Mind Trace

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Mind Trace Page 13

by McCaghren, Holly

  He gave her a genuine smile with no hint of mockery or sarcasm.

  Alice felt a new sense of appreciation for Garrett. He was clearly a brilliant, hard-working man. He had been exposed to difficult circumstances, but he had never given up. His past had changed him, more than likely adding to the veil of heavy sarcasm he wore.

  What would I have done if my dreams had been crushed by some greedy corporation? And to have my parents disown me? I can't begin to imagine.

  Without trying, Alice found herself wanting him to succeed. She had been so wrapped up in her own circumstances, wanting only to get away from Eric and the mess she was in.

  But, what is going to happen when all of this is over?

  I have absolutely no clue. Who knows? Maybe Garrett will be a part of it. Even if he isn't, I'll do what I can to help him.

  She managed a shy reply. "Well, it looks like things are going to change for you really soon."

  "Yes…yes, it does," Garrett replied, lost in thought again. For the remainder of the drive, they were both content to stare out the window, distracted by what lay ahead.


  It was only a short time later that Garrett pulled into the rest stop on the side of I-87. He couldn't fight a growing sense of apprehension about situation. He trusted Jeremy, but he worried for Alice.

  She's young and a little naïve, but she's different from anyone I've ever met. In the short time I've been around her, I can't help but notice the vast potential she possesses. Unfortunately, it's a danger to her and everyone around her as long as Eric is looking for her.

  They were fifteen minutes early to the meeting. Garrett parked near the front of the building, and they surveyed the area as they walked through the rutted parking lot. In the early morning hours, it did not seem to be very busy. There were a few people refueling at the pumps, and several others inside, probably dining at the small restaurant just inside the store.

  It seems too quiet here. I have a bad feeling about this... No. I'm just being paranoid.

  Inside, Alice parted ways, saying she was going to the ladies' room to freshen up. Garrett surveyed the area for an open table.

  He was surprised when he saw Jeremy, already sitting in a dingy corner booth. He was looking down at what appeared to be a newspaper and had not yet looked up.

  Jeremy? He's early too, I guess.

  When Garrett was half-way there, he lifted his face, noticed him, and gave a broad grin. He stood up as Garrett approached the booth and gave him a hearty pat on the back.

  "Garrett, it's so good to see you again! Been a long time, hasn't it? Years!"

  See? Nothing's changed. Same Jeremy. Stop being so nervous.

  "Yes, it certainly has. Thank you so much for coming on such short notice."

  "What are friends for?" Jeremy sat back down, gesturing for Garrett to do the same.

  Jeremy gave a quick glance around. "Where's your friend? Didn't she come with you?"

  "Oh, she took a detour and will be joining us shortly. We had a long drive."

  Garrett studied his friend as they made small talk, waiting for Alice to return. Jeremy had hardly changed in the years since he had seen him, but he did have quite a bit more grey hair than before. He still had the same piercing green eyes and generally stern expressions.

  Jeremy was a serious man, but he had his moments. To Garrett, he had always acted like a big brother.

  It's good to know that will never change.

  Garrett noticed movement out of the corner of his eye and saw Alice looking around the room for him. When she turned his way, he waved her over and she hesitantly made her way through the tables.

  Upon her arrival, he introduced them and then scooted over to make room for her.

  Soon after, a tired-looking waitress approached to take their order. Garrett and Alice opted for coffee, while Jeremy passed, having already gotten his food. They waited for the waitress to return with their drinks before Jeremy started discussing the reason they were there.

  "So, Garrett…what is this all about, exactly?"

  Garrett told him the story. He began by confessing how he had sent out the initial email, earning a frown of disapproval from Jeremy. He recalled how Alice responded and had been successful in getting the information he needed to prove his innocence in the "scandal." Garrett conveniently left out all the other parts, including Alice's capture and escape from EngineerCorp.

