Charmed Wolf

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Charmed Wolf Page 5

by Davis, Lia;

  “I was mated to Edwin’s nephew.”

  Cooper’s grip on her loosened, and she took that as her opportunity to step away from him. Taking a deep breath, she moved to the bay window and sat on the cushioned seat. “It was part of a treaty agreement. Bloodrose Creek and Whiskey Hollow would finally put their differences aside and form an alliance. Ross asked me to be his mate since my father was in the process of conditioning me to be Alpha.”

  “You? What about Darin?” Cooper sat beside her on the window seat.

  She sighed. There was no getting around the whole goddess thing. “I’ll get to that in a minute.” She glanced at him and smiled weakly. “I accepted Ross’s proposal, and we mated. We had become friends over the months of negotiations. I believed we could have a happy life together as the Alpha couple.”

  “He betrayed you.”

  She nodded and fisted her hands. Magic sparked within her, and she tried to push it back. “He killed my parents and used my power to destroy the Pack. I had to fully open to my magic, which, at the time, I had no idea was as strong as it is, in order to protect the Pack. When Darin saw the bruises Ross loved to give me, he went crazy. Darin challenged Ross in front of the Pack and didn’t give him a chance to refuse or run.”

  Cooper reached out and cupped her cheek. She nuzzled his hand, kissing his palm. “The witches believe I’m a goddess reborn, a charmed wolf.”

  “You don’t believe it?”

  “I don’t know anymore.” She scooted closer to him and allowed him to wrap his arms around her. His wolf seemed to curl around hers. Something she’d never experienced before. “I’m hoping Star will help me control the power. It’s growing stronger, and I fear I’ll hurt someone I love.”

  He hooked his index finger under her chin and tilted her head so their eyes met. “I don’t think you can hurt anyone you love. I feel the power and can only imagine how it is from the inside. But I also sense the compassion and love you have for your Pack. Your will is much stronger than you know.”

  Her heart swelled, and her wolf nudged her to get closer to him. But the woman was still hesitant. Cooper must have sensed her pulling away again because he tightened his hold on her and dragged her into his lap. “You are my true mate. To betray you would break me.”

  Still, she wasn’t sure. “I just need time. I need to get this power under control and take care of Edwin.”

  “And clear our names.”

  She smiled at that. “Yes, that, too.”

  A moment later, he lifted her as he stood, then walked to the bed. Her heart hammered while need pulsed within her. He laid her on the bed and hovered over her. “Right now, I want to fuck you.”

  Her wolf growled her approval, but before the woman had a chance to respond, Cooper claimed her mouth in another raw, unforgiving kiss. Heat uncoiled in her belly then spread through her like lava. Her need to possess him, claim him, made her weak. For the first time in her life, she didn’t care.

  Besides, she had time to be pissed at herself later.

  Cooper broke the kiss and trailed his lips over her jaw to her throat where he’d bitten her a few moments before. Gods, why did it feel so damn good to have his mouth on her? She tangled her hand in his hair and fisted it, pulling the short strands. He let out another growl, and she smiled.

  What was she thinking? She couldn’t mate. It was too soon. Besides, they were on the run from the council and needed to figure out how to protect her own Pack and the innocents of Bloodrose. They deserved to be happy and free of Edwin’s evil ways.

  “Dana.” Cooper lifted his head as he growled out her name like he’d sensed she’d gotten lost in her thoughts.

  Focusing on Cooper, she locked gazes with him. His brows dipped in concern, yet his lips held a ghost of a smile. She wondered what he saw in her eyes.

  She traced a finger down his jaw and watched as his smile widened. Handsome was too insignificant of a word to describe him. Although he wasn’t perfect, she still found him hard to resist. Her chest tightened, and her wolf whimpered.

  To deny what the wolf wanted was asking for punishment. She’d make sure the ache turned into pain, and then insanity. We can’t mate. Not tonight.

  Wolf huffed but agreed they had unfinished business that may put their mate at risk.

