

  “Oh now.” He looked down at Kitty. “This is perfect timing, especially after what Dad said.”

  Putting her down onto the floor, he went into the lounge and pulled the coffee table aside, making room in the middle for what he planned. Next, he searched for the CD he wanted, popped it into the CD player and got it ready at the song that was so perfect for this occasion.

  Kitty say and watched, following him through the small hallway to his bedroom where she perched on the edge of the bed while he took the little flat gift wrapped box and slipped it into his pocket.

  Going back to the lounge, he waited.

  Twenty minutes passed before he heard Charley’s car pull into the garage. By the time she came into the house with the pizza and hot chips, he was standing by the CD player.

  “I’m back,” she said cheerfully.

  “Smells good.”

  “Come through into the kitchen and I’ll dish up.” She walked away.

  Blue waited several seconds, watching Kitty settle in an armchair before calling out, “Charley?”


  “Can you come here for a minute?”

  “Okay. But we need to hurry.” The sound of her footsteps drew nearer. “Or the food will get cold. Unless you want me to bring it in here?”

  “No.” He watched as she entered, just drinking in the sight of her.

  Her smile, her big eyes, the way her skirt swirled around her knees, the hair dancing perkily around her shoulders.

  “What’s happened to the coffee table?” She stopped. “You’re not thinking of shifting furniture, are you? Now?”

  He crooked his finger at her, pointed to the spot directly in front of him.

  Curiously, she moved to stand before him.

  Taking the gift from his pocket, he held it out to her.

  Her eyes widened in surprise. “Blue, what’s this?”

  “I was going to leave it on the table for when you got back from the airport tomorrow.” Taking her hand, he turned it palm up and placed the box into it. “But there’s no time like now.” Because maybe, someday, there might not be the time.

  Slowly she pulled the ribbon, the satin length unwinding and falling away. Opening the box, her breath caught. “Oh Blue, it’s beautiful.” Carefully, she lifted the necklace from the box.

  Taking the box from her, he tossed it onto the sofa along with the ribbon, which Kitty promptly claimed, pawing and tossing it around.

  Standing so close, he said softly, “Open it.”

  The little round locket was as delicate as the chain. Opening it, she looked at the photos inside. On one side was a close-up photo of her and Blue cheek to cheek at Luke’s wedding, both of them laughing up at the photographer. On the other side was a photo of Blue in his Army fatigues smiling at the camera.

  She looked up at him with the softest of brown eyes. “I love it. Thank you.”

  Taking the necklace from her, he looped it around her neck and fastened the clasp. He touched it where it nestled just below the hollow of her throat. “Wear it for me, Sunflower.”

  “Every day.” Her eyes filled with tears. “I promise.”

  He took her hands. “I wasn’t going to say this right away, but someone very wise pointed out to me that we don’t know what the future holds, what may happen.”

  Her fingers curled tightly around his, her breath catching a little.

  “I love you, Charley. I know it’s quick, I know things happened faster than I thought possible, but I know that you’re the one for me. I love you so much.”

  A tear spilled over, slid down her cheek.

  Tenderly, he wiped it away.

  “Oh, Blue.” She wiped away another tear. “I love you. I do. I don’t care what people say, what they think. I’m going to miss you so much, but you’re here in my heart. You always will be.” She smiled tearfully, the love she felt so clear in her eyes.

  Touching him so deeply, tugging at his heart strings.

  “I’ll be here when you go, I’ll be here while you’re away, and I’ll be here when you come back.” She cupped his cheek. “Never doubt it.”

  “There’s so much I want to say, so much I still want do with you. I’m not good with words.” He stepped back. “But I’m starting a tradition.”

; Her expression turned questioning.

  “The night before I leave and the night I come back, we’re going to play this song.” Crossing to the CD player, he pressed the switch.

  “We’re going to dance?” She half laughed. “I think the Army needs you in one piece.”

  “This is our dance, our song. Trust me, you’ll be fine.” Taking one of her small hands in his, placing his other at the small of her back, he gathered her close.

  She melted into him trustingly, her fragrance filling his senses, her warmth seeping into him.

  Placing his mouth to her ear, he whispered, “I love you so much. When things get hard, listen to our song.”

