Paranormal Encounters

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Paranormal Encounters Page 47

by Carl East

  She was beautiful, her slim body glistening with sweat as the onslaught continued. Johnny could feel himself starting to ejaculate. He pumped faster and his groans gave his climax away. She quickly pulled his cock out, and then kneeling up to face him she took his cock into her mouth just in time for the first load, swallowing it and then sucking in anticipation of his second. Some escaped her mouth and ran down her chin, again he came with less vigor but just as much pleasure taking in each drop she gripped his cock with both hands and pumped the remains out onto her waiting tongue.

  They again changed positions, she kneeling while he entered from behind, thrusting with all he was worth to a chorus of moans, that he was sure could be heard by the entire neighborhood. After making her cum for the fourth time, he took his cock out and pressed it against her anal passage, she pushed back eager to feel his cock sliding into her ass, it passed the tight outer ring entering her behind, she screamed with the suddenness of it.

  Johnny reached around with one hand playing with her pussy while he pounded her back passage, she kept telling him to go faster, to which he responded with ever-quicker thrusts. He was going to cum and she could clearly feel this because she started to push back harder, he felt the surge explode into her body, slowing down slightly in order to savor the moment, his fingers still working on her pussy lips, she started to orgasm as she felt him erupt inside her. They held each other for what seemed like hours after that.

  Johnny started to wonder about his dilemma, the only way he could survive was to take the blood of a fellow vampire, as he thought about it his guilt started to fade away, after all he hadn't asked to become a vampire, it had been thrust upon him as it were. Looking at the beautiful blonde in his arms he suddenly realized that he still didn't know her name. Placing her head softly on the pillow he got up to look around the room, on the dresser was a couple of letters addressed to a Miss Pamela Booth, now he knew. He was going to see a lot of Pam in the future, and he hoped she would eventually not need to be coerced by his hypnotic stare. He bent down over her face kissing her cheek, and then left her sleeping.

  As he re-entered the night he wondered how this would all turn out, he had killed the leader of the resident vampires in this town, and knew that they would want revenge. He did have one thing in his favor they wouldn't know who had killed him, or where he was killed. That was a comfort to him at least, knowing that Pam would be all right he walked into the night thinking about his next move.

  Chapter 2

  Johnny felt incredibly alive as he left Pam’s apartment, but he knew he couldn’t go back to the lair. For one thing, the others would smell Scar on him and would soon put two and two together. Therefore, the first order of business was to find a place to crash, and of course, it had to be somewhere safe.

  He remembered his old neighborhood, but a cardinal rule for any vampire was never to reappear in a familiar place for fear of being recognized by someone you once knew. You had to leave your old life behind, and it was one of the few rules he agreed with.

  However, it occurred to him that he did have one friend who he believed he could trust and her name was Jenny. They’d grown up together and she’d left such a sweet note at his graveside. One that he’d read again later that night. Johnny knew it broke the cardinal rule, but he had to stay somewhere. As he made up his mind, he decided to be straight with Jenny and let her know from the very beginning who and what he’d become.

  When he arrived at her apartment, he could see her bedroom light on and proceeded to the second floor. He must have stood there for two minutes contemplating what to say before knocking on her door. In the end it wasn’t necessary for as the door opened and she saw who was standing there with a smile on his face she fainted dead away in front of him.

  Johnny picked her up, closed the door with his foot and took her into the bedroom before laying her gently onto the bed, and waited her reawakening. The conversation was pretty hard when she did wake.

  “Jenny, please try to stay calm, I need you to…” which is where she passed out again.

  It was at that moment that he started to notice her body for the very first time. He had always known she was attractive but for some reason he never thought of her in that way. She’d always helped him with his homework in their school days, and he always looked after her in school when she had trouble with a couple of bullies. Now she laid there unconscious and her cleavage was lifting up and down as she breathed. Just then, she started to stir again.

  “Jenny, please stay calm, I need to talk with you,” he said, watching her response.

  She edged up the bed a little and took a deep breath.

  “But you’re dead,” she said, looking him up and down.

  “I can explain if you just give me the chance,” he replied, grabbing a chair and placing it near to the bed.

  She watched him like a hawk, and then sat up.

  “This I’ve got to hear,” she said.

  “What I’m about to tell you Jenny is the absolute truth, and the only reason I’m here is because I knew I could trust you with what I’m about to say,” he took a breather at that point watching for her reactions. “There is no easy way to say this, so I’m just going to tell it straight and then take it from there. I am now a vampire.”

  Johnny watched her expression, only to find her simply staring at him for a few seconds before showing him any.

  “Johnny, stop fucking around and tell me what the hell’s going on?”

  ‘This is going to be harder than it should be’ he thought, as he stood up.

  He then threw himself up and gripped the ceiling, and then looked down.

  “Now do you believe me?” he said.

  “Johnny, you were always good with the pranks, but how are you doing that?” she replied.

  This was getting frustrating, so he dropped to the floor and stood over the bed. With a gust of air that moved her blanket, he suddenly appeared on the other side of the bed.

