Paranormal Encounters

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Paranormal Encounters Page 36

by Carl East

  Courtney was spellbound as the probing tentacle went deep inside her body. Douglas was shamefully watching, hating the fact that his cock was becoming erect. His view of the girls was unobstructed, and he could see them both being fucked by the black slime. He watched as the tentacles started a rhythm, one would enter as the other exited, and it was with a speed that was making the girls cry out with pleasure.

  All the while, he had not stopped moving backwards, and the further he moved away, the easier it became. After a few more steps, he found himself completely free from the effects of the creature, and he left the room to put his plan into action.

  Meanwhile, with their eyes squeezed shut, Courtney and Jenny were in the midst of another climax. They tried to fight the lust by not looking at each other, because looking seemed to increase the lust. Fighting to keep her eyes closed, Courtney couldn't help peeking to see Jenny's breasts swinging seductively in front of her. Seeing this when her body was being violated increased her excitement to a fevered pitch. Jenny, meanwhile, felt guilty for never wanting this treatment to end, even though she knew the lust was being forced upon her artificially.

  Hearing Jenny's screams of passion made Courtney cum again as the tentacle plunged in and out of her body. Her legs were wet with excitement, and she never thought she could produce so much liquid. The creature began to grow, feeding on the juices produced by the girls, every drop speeding up the process. Suddenly, it grew two more tentacles, and it forced each one to join in on the fun it was having.

  The ordeal ended suddenly when the girls found themselves slipping out of the creature’s grasp and falling onto the bed. Looking around, Courtney could see Douglas spraying the beast with some sort of clear liquid.

  Whatever the liquid was, the creature didn't like it and as it started to back off, bits of it were falling to the floor. Douglas at last felt like he was fighting back, and he kept spraying the thing until it totally disappeared, leaving only a wet patch on the carpet as evidence that anything had been there at all.

  "What were you spraying it with?" said Courtney, watching as Douglas walked over to help them off the bed.

  "You remember the other day when the reverend was here?" he replied, handing her the spray bottle.

  "Yes, I remember," replied Courtney.

  "Well, I got her to bless a bottle of mineral water that I found in the fridge. I couldn't think of anything else, and I was just lucky that it worked," said Douglas.

  The girls covered themselves with the sheets from the floor and hurried from the room. Pulling on clothes, they went into the kitchen where the books were stacked. Courtney had found several ancient wards when they were researching earlier and she hoped to use that knowledge to protect her home from the invasion of evil.

  According to the books, most spells, when cast, have an effect that takes place immediately. In a warding spell, the spell’s effect instead is woven together with an object, such as a home. The resulting ward functions are activated under certain conditions, and they simply attach themselves to their target.

  Wards are permanent if done correctly. They require intricate construction, and are very difficult to remove without damaging the object or creature on which they have been placed. They can be magical locks or traps, augmentations to magic barriers, or powerful seals. Courtney was determined to find a way to protect her house and those inside of it, so she gathered the materials and chants and started working.

  Chapter 10

  A surge of cold air blew over the rooftop and battered the windows as if evil rode its currents. Inside the warm house, Courtney and her friends still were looking for anything else they could use to fight the evil lurking outside, but try as they might, they couldn't find anything extra to help them with their current crisis. It was Courtney who noticed that one of the wards she'd set around the apartment was being probed.

  She had a connection with the ward that was hard to explain, it was like a spider sensing when a fly was caught in the web. It set off a tingling sensation in her head, and she alerted everyone else. Knowing that something was out there wasn't the same as knowing where it was going to strike next or in what form. All they knew was that so far, they'd all been violated in one way or another, and they were determined to fight back.

  In their last encounter, the girls had been lucky to be rescued by Douglas, who saved the day with a simple bit of holy water. They knew that it was only because the demon that attacked them had done so in the flesh. They also knew that Satan enjoyed toying with them, and that he was taking his time before getting rid of them forever. Although they kept alert that night, four hours went by without anything happening. Finally, Courtney and Jenny fell asleep on the couch, leaving Douglas to keep watch.

  It was four o’clock in the morning when Douglas nodded off, and that's when the beast chose to make its presence felt. It had managed to penetrate the ward. Moreover, it was forming inside the room, as they all slept. Its shape was not discerning enough to the casual observer, but it grew at an alarming rate, until finally it became more recognizable as a humanoid figure and stood seven feet tall. It played with the scales that covered its skin, running its pointed black nails up and down its body. In the dark, it looked menacing.

  As it stepped into the light coming from the street lamp, it became darker in color and produced what appeared to be horns of ivory on its head, while a snake-like tail grew from the bottom of its spine. The tail whipped back and forth, as if it had a life of its own. The beast approached Courtney first, and immediately placed a hold spell on all of them. When Courtney opened her eyes, it was because she was rising into the air, and she was made to circle the demon. Her legs and arms were helpless, and her sobs were being muffled in her throat.

  She tried desperately to call out, but it was somehow managing to stop her from uttering words. She felt the beast play with her hair and run its razor-sharp nails down the skin of her face. Moving lower, the touch felt like fire as it irritated the skin of her arms and burnt her hair off. It forced her eyes open so that she was made to feel the sheer terror of being held in its grip and not knowing what it would do next. The skin slowly began to peel from her body as she writhed in pain.