  As he said it the music started, filling the room with the voice of Ed Sheeran and his song, ‘Photograph’.

  “Oh Blue,” she whispered, her breath hitching.

  He kissed the tear from her cheek before simply resting his cheek atop her silky head and swaying gently to the music.

  There was no fancy steps, no regulation. They just swayed together, Blue turning them gradually, both of them just breathing in each other, bodies so close, the love they felt for each other filling the room, the words of the song holding so much meaning.

  Their song.

  Their dance.

  When it finished, Charley silently took his hand and led him to his bedroom.

  Their bedroom.

  In perfect harmony, they stood by the bed, undressing each other slowly, kissing without haste, touching without urgency.

  It was so sweet it almost wrung Blue’s heart.

  He lowered her to the bed, worshipped her with his mouth, shifted across her, was welcomed by her arms around him, her soft words of love, her body opening to him, and when he slid into the slick heat of her body she lifted to him, her lips seeking his, filling him with her taste even as he rode her tenderly.

  He wanted this moment to last, wanted the memory of her eyes gazing up into his with so much love to be the last thing he saw when he closed his eyes, the first thing he remembered when he awoke.

  The tide when it came was a surge of cherishing heat, washing over them, drawing them tighter together, both so aware of each other as they crested, as the sweet tide took them out, still clinging to each other, rolling them under with the gentlest of motions before bringing them back to complete awareness of each other.

  Holding still above her, he lowered his head, kissed her tenderly before rolling to his side and gathering her to him, tucking her head beneath his chin, treasuring the feel of her soft limbs entangled with his.

  “I love you, Blue,” Charley whispered.

  “I love you, Sunflower.”


  Standing beside Mr Wells at the airport, Charley managed to smile at Blue, laugh, not cry.

  She damned well wanted to cry but no way in hell was she going to. He needed her to be strong, so she’d be strong if it killed her.

  Standing near the boarding gate, she watched father and son give each other a final hug. So alike - both tall, both muscled, similar strong, handsome features - one older, one younger. The brothers had inherited their mother’s blue eyes, though in various shades, rather than the hazel of their Dad’s. Even Blue’s dark hair was his mother’s, whereas Luke had his father’s brown hair and Aaron…well, Aaron had an odd shade of gold/blonde that came from their grandmother, though in certain lights it could look brown.

  But they were all Wells men, the similarities were there, the blood, and the love.

  Mr Wells said something to Blue, clapped him several times on the back before stepping back, nodding and moving away to give Charley time with Blue.

  “Chin up, Sunflower.” Blue chucked her under the chin, his eyes so warm, so soft and loving. “I’ll be back.”

  “I’ll be here.” She smiled, determined not to cry.

  He hugged her close, just held her, and she hugged him fiercely in return, uncaring of people passing and what they might think. Most of them were too intent on their own destinations anyway.

  “I slipped something into your suitcase,” she whispered into his ear.

  “Tell me it’s not Kitty.”

  She gave a small laugh. “She was determined to sit in your suitcase while you were packing. She certainly didn’t approve.”

  He kissed her ear. “So if it’s not Kitty, then…?”

  “You’ll find out when you get to base. Just be patient.”

  The boarding call sounded.

  Blue squeezed her tighter. She blinked back a tear, swallowed the lump in her throat with gritted teeth. Lifting his head, Blue looked down at her. He knew, she could see it in his eyes. He knew she was close to crying but she refused to give in, arching an eyebrow at him in silent challenge.

  Another squeeze, another kiss as people started lining up. The kiss this time deeper, longer, as they put every emotion, every feeling, every bit of love into it.

  Too soon the last boarding call sounded and Blue had to go. He stepped back, looked over her head, and then Mr Wells was next to her, his big arm around her shoulders as he shook Blue’s hand.

  “Look after yourself, son,” he said. “And we’ll look after your girl.”

  “Girls,” Charley corrected with a wobbly grin. “Don’t forget Kitty.”

  “Never forget Kitty,” Blue said solemnly, the corners of his eyes crinkling with amusement in that so heartbreakingly familiar way.

  “Girls,” Mr Wells agreed.

  Blue took her hand, looked deep into her eyes. “I’ll be back.”