  “Where’d you go?

  “I’m right here,” he replied, making her turn sharply.

  She looked at him long and hard and paused before saying anything further.

  “No…I’m sorry, I simply cannot accept that you’re a vampire. Vampires just don’t exist.”

  “Okay, this last one will make you a believer, but be warned I am about to make you do something that you’d never normally do,” he said, reaching for her hands and getting her to stand up.

  “You couldn’t make me do anything I wouldn’t normally do,” she replied, with extreme confidence.

  She stood in front of him, he looked into her eyes, a few seconds later her eyes dilated and he knew she was completely under his control.

  “Jenny, take off all your clothes, and place them on the bed,” he said.

  Johnny stood back and watched as she began to disrobe. First her blouse, which she discarded onto the bed, followed closely by her bra and then her skirt. He must have been blind in the past, because she had an incredible body. He couldn’t help but get a little aroused at this point, but remembering she was a good friend he didn’t take advantage. She then removed her panties and turned to face him. She was now waiting for his next instruction, but instead he snapped his fingers and brought her back out of the trance.

  “Now do you believe me?”

  She looked down and let out a yelp, before jumping into the bed and quickly covering her modesty.

  “But when Johnny, when did this happen?” she said, knowing now that he was telling the truth.

  “The night before you went on that day trip with your friends, I was cornered by a couple of vampires who were under orders to recruit new members. However, after becoming a vampire I found I couldn’t drink human blood, because it made me physically sick.”

  “So why didn’t you come and see me sooner, I mean I would’ve been willing to help you,” she replied.

  “I know but I couldn’t take the chance on you getting hurt, I didn’t know at the time what I was capable of
. Anyway, last night I found that I could survive if I took the blood of another vampire, only now I need a place to stay as I’ve killed the leader of the largest lair in this town. The others will be looking for whoever killed him, and I need to lay low and think up a plan of action,” said Johnny, awaiting her response.

  She sat up in the bed holding the covers over her and leaned forward.

  “What’s it like?” she said.

  “Being a vampire you mean?”

  “Yes…what’s it like, I mean are the stories about vampires really true?”

  Johnny sat down heavily onto the end of the bed and let out a long sigh. He realized that Jenny deserved the truth, so he told her.

  “Most of them are true, vampires can die in the daylight and they have incredible strength. They can’t turn into bats or mist but they can move extremely fast, and probably the best thing about being a vampire is the immortality. I’ve already demonstrated the hold they can have over humans, but we’re not afraid of crosses and garlic, those things are straight from the movies,” he replied.

  “This is incredible…but you should know something, I missed you so much. It wasn’t until you’d gone that I realized just how much you meant to me. I’d planned on telling you after that trip of mine but when I got back you’d died, or so I thought.”

  “Well I’m back now, and I need your help.”

  “Yes…of course…um I have a spare room. If you don’t mind I’d like to get my clothes back on.”

  After leaving the room and waiting a few minutes Jenny showed him the room she was talking about, and the only thing it needed was the window being covered a little better than the net curtain that currently hung there. When that was done they sat down to chat a while.

  “The way it stands now Jenny I’m trying to find where I belong in this world, I will need my own place sooner rather than later and…”

  At that moment the window in the room they sat in exploded inwards sending shards of glass all around the room and after the initial shock of the event they both looked up to find Fang standing over them.

  “Where is Scar, defect?” he said, pulling Johnny up by the scruff of his neck.

  “How the hell should I know where he is, the last time I saw him he was telling me about the last vampire who had my condition,” replied Johnny.

  “That would explain why his scent is all over you, but he told me he’d be back soon and he hasn’t returned.”

  “He spotted a blonde in the alley below the building we were standing on and off he went, that was the last I saw of him,” he lied.

  Just then, Jenny stepped forward and what happened next was a blur, she was yelling after getting over the initial shock of her window being destroyed.

  “Who’s going to pay for my god damn window…?” she screamed.

  Before Johnny could intercede, Fang gave her a backhand and told her to shut her mouth.

  The slap reverberated around the room and the crash of her body hitting the chest of draws was sickening. The rage that was building inside Johnny in those few short seconds came to a head and he flew at Fang. Fang was more experienced than Johnny however and caught his arm as he reached for his neck. Spinning on his heels, he threw Johnny around and slammed him against the wall.

  He would’ve left shortly after that had Johnny not said those few choice words.

  “I killed Scar, and I’m about to kill you,” he said, watching as Fang turned back to face him.

  The expression on his face when he turned was one of hatred, and Johnny knew as he got back to his feet that he would have one chance here and one chance only. When Fang had knocked him down he’d gripped hold of a pair of scissors, which must have belonged to Jenny, he had them hidden by the side of his leg and when Fang pounced, he slammed it into his side. He fell to one side and as he did so, Johnny took a bite of his neck and felt the blood coursing through his veins. He still had some fight left in him, as Johnny could feel his fingernails penetrating his neck in a last ditch effort to turn the fight around.

