Paranormal Encounters

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Paranormal Encounters Page 23

by Carl East

  Distracted by this sudden change of tactic I didn’t realize that he was giving me the opportunity to adjust to his intrusion in my body until I felt his weight lift from my body and his stiff-member withdraw. Then, once again, he plunged down with a swiftness that drove him deep into the depths of my womanhood. I moaned in pleasure and pain at the feel and squirmed to try to get out from underneath him, which only served to draw him deeper into my depths.

  His lips were covering mine as he continued to withdraw and thrust forward again until instead of pain I began to feel an overwhelming pleasure. Using his forearms to lift my legs wider apart I felt him seat his maleness against my pleasure point so that each slide into me massaged the pulse of pleasure that waited for him there.

  I suddenly felt a fire begin at my pointed toes and run like lightening up my widespread legs to center at my pleasure point and with a feeling that could only be described as mind altering I found my body convulsing in such pleasure that I screamed at the intensity of the feeling. My body was still quivering and tightening its hold on his thick rod when he suddenly pulled out and moved over to my sister.

  I watched in awe as he manipulated her body into a swoon of pleasure until his stiff member parted her nether lips with its bloated head. Hearing her scream of pleasure and pain, I knew that he had breached her inner sanctum as he had done mine and I beheld the thrust of his hips as he seemed to plow between her legs with all the gusto of a starving man. His moans of pleasure rose sharply with each thrust into her body and as she welcomed him into her depths, I saw her hips suddenly thrust up and knew that she was in the same throes of pleasure that I had just experienced. Her screams of pleasure echoed throughout the room as he continued to thrust in and out of her with maddening speed and concentration.

  Suddenly I watched as her eyes flew open again and she gasped aloud as a second pleasurable swoon managed to eclipse her body. His panting continued to increase until I saw the cheeks of his buttocks suddenly clench tightly and hold in place above her until with one final thrust he sank to the depths and stopped. I could see his body clenching tighter with each continuing pulse of pleasure until he finally gave a last groan and collapsed his weight atop her.

  I moved nearer to touch the muscled flesh of his firm buttocks when I heard the sound of an approaching automobile coming up the incline to our house. Hissing a frightened warning, I quickly gathered my scattered clothing and shoes and ran to the window that faced the driveway. Hearing the commotion behind me, I knew that Serena and the new apprentice were racing to do the same. Serena and I darted up the stairs, racing to our rooms to put ourselves in order.

  Hearing the slam of the library door, we knew that the apprentice was surely doing the same. Several minutes passed before we heard the muffled sounds of the front door opening. Father must have taken the new automobile to the carriage house before heading to our front door. Tidying my hair, I was able to right my clothes and hair before I heard him calling my name and with a final check left the room to answer his call.

  Even now as I pen these words, I shudder with wonder at our actions and thank the heavens that we were able to evade being caught by our father. It has been many days since we have heard any news of the apprentice as our father does not include us in his daily business activities. While Serena and I have continually discussed what had happened and what we had experienced, we live in fear that somehow our father will find out what had occurred. It is difficult to remain calm when he stops speaking and looks at us oddly, as if he knows that something is amiss, but cannot quite put his finger on what it is. Now that the housekeeper has returned from her visit to tend to her sick sister, we know that a similar opportunity will probably not present itself any time soon.

  We both live in hope that we will see the handsome young man again as he has filled our hearts with a yearning to be in his arms again.”


  I closed the book. I looked around me but did not feel the presence of the ghosts and I wondered where they had gone. I knew that I needed to get home, but first I had to secure the open hole in the fireplace. Taking one last look into the gloomy room, I carefully began to try to place the bricks back in some type of order. Piling them, one on top of the other, my only hope was that if anyone else should come into the house and entered this room, that no one would notice their state in the dim light of the room. Gathering my equipment and carefully placing the journal in my backpack, I vowed to continue reading the book as soon as I had the opportunity.

  Chapter 5

  If only they were alive today - that’s what I kept thinking as I read their journal. The book was filled with bits and pieces of their daily lives along with the unexpected meeting of the young man that had changed their life. Feeling compelled to learn more of what happened; I continued on, needing to know what had led to the precipice of their murder. I had to finish the book before I could fulfill my promise to have their earthly remains placed in consecrated ground.


  “August 15 – Father wants to have a dinner party for a few of his select clients. Last night he gave us the invitation list for the cards to be sent. We were thrilled to discover that the new apprentice is included on the list. While we have not seen him since that fateful day a huge bouquet of flowers were delivered to the house, but they came without a card. Sister and I looked up the meaning of the arrangement of pink and white roses with Maidenhair Fern in our volume of ‘The Language of Flowers.’ Our hearts were filled with hope at the knowledge of his secret love for both of us. We cannot wait to see him again.”