  “I’ll be here.”

  A last swift kiss, a clap on the shoulder for his Dad, and Blue was walking away, his ticket checked, his tall frame striding to the tunnel leading to the plane. Just before it curved out of sight, he turned and looked at them.

  “Love you,” he mouthed.

  She whispered it back, waved, and then he was gone.

  And the tears came.

  Mr Wells just pulled her around to bury her face in his chest while he patted her back soothingly.

  “Sorry,” she blubbered. “I wasn’t going to do this.”

  “It’s okay.” His voice was husky.

  She looked up to see him blinking away a tear.

  “It’s like this all the time, isn’t it?” she asked.

  “Yes. But he needs us here for him.”

  “I know.”

  “Come on.” He steered her to the big windows overlooking the tarmac. “Let’s wait here until the plane leaves, then we’re going home.”

  All too soon the plane was gone, taking Blue away.


  Army Base

  Blue’s Room

  Unpacking his clothes, Blue wondered many things.

  Where he was going next.

  When his Sergeant, Alex Lawson, would turn up to inform him of their next move.

  What Charley was doing right then.

  He missed her already. Had missed her since he’d left.

  His fingers brushed something hard and remembering that she’d left him a gift, he pushed the shirts aside to find a wrapped package about four inches by four inches. Unwrapping it, he found a note stuck to the box in Charley’s handwriting.

  I guess we had the same idea. Great minds think alike! We’ll be waiting for you.

  Family photo, maybe?

  Eagerly opening the box, he drew out two frames folded against each other and joined with dainty hinges. Carefully drawing the two sides apart, he studied the photos, smiling slowly.

  At the bottom corner of each frame was a plastic yellow sunflower. One photo was identical to the one in Charley’s locket - him and her cheek-to-cheek at Luke’s wedding, laughing, so happy. The other photo…he chuckled, warmth filling him. Kitty and Charley, cheek-to-cheek, Charley laughing and Kitty looking quizzically at whoever had taken the photo. In the top corner of the photo was written With love from your girls.

  Sitting on the bed, he studied the photos for several minutes before placing them on the bedside drawer next to t
he one of his dad and brothers. If there were two things he knew would be packed over and over again to go with him wherever he went, no matter how far away or how isolated, it would be these photos. They’d be the first things he saw on awakening, and the last things he saw on closing his eyes.

  Placing a fingertip to his mouth, he pressed it to Charley’s image. “Love you, Sunflower.”


  “Are you kidding me?”


  Blue stared at his Sarge. “But I’m supposed to be going home tomorrow morning!”

  “This is from a higher authority than me.” Frowning, Alex studied the paper.

  “But I’m getting married in a week’s time. What if this goes pear-shaped, whatever it is? Sarge, I’m getting married. I have to be on that plane tomorrow morning!”

  “You’ll be on that plane, stop stressing.” At Blue’s expression, he added, “I promise, you’ll be on that flight, all right?”

  Blue groaned.

  Alex ignored it. “You need to go to this address. There’s something important there that you’ve been chosen to attend.”

  “I’m not Special Ops,” Blue stated bluntly.

  “What? I know you’re not Special Ops. It’s not a Special Ops mission. Look, we do what we’re told.” Alex handed the paper to him. “This is the address. Go.” When Blue opened his mouth, Alex gave him a warning look. “Duty, soldier. Do it.”

  Shit. Shit shit shit. Taking the page, Blue ran his gaze over the address.

  “I don’t ask questions. You’ve been assigned this operation, do what needs to be done and then you can go home for your holiday. You’ll be on that plane, I swear. Now, dismissed, soldier.”

  Completely perplexed, Blue left the office scratching his head. Goddamn, he’d just returned from Iraqi, all he wanted to do was pack his suitcase, read until he fell asleep, get up early to be at the airport, catch his plane, and get home to Charley and his family.

  Instead, he was getting into an Army G-Wagon Dual Cab Station Wagon driven by Jonesy to be taken to some obscure place for some weird-arsed military operation.

  “What the hell?” he said as he piled into the G-Wagon.

  “Don’t look at me.” Jonesy put the G-Wagon in gear and they pulled onto the road leading out of the base. “I’m just the driver doing as ordered.”


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