The Secret (Billionaire Secrets Series, #1)

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The Secret (Billionaire Secrets Series, #1) Page 15

by Lexy Timms

  “Oh.” He sighed. “Do you think I’m that out of control?”

  “No, but I know I’m that out of control,” she said. “I mean, you’ve been ignoring me at work, but that’s probably the right idea.”

  “I haven’t been ignoring you, Heather,” he said. “You’re impossible to ignore.”

  “So, why have you been so cold to me?” she asked.

  He frowned. “Isn’t that what you wanted? We both decided to move on. The best way to do that is to put some distance between us.”

  “So, why did you come over to my house?” she demanded.

  “Because you left your ID,” he replied. “I didn’t want you to have to deal with the stress on Monday morning.”

  “Is that really why you came over here?” she asked. “Because I doubt you’d do the same thing for any other employee.”

  Simon didn’t know how to respond to that. Mostly because she was right. He wouldn’t have hand- delivered a sweater to anyone else. Staying away from Heather would have been the right call, but after Linda reminded him how lonely his life was he couldn’t stand being away from Heather for one more second. He hated that he could barely talk to her. Being apart was the best thing for both of them, but actually going through with it seemed impossible now that he was in her presence.

  He took a sip of the hot tea, trying to buy some time. “I wouldn’t do the same for any other employee,” he finally admitted. There wasn’t any use lying about it. She could obviously see right through him. Without thinking, he reached out and covered her hand with his.

  She stared down at their hands. “Kiss me, Simon.”

  Heather didn’t have to repeat herself. In less than five seconds he got out of his chair, walked over to her, and pulled her into his arms.

  “What about Gary?” he asked.

  “What about him?”

  He gently stroked her cheek, which turned pink at his touch. “You still have feelings for him.”

  “No, I promise you I don’t,” she said firmly. “I only let you believe that because it made things easier.”

  “There’s nothing going on between you and your ex?” He paused. “So, you’ve been keeping more secrets, Heather?”

  “You and I already share a secret,” she said. “Our mistake is secret enough. Why would you want me to tell you more?”

  Capturing her chin in his hand, he asked, “What if it isn’t a mistake?”

  Her eyes fell on his, and they darkened seductively. “If it isn’t a mistake, why haven’t you kissed me yet?”

  His mouth found hers, and his tongue swept inside. Tasting her made him groan softly. Her soft lips were crushed beneath his as she clung to him so tightly he thought she might never let go. And he didn’t want her to. Not when her tongue met his. Not when her soft body was practically wrapped around his.

  When she pulled her lips away, she stared deep into his eyes and asked, “Do you want to come to my bedroom?”

  Chapter 18

  She held a finger up to her lips. “We have to be quiet. Finn is sleeping.”

  Simon’s eyes widened as she tugged at his hand to lead him down the hall to her bedroom. “What?”

  “His room is on the other side of the house, but we still have to be quiet,” she whispered.

  “Oh. Sure.”

  They stumbled into her bedroom and she kicked the door closed.

  As she glanced around her small bedroom, she felt grateful that she was such a clean freak. If Simon had found her house in a mess, there was no way she could live it down. Too bad he had caught her when she was dressed in this ratty old t-shirt.

  She was still holding hands with Simon. Just having him near made her heart flutter. They were about to make the same mistake again, but this time she didn’t feel guilty.

  Simon had come down to her house because he cared about her. Which meant that this was more than just physical for him. If he cared enough to be upfront about that then she could be upfront about her feelings, too. As scared as she was of what the future would bring, she wanted to spend the night with him.

  “You look so sexy,” he told her.

  “Seriously?” She giggled. “This is probably the oldest t-shirt I own.”

  “It suits you,” he said.

  Her stomach did flips. It was amazing how he always managed to make her feel so sexy and desirable no matter how she looked. “I should get out of it.”

  He flashed her a wicked grin. “I’m not going to stop you.”