  Both Douglas and Jenny were unaware of what was going on, and she only hoped that the beast would leave them alone. Courtney could hear something dripping on the floor, and knew the warm wetness she was feeling must be blood from the tears in her skin. She was so overcome with fright and shock that she began to shake and hardly was able to draw a breath. These feelings were being set upon her from the beast to encourage her to give in to its power, if for nothing else than to stop it from what it was doing. The demon obviously wanted her to submit to its power, and knowing this, she continued to struggle and hold fast.

  Just then, Jenny woke up and found herself frozen to the spot. She began to rise and found herself in the air, turned to face Courtney. Looking at the scratches that marked Courtney’s face and the blood that poured from her arms and legs, she was afraid that she would be next. She watched in silence as a single flame came from the fingertip of the beast. It looked her in the eye before turning to Courtney, and it moved to touch the flame to her hair. Jenny was terrified that she was going to see her best friend burn to death in front of her. No matter how hard she struggled, she couldn’t do anything but moan out in fear. Suddenly, both their voices were freed, and they found themselves screaming in terror. The beast’s sly grin indicated its pleasure in their fears and the anticipation of their submission to it.

  Shortly after that sideways grin, Douglas jolted awake in horror just in time to see what the beast intended to do. Pinned to his chair, unable to move, he watched helplessly and started to cry, knowing that the demon would set Courtney and Jenny on fire. Just as the first streaks of dawn approached to touch the window, the creature loosed them from its grasp.

  By the time Douglas had turned on the light, the thing had gone back to the hell it came from. He looked over at the girls struggling to stand
, and he went to put his arms around them both. In the light, he could see no marks on their skin, and no evidence of burning hair or flesh. Jenny was crying, and Courtney just was looking down at her body.

  “Obviously, the wards didn’t hold completely, or it wouldn’t have been able to get in. However, something did work, because while the demon tortured me…it was obviously just an illusion, although while it was happening, it seemed real enough. Whatever he was trying to do became undone when he was forced out by the light.”

  “Personally, Courtney, I think Satan just wants to show us that he’s able to reach us no matter what we do. I also think that this type of attack is entertainment for him; he gets his kicks from it,” said Douglas.

  "I feel so ashamed that I can’t control myself, but I can't help it," said a crying Jenny, as Douglas handed her a wad of tissues.

  "There's nothing to feel ashamed about, it's forcing all of us into this, and there's nothing we can do about it…yet," replied Douglas.

  Courtney agreed, and they all went to the kitchen for cocoa, knowing that no one would be able to go back to sleep. They sat around the table trying to figure out why the wards hadn’t held completely, and why the beast was able to manifest inside the house. Looking at books, they were too drained by the experience to be able to tell what had gone wrong. They would have to make a few calls and see if they could redo the wards at her house later. They needed to go back to the mansion to see if anything had changed since they had left, and to test the new wards. Securing the demon in the mansion with wards would double the protection for her and everyone else involved.

  Chapter 11

  The front entrance to the mansion was still boarded up when they arrived, and prying the wood coverings to get inside was not easy. Courtney didn't like the silence that seemed to creep around the shadowed hallways, but then again, she never trusted anything about this place. They'd been there for half an hour, peering into the dusty rooms as they cautiously walked through the rooms on the main floor. Everything seemed the same since the last visit, and when Courtney opened her senses, seeking anything supernatural, she found nothing. Still cautious, they silently prepared themselves in the event that the beast or one of his minions appeared. They were armed with a blocking spell, which, if successful, would counter anything the demons from Hell could throw against them. They were cautious, as their other plans in the past hadn't gone exactly how they would have wanted.

  Every time Douglas felt a draft of cold air, he jumped. He recalled how Hell's host had materialized in the past. Each time, though, it turned out to be a false alarm. "Have I told you in the last two minutes how much I hate this place?" whispered Douglas, in an effort to lighten the atmosphere.

  "Yes, and trust me, you're not the only one," replied Courtney, who was thinking that she saw movement in the shadows.

  Just then, the floor started to shake, and they found themselves reaching out to each other and trying to regain their balance. Jenny, caught unprepared, was too slow and lost her footing as the boards began to swell and fall. Suddenly, the wood began to splinter and boards started to crack. They saw a mist seeping through the opening, and suddenly a terrible smell overwhelmed the air. Something was trying to push its way up through the wooden flooring. "What in God's name is it?" shouted Jenny, crawling and struggling to get to her feet.

  As if in answer, a giant hand came splintering through the floor and pressed itself against the wooden boards, in order to pull the rest of its bulk free. Pointed horns thrust through, catching on the remaining boards, while the head continued to force its way upward. When its head appeared, Courtney screamed and started looking for a way to escape. Looking back, she saw that the horns sat on top of a massive head, and as its shoulders edged through, she saw tuffs of wire like fur being pulled off by the exposed nails from the flooring. The body that followed was hairy in the midsection, and patches of scales could be seen. Scrambling through, it braced itself against the remaining floor as it towered high enough to touch the ceiling. Looking down, it saw its prey trying to scurry away.