  “August 20 – The arrangements have been made and tomorrow night we shall see him again. Father has reviewed the selection of wines and foods and even studied the seating arrangements at the table. He questioned our placement of the new apprentice and moved him from between us to the opposite end of the table. Serena fears we have raised his suspicions.”

  “August 21 – Dinner was a complete and utter disaster! There is no other way for me to possible describe what transpired. When the hour finally arrived, the business clients attended as expected. Dinner was served by the hired wait staff for the occasion. The conversation was congenial and while current events were discussed, there was no mention of business at the table. While our gaze ventured to the young man who we longed to see, we did carry on conversations with the other men present. It was apparent to both Serena and I however, that the business associates could not keep their eyes off the pair of us. The men who sat at the table were close to the same age as our father but seemed to consider us fair game. We were dressed stylishly yet modest in appearance but found the continual staring uncomfortable. I venture to say that it appeared as if they were sizing us up like horses at the market. Father’s apprentice sat at the opposite end of the table, seemed just as aware of their strange behavior as we were and fought to keep his face expressionless.

  When dinner was finished, they retired to the study for cigars and after dinner drinks. We could hear loud discussions but could not discern what was being discussed. My sister and I were left to direct the staff to clear the dishes and the work was performed with such haste that before much time had passed the dining room was restored as well as the kitchen to their original order.

  Upon the return of the men from their cigars and after dinner drinks, we were called upon to play the piano and entertain with musical selections. It wasn’t until the guests had finally left for the evening that we were informed that father was entering into an agreement to expand his business and that we were being offered as wives to seal the bargain. Shocked into silence we stared at him and then each other. He advised us that since each of the men were suitable for business partners as far as he was concerned, he would allow us the choice of which man we would marry. He instructed us to retire for the night and make our decision. Hastily leaving the room, we kept our silence afraid of what we might say in haste. Our discussions ran long into the night and only when exhausted did we fall into a t
roubled sleep.

  Morning has come, and as I write of last night’s events in this journal I now know that we will have to do something, but what?”


  The strain of keeping my eyes open to read more of the journal was too much for me. I was exhausted from the long day and lay half-asleep with my arms clutching the book to me. Moving it under my pillow for safekeeping, I had to remind myself that the events occurred over seventy years ago, and trying to stay awake to finish the entries would not solve anything but my own questions of what had happened. I will have to continue tomorrow, now I must rest.

  Chapter 6

  The next day at work was spent watching the clock, wanting to head home to see the next entry in the journal. Racing home, I found the house empty but didn’t question where my parents had gone. Heading up the stairs, I tore off the necktie and threw down the sport coat that I’d been wearing. Heading for the closet, I pulled the journal down from the shelf and proceeded to the next entry.

  “August 23 – All is quiet, and we cannot help but wonder why our father has not approached us again about our choice of husbands for marriage. We have not heard from our young man either and the housekeeper seems to be keeping a closer eye on us both. We’ve heard comings and goings from the house but have not been called down from our rooms and involved.”

  “August 24 – Dinner tonight was a quiet affair. Father was silent and withdrawn and did not engage us in conversation other than to ask if we had made our selections. How calmly he asks, as if we are selecting a new ribbon for a hat or are discussing the purchase of the newest novel. We looked hesitantly at each other and then Serena answered that we know so little about the men that were present, she asked if it would be possible to arrange additional meetings so that we may know more of their personality before we make a final decision.

  Father remains silent and seemingly focused on the meat on his plate; his answer several minutes later assures us that he was pondering the soundness of our request. He nods in agreement but inserts a caveat; our selection must be made by the end of the month. He has given us seven days to decide our fate, it is cruel but with no other choice, we agree. Perhaps in the remaining time allowed we can dissuade our suitors, leaving father with the business partnerships, and us free from arranged marriages. We shall see.”

  “August 26 – They are to arrive tomorrow for afternoon tea. Father advises that he is too busy to lose another day’s work. Serena and I have much to plan; we have hatched a scheme to discourage the men with our dispositions and lack of manners. Surely this will be easier to do with mature men who expect a certain degree of refinement from women who will head their households.”


  In my mind, I already sense that they are in for a terrible, rude awakening. Men like this, older men used to having their orders obeyed in business and their personal lives, would never allow two young women to dissuade them from their goals. I held my breath as I turned back to the journal to read.


  “August 27 – Nothing turned out as we planned! Serena and I came down to the tea, long after the men had arrived. We were beyond being fashionably late and as we entered the room, we discerned from their fixed expressions that their tempers were raised. Smiling as if nothing was amiss we sat down and requested the pacing men to join us. They took a seat as we rang for the tea tray to be brought in.

  The housekeeper brought in the teacart, and after casting a quick glance around to ensure that we had everything we needed she silently left the room, pulling the door closed behind her. How odd when for the past several weeks she’d been watching our every move. Perhaps it was so she could listen at the keyhole; little did we know that she had left the house shortly after serving the tea.