  A low growl sounded right before the sharp pain of Cooper’s bite pierced her neck. Desire flooded her, overwhelming her senses while at the same time, clarity drifted in. She could actually see the colorful threads of her magic and the one that would one day link her to Cooper.

  Focusing on her power, she poked at it with her mind. Then she visualized both of them naked. In the next moment, their clothes vanished. Cooper’s hard erection pressed into her thigh, fueling the raging wildfire in her soul.

  Cooper released her throat and kissed the spot. “Nice trick.” His words were thick, as if he’d said them around a swollen tongue.

  “And I didn’t kill you.” She hooked her legs around him and squeezed.

  He nipped at her nose, drawing a laugh from her. Locking gazes with him, she lost herself in his green depths. Why was she running from this male? She framed his face and tugged him down to kiss him. A soft groan escaped her as their lips touched. She never knew it could be this good with anyone. The intense pleasure, the need to consume him and be consumed by him roared within her.

  A growl rumbled from him, and he thrust his hips forward, entering her, filling her. She gasped and then moaned at the intense pleasure bouncing off every nerve. She clung to him and rode wave after wave of bliss. Shudders wracked her body as she tumbled over the edge with her release.

  Cooper followed her soon after with his own climax.

  He sank down beside her and gathered her into his arms. Sensations of security and happiness filled her. She closed her eyes. He was her mate, but she couldn’t mate him. Not yet. Not until she got a handle on her powers and they cleared up the rogue issues.


  Dana snuggled into Cooper’s side, breathing in his spicy mint scent. It covered her skin and filled her from within. Cooper had marked her, letting all others know she belonged to him. A smile crept in. If he’d done it when they’d first met, she’d have been pissed. But in the bliss of their lovemaking, she found that being claimed by him was far more exciting than she’d dreamed.

  “Edwin killed Hope’s mom while she watched.”

  Anger burned away her bliss. Edwin was a bastard that needed to be taken out. She fisted her hand over Cooper’s heart. “How long ago?”

  "About a year ago, maybe less. The female was weak and running from rogues. I'm not sure if she was part of a group of rogues and finally got out or what. I never got the chance to ask her. She only stayed with us for a few days before the enforcers took her to the Pack circle where Edwin met them. In front of the whole Pack, he told the female—who clung to Hope—that she had to mate with him in order to stay. When she refused, he ordered the enforcers to take the child. My sister convinced them to let her watch Hope." Cooper closed his eyes and took a breath. Dana's chest tightened, fearing that what he said next would add a few more nails to Edwin's coffin.

  "Hope's mother screamed for her child and then cursed Edwin, saying she'd die before she mated with him. With barely a second glance at her, Edwin killed her." Cooper fisted his hands in the sheet, his claws puncturing holes in the cotton.

  Dana wanted blood. No child should have to witness that kind of cruelty. "You should document everything Edwin did that seemed questionable. We could use that when we face the council. Especially if you witnessed it with your own eyes."

  He nodded and relaxed a little. "I've kept a journal since Hope came into our lives. Celeste started one the day Edwin became Alpha."

  "Good. It'll help."

  Silence fell between them. Dana snuggled further into Cooper’s embrace, loving the way he absently traced his fingers up and down her arm. After a few moments, she asked, "How did you become Hop
e’s guardians?"

  "Celeste claimed her, told Edwin that she'd take full responsibility for the girl. I stepped up and backed her. By that time, Hope had already wormed her way into my heart. I couldn't let her go." He let out a breathy laugh as if a happy memory had come to him.

  "I can see how she would. When I first saw her, I wanted to protect her."

  "She's too damn cute."

  "That she is." Sitting up, Dana locked gazes with him. "It bothers me that, out of the blue, Edwin wants her dead."

  Cooper frowned. "Yeah. It's not like he didn't know she was deaf or a witch. There's something going on."

  "I agree. Edwin is slimier than his cousin. Always has been. Besides, he never liked me."