  Courtney shouted out the blocking spell, but it was to no avail, and she suddenly found herself being lifted by her waist. Dangling above the floor, she saw Doug and Jenny below her and hoped that they would manage to escape. That's when she spotted this thing’s sexual organ, and thought, Dear God, please let me live through this. The nails from its claw-like hand ripped clothing and skin away, and then it turned her around.

  Courtney suddenly felt the creature moving her body along its massive cock, massaging her along its length. Rubbing her harder up and down its length, the blood from the scratches in her skin poured out, lubricating the foul-smelling member. Bits of cloth, skin, hair and blood were being imbedded into her skin each time it passed her over its length. Gasping in pain as her breasts were rubbed along its ridges, like a nightmare, she began to feel the recurrence of lust. She became dazed from the pain and sensations she was experiencing against her will. She flopped back and forth like a puppet in its hand.

  Douglas tried to intervene by beating the legs of the beast with the flashlight he had brought. The metal was bending and cracking with each blow, but it began to make cuts in the monster’s leg. The beast reached down with its free hand and flung Douglas against the wall. His head struck the plaster, leaving a smear of blood when he fell motionless to the floor. The assault continued when the beast spotted Jenny and easily reached over and pulled her up and above its head. The beast began to rip her clothes off with its pointed teeth, and a long, snake-like tongue slithered out to lubricate her body with the slime from its mouth.

  Anyone witnessing this would now see each of the girls being held in a claw-like hand that was using them to massage its cock. The member was so large that it was more like a branch, and Jenny, whose cries had started out in pain, now was being overcome by the lust pouring off the demon. Courtney opened her legs to ride the cock and felt the liquid lubricate her clitoris as she tightened her thighs for the ride. Jenny, on the other side of the huge cock, was sliding past in the same position. Their cries of pain had turned to moans of lust, and they felt faint as an orgasm approached.

  The beast began to move them faster and faster as it approached its peak, and they came as one as the putrid liquid jetted from the beast to hit the walls around them. The girls’ cries for more excited the beast into frenzy, and it lifted them to its mouth to ride its tongue. The girls looked like rag dolls as they were tongued repeatedly, and as they came again, the groans from the beast’s throat were saliva-curdling moans of bestial lust as he tasted their cum.

  Courtney’s senses were overwhelmed, and she wasn't going to last much longer. She blearily peered downward and was amazed to see Douglas moving on the floor. If it hadn't been for that chanced glance, they might all have been lost.

  Courtney had seen how hard Douglas had been hit, and knew that no one could survive an attack like that; he should have been dead. Seeing him move gave her a sudden realization, and with that realization, the beast suddenly vanished. They then found themselves unharmed and fully dressed, with the floor intact.

  "What happened?" said Jenny, as she came to her senses.

  "I realized that it was all an illusion, and as soon as I did, the illusion ended," replied Courtney, with a smile.

  Jenny looked down to see the wetness between her legs, and knew that while it may have been an illusion, it was a very powerful one. They returned to the front doors, where the light from outside poured through the entrance that they had made. They sat together with their backs to the wall to rest and regroup. They sat close together, their shoulders touching for comfort, as they were all feeling unsure and nervous after this last encounter.

  "At least we know the blocking spell isn't useless; it just wasn't meant for illusions," commented Courtney, as they peered around from where they sat.

  "It does make you wonder what he'll throw at us next though, doesn't it?" replied Douglas.

  "Yeah, he seems to know all
of our weaknesses and exploits them. It’s as if he knows our every childhood and adult fear and he's toying with us. He could have killed us many times over by now," said Jenny.

  In that instant, he appeared before them in a flash of light and sulfur-filled smoke. "Don't waste your time with that cursed blocking spell. I'm not really here; this is a projection of myself," he said. He stood there before them with his large cock erect and pointing at them. “You're right, my dear, I could've killed you anytime during our past meetings.”

  Courtney eyed him cautiously, "So why haven't you?"

  “I haven't been this entertained in thousands of years," he said, laughing out loud.

  "I suppose you haven't attacked us for real this time because of the blocking spell?" said Jenny, smugly.

  "You're right about that spell; it dispels my minions, but it has to be spoken out loud in order to work. I just have to make sure you don't see me coming," he said, with a sly grin.

  Courtney could see his cock being moved around, as if someone was sucking it, and then realized that someone was sucking it, she just hadn't been projected along with him. He kept looking down and thrusting his hips forward. Courtney wondered who the unfortunate girl was, but was just glad it wasn’t her.

  "I'm rather busy today, so could you come back another day? I'll be sure to keep you entertained," he said, as he disappeared in a flash of fire.

  "I think we ought to regroup, and come up with a plan, Courtney. He's too far ahead of the game to let us sneak by his defenses," said Douglas.

  "I think you're right. As it stands now, we don’t have a prayer of beating him on his own turf. Not that we could beat him anywhere else, you understand, it's just that I know everyone has a weakness, and we have to find his," replied Courtney, turning for the door.


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