  Hands shaking, she reached for the hem of her shirt and tugged until she tossed it off. Heat stole up her cheeks. She wasn’t wearing anything underneath that shirt, and her breasts were totally exposed, aching to be touched.

  This was the first time since the divorce that she had brought a man into her bedroom. She didn’t want to look like the nervous wreck that she was, so she reached down and pulled down her shorts and then slipped off her pink cotton underwear. Anything to not have to overanalyze.

  Being naked in front of him was making her all flustered, so she focused on getting him out of his clothes. In the blink of an eye, they were both standing naked.

  Simon reached out to her and ran his hand through her hair.

  She shut her eyes and trembled beneath his touch. The way he put his hands on her always sparked a passion inside her. He always knew how to make her feel so safe. “Should we get on the bed?”

  “I’d like that,” he said.

  Heather could feel his warm breath on her ear when he spoke, and the place between her legs throbbed. Wet warmth pooled in her panties, her arousal almost unbearable.

  When she opened her eyes he placed his hand on the small of her back, scorching her skin. A tingle slipped down her spin, the longing making her heart race. With his huge hand still on her back, he led her to the bed and she climbed onto it.

  He climbed in beside her and his hand wandered lazily down her hip. “I’ll never get tired of looking at you.”

  As she gazed at the hard muscles of his chest, she realized that she felt the same way. From his chiseled jaw down to the solid muscles of his calves, every inch of his body was perfectly formed.

  Eyes roaming up and down his body, her gaze suddenly caught his. There was a hungry look in his eyes. Like he was on the verge of devouring her. He was gazing at her with the same stark need that she probably was. Simon had the ability to seduce her with just one look. Having that power over her should have terrified her, but it didn’t. All it did was make her want him even more.

  “There are condoms in the top drawer,” she blurted out, motioning to the nightstand beside the bed.

  Her cheeks burned. Shit. She must have sounded so desperate and overeager to him.

  He gave her a lopsided grin and pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth. Then, he opened the top drawer of the nightstand and retrieved a condom. Heather didn’t bother telling him that the condoms were from Gary’s stash. That would only kill the mood.

  After he ripped off the wrapper and slipped the condom on, her gaze fell on his huge erection. The sight only made her more aroused.

  Licking her lips, she leaned back and whispered, “Remember, we have to be quiet.”

  Simon laughed. “I think you’re the one who has to be reminded of that.”

  Her eyes widened in feigned surprise. “You’re so arrogant!”

  “Are you complaining?”

  To show him how desperately she wanted him, she hooked her leg around his waist until he was between her legs. “No. Definitely not.”

  He took her mouth, his tongue prying her lips apart.

  A muffled moan sounded in the back of her throat and she wrapped her arms around his muscular torso. Being under the weight of his hot, hard body already felt so good. So right. Like their bodies were made for each other.

  She returned the kiss, her tongue dueling with his. The sensation of his mouth on hers was too delicious for words. Gary had never kissed her like this. Her ex-husband always treated kissing like some ob
ligation he had to get through to get what he wanted. But Simon kissed like he never ever wanted to stop. Like kissing alone would be enough to satisfy him.

  Reluctantly, she ended the kiss to ask, “Do you still want to do this?”

  “More than want,” he breathed. “I need you, Heather. If you feel the same way—”

  “I need you, too.” Their eyes met, and she was suddenly lost in his blue gaze. A fire was blazing in his eyes and already it was consuming her. “I’m ready.”

  Simon thrust into her, so hard and deep that she thought she would orgasm on first contact. But she didn’t. Pleasure made her clench around him and he groaned loudly.

  Her nails dug into his back as another thrust sent more pleasure through her. “Oh fuck.”

  She bit back a moan, remembering that they had to be quiet.

  But with her legs wrapped tightly around him, he rocked deeper and deeper into her. Little explosions of ecstasy were making her body tremble. Her breath came out in frantic pants and she lifted her hips in time to his thrusts. They had found a rhythm now, and it felt so good she tightened around him again.