  "Same. Not that I care. I prayed that someone would challenge him someday. No one in the Pack has balls big enough." Cooper sat up, giving her his back.

  Defeat and a sense of embarrassment drifted from him. She got it. Pride was something she clung to, as well. Leaning forward, she kissed his bare shoulder. "Together, we'll take him out. We'll gather the information we need to deliver to the council and take him down."

  He glanced at her over his shoulder and smiled. That time, it reached his eyes. "We will because I'm not letting you go now that I've found you."

  Neither am I. She kept those thoughts to herself and said out loud, "I think I know how to control the magic. But I'll need your help to prove my theory."

  * * *

  Cooper watched Dana crawl off the bed and disappear into the bathroom. His mate was coming around. Yet she still kept him at a distance. It would take time to earn her trust. He'd do whatever it took to gain it.

  He picked up his jeans off the floor and pulled them on just as Dana stepped out of the bathroom. She narrowed her gaze at him and then gave him a half smile. "I like you better with the jeans off."

  He crossed the small space between them and hugged her to him. His smile faded, and her brows dipped. "I like you better naked, too, but we have training to do."

  "Yes. And I have to face whatever my aunt believes is my destiny."

  He kissed her forehead and released her. "After you."

  With a roll of her eyes, she led him out of their room and down to the training center in the basement of the house. It looked much like the small gymnasium he'd had in high school. Mats were stacked along one wall. There were weights and various exercise equipment on the other side.

  Dana went over to the mats and pulled one off. He joined her, pulling another and placing it next to the one she’d laid in the middle of the gym. After they had placed two more mats, Dana stood in the center and beckoned him with a finger.

  Excitement and desire filled him, making his wolf growl in acceptance of the challenge the female promised. He moved to the mat and stopped a few feet in front of her. She attacked, catching him off guard and knocking him to the ground. Straddling him, she pinned his arms to the mat. A wicked smile curved her lips. "You were too distracted."

  "I had a beautiful reason to be."

  She growled, and he broke her hold on him and flipped her over. "How are you going to control your magic?"

  "With your help. When we were having sex, we were connected. I've never been that close to anyone before. For the first time, I felt in control." She pushed at him, and he moved off her.

  "So you need my help to focus?"

  "Yeah, I think. I don't know. I'm making this up as I go. I should talk to Star about it."

  Cooper reached out and touched her cheek. "Tell me what I can do. You can question Star at dinner."

  Dana opened her mouth, then closed it. Her brows dipped. Finally, after several moments, she lowered herself to the mat and sat with her legs folded. She spoke while tracing circles on the mat. "I've always been afraid of the power. Ross used it to control people. He used the Alpha power to draw out my magic. He said he'd use it to hurt the Pack if I ever left him."

  Cooper didn't bother holding back the growl rumbling from him. "You know a true mate can't hurt you without hurting himself, right? A true mate would also fear you breaking the bond if he even thought about controlling you like that. And he'd never, ever, use your Pack, your family, against you."

  She lifted her gaze to his. A spark of white light lit up her blue eyes. Her wolf also flashed in her depths. Hadn't she realized what it was like to be mated to a true mate? "I was young when I mated Ross. I didn't comprehend what he was doing until it was too late and he’d killed my parents."

  An ache formed in his heart. He wanted to take her away, go somewhere—anywhere they could start a new life. However, he couldn't leave Celeste or Hope behind. They were his family as much as Dana was now. "Ross deserved what he got."

  She nodded but didn't meet his gaze. He scooted closer and wrapped his arms around her, drawing her into his lap. "My parents were so in love. My dad once told me that a mate is something you treasure and protect with your life. And if she isn't happy, then no one is."

  That last statement made Dana laugh. The sound light and soft. "My mom would sometimes act like she was mad at my dad just so they could argue and then make up. Darin and I made fun of them for it."

  She rested her head on his shoulder and fell silent. He kissed her hair, inhaling her scent. Mine. "I miss my parents. I miss how Bloodrose use to be. So alive, healthy, and safe."