  When he finished, Garrett asked beseechingly, "Don't you see, Jeremy? You believed in me back then, even though there was no proof. Now, I have all the evidence I need to make everyone else believe me. I just need your help to get this to the right people."

  Jeremy had been intently listening to his friend's pleas, giving an occasional glance toward Alice. Now, his face clouded and it seemed as though Garrett's words were only confirming his worst fears.

  Please help, Jeremy. Don't do this to me.

  "Garrett, do you really think this is what's best here? You were lucky to get out last time without a prison sentence! There's no guarantee that you won't suffer a worse fate this time, and now, your life isn't the only one on the line."

  Jeremy turned to Alice. "And, you…I don't pretend to know you at all, but I can't help thinking that you're taking an awfully large risk when you have your whole life ahead of you. Don't you have anyone at home worrying about you?"

  "There's no one left to worry," Alice softly replied. She had been quietly listening to the conversation, sipping her coffee. She resumed her silence.

  He'll come around. He won't approve of the risks, but we've come too far to give up now. If we don't do something, Alice will be captured eventually. We can't run forever... We have to try.

  "Jeremy, I know you're worried and I know you don't want anything to happen to us, but believe me when I tell you that this is the only option we have. I can understand if you don't want to get involved, but it won't stop us from seeing this thing through to the end. So, you might as well help." Garrett gave a wry smile. "You know we stand a much better chance with your help, anyway."

  Garrett looked at Alice for confirmation. She gave a small yawn and did not seem to notice him. He realized for the first time how exhausted she was, with dark circles around her eyes.

  How did I not notice that? These past few days have begun to take their toll on her. Is this really the right thing to do? To put her through this?

  I can't think like that. If I'm going to undo the damage I've caused and attempt to protect her, I have to see this through. It's the only way she will be safe.

  Jeremy watched the exchange of nonverbal communication between the two of them. Looking back to Garrett, his expression was grave.

  "I was afraid you would say that, Garrett."


  Garrett barely had time to register his friend's sudden change of tone, when Alice fell over onto his shoulder, unconscious.

  Was she drugged? By Jeremy? Why would he do that? Who else could it have been?

  He glanced between her and the half-consumed cup of coffee in front of her. He had not yet touched his own drink, wrapped up in explaining everything to Jeremy.

  Did EngineerCorp find us?

  He panicked and struggled madly to wake Alice. When he found that to be fruitless, he tried to move her limp form.

  "Garrett, please don't."

  Garrett was caught off-guard by his friend's voice. He froze, slowly lifting his head. Several of Jeremy's men had materialized, guns trained on him. At this range, there was nothing he could do.

  This can't be happening.

  "Jeremy, what's going on?" He hesitantly formed the question, not sure if he wanted an answer.

  "You have no idea what you've gotten into here, Garrett. I know you want retribution and I know what happened to you was incredibly unfair...but, there is more at stake here than you could ever know."

  "I can't believe you…"

  Jeremy cut him off mid-sentence. "You think I wanted to do this to you, Garrett? You think I en
joy this? They traced me when I ran a background check on the girl, and demanded that I tell them everything I knew. When I didn't help them, they took my family. My ex and my son! They told me I'd never see them again unless I gave them this girl.

  "They don't want you, Garrett. They don't even know you're involved. I'm going to keep it that way. I don't know why they want her so badly, but they will stop at nothing until they have her. You need to get out now, while you still can."

  Garrett fiercely glared across the table. "You're more of a fool than I imagined if you think that I'm going to just sit by and let you turn her over to those monsters. She's just a girl, Jeremy! Do you know what they'll do to her?"

  "You hardly even know her, Garrett. You're not thinking rationally right now and I don't expect you to. Give it a few days and you'll come around. You'll thank me then."

  I'll never thank you for this.

  "I thought we were friends. I trusted you. I won't let you do this to her!"

  "I am your friend, Garrett. That's why I'm not letting you get involved." He motioned to someone Garrett could not see.