  A muffled groan escaped his throat and she stared up at him. Sweat had already formed on his brow and his eyes were locked on hers.

  Bliss took hold and she was on the edge. One more hard thrust made her come so fast she felt like her heart would hammer right out of her chest.

  Simon came right after her, his hold on the sheets so tight that his knuckles turned white. He pulled away from her and lay on his back, his body covered in sweat.

  “We weren’t too loud, were we?” he asked between breaths.

  She laughed before she could cover her mouth with her hand. “I’d give us a C-plus.”

  “Maybe we should take a make-up test,” he said.

  She let out another breathless laugh and then turned on her side to face him. Her entire body was still in a state of ecstasy and she wasn’t ready to go to sleep. Not yet. “How about that tea?”

  “Are you trying to have an excuse to keep me here?” A smile played on his lips.


  “Heather, you don’t need an excuse. I want to spend the night with you,” he said. “If that’s okay?”

  “It’s totally okay,” she said. “I was thinking maybe we could talk about the next step for us?” It was nerve-wracking to put her cards on the table like this, but she didn’t want to play games anymore. Knowing that Simon cared had taken her by surprise. One small gesture revealed more than his words ever had.

  Another smile. “You mean have a real conversation about us?”

  “Yeah.” She nodded. “Maybe we don’t have to put an end to things so quickly.”

  “That’s the best news I’ve heard in ages. Because I want to see where this goes, too.” His lips brushed against her forehead. “Yes, we can talk. But how about we talk in the morning when we’re well-rested?”

  “Sounds good.”

  “Great,” he said. “In the meantime, you can rest while I get the tea.” Before she could refuse him, Simon rolled out of bed and stood up.

  “No, Simon. If my son wakes up and sees you he might get confused,” she said.

  Realization flickered across his face. “Or he might get scared if he sees some guy he barely knows in his house,” he murmured. “Okay. You get the tea and I’ll try to look presentable.”

  His concern for her son put her at ease, and she flashed him a faint smile of gratitude. She headed into the bathroom to freshen up and put on a robe. Then she opened the bedroom door slowly, keenly aware that Finn could get up at any moment to come look for her. Her son wasn’t as afraid of the dark as he had been now that he was older, but she wanted to be as quiet as possible on her way to the kitchen.

  As she shut the door behind her, she stole one last glance at Simon.

  He smiled at her when he caught her looking. Heart racing, she padded down the hall to the kitchen, the usual twinge of guilt she felt after having sex with Simon now replaced by a sense of hope and possibility.

  AFTER HEATHER BROUGHT their refreshments, they spent almost an hour talking and reminiscing about their childhoods. It must have been well past midnight when she finally drifted off to sleep with a smile on her face.

  Her eyes cracked open at the sound of a door slamming shut. Bolting upright, she reached for the clock beside her bed. Without her glasses and with sleep still in her eyes she had to focus extra hard on reading the time. Almost seven in the morning.

  Simon was still fast asleep beside her, his dark hair falling over his eyes. His nearly naked frame was dressed in nothing but boxer briefs, his bare chest rising and falling with each breath. Even asleep he looked sinfully gorgeous.

  “Hey, Heather! You up yet?”

  Oh crap.


  Her ex-husband was in the house.

  Panic made her leap out of bed, toss on her robe, and race towards the door. What the hell was Gary doing here? If he saw her in bed with her boss, there was no telling how bad things were going to get. If Gary discovered their secret, they were done for.

  She opened the door a crack and dashed out of the room, running right into Gary’s chest.

  No. No. Please no.

  “Hey, you’re wearing your sexy robe.” Gary waggled his eyebrows suggestively. “How’d you know I was coming over?”

  The panic welling up inside her threatened to turn into a full-blown meltdown. She grabbed the doorknob to try to shut the door but Gary’s long arm reached forward, and he pressed his hand against the door.

  “What do we have here?” Gary muttered. “Is that...Heather do you have a guy over here?”