  Seconds later the fight was over as the last drop of blood left Fang’s body and Johnny made sure that he was gone for good by plunging his hand through his chest and watching his remains turn to dust.

  He then rushed over to Jenny who he could see was in a bad way.

  “Jenny, are you alright?” he said, knowing that she wasn’t.

  “I can’t move my legs Johnny, I think something’s broken,” she managed to say.

  Johnny’s immediate thought, was that her back had been broken in which case she’d be crippled for the rest of her life at best, or die when they tried to move her. He felt he only had one choice, and without asking, he took a bite from her neck. She held the back of his head pulling him towards her, and after sucking in her blood; he quickly slashed his wrist and told her to drink. She must’ve known what he was doing, as she didn’t object and sucked the blood that was seeping down his arm.

  Shortly after laying her back down, he started to feel very nauseous, as her blood circulated around his body. He sat down knowing that he had a few hours before she would transform, and in the meantime he‘d hide in his room, mainly because the sun would be coming up soon, but partly because he needed to watch over Jenny.

  Picking her up, he walked into the bedroom and laid her down onto the bed.

  “You’re going to be alright Jenny I promise,” he said softly in her ear.

  That’s when he could feel the nausea coming on so he lay down next to her and closed his eyes.

  Chapter 3

  Four hours had passed and the feeling of nausea Johnny felt earlier was starting to subside. He could hear Jenny’s heavy breathing to his right as he sat up and inspected her condition. It was just then that her breathing stopped, and he watched closely for the next few seconds.

  The first thing that happened shortly after that was her body straightened out, as the bones mended themselves. He then saw her legs moving and knew that the transformation had occurred and that Jenny was now a vampire. She opened her eyes next and looked around, before sitting up on the bed.

  “What happened?” she said.

  “I had to turn you Jenny, and I’m sorry. It was the only thing I could think of doing…”

  “Oh yes, I remember that vampire coming through my window, what happened to him?” she replied, interrupting him.

  “He’s dead, and there’s a few things we need to discuss…” Johnny started to say.

  “So this is how it feels?” she murmured, as she got off the bed, “I feel incredibly fit and raring to go,” she added running to the door in a blur of motion.

  At that point Johnny interceded by quickly grabbing her hand and bringing her back to the bed. He knew what she was going through, because he’d gone through the same thing. Her hearing was now very acute, and her sense of smell was probably driving her crazy.

  “Jenny, listen to me. You’ve got to focus on the now, and listen to what I’m saying,” he said, with some urgency in his voice.

  “Okay, but why so serious?” she replied.

  “I had to change you into a vampire because of your injuries. You were probably going to be crippled for the rest of your life or die because they were so severe. You’ve changed and you’re going to have a different set of problems now, very big problems in this new life.”

  “How so…? She responded.

  “Because now that you’ve changed you’re not going to be able to live the life you once led. No one can know that you’ve been changed into a vampire. You won’t be able to do the same things you used to do. The sunlight will kill you; daylight is now your enemy. You won’t be able to work the same hours, and the rest of the lair will be looking into what happened to Scar and Fang, and in both cases it will lead them to me.”

  Just then, Johnny noticed she wasn’t really paying any attention to him, and she suddenly placed a hand over his chest.

  “I can’t feel a heartbeat. Here, can you feel one on me,” she said, taking his hand and
placing it onto her chest.

  Johnny looked into her eyes at that point, knowing that the new world she found herself in was difficult for her to comprehend.

  “No Jenny, you died early on tonight and that’s when the new you immerged. We no longer have a heartbeat Jenny because we’re the undead. I realize that this is hard for you to comprehend, but you have to come to terms with it. In a short while you’re going to feel the hunger, at which point you’re going to see everyone that you meet as a potential meal,” he said, pulling his hand away from her chest and holding her hand.

  He could see by the expression on her face that what he was trying to tell her was bigger than she could have imagined. After that, she paid attention to everything he had to say.

  “The first thing we need to do is pack some essentials and get out of here. Next, we need to think of somewhere to go, preferably somewhere safe,” he said.

  “We could go to my uncle’s cabin; it’s only five miles outside the city limits. He only comes up to use it once a year for fishing and last month he did just that. He told me when he left that I was more than welcome to use it if I wanted to,” replied Jenny.

  With that decided, Johnny helped Jenny to pack a few things and an hour later they were leaving their old life behind and heading for the cabin.

  The drive was interrupted along the way as Johnny had to run an errand, but soon they found ourselves pulling up next to a quaint old cabin that had clearly been well maintained. It was when they were getting out of the car that Jenny suddenly said she felt weak, and fortunately, Johnny was prepared.

  He helped her into the cabin and then locked the door, before getting her to sit down.

  “I stopped on the way here to get you a few of these,” he said producing a blood pack, which he’d stolen from the blood bank.

  Jenny took hold of it and just stared at the contents. Johnny knew exactly what she was thinking having gone through it during his transformation, but he didn’t say anything.


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