  Garrett was blinded by his fury, oblivious to the man approaching behind him. Just as he had decided to take Alice and barrel his way out of the restaurant, he felt a sharp prick on his neck.


  He fought to stay conscious, but it was a futile gesture. He was aware of the sad, sympathetic face of Jeremy watching him and the realization of how much of a fool he had been.

  Alice, what have I done?

  Then, his vision darkened completely.


  Alice was completely disoriented and dreadfully uncomfortable. She tried to move, but her hands would not obey. There was something pinning them together behind her back. Her eyelids slowly lifted, not wanting to open. She caught a brief glimpse of the interior of some sort of vehicle, and a solemn looking man sitting on a bench in front of her.

  Where am I? I was drugged again?

  She quickly shut her eyes and waited a moment, hoping she had not been noticed. After no one reacted, she relaxed a little and tried to understand what had happened.

  How did I get here? The last thing I remember was sitting in the restaurant with Garrett and his friend…then, nothing. Did Eric find me?

  The sensation of the moving vehicle was amplified through her body since she was lying on the floor. A strange, bitter taste lingered in her mouth and distracted her.

  Hmm. Lying on the floor, tied up, bitter taste in my mouth, surrounded… I guess negotiations with Jeremy weren't successful. That strange taste in my coffee was more than just cheap coffee grounds. What happened?

  Alice had difficulty recalling the conversation between Jeremy and Garrett, most likely because of the drugs. She had not been conscious of everything at the time, especially after she fell over onto Garrett, but her mind had still been somewhat functioning. Whatever they drugged her with must have affected her nervous system first, allowing her mind to continue to operate a few moments longer.

  The other side of her brain began to recall bits of conversation that it had recorded just prior to her lapse of consciousness.

  So, it was Jeremy who betrayed us? Well, specifically, me. I guess he didn't really owe me anything, but he still felt compelled to protect Garrett. Strange...

  I can't hate Jeremy for what he did; he was only protecting his family. But that doesn't mean I have to sit here and meekly accept this situation. I know they're probably on their way to deliver me to Eric right now. If I'm going to get out of this, I have to do so before we get anywhere near him.

  From the sound of the engine and her brief glance around, her mind was able to determine that it was a type of cargo van. She also heard muffled voices near the front of the vehicle and slow, steady breathing of at least three different bodies near her own.

  If I'm counting right, that makes five other people in this van. Definitely not the best odds.

  Near the front, she heard a phone ring.

  Jeremy's voice answered. "Yes, sir? We have the girl with us…Yes, we are heading to the rendezvous point now… No. She is still unconscious…We gave her a hefty dose. Can't be too careful. She should be that way for some time yet… Yes, sir. Will do, sir. The first movement we see, we will administer another…We will keep a close eye on her… Affirmative."

  The phone clicked shut, and she heard Jeremy sigh deeply. Then, a gruff muttering, "Who does he think she is, Rambo? What could she possibly do to anyone?"

  A lot more than you think, apparently.

  After that, Jeremy must have turned his head to address the other men, because she heard his voice more clearly.

  "We will proceed to the rendezvous point as planned. Martin said to take no chances with the girl, so keep your eyes on her and be careful. For some reason, he believes she's incredibly dangerous and should not be engaged."

  A slight twinge of sarcasm was noted in his voice and it was not lost on his men. He was rewarded with muffled laughter as the men tried to hold their composure. Everyone seemed to think Alice was a helpless little girl. In other circumstances, she would have been annoyed, but she was beginning to appreciate the advantage it gave her.

  I'll have a better chance to escape if they believe I am defenseless. Now, I just need to stay still until I can figure out a plan. I can't let them know I'm awake.

  Alice attempted to peer out of the bottom of her eyelids without attracting attention. She could make out several pairs of shoes from her vantage point, but nothing else.

  Looks like I'm stuck here for the moment. Maybe they will stop for gas soon, and I can escape then.