  She heard Simon groan loudly behind her and suddenly she wished she could sink into the floor.

  “It’s not what it looks like,” she muttered lamely as she turned around and discovered Simon getting out of bed. Half-naked. With a scowl on his gorgeous face.

  “Wait a minute...I know this guy,” Gary said.

  Horror gripped her, and a cold sweat slid down her spine. Nausea came right behind. “Gary, let’s go into the living room and talk.”

  Gary narrowed his eyes. “What’s to talk about? You’ve brought some guy to the house where our son lives.”

  “What are you doing here?” she demanded.

  “I’m taking Finn for the weekend,” Gary replied.

  “No. You were supposed to have him last weekend,” she said. “But you bailed on him. Again.”

  “Well, I’m here now,” her ex said sharply. “I’m here today and I want my kid away from this joker.”

  “What’s the problem here?” Simon’s deep baritone came in loud and clear behind her. He was standing so close behind her that she felt the heat of his body. Felt his towering presence.

  “Nothing. Just go back into the room and I’ll take care of this,” she pleaded.

  Gary’s eyes went wide. “You’re the guy from her job. Holy crap, you’re her boss.”

  “Gary, please.” She balled up her fists, sensing her famous control start to slip away from her. “Let’s go sit in the living room—”

  “You’ve been screwing my wife,” Gary said loudly. “And you’re fucking your boss?”

  “Keep your voice down, you’ll wake Finn,” she hissed. “And I’m your ex-wife.”

  Gary sized up Simon, rage turning his face bright red. “Who the hell do you think you are? You come into my house and screw my wife. Is this what she had to do to get the job? Sleep with the boss?”

  “No.” She pressed her hands against Gary’s solid chest, trying to get him to calm down. “That’s not what happened.”

  “You really think Heather is incapable of getting a good job on her own?” Simon demanded. “I can see why she ended up divorcing you.”

  “You’re gonna let this guy talk to me like this in my own house?” Fury was making the vein in Gary’s forehead bulge.

  “This is not your house,” she said. “You can’t just come here any time you please

  “I have a key, don’t I?” Gary snarled.

  “For emergencies,” she snapped.

  “Does your boss have a key?” Gary asked in a mocking tone. “I bet he doesn’t.”

  “You’re being childish and ridiculous,” she said.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you had a boyfriend, Heather?” Gary glared at her. “I told you about my girl.”

  “Yeah. Every time I see you she’s all you talk about,” she muttered.

  “So, is that what this is?” Gary demanded. “You screwing this guy out of revenge? Because I moved on?”

  “We both moved on,” she said flatly. “I’ve tried being reasonable, but until you can calm down I’m going to have to ask you to go to the living room.”

  “You always were a controlling bitch,” Gary spat out.

  “What did you say to her?” Simon sauntered past her until he was right in Gary’s face.

  Her ex-husband took a step back. “I’m warning you, dickhead. You put one hand on me and I’m pressing charges.”

  “Talk to Heather like that again and I’ll gladly go to jail after kicking your ass,” Simon said, a menacing edge in his tone.

  A cold shiver made her pause. Simon wasn’t joking. Macho games weren’t his style. If Gary pushed him too hard, Simon would put him in the hospital.

  “Gary, please just give me fifteen minutes,” she said. “I’ll get dressed and then we can talk about this.”

  Her ex-husband crossed his arms. “Figures you’d choose this prick over me.”

  “Go and wait for me in the living room.” She ground her teeth in frustration. Dealing with Gary’s tantrums always drove her nuts.

  Gary muttered something inaudible under his breath.

  Simon growled a warning. “You heard her. Go wait in the living room.”

  Muttering under his breath, Gary spun on his heel and marched towards the living room.

  A strong hand squeezed her shoulder. Simon’s touch was already calming her. Giving her the strength to face Gary. “I’m going to get dressed and talk this out with Gary,” she said. “I don’t want to involve you in this, so if you want to leave I understand.”


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