  "We'll make it safe again," Dana said, lifting her head. "We'll make sure. Edwin needs to be stopped."

  Cooper smiled. "You have more control over your magic than you think."

  "How can you be so sure?"

  "You've contained it for so long. That takes focus and control. A lot of it."

  She stared at him as if she'd never thought of it that way. "I've spent so long hiding it from Darin and Ross and myself. I didn't realize I was controlling it."

  "Then let it go. Unleash your hold and see what happens."

  Fear paled her features, and she shook her head. "I...I can't."

  He framed her face. "You can, and I'll be here to help."

  Footsteps brought their attention to the entrance of the gym. Star crossed the room toward them. "He's right. Your magic only seems out of control because you fear it and try to push it away. I'll help, too. But first, dinner is ready."


  Dana wasn't sure about Star's and Cooper's plan for her let go of her magic in order to control it. How would releasing that much energy possibly help her to control it? But she trusted Star to keep her safe. She didn't know if Cooper would be able to. Yeah, he was her mate and would try everything in his power to protect her, but he wasn't a witch.

  But she knew the wolf within would risk his life to protect its mate.

  She knew that, had watched how her father was protective of her mother, her, Darin, and the Pack. A true Alpha, father, and mate.

  How the hell did I succumb to Ross's evilness and become so blind?

  Because the asshat had used her own magic against her and the Pack.

  She fisted her hands and moved to stand in the ritual circle located in the center of the Coven. Facing Star, Dana watched her as she motioned for Cooper to stand behind Dana. Her wolf paced within, not liking the unknown.

  Suddenly, Cooper's scent drifted on the breeze toward her. She inhaled the spicy-sweet notes. Then she felt his strength as if they were connected. Could they be without mating? She didn't know. She'd never met her true mate until he showed up. Now, every wall she’d created around her soul and heart had begun to crumble.

  "Dana, I'm going to raise a circle around you. You will feel trapped, but remember, I can break it at any time. Just say the word." When Dana nodded, Star continued. "Once the circle is set, release your hold on your magic and don't try to control it. And Cooper, no matter what you see, do not touch the circle. It'll knock you on your ass."

  Dana didn't like the sound of that. Star was going to put her in a containment circle. Meaning no one could get out or in without Star taking it down.
  Taking a deep breath, Dana pushed her fear into the earth beneath her feet and grounded herself. Gods, this was going to hurt. She'd leashed the power for so long, she wasn't sure just how much it had grown.

  Now or never. "I'm ready."

  Star raised her hands into the air, slowly. At the same time, the walls of the magical circle rose from the ground and closed at the top, over Dana's head. The air seemed heavier, almost choking. Dana stumbled back a step before balancing herself. She breathed in and out, slowly and deeply. After a few moments, she relaxed.

  Just need to let go.

  Easier said than done.

  Closing her eyes, she searched within for the shields she had created around her mind, heart, and the wolf. One by one, she broke them down, starting with her heart—her core center—then her wolf. The animal spirit jerked at first then snarled at the release of power. To Dana's surprise, the wolf accepted the magic like she'd been waiting for it.

  Finally, Dana tore down the shields in her mind. Rip it off like a Band-Aid, right? Wouldn't that break her, though? Only one way to find out.

  She shattered the walls, and pain ripped through her skull and shot down her spine. She fell to the ground and curled into a fetal position. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Fear that she'd blasted through the circle and hurt everyone froze her bones.

  After what seemed like hours, she heard Cooper’s voice. "Get up. Please, get up. Please, be okay."

  She was fine. If she could hear him, then he was, too. Opening her eyes, she scanned her surroundings. The circle was still in place, but there was an electrical charge of power inside with her. It no longer hurt. Uncurling herself, she rolled onto her back and watched the swirls of the colorful streams of magic bounce from one side of the circle to the other.

  With her right hand, she reached up through the streams. The ones closest to her wrapped around her hands. When she moved her arm, the magic followed. Like soldiers with their leader. A Pack following their Alpha.


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