  Making idle conversation with the men, we passed the teacups around asking if they wanted cream and sugar. The eldest of the four, was also the tallest. Mr. Stevenson started to laugh and pronounced he would take his tea differently. Promptly taking a flask from his coat, he poured a liberal amount of liquid into the tea, and upon taking a sip, declared it was perfect. Laughter from the other men ensued and soon they all were pulling flasks out and spiking their tea.

  Serena and I shared a look and she being the adventurous one remarked that she wouldn’t mind a spot in her own cup. Surprised looks flashed about and Mr. Thomas leaned forward to offer Serena his personal flask. Pouring a liberal amount in she found that the mellow whiskey did add a kick to the bland beverage and soon had leaned forward to empty the bottle into the teapot. This led to a round of applause and soon the first pot was empty and promptly replenished from the hot water kettle left on the sideboard.

  The men seemed greatly relaxed and we soon forgot our own plots for freedom. Serena led me to the piano and I began to play a lively tune while she sang for the men. Soon Mr. Jones sprang up and began to waltz Serena around the room. Handing her off to Mr. Winchester, they began to twirl around the room at a rapid gate until flushed with laughter Serena sat next to me on the piano bench and began to fan her flushed face.

  When she began to pull the bodice buttons open to cool off the men began to hoot and applaud in appreciation. She began to laugh and tease them with the lower buttons and preened, as the men grew louder and more raucous. Serena flushed with whiskey fueled laughter then stood and with a mighty heave ripped open the remaining buttons (much to my surprise) on her blouse until her pale milky breasts spilled out for the men to enjoy.

  The men were wild with enthusiasm and Serena being the ultimate flirt slowly began to dance around the room as she played with the buttons on her skirt. Stopping to replenish her dry throat with another deep swallow of tea she spun around the piano and as she did she kicked her heels off and began to flash her stocking feet and legs at the assembled men who applauded all the louder and with greater abandon.

  Playing rather haphazardly I laughed as I watched her breasts bounce in abandon before the gathered men. My own head was swimming from the doctored tea and I was feeling slighted by having to play the piano while Serena had all the fun so I asked one of the men to start the gramophone so that I could dance too.

  Soon the men surrounded us, helping Serena and I both out of our clothes until we stood before them naked as the day we were born. Our bodies were flushed with the admiration of the men and as their hands skimmed our bodies, we felt as if we were on top of the world. Having these worldly men ooh and ah over our bodies was the greatest aphrodisiac we had ever experienced and it wasn’t long before the men had shed their coats and shirts and were peeling down to their bare skins to dance naked with us around the room.

  What a sight we must have made bare breasts and cocks flopping about as we took our turns around the piano. Well the cocks were flopping at first but we soon noticed as they became stiff and large and we were fascinated by the differences between the four men.


  Sitting there with the book in my hands, I closed my eyes before turning the next page. I could imagine what would happen next and my stiffening cock reflected my arousal as I continued to read.


  “August 27 – I watched as Serena was lifted onto the piano top and my throat suddenly became dry as Mr. Thomas led me to the sofa. Turning I looked into his eyes and saw for the first time that they were a beautiful shade of Wedgewood Blue and wondered at the color. Seeing the expression of lust on his face, my own became heated and I turned away and as I turned, I felt a trail of long fingers sliding down the side of my cheek and trembled as they flowed down to the sensitive spot at the base of my neck. I sat in silence as I felt his fingers begin to play with the nipples on my breasts. I turned my face back towards him and was startled as the tips of our noses briefly touched.

  Laughing in surprise, I made to move back a bit when I suddenly felt his soft warm breath fall upon my lips. Shyly looking up to the warmth in his eyes, I watched as he leaned in closer until I felt the tickling sensation of a mustache on my face. My private fantasies had always been
about men with mustaches so it felt like a dream come true when I felt it move down the bridge of my nose until it moved side to side at the tip. I suddenly realized that he was teasing me and I definitely wanted to play along. Opening my mouth to speak, I felt the slip of a warm tongue flow in to touch my own and my senses became overloaded.

  I closed my eyes and with a soft moan, I succumbed to the arousal I was feeling. Even now as I sit here pen to paper the fire of that first kiss is hard to describe. I was consumed by the touch of a man that I hardly knew but with each touch of his tongue and lips, he drew me into him closer. The feel of his mustache was so enticing that I pulled his head down to the top of my breasts. I agonized at the feeling it invoked there and waited anxiously to see what he would do.

  Rubbing his face across my bare breasts made me feel faint and when he latched on to one pink tipped rigid nipple I moaned as if dying with pleasure. Holding his head close to me, I felt him move back and forth rubbing that mustache across my breasts and he continued to suck and pulled at the tight peaks they held. It wasn’t until I felt a hand sliding up between my thighs that I realized that I was lying flat on the sofa with him between my legs.


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