  I just wish I knew how long it would be before that happens.

  If it happens...

  Alice was regrettably left to lay there, alone with her thoughts. There were plenty of things for her to think about, but they were all equally unpleasant.

  Jeremy would have confiscated the flash drive from Garrett, but there were still the other backups she made. Unless Eric somehow found out, that left Garrett with exactly what he needed to continue with their plans. Garrett wouldn't need her anymore. Moreover, he had only just met her…she couldn’t see any reason why he would risk all of that to try to rescue her.

  It's still nice to dream, though.

  Alice didn't want to consider the possibility that Garrett would just give up on her, but she couldn't afford to wait and find out. She was in significantly more danger now than ever before. If Eric got his hands on her this time, it was unlikely she would ever get the chance to escape again.

  Somewhere in the back of her mind, Alice prayed that she was wrong about Garrett. He was different from anyone she had met before, and he would come back for her…she hoped.

  I can't keep worrying about him. Either Garrett is a decent guy or he's not. Only time will tell.

  It seemed like an eternity that the van went on, without stopping. Alice drifted in and out of consciousness, trying her best to stay aware of her surroundings. After three and a half hours had passed, she heard a voice from the front of the van.

  "Sir, the tank is close to empty."

  Jeremy replied, "Better go ahead and stop while we are still outside the city…less people around to ask questions."

  The van drove for a few more miles before slowing to a stop. She heard the front driver's door open and someone get out.

  Jeremy turned again and spoke to the rest of the passengers. "Is she still out? Wow, must have given her more than we thought. I'm going to grab some coffee." Another door opened, and then shut. By her count, three people remained in the vehicle. After a brief moment of silence, a voice on her right spoke up, "I have to stretch my legs."

  Another voice chimed in. "Yeah, me too. You mind staying, Winters?"

  A gruff voice replied, "Nah. I think I can handle this one." Coarse laughter echoed in her ears.

  "Yeah, that's for sure. We'll be back in five."

  The other two men exited the van. After carefully listening for a few second
s, Alice could only hear the sound of the gruff man breathing, and he was behind her.

  She knew she was pressed for time. She opened the eye closest to the ground so that her most visible eye was still closed. She looked around frantically, for anything that would be of use. Looking up, Alice realized she could see the man's reflection in the opposite window of the van. The light reflected off the glass to provide a picture of her opponent and the layout of the van.

  The van had seats built into each side, facing the aisle. Above the seats were rows of compartments, most likely for storing gear. There was one door in the back, one on the right side, and two on either side in the front. In between the front and back sections, there was a thick, metal grating with no apparent opening. Alice was haphazardly lying in the aisle, and the remaining man was seated in one of the side seats to her back.

  He was a well-built man, with strong arms, massive shoulders and a thick neck. Alice was no match for him physically, but to her great relief, he was effectively occupied with his phone.

  Apparently, he sees no need to be alert... after all, the prisoner is "sleeping."

  Alice's mind churned with different possibilities to disarm him. She was limited by her inability to use her hands, but she still possessed the element of surprise. The computer side of her brain told her she had a ninety-three percent chance of success if she used her weight and position to kick backwards, jamming her heel into his throat. If she managed sufficient force, Alice would stun him, giving her enough time to make her next move. Of course, if she missed, that was another story.

  Let's not think about that right now.

  She took a deep breath and braced herself, kicking with all her efforts back into the man, pulling her legs up to get out of his way. The phone flew across the van, and he let out a loud "oomph," falling forward, grasping his throat and trying to catch his breath. She awkwardly managed to roll over onto her back and push herself up into a sitting position on her knees.

  I can't believe that worked.

  He still had not completely recovered, but he had gotten over his initial shock and was gaining some use over his body again. Her mind rapidly calculated her next best option, and she acted, without thinking. Since her hands were still tied behind her back and she was sitting on her legs, she threw her head forward and made contact near his temple.


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